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[unRAID 6 beta14+] Unassigned Devices [former Auto Mount USB]

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The last plugin didn't remove the emttp folder but I check and deleted it before installing the new one.  It shows my 1 unassigned drive which has 1 partition in use by a vm. Before it used to show that partition below the disk now it doesn't just the whole disk to mount.


Another idea I had which I'm sure you had was to show disk usage like used and free.

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The last plugin didn't remove the emttp folder but I check and deleted it before installing the new one.  It shows my 1 unassigned drive which has 1 partition in use by a vm. Before it used to show that partition below the disk now it doesn't just the whole disk to mount.


Another idea I had which I'm sure you had was to show disk usage like used and free.

I just collapsed the partitions. I've posted a video:



The partitions are collapsed into the disk serial; click there and the partition will show. Multi partition disks will not show partition info, and will display a plus icon in the HDD one. If the disk has just one partition, it will show that partition's info.

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Very nicely done, thank you!


A small suggestion for the PLG file, which allows the original Dynamix file to be restored upon uninstallation.


Instead of removing the original file, just rename it, e.g.


# Rename original Dynamix page

if [[ ! -f /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/OpenDevices.page- ]]; then

  mv -f /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/OpenDevices.page /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/OpenDevices.page-


And in the remove section add the restoral, e.g.


# Restore original Dynamix page

mv -f /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/OpenDevices.page- /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/OpenDevices.page


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this is by far what has been missing for managing unassigned devices - makes life much easier from the GUI.


Thanks gfjardim

Wow,i was about to install SNAP,but i tried this first and it worked really well. Simple and integrated to the webGUI. thanks man :D

This does look awesome.  Great work, thanks very much. 


Thanks a lot guys. Any feedback is invaluable.


One question: multi-parted disks should be collapsed in or collapsed out?

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Oh thank you so much for making this! I can finally attach external devices and mount them without a reboot, unlike SNAP. Hooray!



Edit: Yikes though. The transfer speed to my 64 gig USB3 thumb drive is atrocious. Saying 11 days left for my 1.32 gig transfer.


The NTFS-3G driver is not a stellar performer, but my USB3 Seagate on my USB2 port (Supermicro X9SCM-F) using NTFS gives me 45MB/s.



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Oh thank you so much for making this! I can finally attach external devices and mount them without a reboot, unlike SNAP. Hooray!



Edit: Yikes though. The transfer speed to my 64 gig USB3 thumb drive is atrocious. Saying 11 days left for my 1.32 gig transfer.


The NTFS-3G driver is not a stellar performer, but my USB3 Seagate on my USB2 port (Supermicro X9SCM-F) using NTFS gives me 45MB/s.

Yeah,for some weird reason im getting way over the usual 30mbps write limit of my usb drive with this plugin! I use midnight commander for transferring, so i dont know how reliable are the numbers it shows though.

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I have a sata drive plugged constantly in that I use to backup some data on a daily basis.  Is there a way to execute a script at the daily cron event?


The sequence of events should be:

- Mount the drive.

- Execute a script.

- Unmount the drive.


This should be set up to run on a cron basis.  Preferably on a daily or weekly basis, etc.


The reason I'm asking is that I intend to deprecate the older SNAP before V6 final.  SNAP was written years ago and is very out of date.  This ability seems to be the missing piece for this plugin to replace SNAP completely.

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I have a sata drive plugged constantly in that I use to backup some data on a daily basis.  Is there a way to execute a script at the daily cron event?


The sequence of events should be:

- Mount the drive.

- Execute a script.

- Unmount the drive.


This should be set up to run on a cron basis.  Preferably on a daily or weekly basis, etc.


The reason I'm asking is that I intend to deprecate the older SNAP before V6 final.  SNAP was written years ago and is very out of date.  This ability seems to be the missing piece for this plugin to replace SNAP completely.


Is this what you mean?



It doesn't have cron functionality, but will execute upon mount and unmount.

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I understand the mount and unmount upon plugin, but I want to run a script on a cron to a sata drive.  The drive I use for a backup is an sata built into the server and is not 'pluggable'.


I think what I can do is have the drive auto mount and copy my script to the daily cron like I do now.  It can then do what it needs to do to back up data.  In SNAP I was mounting and unmounting the drive because it would be shared if left mounted.  It looks like you allow the choice to share or not share.


I will work with this some and see if I can get it to do what I want.  I believe I can.

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In the auto mounting - when in the boot chain are these mounted?  before dockers are started?





This is problematic, since both uses the "disks_mounted" event to start, and it's almost certain that docker starts first due it's alphabetical precedency.


But, since docker will fail if the image directory doesn't exist,  a simple /etc/rc.d/rc.docker start in a script should suffice. I'll elaborate:


Let's assume you mount a disk into e.g. /usr/disks/my_docker_disk and set your Docker image to /usr/disks/my_docker_disk/docker.img.


In case Docker start first, it will fail, since there wouldn't be a /usr/disks/my_docker_disk directory, so you can start it later by writing a script. See the video above.


It works for me, and I see no reason it wouldn't work for you.


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Might be nice to have the specific triggering event be selectable per device, so start and stop can be customized, to meet the device's own requirements.  For example, that would make it easy to have an 'always on' app disk, using the system 'started' and 'stopped' events, instead of the array starts and stops.  And devices could find a way to precede or follow other devices or other processes.


Might also be nice to have updated docs on the event system, what events are currently available, and precisely when they occur, and precisely what assumptions can be made about the system when they occur.  All I could find so far is this.

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That's it, that's what we have to trigger events.


from my own syslog, startup:

Apr 28 09:04:44 Servidor emhttp_event: array_started

Apr 28 09:04:48 Servidor emhttp_event: disks_mounted

Apr 28 09:04:59 Servidor emhttp_event: svcs_restarted

Apr 28 09:04:59 Servidor emhttp_event: started


Stopping the array:

Apr 28 09:02:28 Servidor emhttp_event: stopping_svcs

Apr 28 09:02:32 Servidor emhttp_event: unmounting_disks

Apr 28 09:02:36 Servidor emhttp_event: stopping_array

Apr 28 09:02:37 Servidor emhttp_event: stopped


This is the order emhttp triggers events. In bold, the triggers this plugin uses.


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For example, that would make it easy to have an 'always on' app disk, using the system 'started' and 'stopped' events, instead of the array starts and stops.  And devices could find a way to precede or follow other devices or other processes.



Starting for today's update, array start/stop won't mount/unmount disks which "Auto mount" is disabled. If you want an always mounted disk, you can add something like this to the beginning of your /boot/config/go file:


unassigned_mount /dev/disk/by-id/ata-INTEL_SSDSC2CT120A3_DISKSERIAL00000000000


This the easiest way I could manage with the events currently available.

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