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Dynamix - V6 Plugins

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I installed the Nerdpack to get PERL so I could use Dynamix System Temp.  I rebooted, but it still grays out the "detect" button uner the System Temp screen and says "Perl must be installed to do automated driver detection"

I noted PERL is in the list at the begining of the sticky for Nerdpack.  However it doesn't appear in the list under "Nerdpack" on the plugins tab.


See attached images and diagnostics file (just in case). My configuration below is current.


Goto settings, nerdpack and install perl there..


AHHH got it, thanks!

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Are there any plans to fix the version check do that the Bleeding-edge plugin installs on 6.2 final?    I already miss the improved notifications handling :)


You guys leave me sleepless...


The good news: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bergware/dynamix/master/unRAIDv6/dynamix.bleeding.edge.plg


This is version 2016.09.16 and works with unRAID 6.2 stable. Copy & paste the URL above into the install box of plugin manager.


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Well, since you've already hardcoded it back, you can try it out as I am unable to with your release.


I've made a test and it works.


You need to put the statement:


$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] = "/usr/local/emhttp";


In front of the require_once statements in your standalone scripts, and you are good to go.


Once you have updated, I am going to remove the hard-coded path.


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Are there any plans to fix the version check do that the Bleeding-edge plugin installs on 6.2 final?    I already miss the improved notifications handling :)


You guys leave me sleepless...


The good news: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bergware/dynamix/master/unRAIDv6/dynamix.bleeding.edge.plg


This is version 2016.09.16 and works with unRAID 6.2 stable. Copy & paste the URL above into the install box of plugin manager.


Did the upgrade on my Test Bed server.  Everything seems to be working.  BTW, I did NOT have to reboot to get  it working.  Is this truly necessary or it is a hold-over from the earlier versions?

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Are there any plans to fix the version check do that the Bleeding-edge plugin installs on 6.2 final?    I already miss the improved notifications handling :)


You guys leave me sleepless...


The good news: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bergware/dynamix/master/unRAIDv6/dynamix.bleeding.edge.plg


This is version 2016.09.16 and works with unRAID 6.2 stable. Copy & paste the URL above into the install box of plugin manager.


Did the upgrade on my Test Bed server.  Everything seems to be working.  BTW, I did NOT have to reboot to get  it working.  Is this truly necessary or it is a hold-over from the earlier versions?


It depends very much on other plugins/features you have installed. Since I won't know everybody's situation I recommend to reboot, but it isn't absolutely necessary.


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Well, since you've already hardcoded it back, you can try it out as I am unable to with your release.


I've made a test and it works.


You need to put the statement:


$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] = "/usr/local/emhttp";


In front of the require_once statements in your standalone scripts, and you are good to go.


Once you have updated, I am going to remove the hard-coded path.

FCP is done an updated (and tested on 6.2 / 6.1.9 with no apparent problems - Can't however easily test the docker stuff on my 6.1.9 box so I'll have to take your word for it that this won't have any repurcussions on 6.1.9)


CA's testing is far more involved however before that ever gets released to the wild...

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Well, since you've already hardcoded it back, you can try it out as I am unable to with your release.


I've made a test and it works.


You need to put the statement:


$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] = "/usr/local/emhttp";


In front of the require_once statements in your standalone scripts, and you are good to go.


Once you have updated, I am going to remove the hard-coded path.

Side question:


Does this have any side-effects on stuff called via the UI?  I didn't notice anything with FCP since scan.php can be executed either way (kinda) but would drop my testing time significantly with CA since I have to do everything three times (with bleeding edge and without, and with 6.1.9)

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Are there any plans to fix the version check do that the Bleeding-edge plugin installs on 6.2 final?    I already miss the improved notifications handling :)


You guys leave me sleepless...


The good news: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bergware/dynamix/master/unRAIDv6/dynamix.bleeding.edge.plg


This is version 2016.09.16 and works with unRAID 6.2 stable. Copy & paste the URL above into the install box of plugin manager.

Minor nitpicks on bleeding edge:


In tabbed mode, IMO its weird that the button to toggle views still appears on the Array Operations tab but does nothing (nothing for it to do but I just don't like it)


With UD installed, the button is still there also, but you can't even click on it.

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Well, since you've already hardcoded it back, you can try it out as I am unable to with your release.


I've made a test and it works.


You need to put the statement:


$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] = "/usr/local/emhttp";


In front of the require_once statements in your standalone scripts, and you are good to go.


Once you have updated, I am going to remove the hard-coded path.

Side question:


Does this have any side-effects on stuff called via the UI?  I didn't notice anything with FCP since scan.php can be executed either way (kinda) but would drop my testing time significantly with CA since I have to do everything three times (with bleeding edge and without, and with 6.1.9)


That's the whole point, when executing a script in CLI (standalone) mode it is not possible to pass on server settings, hence the statement to mimic.


In other words there won't be any side-effect calling your script via GUI or directly.


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Are there any plans to fix the version check do that the Bleeding-edge plugin installs on 6.2 final?    I already miss the improved notifications handling :)


You guys leave me sleepless...


The good news: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bergware/dynamix/master/unRAIDv6/dynamix.bleeding.edge.plg


This is version 2016.09.16 and works with unRAID 6.2 stable. Copy & paste the URL above into the install box of plugin manager.

Minor nitpicks on bleeding edge:


In tabbed mode, IMO its weird that the button to toggle views still appears on the Array Operations tab but does nothing (nothing for it to do but I just don't like it)


With UD installed, the button is still there also, but you can't even click on it.


The problem is UD, it changes the page arrangement causing "misbehavior" of the toggle button. Remove UD and all works as expected.


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Well, since you've already hardcoded it back, you can try it out as I am unable to with your release.


I've made a test and it works.


You need to put the statement:


$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] = "/usr/local/emhttp";


In front of the require_once statements in your standalone scripts, and you are good to go.


Once you have updated, I am going to remove the hard-coded path.

Side question:


Does this have any side-effects on stuff called via the UI?  I didn't notice anything with FCP since scan.php can be executed either way (kinda) but would drop my testing time significantly with CA since I have to do everything three times (with bleeding edge and without, and with 6.1.9)


That's the whole point, when executing a script in CLI (standalone) mode it is not possible to pass on server settings, hence the statement to mimic.


In other words there won't be any side-effect calling your script via GUI or directly.

CA updated.  Doesn't have the other thing we were talking about, but that'll be done tomorrow (tons and tons of testing required on it)
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CA updated.  Doesn't have the other thing we were talking about, but that'll be done tomorrow (tons and tons of testing required on it)


At least you are going to have a very productive weekend. Good luck!

When don't I.... I had my week or two off from updates, and now I'm back to my normal schedule of a new feature every other day  ;D
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You guys leave me sleepless...


The good news: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bergware/dynamix/master/unRAIDv6/dynamix.bleeding.edge.plg


This is version 2016.09.16 and works with unRAID 6.2 stable. Copy & paste the URL above into the install box of plugin manager.


Thanks, was waiting for this to update my server.


I'm getting a new refresh button on the place the IO toggle used to be, is this because of UD?


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I'm getting a new refresh button on the place the IO toggle used to be, is this because of UD?


Refresh button is only shown when automatic page updating is disabled (see Display Settings).


I don't use UD, but know it changes the structure of the Main page, which interferes with the toggle button.


I did make a update (version 2016.09.18c) which corrects the display of the Refresh button and toggle button, but this is for a 'stock' Main page.


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Btw expect Bleeding Edge to be in constant motion, meaning regular updates are pushed, whenever an issue is corrected or an improvement is made.


I encourage people using this plugin, to always update to the latest version.


I have a issue with latest 2016.09.18c, can't edit any VM, both edit and edit XML, nothing happens after pressing update, even if nothing is changed.


Uninstalling and rebooting fixed it.

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Well, since you've already hardcoded it back, you can try it out as I am unable to with your release.


I've made a test and it works.


You need to put the statement:


$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] = "/usr/local/emhttp";


In front of the require_once statements in your standalone scripts, and you are good to go.


Once you have updated, I am going to remove the hard-coded path.

FYI for anyone else interfacing with dynamix include files,  that line needs to be added to just about everything.
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I've noticed some weirdness where the Stats plugin shows impossible spikes on my Bonded (2x1Gb) Ethernet connection (attached image).


Is this something that has been discussed? Searches on the forum were a little messy and I wasn't able to find much useful information.




50 MB/s = 400 Mb/s. What part is impossible?


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After installing dynamix bleeding edge I am getting a console error when shutting down:


/mnt has been successfully unmounted.
/var/log has been successfully unmounted.

umount: /boot unmounted
Warning: file_put_contents(/archive/unRAID_Server_Alert_1474225393.notify) fail
ed to open stream: No such file or directory in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/scripts/notify on line 192

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Installation of the plugin overwrites a number of files, and may require a reboot afterwards to get a proper installation.


Do you get this consistently with each reboot (the notify script is one of the files modified)?


I've done a reboot.


It only occurs when I do a powerdown from the webgui and the command line.  Not on reboot.


Just as an aside.  What is the command line reboot?  I thought it was 'powerdown -r'?

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