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Dynamix - V6 Plugins

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Can you check your syslog (see: tools -> system log). In here is the logging of the s3_sleep plugin, or you may stop and start the plugin and the logging appears at the end. Below is an example.


Feb 10 22:59:41 vesta s3_sleep: ----------------------------------------------

Feb 10 22:59:41 vesta s3_sleep: command-args=-C 1 -a -c -m 0 -n -e bond0 -N 1250 -L -D 0

Feb 10 22:59:41 vesta s3_sleep: action mode=sleep

Feb 10 22:59:41 vesta s3_sleep: check disks status=yes

Feb 10 22:59:41 vesta s3_sleep: check network activity=yes

Feb 10 22:59:41 vesta s3_sleep: check active devices=no

Feb 10 22:59:41 vesta s3_sleep: check local login=no

Feb 10 22:59:41 vesta s3_sleep: check remote login=yes

Feb 10 22:59:41 vesta s3_sleep: version=3.0.0

Feb 10 22:59:41 vesta s3_sleep: ----------------------------------------------

Feb 10 22:59:41 vesta s3_sleep: included disks=sdc sdd sde sdf sdg sdh sdi sdj sdk sdl sdm

Feb 10 22:59:41 vesta s3_sleep: excluded disks=sda sdb

Feb 10 22:59:41 vesta s3_sleep: ----------------------------------------------

Feb 10 22:59:41 vesta s3_sleep: s3_sleep process ID 23979 started, To terminate it, type: s3_sleep -q

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Bonienl, I think this what you want.


Feb 15 00:39:41 Tower s3_sleep: killing s3_sleep process 14933

Feb 15 00:40:44 Tower s3_sleep: ----------------------------------------------

Feb 15 00:40:44 Tower s3_sleep: command-args=-C 2 -m 10 -D 0

Feb 15 00:40:44 Tower s3_sleep: action mode=shutdown

Feb 15 00:40:44 Tower s3_sleep: check disks status=no

Feb 15 00:40:44 Tower s3_sleep: check network activity=no

Feb 15 00:40:44 Tower s3_sleep: check active devices=no

Feb 15 00:40:44 Tower s3_sleep: check local login=no

Feb 15 00:40:44 Tower s3_sleep: check remote login=no

Feb 15 00:40:44 Tower s3_sleep: version=3.0.0

Feb 15 00:40:44 Tower s3_sleep: ----------------------------------------------

Feb 15 00:40:44 Tower s3_sleep: included disks=sdb sdc sdd sde sdf sdg sdh sdi

Feb 15 00:40:44 Tower s3_sleep: excluded disks=sda

Feb 15 00:40:44 Tower s3_sleep: ----------------------------------------------

Feb 15 00:40:44 Tower s3_sleep: s3_sleep process ID 18005 started, To terminate it, type: s3_sleep -q


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i'm having an issue with the s3 sleep plugin, whereby on boot the included/excluded disks are not being set correctly.  Once the server has booted i have to go into the s3 sleep settings page and toggled, excluded "yes, except cache" off and then back on again to have the disk settings set correctly.


Some information is included http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=37598.0 along with a seperate issue i'm having


I have a look.


I just noticed the updated s3_sleep plugin, I can confirm that this resolves my issue with excluded/included disks on startup.


Thank you!

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Bonienl, I think this what you want.


Feb 15 00:39:41 Tower s3_sleep: killing s3_sleep process 14933

Feb 15 00:40:44 Tower s3_sleep: ----------------------------------------------

Feb 15 00:40:44 Tower s3_sleep: command-args=-C 2 -m 10 -D 0

Feb 15 00:40:44 Tower s3_sleep: action mode=shutdown

Feb 15 00:40:44 Tower s3_sleep: check disks status=no

Feb 15 00:40:44 Tower s3_sleep: check network activity=no

Feb 15 00:40:44 Tower s3_sleep: check active devices=no

Feb 15 00:40:44 Tower s3_sleep: check local login=no

Feb 15 00:40:44 Tower s3_sleep: check remote login=no

Feb 15 00:40:44 Tower s3_sleep: version=3.0.0

Feb 15 00:40:44 Tower s3_sleep: ----------------------------------------------

Feb 15 00:40:44 Tower s3_sleep: included disks=sdb sdc sdd sde sdf sdg sdh sdi

Feb 15 00:40:44 Tower s3_sleep: excluded disks=sda

Feb 15 00:40:44 Tower s3_sleep: ----------------------------------------------

Feb 15 00:40:44 Tower s3_sleep: s3_sleep process ID 18005 started, To terminate it, type: s3_sleep -q


The above settings act like an unconditional shutdown, in other words your system goes down after 30 minutes - if all works (better define at least one condition).


s3_sleep makes use of 'powerdown' to do a proper shutdown of the system, however this is not standard in unRAID and the powerdown plugin needs to be installed. See this topic: http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=31735.0


To install powerdown, use the install page under the plugin manager. Copy and paste this URL to install the plugin https://github.com/dlandon/unraid-snap/raw/master/powerdown-x86_64.plg

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This is a known issue, requires a system update.


A workaround to suppress the emails is to telnet into your system and edit the crontab.


# Run daily cron jobs at 4:40 every day:

40 4 * * * /usr/bin/run-parts /etc/cron.daily 1>/dev/null 2>&1

Pointing the error output to null will stop the emails.

Can you explain what to do so it will continue working after a system restart ?


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This is a known issue, requires a system update.


A workaround to suppress the emails is to telnet into your system and edit the crontab.


# Run daily cron jobs at 4:40 every day:

40 4 * * * /usr/bin/run-parts /etc/cron.daily 1>/dev/null 2>&1

Pointing the error output to null will stop the emails.


Can you explain what to do so it will continue working after a system restart ?



Actually it was found that System Stats is the cause of these error messages. The permissions for the folder '/var/log' are inadvertently changed while installing the plugin.


A update to System Stats is available and contains a quick fix for the issue. A future release of System Stats will have a 'cleaner' approach for installation of the plugin.


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On my system the S3Sleep plugin still doesn't display the sleep button in the array operations tab. dynamix.cfg exists, but instead of sleep="plugins/dynamix.s3.sleep/Sleep.php", sleep="1" is added by the plugin. Manually changing it works, but only until reboot.


Then both lines will be present in the file:


Manually removing the sleep="1" will make it work again until reboot.

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Bonienl, Thanks for taking the time to help me with this issue. I was unaware I needed the power down plugin. Sorry, about that. Although, thinking about it now, I think I did have it when I was using ver 5


Anyway, your plugin is now working on my server and I am happy about that. As for the setting of the switches, I set them for the unconditional shutdown hoping to eliminate any influence of some unknown server activity as I was trying to get the plugin to work. I will be setting them properly to suit my needs.



Thanks again.

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I'm running into an issue with notifications.  For some reason I'm not getting any notifications (updates available, parity check running).  I've tried both email and browser (having both checked and either/or checked), and nothing shows up under archived notifications either.  I have run the test in SMTP, and get the email so I don't think it's a setup thing with my email.  I've noticed this on both beta 12 and beta 13, so anything to check to get his working would be fantastic.

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For beta 13 you have to install the band aid plugin.  Its in the announcement thread.  On my phone right now so its a pain to search but there's also a patch for beta 12. 


I think there's a thread named gui not sending notifications that has the patch in it.  I will look for it tonight

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I am seeing the following error message on the console when I boot up unRAID.


"awk: fatal: cannot open file '/proc/mdcmd' for reading (No such file or directory)"


I do not see this message when I reboot without plugins.  It does show when plugins are loaded.  The only plugins I have installed are Dynamix.

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I am seeing the following error message on the console when I boot up unRAID.


"awk: fatal: cannot open file '/proc/mdcmd' for reading (No such file or directory)"


I do not see this message when I reboot without plugins.  It does show when plugins are loaded.  The only plugins I have installed are Dynamix.


This error message comes from the plugins "cache dirs" or "s3_sleep". Upon reboot the file /proc/mdcmd is checked which does not exist yet when the plugin is installed. It is harmless though.


I have updated the respective PLG files on github to test the existence of /proc/mdcmd, however since it isn't a new plugin version, it won't show up as a update.


You can either download the updated PLG files from github and overwrite the existing PLG files on your flash manually, or you wait until I release a new version of the plugins and it will become automatically available via the plugin manager.


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I was wondering how to set up and use the AutoFan script in Dynamix.


I had a quick look and could not get any of the PWM channels on my motherboard to be detected. Is there anything I need to run first or edit to get my PWM channels detected correctly? PWM Controller dropdown just has "None" as the only entry.


Motherboard used : Gigabyte H97N-WIFI with two PWM channels (one for CPU, one for case fans)

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When you checked your server where all disk spun down?


I also had sometimes my problems with S3, but normally it was not the script what failed but some App which kept for example my cache disk spinning.


Btw you could do a quick test. Infact what the S3 Script does is to check if an drive is active or in standby by analyzing the output of he command hdparm -C /dev/sdX.

You can log onto your unRaid and issue this command to any of your data- or cachedrives to see if there is an useful output. If not this would break the script of course.

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Btw i want to switch to v6 now. Is it possible to save the config for example of the Cache Dir and S3 Plugin and reuse it again?


If you don't get a quick direct answer to your question, I would suggest you just print out the configuration setting pages on your current version and use that information to configure Dynamix and its plugins in ver 6.

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