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So, 6.13 when?


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  • 2 weeks later...

On tomorrow morning after the coffeemaker's finished to boot, so at 1PM.


No expected delay's come to my ears. For the content, I wished that a lot about ZFS cache/special drives and properties are integrated within the GUI.


Impossible for not instructed users to get straight through ZFS specificities, so links to a solid ZFS documentation should be provided from the Web GUI.

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On 6/18/2023 at 1:43 PM, ConnerVT said:

Well, maybe not so Soon™.  I won't even think of updating until I see a .1 on 6.12.


Perhaps I spoke too soon (no ™).  Let me restate:


I won't even think of updating until I see a few weeks of quiet in the most recent of the 6.12.x Release Announcement threads.  😞

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On 7/1/2023 at 4:34 PM, faxxe71 said:

I understand the purpose of 6.12 less and less.

Lots of little changes, but the major 6.12 feature was ZFS, because there was a small but very vocal group that insisted ZFS was the solution to all their issues.


In reality, very few people currently using Unraid really benefit much from ZFS, and it brings with it a good deal of complexity and adds more issues. It will take a while to get things calmed down.

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On 7/4/2023 at 11:08 AM, JonathanM said:

In reality, very few people currently using Unraid really benefit much from ZFS, and it brings with it a good deal of complexity and adds more issues. It will take a while to get things calmed down.


It might seem disheartening when a feature is added to a product and only a few people use it at first but I think it's one of those "look-ahead" things that gives me confidence in unRAID.  If I never see improvements, be they features or bug fixes, then I get worried about the future of the product.


Keep up the good work and please keep adding new things here and there.

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On 7/4/2023 at 3:08 PM, JonathanM said:

In reality, very few people currently using Unraid really benefit much from ZFS, and it brings with it a good deal of complexity and adds more issues. It will take a while to get things calmed down.

I think LimeTech should look into adapting a new release strategy by

separating Unraid into different product and maybe price branches.

IMO it would be a great option to those who don't need any new features and prefer simplicity/stability.


e.g. Unraid "Core" - one of the pre-ZFS releases that is frozen in time feature-wise but still getting regular security fixes when necessary.


Unraid "NG" (next or new generation) - for those seeking new features and further product development.

Edited by Lolight
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17 hours ago, Lolight said:

I think LimeTech should look into adopting a new release strategy by

separating Unraid into different product and maybe price branches.

IMO it would be a great option to those who don't need any new features and prefer simplicity/stability.


e.g. Unraid "Core" - one of the pre-ZFS releases that is frozen in time feature-wise but still getting regular security fixes when necessary.


Unraid "NG" (next or new generation) - for those seeking new features and further product development.

I think the native ZFS support is great. It does add a layer of complexity people are going to have to get used to and potential complications.


I can see there being value in 2 tracks, one focused on stability, and one focused on new feature integration. Choose which you want when you buy the license. Of course that would also increase the resources required to work on both.


I just want kernel 6.2 so I can use an Arc GPU.


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6 hours ago, LeftyJohnson said:

I can see there being value in 2 tracks, one focused on stability, and one focused on new feature integration. Choose which you want when you buy the license. Of course that would also increase the resources required to work on both.

No question it will require some additional resources to maintain an older version.

But IMO it won't take that much of an extra effort if the only changes are security patches for major threats.

Edited by Lolight
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  • 3 months later...
On 7/7/2023 at 11:12 PM, LeftyJohnson said:


I think the native ZFS support is great. It does add a layer of complexity people are going to have to get used to and potential complications.


I can see there being value in 2 tracks, one focused on stability, and one focused on new feature integration. Choose which you want when you buy the license. Of course that would also increase the resources required to work on both.


I just want kernel 6.2 so I can use an Arc GPU.


Thor2002: https://github.com/thor2002ro/unraid_kernel/releases

Thor has some custom kernels that work with ARC. I use his kernel and my A380 is fully functional in Plex.
I didn't get the card to work with unmanic or tdarr but I use the UHD770 for that.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am a TrueNAS Scale user because I want to use ZFS. When the ZFS support of Unraid is more mature, I can also imagine using Unraid. Currently this does not seem to be the case yet, e.g. no native ZFS encryption is supported. I suspect there are other disadvantages or missing features. 
I am therefore interested in the further development of ZFS support in Unraid in order to have another option. But I can also understand that ZFS is a different scenario than what Unraid is normally used for and therefore probably not a focus. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
On 10/23/2023 at 12:42 PM, producing-corkscrew6473 said:

Personally I'm waiting on 6.13 for ZFS import from TrueNAS, I'm currently running 6.11.5 with ZFS plugins

In my experience, got zero problems with ZFS, cannot say that of my others pools (xfs, btrfs)

Have you tried 6.12.5rc1? They claim to have ZFS import working.

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On 7/4/2023 at 8:38 PM, JonathanM said:

Lots of little changes, but the major 6.12 feature was ZFS, because there was a small but very vocal group that insisted ZFS was the solution to all their issues.


In reality, very few people currently using Unraid really benefit much from ZFS, and it brings with it a good deal of complexity and adds more issues. It will take a while to get things calmed down.

Hi! ZFS is a great addition and it is the way to go! Any idea if VM snapshots and backup being added to 6.13?

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