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[Plug-In] Community Applications

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The minimum the plugin is supposed to support is at least 6.0  (But even there, I am no longer in a position to test on anything other than 6.1.6)


I know that 6.0 beta 15 is older, but it was working perfectly fine so I hadn't bothered upgrading it. But I tried upgrading to the latest version of unRAID tonight. I was able to do the upgrade but ran into all sorts of problems with the registration key. I have always had the trial version of unraid (so far I have not needed anything else) so when I upgraded I requested another trial key. I got the email with the URL key link to install and that all went fine, but when I went to start my array again it wouldn't let me. It said 'too many devices attached. Please consider upgrading your registration key' (even though all I have is a cache drive, parity drive, and one data drive.) I went back to the registration page and it said my trial was expired but it wouldn't let me request an extension because my license key is still current. I decided to go ahead and buy unraid plus, i was going to need it eventually anyway, so I filled out all the order form pages and submitted my order but then received an error that my transaction could not be processed due to an incorrect street addresss and zip code (even though they were correct) but I was still charged $90 and have received no email with a new registration key.


So at the moment I can go no where with the latest version of unRAID. I setup another flash drive with my old 6.0 beta 15 again. So I am hoping I can at least get this version up and running while I am trying to figure our my license key fiasco

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The minimum the plugin is supposed to support is at least 6.0  (But even there, I am no longer in a position to test on anything other than 6.1.6)


I know that 6.0 beta 15 is older, but it was working perfectly fine so I hadn't bothered upgrading it. But I tried upgrading to the latest version of unRAID tonight. I was able to do the upgrade but ran into all sorts of problems with the registration key. I have always had the trial version of unraid (so far I have not needed anything else) so when I upgraded I requested another trial key. I got the email with the URL key link to install and that all went fine, but when I went to start my array again it wouldn't let me. It said 'too many devices attached. Please consider upgrading your registration key' (even though all I have is a cache drive, parity drive, and one data drive.) I went back to the registration page and it said my trial was expired but it wouldn't let me request an extension because my license key is still current. I decided to go ahead and buy unraid plus, i was going to need it eventually anyway, so I filled out all the order form pages and submitted my order but then received an error that my transaction could not be processed due to an incorrect street addresss and zip code (even though they were correct) but I was still charged $90 and have received no email with a new registration key.


So at the moment I can go no where with the latest version of unRAID. I setup another flash drive with my old 6.0 beta 15 again. So I am hoping I can at least get this version up and running while I am trying to figure our my license key fiasco

email Tom


[email protected]

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But I tried upgrading to the latest version of unRAID tonight. I was able to do the upgrade but ran into all sorts of problems with the registration key. I have always had the trial version of unraid (so far I have not needed anything else) so when I upgraded I requested another trial key. I got the email with the URL key link to install and that all went fine, but when I went to start my array again it wouldn't let me. It said 'too many devices attached. Please consider upgrading your registration key' (even though all I have is a cache drive, parity drive, and one data drive.)

Just in case it might help the limit applies to devices attached to the PC regardless of whether they are being used by unRAID or not.


Having said that the if you sent off the email as suggested Limetech are normally good at getting back to you quickly.

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I still haven't heard anything back from Tom, but I was at least able to get a trial of unRAID 6.1.6 up and running. I can't seem to get my dockers enabled. I go to Settings > Docker and select to enable it but nothing happens when I click Apply. The image does get created on my cache drive but unRAID does not see the dockers being enabled. The Dockers tab doesn't show up and Community Applications plugin (which is now working) says my dockers aren't enabled either. What am I doing wrong? Should I be using the same image from my unRAID 6.0 beta 15 version?



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I got everything fixed and up and running. I was able to upgrade to unRAID 6.1.6 by using a different flash drive (so a different flash GUID was used) to get a trail license key.


With the upgrade everything with unRAID is now working. My Community Applications plugin is working and I can now download dockers without issue.


Since that is all working now, so is my Plex. It now auto-updated to the most current version for the web app and for the server. So I can now sign into it, works with my Apple TV 4 that I just purchased, and since I fixed the DNS issue, it is also downloading metadata again. (These were all other problems I was having)


Now the only thing I gotta figure out is getting the unRAID Plus license key that I purchased but never got the email for so I can get off the trial version. But at least I am up and running again!


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Now the only thing I gotta figure out is getting the unRAID Plus license key that I purchased but never got the email for so I can get off the trial version. But at least I am up and running again!


You should probably try contacting Tom again. I've only had to do this a couple of times, but responses have always been very fast. <1 hour.

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Could I please make a feature request, when searching the "apps" and you find a pre-existing docker, the options are "default" or "edit. Can we possibly add a 3rd option that is "new" so you can create a second docker of whatever that is from scratch? Sorry if this has been asked or there was already a method for this.

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Haven't tried it myself, but like Squid said, just edit the one you want to duplicate and change its name and whatever settings you need to be different. The docker template and the docker container both get whatever name you give it so if the name is different, you have a different one to run. I doubt the original will be removed or even stopped, but even if it is, you can just reload it from its template.


Try it and let us know if it works for you.

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I just had to do this, would be a nice to have a "duplicate" option for people needing to test something out without messing up their production docker.

Quick thoughts on this:


#1 - Edge case and limited need for it

#2 - Test out something quick:  Just give the container a different appdata folder

#3 - While its certainly possible (and not hard) for CA to accomplish a duplicate button, the next problem would be that CA would have a real pain then managing (or more to the point telling dockerMan how to manage) the container, since CA works off of lists of templates, and then checks with dockerMan to see what template is running.  At that point, CA wouldn't have any clue about your duplicate container since its not part of any template list.

#4 - Easy work around already.


Not saying no to you, but am saying not likely unless I hear from other people to convince me to at least investigate how to solve #3


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NOTE: If you do NOT have the dynamix bleeding edge GUI plugin installed, this post does NOT apply to you.


Now that the bleeding edge Dynamix GUI plugin supports moving the users menu around, this is what I would recommend for people who have that plugin installed.


You really only want to have the menu moved around once.  Having two settings moving the menu around may potentially cause problems.  Of the two places to move the users menu around (Display Settings, and CA's menu settings), I would recommend using Display Settings.  (Once again, this only applies to users who have the bleeding edge dynamix GUI installed).

If you have the bleeding edge plugin installed and want to move the users menu, this is what I would do.


- Set CA's menu settings back to default (everything on the main tabs)

- Reboot (so that the system files both plugins are modifying are back to 100% stock)

- Move users via Display Settings

- Buy bonienl a beer.


Assuming that the changes Bonienl is testing will make it into one of the 6.2 series, then at that point CA will disallow its movement option on the 6.2 series.


If you are not running the bleeding edge GUI plugin and still want / need to move the users menu around, then don't fret.  My method is completely safe and won't cause any problems for you

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Updated to 2016.01.10


Fixed: All references to AppStore within Settings and Help changed to Apps

Fixed: Icon's alternate display wasn't always displaying when template's icon was unavailable

Added: Option to not redownload the appfeed if it was downloaded very recently


My biggest complaint about CA has been that whenever I bounce back and forth between tabs, CA would always wind up redownloading the appFeed even though I could almost guarantee there was no update to the feed since it just downloaded it 5 minutes before (** The AppFeed is only updated every two hours **)


Now, CA will not redownload the appfeed if it has already downloaded it within the last 2 hours (default) or a user settable time.


Saves a little bit of bandwidth, but a lot of time for when you're bouncing back and forth between tabs setting up a new container, etc.  Also paves the way for something I'm starting to experiment with.

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Perhaps an idea to associate a MD5 checksum with the file, and only download the file when the checksum has changed.

Haven't gotten around to talking with Kode about that (or other options) as of yet.


I was originally actually thinking about background updates to solve another problem, but this was the easier fix, but now that I'm thinking further about it, an md5 solves other problems that were going to pop up in an upcoming experiment.  Will approach Kode tomorrow.  Thanks for the idea.


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