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[support] gfjardim's Docker Repository

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Hello everyone, I am very new to unRAID as well as to Linux.

I would like to make my printer useable by both my Windows and my GF's Macbook on the network.

I've already setup the CUPS docker, and the test page print works fine.
But I have no idea as to how to get the computers on the network to "see" the printer so as to add it as the default printer for them.


I believe the problem comes from Samba but I have no clue about how to get unRAID to share my CUPS's printer on the network.
I'm really sorry about how simple this may be once you know how to do it... But I've pretty much tried my best to find the solution by myself before posting here.


Thank you very much in advance.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

Hi there,


I have an rPI with CUPS and Brother HL-5240 laserprinter connected via USB that worked fine until the rPI died (rip). I decided to install the CUPS docker and hook up the printer to my Airport. CUPS sees the printer, installs it with the Gutenprint ppd. However CUPS does not print and returns status :"Unable to locate printer "Airport-Router.local".


How can this be fixed?

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  • 2 months later...

Hi there, not sure - i didn't get any replies so decided to reinstall CUPS on another rPI. This works better for me anyway since my printer is not directly connected via USB to the unraid server. Getting the rPI to do its CUPS thing is a breeze, lots of tutorials online but thats another forum ?

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23 minutes ago, dadarara said:

anyone knows how to share the scanner functionality of my printer ?

CUPS is working well.  

there is SANE (xsane) . 




but I am not knowledgeable enough to make it work?  can it be added to the CUPS docker ? 

It's one thing for an app to simply accept incoming connections and forward them to the printer.  It's another thing for it to accept a scan, and then via some GUI to prompt you for which email address etc to forward a scan to.


I would think that the majority of all-in-ones (and printers for that matter) now have either an ethernet port or at least wifi built-in on them which ultimately means that there is not much use for CUPS

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Hi Dadarara - check out mobile apps that like Evernote scannable or even Apple Notes (standard IOS app) if you want easy scanning with reasonable quality. These cover 99% of my document scanning needs. Its easy to setup and use, super fast and uses built-in sharing to mail, filefolders or printer. But thats another topic as well ;-)



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  • 2 weeks later...
On 8/29/2018 at 12:47 AM, deeks said:

Hi Dadarara - check out mobile apps that like Evernote scannable or even Apple Notes (standard IOS app) if you want easy scanning with reasonable quality. These cover 99% of my document scanning needs. Its easy to setup and use, super fast and uses built-in sharing to mail, filefolders or printer. But thats another topic as well ;-)



If I understood the comment, than obviously I can use my mobile to scan and I can also connect the printer to my laptop and use OSX built in features for scanner.

in my case the printer is shared by the Unraid via the CUPs plugin. so I can print from any computer on the local network.

my issue is that it is shared ONLY as a printer and NOT as a scanner.  so even if I define it in the OSX VM I have, it doesnt give me the scanner option.  


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  • 5 weeks later...

For anyone who may have issues with proprietary driver, this info may be helpful (if there is a foo2hp driver for you):


Found this page (http://foo2hp.rkkda.com/) for my driver and followed instructions from it in the docker console.


wget -O foo2zjs.tar.gz http://foo2zjs.rkkda.com/foo2zjs.tar.gz

tar zxf foo2zjs.tar.gz

cd foo2zjs


./getweb 1215 # Get HP LaserJet CP1215 .ICM files

make install

make cups


This resulted in CUPS application being unresponsive with no working password.  I restarted the container and was able to now add the printer with the foo driver.  This was all done directly in the container so most likely this will not persist if I update the image, but at least its working for now.

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  • 3 weeks later...

So the application hasn't been updated in quite some time (almost 2 years ago) and the version in the container is CUPS 2.1.3.  The latest version on CUPS.org is CUPS 2.3b5.  I am relatively new to UNRAID but simply curious if the app is being updated any longer.  I use it to print from my Apple devices on my HP laser printers and up until iOS 12 everything worked great, since the iOS 12 upgrade, the devices can't find the printers.

Any help or comments would be appreciated.

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11 hours ago, dockerPolice said:


Probably not

Yeah, after posting this and continuing to read more about the CUPS Docker App, I figured it was probably a dead development.  I decided to look elsewhere and just grabbed one of the many docker builds of CUPS.  The one I chose is a very adequate replacement and with a little tinkering works very well with UNRAID.  I chose olbat's CUPSd which is available at https://hub.docker.com/r/olbat/cupsd/ and contains a full compliment of drivers.  It would be nice if gfjardims's App came out with a new release but if not, Olbat's is built on the latest stable build (2.2.8).

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21 hours ago, t001z said:

Yeah, after posting this and continuing to read more about the CUPS Docker App, I figured it was probably a dead development.  I decided to look elsewhere and just grabbed one of the many docker builds of CUPS.  The one I chose is a very adequate replacement and with a little tinkering works very well with UNRAID.  I chose olbat's CUPSd which is available at https://hub.docker.com/r/olbat/cupsd/ and contains a full compliment of drivers.  It would be nice if gfjardims's App came out with a new release but if not, Olbat's is built on the latest stable build (2.2.8).

Do you mind sharing the settings you used? I tried using the gfjardim settings, but it doesn't seem to work. The unraid GUI shows it started, but I can't get to the WEBUI and the log is blank.

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On 10/29/2018 at 6:09 PM, joeshmoe1 said:

Do you mind sharing the settings you used? I tried using the gfjardim settings, but it doesn't seem to work. The unraid GUI shows it started, but I can't get to the WEBUI and the log is blank.

It sounds like the area where you are getting stuck is on remote administration (step 6 below).  Here is what I did to get that opened from the beginning:

  1. The configuration that I set involved first removing gfjardims-CUPS app - I am not sure if this was required but since they both needed the same port 631, this made logical sense to me. 
  2. Install the container
  3. Then I set a network type as HOST
  4. Next I created a "Add another Path, Port, Variable, Label or Device" - with the following parameters
    1. Config Type:  Port
    2. Name:  Host Port 1
    3. Host Port:  631
    4. Connection Type:  TCP
    5. Description:  Container Port: 631
  5. Switch to "Advanced View" at the top right and enter the "WebUI:" - in my case this was http://<<unraid-server-ip>:631/
  6. *** In order to access the WebUI remotely, open the web application *on the UNRAID-GUI* (then you can launch CUPSd at
    1. Click Administration (default user/pass is print/print)
    2. Check the box next to "Allow remote administration" to enable you to access the WebUI from any other system on your network.
    3. Also check the box next to "Share printers connected to this system" if needed
  7. Set up your printers that you want to share out through CUPSd
  8. If you update the Docker App through http://<<unraid-server-ip>/Docker, you will have to perform steps #6 & #7 again in order to access the page remotely and set up your printers.

This is by no means a perfect system, it is just what I did to make it work and now I have a system that is working well and updated.  It would be awesome if someone who knows more than I about docker containers or just unraid configuration wrote this into a supported app/container.

Edited by t001z
added default user/pass
  • Upvote 1
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On 10/31/2018 at 1:52 AM, t001z said:

It sounds like the area where you are getting stuck is on remote administration (step 6 below).  Here is what I did to get that opened from the beginning:

I'm having the same issue as joeshmoe1.

Installed Olbat's container. It started but there is no WebUI. The log is blank as well.

Entering the Console shows the files are indeed there but it seems to have not fully started the server.

The appdata/cups folder is also empty.

Tried with gfjardim settings and a fresh clean install using your settings. It just doesn't want to startup for some reason.

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1 hour ago, PCRx said:

I'm having the same issue as joeshmoe1.

Installed Olbat's container. It started but there is no WebUI. The log is blank as well.

Check step 6 in my instructions above. I may not have described it very well but you need to boot your unraid server into the GUI mode.

Then from within the GUI on the server (not connecting to it from a different computer), access the CUPSd Administration page at - this will allow you to enable remote administration.

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18 hours ago, t001z said:

Check step 6 in my instructions above. I may not have described it very well but you need to boot your unraid server into the GUI mode.

You were correct, I did misinterpret that. However I'm not sure doing that would even work. When the docker starts nothing appears in the log file. I'd expect to see some progress listed in the log file during startup despite not being able to access it remotely. Unfortunately, for numerous reasons, it's not a simple procedure for me to start the server in GUI mode to find out. I'll have to give up on it for now and maybe revisit it later. Thanks.

Edited by PCRx
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  • 3 weeks later...

CUPS works great, just an add....

Google CloudPrint is VERY noisy on the network, and if you're not using it as such you may want to stop all that traffic.


==Go Update Your Container With The Following==
Extra Parameters:


Now you wont have to see all that traffic if it's primarily a local device.

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Sorry very new to unraid

I've installed the LogitechMediaServer

Then added the youtube app in the LogitechMediaServer


Getting the message

Please note that this plugin streams the entire YouTube video file to playback the audio stream. This will use use significantly more network bandwidth than audio only streaming. Please consider this if your internet connection has a usage charge.
Note that SSL is required, but on some Linux installation, a few libraries are missing. If the plugin does not work, open a command line and run: "sudo apt-get install libio-socket-ssl-perl libnet-ssleay-perl"


i tried to run that command in the terminal screen but I get a "sudo apt-get: command not found" response.


Can you assist with this issue?

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 11/21/2018 at 5:19 AM, jahenriq said:

Getting the message

Please note that this plugin streams the entire YouTube video file to playback the audio stream. This will use use significantly more network bandwidth than audio only streaming. Please consider this if your internet connection has a usage charge.
Note that SSL is required, but on some Linux installation, a few libraries are missing. If the plugin does not work, open a command line and run: "sudo apt-get install libio-socket-ssl-perl libnet-ssleay-perl"


i tried to run that command in the terminal screen but I get a "sudo apt-get: command not found" response.

For starters, I think you should be posting this in a different forum area, but here goes...


Are you trying to run this on the Unraid Server, Linux VM or a Docker container?  Docker containers are based on Linux but they are by no means a full blown installation of Linux.  Docker containers are updated through a method to update the actual container (such as http://<unraid-server-ip-address>/Docker/), not apt-get or yum which will add libraries, applications up to/including kernel upgrades for full blown Linux installations.  Docker containers are built for a specific purpose and are not meant to add functionality unless you are going to rebuild.

If you are trying to run this on the unraid server itself, you are definitely posting in the wrong area and I won't even try to go further.

If you are trying this on a Linux VM, check to find out which distro your VM is built on -  Debian-based (including Ubuntu) uses apt-get while RPM-based (including CentOS & RedHat) uses yum.  

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On 11/21/2018 at 6:19 AM, jahenriq said:


Sorry very new to unraid

I've installed the LogitechMediaServer

Then added the youtube app in the LogitechMediaServer


Getting the message

Please note that this plugin streams the entire YouTube video file to playback the audio stream. This will use use significantly more network bandwidth than audio only streaming. Please consider this if your internet connection has a usage charge.
Note that SSL is required, but on some Linux installation, a few libraries are missing. If the plugin does not work, open a command line and run: "sudo apt-get install libio-socket-ssl-perl libnet-ssleay-perl"


i tried to run that command in the terminal screen but I get a "sudo apt-get: command not found" response.


Can you assist with this issue?


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  • 6 months later...
  • 7 months later...

CUPS Server Success


I've had some luck with the CUPS server docker, jstrader/airprint-cloudprint
I had to set it up 100% manually.  Oddly enough the docker hub page says, "On unRaid, install from the Community Repositories and enter the required folder locations," but I didn't find such a thing when I searched.
I had to do a whole lot of "+Add another Path, Port, Variable, Label or Device" to get it all set up.

All settings can be found on https://hub.docker.com/r/jstrader/airprint-cloudprint

I ended up mapping to

  • /mnt/user/appdata/cups/config/
  • /mnt/user/appdata/cups/logs/
  • /mnt/user/appdata/cups/cpc/


  • /etc/cups
  • /var/log/cups
  • /etc/cloud-print-connector

respectively, since I already had a share, which is actually not shared on the network, /mnt/user/appdata/

The settings I used, which were not mentioned on the docker hub page were

  • click "Advanced," then set WebUI to http://<IP-ADDRESS-OF-UNRAID-SERVER>:631
  • Network Type: Host
  • Console shell command: Bash
  • I left Privileged set to "OFF"

Once it's all set up, hit the <Apply> button at the bottom of the Docker "Add Container" form page, and you're ready to configure CUPS with the Web GUI.

It worked for AirPrint with no issues.  I followed the directions for Google Cloud Print (I had to enter the container's console), and my Google account says it sees my printer, but I need to sneak off with one of my kids' Chromebooks to see if it really works.

The only thing I don't like is the sluggish performance vs other CUPS containers I've played with, including other v2.3.1 containers.  But, I now have AirPrint and Google Cloud Print, so I'll call it a win.
All this to let my family print to our wireless Brother HL-2270DW laser printer from any device.

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