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[Plugin] IPMI for unRAID 6.1+

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3 minutes ago, dmacias said:
9 minutes ago, Tybio said:
Odd, I did a full reset...meaning not just a reboot but powering down the system and unplugging it to force the BMC to reset and it seems to work now!  Sorry for the false alarm....testing to make sure each side responds properly ATM.

You need to set the lower thresholds for the fans with the sensor editor. The bmc will keep kicking them up to full speed. Set them to 200 or 300 rpms

I had them fixed for all the headers (100/100/100)...it looks like the bmc reset is what was needed.  I forgot I could do that from the UI!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all,


I've recently put together a server with a SuperMicro X8DTE-F. Using either the IPMI plugin or the SuperMicro IPMIView android app the voltages are crazy (CPU1 DIMM 1.1V instead of 1.5V, the +3.3V rail is showing 4.68V, +5V is 6.24V, +12V is 8.21V, VBAT is 5.52V...). The IPMI firmware version looks to be the most up to date version available from SuperMicro.


When looking in the BIOS itself the voltages look much more sensible and close to what they should be, so imagine there is an issue with the IPMI itself? I know this isn't strictly IPMI plugin related but just curious if anyone here has seen similar behaviour?


I did get this board from eBay so don't know if there's something I need to potentially reset? I had to reset the ADMIN password so I could login so it could be there are some settings messed up somewhere


Many thanks


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4 hours ago, itfcjim said:

Hi all,


I've recently put together a server with a SuperMicro X8DTE-F. Using either the IPMI plugin or the SuperMicro IPMIView android app the voltages are crazy (CPU1 DIMM 1.1V instead of 1.5V, the +3.3V rail is showing 4.68V, +5V is 6.24V, +12V is 8.21V, VBAT is 5.52V...). The IPMI firmware version looks to be the most up to date version available from SuperMicro.


When looking in the BIOS itself the voltages look much more sensible and close to what they should be, so imagine there is an issue with the IPMI itself? I know this isn't strictly IPMI plugin related but just curious if anyone here has seen similar behaviour?


I did get this board from eBay so don't know if there's something I need to potentially reset? I had to reset the ADMIN password so I could login so it could be there are some settings messed up somewhere


Many thanks


Did you try factory resetting the BMC?

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Hi, if that's the same as "BMC Reset" in the IPMIView app then yes I've tried that
No that's not the same. You'd need to go the ipmi ip address in a web browser and log in that way. Actually you can click on Web View from the same location in the IPMI Device area of the app. Then do a factory reset from the web page. Also make sure your bmc is on firmware 2.22. Should be visible at the top of the app as well.
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OK - I made a bootable DOS USB stick and copied the IPMICFG application from the SuperMicro FTP server onto it. Ran ipmicfg -fd and now the web view is working fine, and the voltages etc are reporting the same as the BIOS. Many thanks for your help :)
Nice. I wonder why they were off though.
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Hi guys - Another X9SCM-F user here. 


I wantes to know if it was possible to control my Noctua PWM 4 pin fans with this plugin? 


I've attached a screenshot of my current reading. The current reading is showing that all my fans are at MAX, my BMC and BIOS are up to date. Can anyone advise what sort of thresholds i should look at setting to get them in control? Worth noting the server is doing nothing. Do my upper non-critical/upper critical and upper non-recover values look high?




Screenshot 2019-02-03 at 00.08.46.png

Edited by thestraycat
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3 minutes ago, thestraycat said:

I thought that was the whole point of this plugin?

It is, but those X9 models don't support more control than that X9 dual socket and most (all?) X10/X11 board do.


4 minutes ago, thestraycat said:

Do you know the differences betwen the 3 modes...

Full is self explanatory, standard and optimal look similar to me, but it might depend on the fans used, try each one and check the RPMs.

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I have the Supermicro X11SCA-F motherboard, and I just set up this plugin which is mostly working great - thanks for adding the support in for the unique fan setup on this board!


The one issue I'm seeing is that as soon as I spin down any drives, the HDD temp is reported as 0 in the fan control log. My drives are SAS drives connected to an LSI 9305-24i. I see this was fixed in an earlier release but I'm guessing there's something unique about my setup that is causing this to happen again. What can I provide to help diagnose the issue? Or am I missing something? Thanks in advance!


Edit: Adding some additional information.


Under the Fan Control settings, the SYS_FAN entry is showing 0RPM, but the HDD temp is displayed.



The fan speed is correctly shown on the Readings tab and in the ipmifan log:



2019-02-05 10:54:20 Fan:Temp, FAN1234(21%):CPU Temp(32°C), FANA(65%):HDD Temp(36°C)


As soon as I spin down a drive, the HDD temp reported in the Fan Control log goes to 0 degrees:

2019-02-05 10:54:20 Fan:Temp, FAN1234(21%):CPU Temp(32°C), FANA(65%):HDD Temp(36°C)
2019-02-05 10:55:20 Fan:Temp, FAN1234(23%):CPU Temp(33°C), FANA(25%):HDD Temp(0°C)


But the HDD temp remains visible in both the Fan Control settings tab, and in the Readings tab:




Edited by rinseaid
Added additional info
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OK, I think I see what's happening. On two of my drives, when they spin down the temperature is displayed as * within the unRAID interface. The rest of the drives are spun down but still show temperature. I'm wondering that when the IPMI Fan Control script is attempting to retrieve the highest temperature disk, it gets stuck on the asterisk character.


I've disabled spin down on those two drives and now everything is working as expected.

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OK, I think I see what's happening. On two of my drives, when they spin down the temperature is displayed as * within the unRAID interface. The rest of the drives are spun down but still show temperature. I'm wondering that when the IPMI Fan Control script is attempting to retrieve the highest temperature disk, it gets stuck on the asterisk character.
I've disabled spin down on those two drives and now everything is working as expected.

The sys fan rpm is just taken from the first sys fan. So that's why it's 0 since you're using sys fan 2 only. I'll see if it's possible to get an average or something. It's more of a placeholder for that fan channel which includes all the sys fans. And the other includes all cpu fans.

The settings page and the script are different. Or more accurately the fanscript is completely independent. The settings and reading sections get the hard drive temps from the temps already collected by the Unraid webgui. I didn't want to keep polling drives for temps every time the pages are loaded.

The fanscript polls the hard drives on its own and gets all ipmi data. This is the command used to get the hdd temps where you change x in sdx to the the actual disk letter.
smartctl -A -n standby /dev/sdx 2>/dev/null| grep -m 1 -i Temperature_Cel | awk '{print $10}'

Or try this maybe, the label might be different

smartctl -A -n standby /dev/sdx

If they are all spin down it might be zero.

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If I set the plugin to display battery or voltage, there is a broken image in the footer:



I think it is because this file:

has a few icon references:
that need to be converted to fa font icons since the images were removed from the plugin.

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If I set the plugin to display battery or voltage, there is a broken image in the footer:
I think it is because this file:
has a few icon references:
that need to be converted to fa font icons since the images were removed from the plugin.
Thanks. I thought I got them all.
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On 2/5/2019 at 5:50 PM, dmacias said:


smartctl -A -n standby /dev/sdx 2>/dev/null| grep -m 1 -i Temperature_Cel | awk '{print $10}'

Or try this maybe, the label might be different

smartctl -A -n standby /dev/sdx

If they are all spin down it might be zero.


Thanks for the clarification on where it's pulling the values. So the output of the second command is:


smartctl 6.6 2017-11-05 r4594 [x86_64-linux-4.18.20-unRAID] (local build)
Copyright (C) 2002-17, Bruce Allen, Christian Franke, www.smartmontools.org

Device is in STANDBY mode, exit(2)

Which causes the output of the first command to be null.

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Tagging for later. Whatever I can do to help get this added to Dell boards [emoji4]

So with your board you can only control all the fans? Does everything in the readings show up? Run this command and post the output

dmidecode -t 2 | grep 'Manufacturer' | awk -F 'r:' '{print $2}'


Or just post the output of


dmidecode -t 2

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