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[support] Bungy's docker repository

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OK I must be missing something here, I installed the nzbgetvpn docker, have my pia credentials in, go to launch the web ui and it asks me for username and password?


What am I doing wrong? with SAB I just went to the webui then I could add my newshosting account and we were good to go???


Edit: so more google fu and username is nzbget and password is


Edited by Arcau
Figured it out
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20 minutes ago, Arcau said:

OK I must be missing something here, I installed the nzbgetvpn docker, have my pia credentials in, go to launch the web ui and it asks me for username and password?


What am I doing wrong? with SAB I just went to the webui then I could add my newshosting account and we were good to go???


Edit: so more google fu and username is nzbget and password is


Yep that's right. Glad you figured it out.

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  • 1 month later...

Has anyone gotten email notifications to work with the nzbgetvpn container? I am trying to use the gmail smtp server and get the following error.


Executing script EMail.py
Executing script EMail.py with command ConnectionTest
EMail: Script successfully started
EMail: Creating Email
EMail: Sending E-Mail
EMail: [Errno 99] Cannot assign requested address
Script EMail.py with command ConnectionTest failed


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Hi there, first of all: Thank you for this awesome container. After setting it up, nzbgetvpn works flawlessly. All my testing & research seems to indicate that, but I still wanted to ask: In binhex's VPN Docker FAQ post, he mentioned in the first post that all other connections, in case of a failing VPN, are blocked. Since your VPN Implementation is based on that, this should apply here too, right?


VPN connects successfully, I get a different outgoing IP using 

curl ipinfo.io

than I get on my non-vpn-connected host system. Location etc. also incicates the VPN works. Using 

kill <openVpnProcessId> && curl ipinfo.io

, I get no output, so it also seems to work. I also cannot ping anything. After a minute or two, the OpenVPN process comes back up and connections to the internet work again, but only with the VPN-IP.


I don't know how good my testing methodology is (I doubt it's that reliable), but is my assumption that his "kill-switch alternative" is implemented in here, too?

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  • 2 months later...

excuse my lack of knowledge as I'm brand new to docker. I'm trying to migrate to docker from dedicated linux vm's. first thing on my list is MySQL as it is the center point for quite a few other services. I downloaded and installed the bungy mysql docker, set the network as custom: eth0 and set the ip. I can ping the IP and get responses, however, I cannot connect via mysql workbench. Given my complete lack of Docker knowledge, I'm stuck. I've searched the web and my google foo is running low. Need some help - thanks in advance. 


I'm on unraid 6.7.2.


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1 hour ago, Bungy said:

Set the network type back to the default. Then you should be able to connect to it using the host unraid system's ip address and port 3306

Is there a way to set it to its own IP address? The benefit for me would be not having to change other applications. They all point to this IP address. 

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12 hours ago, pokmiuhy said:

Is there a way to set it to its own IP address? The benefit for me would be not having to change other applications. They all point to this IP address. 

Docker does have its own IP address, but its not exposed.  You're basically left with two feasible options.  Set your network to bridge mode and then you can expose your port as you seem to have already done.  Then you access your Mysql instance at the IP address of your UnRaid server, example, with the port you specified.  This will be useful for you to validate your migration before you pull in your applications if that is your intent.  If you proceed to dockerize your applications then you can use Docker's built-in link container capabilities.  This you would basically enable linking by putting something similar to this on the Extra Parameters section of Unraid: --link postgres:postgresql.  The syntax is basically the flag --link followed by the name of your running instance with a colon separating them and then the name of the instance you wish to be referenced internally within the dockerized container which doesn't really matter.  Once you've done that you can log into the dockarized container and view the linked environment variables to confirm settings by running "printenv" from the console.

Attached is a photo where you can check the link settings have applied.  I use mariadb instead of Mysql, but that doesn't matter.


2019-09-19 20_33_03-Window.png

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10 hours ago, Bungy said:

Not that I know of. Containers generally run under the host's network stack. They don't work like virtual machines where each machine can have its own ip address.

I think that's where I've been hung up...I keep thinking as if it's similar to a VM. 


I set it to "host" and exposed the port. Connected right up. Thanks!

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1 hour ago, Sn3akyP3t3 said:

Docker does have its own IP address, but its not exposed.  You're basically left with two feasible options.  Set your network to bridge mode and then you can expose your port as you seem to have already done.  Then you access your Mysql instance at the IP address of your UnRaid server, example, with the port you specified.  This will be useful for you to validate your migration before you pull in your applications if that is your intent.  If you proceed to dockerize your applications then you can use Docker's built-in link container capabilities.  This you would basically enable linking by putting something similar to this on the Extra Parameters section of Unraid: --link postgres:postgresql.  The syntax is basically the flag --link followed by the name of your running instance with a colon separating them and then the name of the instance you wish to be referenced internally within the dockerized container which doesn't really matter.  Once you've done that you can log into the dockarized container and view the linked environment variables to confirm settings by running "printenv" from the console.

Attached is a photo where you can check the link settings have applied.  I use mariadb instead of Mysql, but that doesn't matter.


2019-09-19 20_33_03-Window.png

The ultimate plan is to dockerize the applications. I'll definitely have to mess with the linking you mention. Totally new to this...hoping to make my life easier in the end. Having dedicated VM's is a pain to keep updated. 

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27 minutes ago, pokmiuhy said:

The ultimate plan is to dockerize the applications. I'll definitely have to mess with the linking you mention. Totally new to this...hoping to make my life easier in the end. Having dedicated VM's is a pain to keep updated. 

I haven't made a dockerized application before, but I have been using a dedicated customized dockerized python container with all the necessary loaded libraries to conduct batch like processing on a schedule.  The data that it collects is mapped back to the UnRaid file shares.  You can link that also through settings in UnRaid.  I suggest you also do that for the config files and application data so that they are not lost when the docker container restarts.  Docker data doesn't persist between restarts without doing that.  Dig into the docker build documentation and check out examples.  I'm not yet sure what you need to do to keep your docker container saved after that so you can safely upgrade or migrate from server to server.  I think it may require a docker container running the docker registry, but maybe someone has more experience with that.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Does anyone know how I can edit this container to start with sql_mode='' instead of the standard "ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY,STRICT_TRANS_TABLES,NO_ZERO_IN_DATE,NO_ZERO_DATE,ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO,NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION" ? 


I am running a custom webapp that has to have this policy off. Only problem is each time I restart the docker container It reverts to the above. 

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6 hours ago, mattcrem said:

Does anyone know how I can edit this container to start with sql_mode='' instead of the standard "ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY,STRICT_TRANS_TABLES,NO_ZERO_IN_DATE,NO_ZERO_DATE,ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO,NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION" ? 


I am running a custom webapp that has to have this policy off. Only problem is each time I restart the docker container It reverts to the above. 

This thread is for the entire repo which contains multiple applications.  I'm assuming you must mean either MySQL or Postgres.  It sounds like customizations and/or data is not being preserved on a restart of a docker container.  This can be achieved by mapping the host directory to the container's directory through UnRaid's settings for that docker container.  Look for a setting that the container asks for "Container Path: /config" and maybe even "Container Path: /data" and map that back to your appdata directory you have set aside on your UnRaid server.  I use the MariaDB and Postgres official repos for my work and not these Docker containers from this repo so I don't have exact settings to share.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey guys, what is the best way to have the MySQL docker use a specific version of MySQL such as 5.7. 


I have tried adding a variable to the tamplate MYSQL_VERSION and specifying 5.7.28-1debian9 but that still grabs the latest version. Any help would be much appreciated!

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Hi all


I hope someone can help.  I recently moved from the normal NZBGet to the VPN version and since then, I can't seem to figure out what to do with the permissions.  On the non-vpn version, sonarr sends the info, waits for the download to complete and then moves the file.  On the VPN sonarr sends the info, waits for the download and then says the file doesn't exist - I have tried setting a Docker variable for PUID 99 and GUID 100 as with the non-VPN version, that doesn't help....I also tried to just 777 the entire downloads share.  


It's not the end of the world, I can manually go in and sort it each time...it's just frustrating.


I just need it to use the same user/group as Sonarr and Transmission are using


Any ideas would be much appreciated.



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2 hours ago, PureLoneWolf said:

On the VPN sonarr sends the info, waits for the download and then says the file doesn't exist - I have tried setting a Docker variable for PUID 99 and GUID 100 as with the non-VPN version, that doesn't help....I also tried to just 777 the entire downloads share.  

Permissions aren't the issue, hence why 777 doesn't help. See here.



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1 hour ago, jonathanm said:

Permissions aren't the issue, hence why 777 doesn't help. See here.



Hmm - I have changed it to /cache/Downloads as per that post but they were both previously pointing to /user/Downloads - I don't have an appdata/downloads folder...


Are we assuming then, that for /user to work the mover would need to work first.  Weird though, this wasn't an issue on the non-vpn version


Just tested, doesn't make any difference - Weirdly, NZBGETVPN sends the /data prefix to Sonarr and NZBGET without VPN doesn't.  

Edited by PureLoneWolf
Test results
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38 minutes ago, jonathanm said:

post the docker run commands of both sonarr and nzbgetvpn.

At the risk of sounding like a moron - Where do I find them?  Checked the logs after a new start of the Dockers and checked in the settings of each docker and can't see it anywhere


Found it - 



docker run -d --name='sonarr' --net='bridge' -e TZ="Europe/Berlin" -e HOST_OS="Unraid" -e 'PUID'='99' -e 'PGID'='100' -p '8989:8989/tcp' -v '/dev/rtc':'/dev/rtc':'ro' -v '/mnt/user/TV Shows/':'/tv':'rw' -v '/mnt/user/Downloads/':'/downloads':'rw' -v '/mnt/user/appdata/sonarr':'/config':'rw' 'linuxserver/sonarr' 



docker run -d --name='nzbgetvpn' --net='bridge' --privileged=true -e TZ="Europe/Berlin" -e HOST_OS="Unraid" -e 'VPN_ENABLED'='yes' -e 'STRONG_CERTS'='no' -e 'VPN_USER'='XXXX' -e 'VPN_PASS'='XXXX' -e 'VPN_REMOTE'='sweden.privateinternetaccess.com' -e 'VPN_PORT'='1198' -e 'VPN_PROV'='pia' -e 'VPN_PROTOCOL'='udp' -e 'LAN_NETWORK'='' -e 'PUID'='99' -e 'PGID'='100' -p '6789:6789/tcp' -v '/mnt/user/Downloads/':'/data':'rw' -v '/etc/localtime':'/etc/localtime':'ro' -v '/mnt/user/appdata/nzbgetvpn':'/config':'rw' 'jshridha/docker-nzbgetvpn'

Edited by PureLoneWolf
Found it
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4 hours ago, jonathanm said:


downloads != data

I realise that - but that is just how the container accesses the downloads folder -  It references /data - I'll add an additional path and see..


I should have added, thanks for the help though - I hope that resolves it... :D


**Last Edit**
Adding a Container Path to the Docker of /downloads to /mnt/user/Downloads and then changing the MainDir setting within NZBGet to /downloads has fixed it.


Many thanks again

Edited by PureLoneWolf
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  • 1 month later...

Hi, thank you for your awsome docker container, it works really well right out of the box. But i have to wonder where i can add scripts to the docker ? Is there some type of folder or something where i have to put them in ? In my case i have problems on extraction with 7zip bcz it won't find the password inside the filename so i researched and found a script that will fix that issue. https://forum.nzbget.net/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=915&hilit=scan you have any idea how i can implement this or how i can it get to work right out of the box ?

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  • 4 weeks later...

I would greatly appreciate it if someone could help this noob out.  I am using NZBGetVPN and I am using slickvpn as my service.  Within the container, I have entered the following:


Container Variable: VPN_USER:  <My VPN Username>

Container Variable: VPN_PASS:  <My VPN Password>

Container Variable: VPN_REMOTE:  gw1.zrh2.slickvpn.com

Container Variable: VPN_PORT:  443

Container Variable: VPN_PROV:  custom

Container Variable: VPN_PROTOCOL:  udp

Container Variable: LAN_NETWORK:


Also within the Appdata/NZBGetVPN directory, I have created another directory named "openvpn".  Within that file, I placed the openvpn file provided by my slickvpn and renamed it ovpn.ovpn.  


If I leave the VPN off in the settings then I can access the NZBGet user interface without any problems.  However, if I enable the VPN in the container settings, the NZBGet application shows as started in the Docker menu but I am unable to access the NZBGet user interface via the browser.  


Any thoughts what I could possibly be doing wrong?



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