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[DOCKER] ownCloud is here!

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Hi guys


Just installed the docker. I install my dockers on my cache drive but don't want own cloud data on the cache drive (it creates it in the docker). When I create a directory (user share) and go into config file and change it doesn't work. Can someone point me in the right direction.




Why dont you want the data in the cache drive? I use the appdata folder. I assume you could configure it to all be on a disk in your array by assigning it to /mnt/diskX/owncloud/

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I want it in my array because my entire cache drive is 250 gig and i will be supplying multiple people accounts...From my understanding we don't want things stored in our docker and I don't want to use my cache drive for storage that has no backup. On the array I still have some sort of redundency (parity at least).


It will not run when I change the config file pointing to the created share on array.


Has anyone done this and can you show me what the code for this looks like. thanks

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Quick update to the iOS login issue.  I still can't login from outside my local network via the iOS app.  Logging is and using Owncloud via the Safari browser or Crypto Lite app works just fine.


When I add the server info on the login page of the app I get the connected message.  Owncloud's log shows this entry,


    Debug     webdav     Exception: {"Message":"HTTP\/1.1 401 No basic authentication headers were found","Code":0,"Trace":"#0 \/var\/www\/owncloud\/lib\/private\/connector\/sabre\/auth.php(149): Sabre\\DAV\\Auth\\Backend\\AbstractBasic->authenticate(Object(OC\\Connector\\Sabre\\Server), 'ownCloud')\n#1 \/var\/www\/owncloud\/lib\/private\/connector\/sabre\/auth.php(122): OC\\Connector\\Sabre\\Auth->auth(Object(OC\\Connector\\Sabre\\Server), 'ownCloud')\n#2 \/var\/www\/owncloud\/3rdparty\/sabre\/dav\/lib\/DAV\/Auth\/Plugin.php(118): OC\\Connector\\Sabre\\Auth->authenticate(Object(OC\\Connector\\Sabre\\Server), 'ownCloud')\n#3 [internal function]: Sabre\\DAV\\Auth\\Plugin->beforeMethod(Object(Sabre\\HTTP\\Request), Object(Sabre\\HTTP\\Response))\n#4 \/var\/www\/owncloud\/3rdparty\/sabre\/event\/lib\/EventEmitterTrait.php(105): call_user_func_array(Array, Array)\n#5 \/var\/www\/owncloud\/3rdparty\/sabre\/dav\/lib\/DAV\/Server.php(456): Sabre\\Event\\EventEmitter->emit('beforeMethod', Array)\n#6 \/var\/www\/owncloud\/3rdparty\/sabre\/dav\/lib\/DAV\/Server.php(254): Sabre\\DAV\\Server->invokeMethod(Object(Sabre\\HTTP\\Request), Object(Sabre\\HTTP\\Response))\n#7 \/var\/www\/owncloud\/apps\/files\/appinfo\/remote.php(83): Sabre\\DAV\\Server->exec()\n#8 \/var\/www\/owncloud\/remote.php(132): require_once('\/var\/www\/ownclo...')\n#9 {main}","File":"\/var\/www\/owncloud\/3rdparty\/sabre\/dav\/lib\/DAV\/Auth\/Backend\/AbstractBasic.php","Line":70}"


When I enter my username/password, the app returns, "It is not possible to connect to the server at this time."  The owncloud log shows,


    Error  PHP  Array to string conversion at /var/www/owncloud/lib/private/template/functions.php#36



I am able to use webdav via the Finder app on my local network.


Any thoughts?

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Thank you for the reply....


On install I had left the variables used to create the certificate as stock.  I imported this certificate, but still received the same errors.  I uninstalled OC and reinstalled using different values to create the certificate, namely the domain I was accessing from.  I imported this certificate to iOS, rebooted, and it worked.


Maybe the cert didn't import correctly the first time, maybe it was domain change, who knows.....  regardless, I'm up and running.


I'm still getting the array to string conversion error in the log, but it's not limited to use of the iOS app, I'm seeing it quite a bit.  But everything seems to function just fine.



Thank you again for all the hard work you do with these dockers.... 

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FWIW - I updated to 8.1.3 manually. Things like Calendar, Contacts etc may need to be re-enabled. In my situation the few contacts I already setup were made available after the update and re-enabling the Contacts App. I don't guarantee this will be your result.


You can wait for gfjardim to work his magic which may make it easier and safer for you, or you can choose to do the following... I leave it up to you if you decide to take a chance. I've played around with ownCloud quite a bit to know that it's a little finicky but I think in my own case I have made it work for me... YMMV. Don't follow these instructions if you are worried about your saved data and have no idea how to recover...


There are several ways to update ownCloud, but this is the process I have research and found several of the ownCloud developers and the ownCloud docs suggesting. Google it.


1. Login to your ownCloud to run administrative tasks.


2. on the upper right hand portion of the page choose the drop menu and select Admin.


3. From the left menu choose Updates, and run the Update.


4. after running the update ownCloud may take your web session to the Update web page. Don't Click UPDATE we will do it manually. The manual process avoid PHP errors that are common. Don't close out your browser session even though it is on the Update page.


5. Open up SSH session to unraid and login.


6. On the command line enter and run: docker exec -ti ownCloud /bin/bash


7. Once the ownCloud session is active enter and run: sudo -u nobody php /var/www/owncloud/occ maintenance:mode --on


8. Maintenance mode enabled is now displayed 


9. Next enter and run: sudo -u nobody php /var/www/owncloud/occ upgrade


10. Wait for the entire process to complete. It may take a while.


11. Once completed the system will let you know if the upgrade was successful and return Maintenance mode disabled


12. If Maintenance mode is still active and the upgrade was successful, enter: sudo -u nobody php /var/www/owncloud/occ maintenance:mode --off


13. Once you disable Maintenance mode your web browser should return you to your ownCloud account, and you should see that the Update was successful.


Note: Again, don't do this if you're not confident or adventurous.


P.S. if your browser ever gets stuck on the Update or Maintenance page, like a very long time which is more than 60 minutes to be safe, I suggest you disable

maintenance mode as suggested in #12 and your browser should take you back to your previous session or the login prompt will reappear.

Good luck.

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I'm also trying to set the update to CRON but how do I add a cron job to this docker?  Any ideas?  I'm new to this whole docker thing.


Edit:  Also, how can I add my own SSL certificate so I dont have the SSL errors?  I dont see a place to add one.


Edit2:  I logged into the main unraid server and just set a cron job on that and set the cron setting to webcron.  If there is a better way I am open to it still.  Feels like a hack job.


# Cron For OwnCloud

*/15  *  *  *  * wget --no-check-certificate -O /dev/null -o /dev/null

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Edit:  Also, how can I add my own SSL certificate so I dont have the SSL errors?  I dont see a place to add one.



I can't help you with the cron job issue.


On a previous post about SSL certs I was directed to install it in the ownCloud folder itself and haven't had any issues. As an example I placed it here in my ownCloud installed path: /mnt/user/docker/owncloud . I winscp'd into that directory and copied it there.


Hope this helps.

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Edit:  Also, how can I add my own SSL certificate so I dont have the SSL errors?  I dont see a place to add one.



I can't help you with the cron job issue.


On a previous post about SSL certs I was directed to install it in the ownCloud folder itself and haven't had any issues. As an example I placed it here in my ownCloud installed path: /mnt/user/docker/owncloud . I winscp'd into that directory and copied it there.


Hope this helps.


This worked perfectly.  I just replaced the existing server.key and server.pem files and now I have a verified connection.  Very nice.



Any way we can get access to install theme support?  Looking to make a few modifications.

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Owncloud is not syncing properly and i would like to provoke a rescan of all the files on the server. On the owncloud website i found it can be done by using one of the following commands:


php console.php files:scan <user_id> #For rescanning a users file

php console.php files:scan --all #For rescanning the files of all users


Can anyone point me in the right direction on how to execute this in docker via ssh?

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Maybe not necessary but can you create a DHE parameter and add the following to the Nginx config for a more secure SSL configuration?


cd /etc/ssl/certs
openssl dhparam -out dhparam.pem 4096


To the server section of the owncloud.site nginx file:


  ssl_dhparam /etc/ssl/certs/dhparam.pem;

  ssl_protocols TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2;

  ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on;
  ssl_session_cache shared:SSL:10m;

  add_header Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=63072000; includeSubdomains; pr$


I added it to mine but I think if I update my docker it will get wiped...


I got an A+ rating now :)




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this is fantastic! it's my first experience with owncloud and it's great!


After doing some research and trying to understand how the back end works, I don't think I can do this thing I want, but figured I'd ask anyway.  It's probably a security problem or whatever..but...


on my Unraid I've got a Users share with everyone in the Family having their own subfolder where they can store their stuff.  It's not possible to have Matt's owncloud folder live in his "users" share and Savannah have hers live in her users share, is it?  It'd be like having a dropbox folder on your "personal" drive that gets updated photos from your phone and such.


Probably not possible, right?




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  • 2 weeks later...

I have this up and running.  Is there anyway to access it without typing the port number?  I have my domain allowed in the config but I still have to type :8000 afterwards.  If I don't, unRaid picks up at port 80 and requests me to login to the server.  In theory I'd like to be able to type cloud.mydomain.com and go directly to my owncloud.  Thanks in advance for your patience as I'm sure it's very elementary for most of you.

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I have this up and running.  Is there anyway to access it without typing the port number?  I have my domain allowed in the config but I still have to type :8000 afterwards.  If I don't, unRaid picks up at port 80 and requests me to login to the server.  In theory I'd like to be able to type cloud.mydomain.com and go directly to my owncloud.  Thanks in advance for your patience as I'm sure it's very elementary for most of you.


I'm no expert but if you want that, you will need to change unraid default port to something else.


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I have this up and running.  Is there anyway to access it without typing the port number?  I have my domain allowed in the config but I still have to type :8000 afterwards.  If I don't, unRaid picks up at port 80 and requests me to login to the server.  In theory I'd like to be able to type cloud.mydomain.com and go directly to my owncloud.  Thanks in advance for your patience as I'm sure it's very elementary for most of you.


Change the ownCloud docker host port to 443 and access the onnCloud by: https://cloud.mydomain.com.  You will need to open the port in your router for internet access.  You will have to set up your router with DDNS to be sure the cloud.mydomain.com can be found on the internet.


The other approach is to set your router to map port 443 to 8000 on the unRAID server IP address.


In both cases, you will have to set the IP address on unRAID to a fixed IP address.

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