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[Plugin] IPMI for unRAID 6.1+

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You could also uninstall then rename the ipmi plugin folder or delete it. Then reinstall. Paste the plugin install log from the popup here. Also if you search your syslog for ipmi and any errors.


Sorry it took so long to get back to this! So that fixed it! I tried another uninstall re-install without luck, so I uninstalled again, and renamed the ipmi folder that was left behind. A new re-install and all my sensors appeared again!





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  • 1 month later...

So my sensors are all reporting as they should, but I am still having issues with fan control. I renamed and reordered my fans in the board.json file, and all my fans are now appearing properly with temp sensor, low and high threshold and minimum speed, but changing the settings doesn't seem to affect my fans in any way. They are all constantly running at full tilt.


I noticed in another thread, another user with the same board mentioned our board does things a little differently, but I'm not sure how to apply his comments to my install




For my EP2C602 the commands are slightly different. On this board, command

0x3a 0x01

works different:


ipmitool raw 0x3a 0x01 CPU_1_OVERRIDE CPU_1 REAR_1 FRONT_1 FRONT_2 UNKNOWN


So, only five fans can be set up and value


is just minimal speed, not automatic. Automatic speed can only be enabled for


by setting




(in which case the


value is ignored). So for 30% speed on all fans and


auto speed:


ipmitool raw 0x3a 0x01 0 30 30 30 30 30



can be controlled in the same way through another command,

0x3a 0x11

, which also controls two additional fans:


ipmitool raw 0x3a 0x11 CPU_2_OVERRIDE CPU_2 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN


ipmitool raw 0x3a 0x11 0 30 30 30


To get the current status of all fans, which also includes the current RPM of the CPU fans in auto mode:

ipmitool raw 0x3a 0x02
ipmitool raw 0x3a 0x12


That's some good info. Where'd you get it from? The current status command works for my board, which could be useful. Did you try the ipmi plugin? Looks like case fans could be controlled as it's currently written.


[EDIT] The ipmifan log seems to reflect the speed changes I set in the gui (ie: minimum fan speed), but fan speeds do not actually change...

2017-01-07 23:02:34 CPU_FAN1_1(50%):CPU_BSP1 Temp(42°C), CPU_FAN2_1(50%):CPU_AP1 Temp(41°C), FRNT_FAN2(47%):
HDD Temperature(30°C), FRNT_FAN3(17%):HDD Temperature(30°C), FRNT_FAN4(17%):HDD Temperature(30°C)


Any thoughts on how to proceed?



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So my sensors are all reporting as they should, but I am still having issues with fan control. I renamed and reordered my fans in the board.json file, and all my fans are now appearing properly with temp sensor, low and high threshold and minimum speed, but changing the settings doesn't seem to affect my fans in any way. They are all constantly running at full tilt.


I noticed in another thread, another user with the same board mentioned our board does things a little differently, but I'm not sure how to apply his comments to my install




For my EP2C602 the commands are slightly different. On this board, command

0x3a 0x01

works different:


ipmitool raw 0x3a 0x01 CPU_1_OVERRIDE CPU_1 REAR_1 FRONT_1 FRONT_2 UNKNOWN


So, only five fans can be set up and value


is just minimal speed, not automatic. Automatic speed can only be enabled for


by setting




(in which case the


value is ignored). So for 30% speed on all fans and


auto speed:


ipmitool raw 0x3a 0x01 0 30 30 30 30 30



can be controlled in the same way through another command,

0x3a 0x11

, which also controls two additional fans:


ipmitool raw 0x3a 0x11 CPU_2_OVERRIDE CPU_2 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN


ipmitool raw 0x3a 0x11 0 30 30 30


To get the current status of all fans, which also includes the current RPM of the CPU fans in auto mode:

ipmitool raw 0x3a 0x02
ipmitool raw 0x3a 0x12


That's some good info. Where'd you get it from? The current status command works for my board, which could be useful. Did you try the ipmi plugin? Looks like case fans could be controlled as it's currently written.


[EDIT] The ipmifan log seems to reflect the speed changes I set in the gui (ie: minimum fan speed), but fan speeds do not actually change...

2017-01-07 23:02:34 CPU_FAN1_1(50%):CPU_BSP1 Temp(42°C), CPU_FAN2_1(50%):CPU_AP1 Temp(41°C), FRNT_FAN2(47%):
HDD Temperature(30°C), FRNT_FAN3(17%):HDD Temperature(30°C), FRNT_FAN4(17%):HDD Temperature(30°C)


Any thoughts on how to proceed?




The board.json file is just a map of your fans and how the correspond to the raw command. The file doesn't really have any bearing on the settings page. Did you try clicking the Configure? It automatically creates the board.json file.


The CPU fan control wouldn't work as written but you may be able to get case fans working.  Try editing the json file and removing 3 fans from the fans: array, remove two 00 from auto and two 64 from full. Also add 00 to the raw command by editing "raw": "00 3a 01 00"

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The board.json file is just a map of your fans and how the correspond to the raw command. The file doesn't really have any bearing on the settings page. Did you try clicking the Configure? It automatically creates the board.json file.


The CPU fan control wouldn't work as written but you may be able to get case fans working.  Try editing the json file and removing 3 fans from the fans: array, remove two 00 from auto and two 64 from full. Also add 00 to the raw command by editing "raw": "00 3a 01 00"


Hurrah! :) Progress!! Now Case fans 2 + 3 are behaving as they should. CPU fan 1 also slowed down, but not sure why, as it doesn't seem to want to speed up again when I set the high threshold artificially low...


This is what I have:

    "ASRockRack": {
        "raw": "00 3a 01 00",
        "auto": "00 00 00 00 00",
        "full": "64 64 64 64 64", 
        "fans": {
            "CPU_FAN1_1": "00",
            "CPU_FAN2_1": "00",            
            "FRNT_FAN2": "00",
            "FRNT_FAN3": "00",
            "FRNT_FAN4": "00"



Any thoughts on how to get CPU2 and Fan4 working?

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The board.json file is just a map of your fans and how the correspond to the raw command. The file doesn't really have any bearing on the settings page. Did you try clicking the Configure? It automatically creates the board.json file.


The CPU fan control wouldn't work as written but you may be able to get case fans working.  Try editing the json file and removing 3 fans from the fans: array, remove two 00 from auto and two 64 from full. Also add 00 to the raw command by editing "raw": "00 3a 01 00"


Hurrah! :) Progress!! Now Case fans 2 + 3 are behaving as they should. CPU fan 1 also slowed down, but not sure why, as it doesn't seem to want to speed up again when I set the high threshold artificially low...


This is what I have:

    "ASRockRack": {
        "raw": "00 3a 01 00",
        "auto": "00 00 00 00 00",
        "full": "64 64 64 64 64", 
        "fans": {
            "CPU_FAN1_1": "00",
            "CPU_FAN2_1": "00",            
            "FRNT_FAN2": "00",
            "FRNT_FAN3": "00",
            "FRNT_FAN4": "00"



Any thoughts on how to get CPU2 and Fan4 working?


The CPU1 is set to auto by the 00 in "raw": "00 3a 01 00" so any value for that fan is ignored. You can try setting it to 01.


Did you run the Configure button? Are you sure those fan mappings are correct? The other person said CPU2 required a different raw command.  Like this "raw": "00 3a 11 00". The fan name has to be in the right order. The fancontrol script relies on the fan name and the position in the array to create the raw command. Maybe the mappings are as follows.

    "ASRockRack": {
        "raw": "00 3a 01 00",
        "auto": "00 00 00 00 00",
        "full": "64 64 64 64 64", 
        "fans": {
            "CPU_FAN1_1": "00",
            "FRNT_FAN1": "00",            
            "FRNT_FAN2": "00",
            "FRNT_FAN3": "00",
            "FRNT_FAN4": "00"



If the CPU2 does require a separate command, it may be hard to implement that. In the mean time I wouldn't worry too much about controlling the CPU fans. I have mine set to auto and just control the case fans based on hd temp and mb temp. I worry that if the fan script gets killed, crashes or unRAID locks up the CPU fan would be stuck until a reboot and the script is back running again.

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Yeah. That makes sense about the cpu fans. I'd really love to get that last case fan quieter though. Is there a hint in the other post I linked to?  I believe he was saying the other fans are somehow linked to the other cpu?


The configure button doesn't work in my case. It can't seem to find any fans and creates an empty file...



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Yeah. That makes sense about the cpu fans. I'd really love to get that last case fan quieter though. Is there a hint in the other post I linked to?  I believe he was saying the other fans are somehow linked to the other cpu?


The configure button doesn't work in my case. It can't seem to find any fans and creates an empty file...


I'll see if I can come up with something for your board.

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Yeah. That makes sense about the cpu fans. I'd really love to get that last case fan quieter though. Is there a hint in the other post I linked to?  I believe he was saying the other fans are somehow linked to the other cpu?


The configure button doesn't work in my case. It can't seem to find any fans and creates an empty file...


I'll see if I can come up with something for your board.


Fantastic! :-) Thank you so much! Is there anything I can provide to help? Logs or test results maybe?

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  • 2 weeks later...



Yeah. That makes sense about the cpu fans. I'd really love to get that last case fan quieter though. Is there a hint in the other post I linked to?  I believe he was saying the other fans are somehow linked to the other cpu?


The configure button doesn't work in my case. It can't seem to find any fans and creates an empty file...


I'll see if I can come up with something for your board.


Fantastic! :-) Thank you so much! Is there anything I can provide to help? Logs or test results maybe?

One thing you could run is this command so I can get the exact model of your board.

dmidecode -q -t 2|awk -F: '/^\tProduct Name:/{p=$2;} END{print p}'

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Hi Guys,


I dont seem to have the option for fan control in the plugin settings, the enable drop down is disabled.

My fans and RPM is showing correctly when running

ipmi-sensors -t fan


Any ideas where to start with this?


I have an ASRockRack EP2C602-4L/D16

Look though the last few pages of posts and run the command in the post above so I can get your board model too. You can get it partially working if you follow what DoeBoye did. You have to create your own board.json. The fans have to be in the correct order according to their spot in the ipmi raw command.

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the dmidecode command returns EP2C602-4L/D16

I'll have a read through and see what i can come up with :)



I think I'm going to go a different way based on cpu sockets instead of board names since thats the difference between these ep2c602 boards. This command should yield 2 for you. I'll try and update the Configure button to work for these boards later this week.

lscpu | grep 'Socket(s):' | awk '{print $2}'

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  • 2 weeks later...

Is there anything I can do to help get support for SuperMicro boards?

Just haven't had time. I have finished the front end part a while ago but need to finish the fan script portion. I had planned working on it the last couple weeks and fix the issues with the dual socket systems. However I  had to address security concerns for plugins to be compliant with 6.3. Most of mine worked fine.  Just had to harden the code and tweak some things. This is really the last one I have to go through since it's the biggest code wise. You can read about it the rc9 thread.

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Is there anything I can do to help get support for SuperMicro boards?

Just haven't had time. I have finished the front end part a while ago but need to finish the fan script portion. I had planned working on it the last couple weeks and fix the issues with the dual socket systems. However I  had to address security concerns for plugins to be compliant with 6.3. Most of mine worked fine.  Just had to harden the code and tweak some things. This is really the last one I have to go through since it's the biggest code wise. You can read about it the rc9 thread.


Thanks!  Let me know if you need any assistance with testing or anything.  I have three different X9 boards and an X10.

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I've tried installing the IPMI tool but I've run into some trouble...

Here is the install log;

plugin: installing: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dmacias72/unRAID-plugins/master/plugins/ipmi.plg

plugin: downloading https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dmacias72/unRAID-plugins/master/plugins/ipmi.plg

plugin: downloading: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dmacias72/unRAID-plugins/master/plugins/ipmi.plg ... done



| Skipping package tablesorter-2.27.6-x86_64-1 (already installed)




plugin: downloading: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dmacias72/unRAID-plugins/master/source/packages/freeipmi-1.5.3-x86_64-1.txz ... done



| Installing new package /boot/config/plugins/ipmi/freeipmi-1.5.3-x86_64-1.txz



Verifying package freeipmi-1.5.3-x86_64-1.txz.

Installing package freeipmi-1.5.3-x86_64-1.txz:


# FreeIPMI (GNU implementation of the IPMI protocol)


# FreeIPMI provides in-band and out-of-band IPMI software based on

# the IPMI v1.5/2.0 specification. The IPMI specification defines a

# set of interfaces for platform management and is implemented by a

# number vendors for system management. The features of IPMI that

# most users will be interested in are sensor monitoring, system event

# monitoring, power control, and serial-over-LAN (SOL). The FreeIPMI

# tools and libraries provide users with the ability to access and

# utilize these and many other features. A number of useful features

# for large HPC or cluster environments have also been implemented

# into FreeIPMI.


# Packaged by Derek Macias

Executing install script for freeipmi-1.5.3-x86_64-1.txz.

Package freeipmi-1.5.3-x86_64-1.txz installed.



plugin: skipping: freeipmi-1.4.11-x86_64-3.txz - unRAID version too high, requires at most version 6.1.99

plugin: downloading: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dmacias72/unRAID-plugins/master/archive/ipmi-2016.10.24-x86_64-1.txz ... done

plugin: downloading: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dmacias72/unRAID-plugins/master/archive/ipmi-2016.10.24-x86_64-1.md5 ... done



| Installing new package /boot/config/plugins/ipmi/ipmi-2016.10.24-x86_64-1.txz



Verifying package ipmi-2016.10.24-x86_64-1.txz.

Installing package ipmi-2016.10.24-x86_64-1.txz:


# IPMI unRAID Plugin


# The ipmi plugin allows you to view your system sensors and

# events using your ipmi hardware. Allows for local or remote

# access and event notification.


# https://github.com/dmacias72/unRAID-plugins



Executing install script for ipmi-2016.10.24-x86_64-1.txz.

Package ipmi-2016.10.24-x86_64-1.txz installed.



loading ipmi drivers...

checking ipmi event monitor...

checking ipmi system log tail...

checking ipmi fan control...

ipmifan is not enabled in /boot/config/plugins/ipmi/fan.cfg

type: ipmifan -f to force start

checking ipmi sensors configuration...



ipmi has been installed.

This plugin requires Dynamix webGui to operate

Copyright 2016, dmacias72

Version: 2016.10.24



plugin: installed


Ive tried running ipmitool sensor, but it throws a 'command not found' error.


When I ran the ipmifan -f as directed in the install log, I get;

ipmifan[3079]: Your  motherboard is not supported or setup yet


Your  motherboard is not supported or setup yet


The motherboard that I am using is;

MSI Z97-Gaming 3 Motherboard


Being not specifically a server type motherboard, does that mean I am shit out of luck?




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The motherboard that I am using is;

MSI Z97-Gaming 3 Motherboard


Being not specifically a server type motherboard, does that mean I am shit out of luck?





You need to have IPMI on your board for the plugin to work, and yours doesn't have IPMI.

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Hello Forum...  I've been receiving this error each time I boot since v6.2.4.  Has any one else posted this:


Feb  6 11:50:49 Tower kernel: ipmi_si IPI0001:00: The BMC does not support clearing the recv irq bit, compensating, but the BMC needs to be fixed.
Feb  6 11:50:49 Tower kernel: ipmi_si IPI0001:00: Error clearing flags: cc
Feb  6 11:50:49 Tower kernel: Console: switching to colour frame buffer device 128x48


Running v6.3.0


Full syslog from boot attached



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Hello Forum...  I've been receiving this error each time I boot since v6.2.4.  Has any one else posted this:


Feb  6 11:50:49 Tower kernel: ipmi_si IPI0001:00: The BMC does not support clearing the recv irq bit, compensating, but the BMC needs to be fixed.
Feb  6 11:50:49 Tower kernel: ipmi_si IPI0001:00: Error clearing flags: cc
Feb  6 11:50:49 Tower kernel: Console: switching to colour frame buffer device 128x48


Running v6.3.0


Full syslog from boot attached

Sorry I'm not sure. It's sone kind of kernel problem with your BMC. You could try updating your BMC or try out unRAID 6.3 which just came out.  Since it just happens once and if everything runs ok then it might be fine. If it's not running fine you could try using the network connection of your IPMI. I use networking even though local is available.


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Hello Forum...  I've been receiving this error each time I boot since v6.2.4.  Has any one else posted this:


Feb  6 11:50:49 Tower kernel: ipmi_si IPI0001:00: The BMC does not support clearing the recv irq bit, compensating, but the BMC needs to be fixed.
Feb  6 11:50:49 Tower kernel: ipmi_si IPI0001:00: Error clearing flags: cc
Feb  6 11:50:49 Tower kernel: Console: switching to colour frame buffer device 128x48


Running v6.3.0


Full syslog from boot attached

I have an X11ssm-f but only get the "error clearing flags", try updating the BMC firmware.


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johnnie.black & dmacias...  Thanks a lot for the responses!


Sorry I'm not sure. It's sone kind of kernel problem with your BMC. You could try updating your BMC or try out unRAID 6.3 which just came out.  Since it just happens once and if everything runs ok then it might be fine. If it's not running fine you could try using the network connection of your IPMI. I use networking even though local is available.


I've never noticed any issues with my BMC at all, I just notice this error each time I boot and wanted to inquire about it


I have an X11ssm-f but only get the "error clearing flags", try updating the BMC firmware.


According to the SuperMicro website, the IMPI/BMC Firmware Revision: R 1.13 is the latest for the X11SSL-F which was the Firmware version installed when I build the system.  But I began to notice the error after the 6.2.4 update.  Once I updated to 6.3.0 the other day, I noticed the error remained and I figured I should ask to see if anyone else is reporting the same.


Thanks again for the help :)








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According to the SuperMicro website, the IMPI/BMC Firmware Revision: R 1.13 is the latest for the X11SSL-F which was the Firmware version installed when I build the system.  But I began to notice the error after the 6.2.4 update.  Once I updated to 6.3.0 the other day, I noticed the error remained and I figured I should ask to see if anyone else is reporting the same.


I'm using 1.26 sent by Supermicro support because of another issue, you can try and ask for it.

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