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Docker requests

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I think we should change this thread to a poll and use it as a poor mans voting system


Finally got around to this




Right now it is just an experiment but I think it should make this easier.

Logitechmediaserver has been requested by several users and would probably be more popular than some that are in that poll.


There is one already on the docker hub and I am using it, but it is a different code base from the others that are being supported here.

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I think we should change this thread to a poll and use it as a poor mans voting system


Finally got around to this




Right now it is just an experiment but I think it should make this easier.

Logitechmediaserver has been requested by several users and would probably be more popular than some that are in that poll.


There is one already on the docker hub and I am using it, but it is a different code base from the others that are being supported here.


added now go vote :)

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Request polipo caching proxy.



For those with more than one XBMC having it set to use polipo slickens the new process of each machine grabbing art from the internet. Polipo can be set to keep these art cached for a couple of weeks so that can also help with machines that come on a day or so later and have to catch up.


But in general its a simple and elegant http proxy which is always a good thing to have

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I would love to see a MusicBrainz server running in a docker - to work with the headphones docker.

Here is one on the docker site: https://registry.hub.docker.com/u/rickatnight11/musicbrainz-server/


I would fork this to a thread on its own and do a harder sell than that (with screenshots). Most people have no clue about MusicBrainz and Picard goodness and even the ones that do (me) have no clue why I would want to run a server for it.


fork fork fork.. sell sell sell :)

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I would love to see a MusicBrainz server running in a docker - to work with the headphones docker.

Here is one on the docker site: https://registry.hub.docker.com/u/rickatnight11/musicbrainz-server/


I would fork this to a thread on its own and do a harder sell than that (with screenshots). Most people have no clue about MusicBrainz and Picard goodness and even the ones that do (me) have no clue why I would want to run a server for it.


fork fork fork.. sell sell sell :)


I get you!... I'm fed up with the '503 errors' when querying my 30000+ songs ;)

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I would love to see a MusicBrainz server running in a docker - to work with the headphones docker.

Here is one on the docker site: https://registry.hub.docker.com/u/rickatnight11/musicbrainz-server/


I would fork this to a thread on its own and do a harder sell than that (with screenshots). Most people have no clue about MusicBrainz and Picard goodness and even the ones that do (me) have no clue why I would want to run a server for it.


fork fork fork.. sell sell sell :)


I get you!... I'm fed up with the '503 errors' when querying my 30000+ songs ;)


I'm running the vmware vm currently on a windows box, and it appears that I still get 503 errors occasionally, although much less often than with the live server.


There IS a musicbrainz docker, but it's kind of a PITA to set up.  I've got the first parts done, just need to get a good, working DBDefs.pm file set up for it.  My current VM is using about 34g of space total (that's everything tho, not sure how much is database, and how much is OS), and it's up to date as of about 2am last night.  It takes FOREVER to update the database from the 05/14 VM release to current, then build the search indicies.  But to me it's well worth it if it keeps me from hitting that spam protection 503 error every half second, lol.



The docker is located here:  https://registry.hub.docker.com/u/rickatnight11/musicbrainz-server/


I'll see if I can get it up and running, if I do, I'll post notes on how to go about it.  It's not going to work with the nice extended dock config, as you have to access the docker container directly to edit files, and start replication, etc.


Looks like even with a properly configured DBDefs.pm, the docker (as it's set up anyway) doesn't include postgresql in the install, so there's no database or connection configured.  I'm guessing the original creator of this docker has a postgresql docker set up on his system with the required database already configured in it, and this docker just connects to that instance.  Adding postgressql to the docker is above my pay grade, so hopefully someone else can take what he's started, and create a docker that will run out of the box, with postgresql and all that installed, ready to go.


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This is available as a plugin.  Not sure I see any benefit for this to be a docker container.

No, this belongs in the unRAID host so it can shut down everything. Limetech has indicated that apcupsd and email notifications would eventually be part of the core product.
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This is available as a plugin.  Not sure I see any benefit for this to be a docker container.

No, this belongs in the unRAID host so it can shut down everything. Limetech has indicated that apcupsd and email notifications would eventually be part of the core product.

that's where it should be and i hope it becomes reality with the next beta/ final v6.

nough said - the plugin works, a docker for it seems even to me as docker-newbie overkill.


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I would love to see a MusicBrainz server running in a docker - to work with the headphones docker.

Here is one on the docker site: https://registry.hub.docker.com/u/rickatnight11/musicbrainz-server/


I would fork this to a thread on its own and do a harder sell than that (with screenshots). Most people have no clue about MusicBrainz and Picard goodness and even the ones that do (me) have no clue why I would want to run a server for it.


fork fork fork.. sell sell sell :)


I get you!... I'm fed up with the '503 errors' when querying my 30000+ songs ;)


I'm running the vmware vm currently on a windows box, and it appears that I still get 503 errors occasionally, although much less often than with the live server.


There IS a musicbrainz docker, but it's kind of a PITA to set up.  I've got the first parts done, just need to get a good, working DBDefs.pm file set up for it.  My current VM is using about 34g of space total (that's everything tho, not sure how much is database, and how much is OS), and it's up to date as of about 2am last night.  It takes FOREVER to update the database from the 05/14 VM release to current, then build the search indicies.  But to me it's well worth it if it keeps me from hitting that spam protection 503 error every half second, lol.



The docker is located here:  https://registry.hub.docker.com/u/rickatnight11/musicbrainz-server/


I'll see if I can get it up and running, if I do, I'll post notes on how to go about it.  It's not going to work with the nice extended dock config, as you have to access the docker container directly to edit files, and start replication, etc.


Looks like even with a properly configured DBDefs.pm, the docker (as it's set up anyway) doesn't include postgresql in the install, so there's no database or connection configured.  I'm guessing the original creator of this docker has a postgresql docker set up on his system with the required database already configured in it, and this docker just connects to that instance.  Adding postgressql to the docker is above my pay grade, so hopefully someone else can take what he's started, and create a docker that will run out of the box, with postgresql and all that installed, ready to go.


Please fork this discussion.

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I've just installed Deluge and would like a way to stay anonymous on the net when it's connected. I have a VPN account, but Deluge doesn't deal with connecting direct to a VPN.


A docker that has a proxy server to VPN connection would be ideal for this, as I don't want all my traffic going over VPN, I can then decide (via proxy settings) which traffic will travel through the vpn, and which wont.


Something along these lines, but utilizing a docker instead of a VM.







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There was a request earlier for transmission+flexget. gfjardim's transmission works fine for me:


docker run -d --net=host -v /path/to/transmission/config:/config -v /path/to/transmission/downloads:/downloads gfjardim/transmission


For flexget:


docker run -d -v /path/to/transmission/complete:/media -v /path/to/flexget/data:/data -v /path/to/flexget/config:/config -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro binhex/arch-flexget

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There was a request earlier for transmission+flexget. gfjardim's transmission works fine for me:


docker run -d --net=host -v /path/to/transmission/config:/config -v /path/to/transmission/downloads:/downloads gfjardim/transmission


For flexget:


docker run -d -v /path/to/transmission/complete:/media -v /path/to/flexget/data:/data -v /path/to/flexget/config:/config -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro binhex/arch-flexget


yes, I use that combo as well.  gfjardim did stick a flexget container on guthub that used the small footprint bvase insterad or arch, but I havent had the time to work out how to checkout of guthub and create a container out of it.

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