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I'm having problems making a setting for a plugin stick. I use the Extractor plugin to unpack RAR's downloaded by Radarr and Sonarr and they both look for the extracted file in the original folder for the Torrent in question. The plugin has an option to create a sub-folder with the name of the torrent, which basically defaults to the torrent being extracted to the same folder and the rest of the automated process to complete successfully.


However, this gets reset every time the container is restarted or updated. My server updates dockers automatically once a week, and I don't always remember to reactivate this option. I've tried several different plugins with the same result, hence I assume that this is a problem with the Unraid docker and not the plugin itself, and that's why I'm asking in this thread. Any ideas?



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  • 2 weeks later...

Has anyone had any luck setting the default_daemon configuration parameter in the web.conf file in Deluge v2? It's the first time I'm using this docker (and Deluge 2) and the WebUI isn't automatically connecting to the daemon when I set it with:

"default_daemon": "".




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On 9/30/2019 at 9:00 AM, tuxflux said:

However, this gets reset every time the container is restarted or updated.

I can't remember where I read it, I think it was on the git issues log for deluge, but I think this is a deluge issue. I believe the work around was to stop the app, and manually edit the core.conf file with the plugins you want to enable. It looks like this file isn't being properly updated when some plugins are enabled/disabled, so it won't remember the setting the next time the app is launched.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 10/15/2019 at 12:36 AM, JesterEE said:

Has anyone had any luck setting the default_daemon configuration parameter in the web.conf file in Deluge v2? It's the first time I'm using this docker (and Deluge 2) and the WebUI isn't automatically connecting to the daemon when I set it with:

"default_daemon": "".




So, this was the wrong way to do it.  The right way (in deluge 2) is to look up the localclient host identifier in the hostlist.conf file (in the docker's appdata).  The identifier is the first entry on the localclient data structure.  It will look something like this:

    "file": 3,
    "format": 1
    "hosts": [

The entry needed for this example is b9c637d760f46310352c4324a243ad12.


Next, take this entry and place it as the default_daemon in the web.conf file.  For example:

"default_daemon": "b9c637d760f46310352c4324a243ad12",


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anyone else have a problem with cpu usage?

I have a 7700T, and after every weekly sheduled job (sunday morning), when my docker appdata is backed up, deluge docker always starts with "high" cpu usage. idle my server is around 2% cpu, when nothing happens. after the restart it is a constant 8%. after i manually restart deluge, it goes back to 2%.


if i don't touch my server, it will stay at 8% baseline for the whole week. i THINK it was the deluge-web process, last time i checked with 'top'.


anyone else has this weired issue, that deluge-web cpu usage spikes on 1 thread after auto backup?

(im on the last 1.3 build, before the 2.0 beta)


I'm starting to get tired of this, any idea? or an idea where should i start?


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8 minutes ago, House923 said:

So I'm fairly new to unraid, still trying to figure things out, but I'm having a bizarre issue with Deluge on unraid only.


Basically when I add a torrent, it'll start speed up it's download speed, and then it'll just stop and stay at zero.  It'll try and connect to seeds and peers, and may connect to a couple, but won't go higher than like 10kb/s.


Yet that same torrent, on the same network, on my desktop computer will download at 10mb/s.


Why is Deluge in unraid not downloading?


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34 minutes ago, House923 said:

So I'm fairly new to unraid, still trying to figure things out, but I'm having a bizarre issue with Deluge on unraid only.


Basically when I add a torrent, it'll start speed up it's download speed, and then it'll just stop and stay at zero.  It'll try and connect to seeds and peers, and may connect to a couple, but won't go higher than like 10kb/s.


Yet that same torrent, on the same network, on my desktop computer will download at 10mb/s.


Why is Deluge in unraid not downloading?

If I'm not wrong I had to open a port on the router and point to deluge unraid IP.

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17 minutes ago, zzgus said:

If I'm not wrong I had to open a port on the router and point to deluge unraid IP.

So I opened as many ports as I could find related to Deluge and it still won't connect. It'll try when Deluge first connects, and then just slow down before eventually stopping completely.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello. I'm trying to do two things but failing.


1. I'm trying to make Deluge autoconnect to it's daemon in connection manager after restarting, but there's no "Classic mode" option anymore.

2. I'm trying to install the Auto Remove Plus plugin which has Deluge 2.x support, which also isn't working (from WebUI regular install, click on plugins etc).


Please help.

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None of my torrents start in deluge anymore, not sure exactly why.  My main private tracker says I am not connectable.


I have what should be the relevant ports forwarded from my router to my unraid IP address. I also have upnp and whatnot turned on. Despite that, nothing is downloading. I feel like somewhere along the way I  may have broken something somewhere while tinkering.


I do see this in the log:


12:08:42 [WARNING ][deluge.i18n.util :83 ] IOError when loading translations: [Errno 2] No translation file found for domain: 'deluge'
12:09:59 [WARNING ][deluge.httpdownloader :315 ] Error occurred downloading file from "http://b'32pag.es'/": invalid hostname: b'32pag.es'
12:09:59 [WARNING ][deluge.httpdownloader :315 ] Error occurred downloading file from "http://b'stackoverflow.tech'/": invalid hostname: b'stackoverflow.tech'
12:09:59 [WARNING ][deluge.httpdownloader :315 ] Error occurred downloading file from "http://b'iptorrents.com'/": invalid hostname: b'iptorrents.com'
12:09:59 [WARNING ][deluge.httpdownloader :315 ] Error occurred downloading file from "http://b'empirehost.me'/": invalid hostname: b'empirehost.me'
12:09:59 [WARNING ][deluge.httpdownloader :315 ] Error occurred downloading file from "http://b'bakabt.me'/": invalid hostname: b'bakabt.me'


I have no idea where that "b" at the end of "http://" is coming from, but that seems like a likely problem. Anyone have any idea?

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 11/11/2019 at 1:56 PM, JesterEE said:

So, this was the wrong way to do it.  The right way (in deluge 2) is to look up the localclient host identifier in the hostlist.conf file (in the docker's appdata).  The identifier is the first entry on the localclient data structure.  It will look something like this:

    "file": 3,
    "format": 1
    "hosts": [

The entry needed for this example is b9c637d760f46310352c4324a243ad12.


Next, take this entry and place it as the default_daemon in the web.conf file.  For example:

"default_daemon": "b9c637d760f46310352c4324a243ad12",


Does this still work for you? when I restart the container, the default_daemon line is reset back to an empty string

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On 12/10/2019 at 9:16 AM, HynesJeff said:

Does this still work for you? when I restart the container, the default_daemon line is reset back to an empty string

Yes, this has been working without modification since my post. Make sure the docker is closed before making the edit or it may be overwritten by the active process.

  • Thanks 1
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On 12/11/2019 at 1:33 PM, JesterEE said:

Yes, this has been working without modification since my post. Make sure the docker is closed before making the edit or it may be overwritten by the active process.

Also, IMHO, Deluge is less than graceful about it's shutdown process, which has bit me more than once in the past with various levels of state corruption.  Best case, a setting or 2 is lost ... worst case, the torrent states are all lost and I'm left with an empty seed list with dangling files unattached to a torrent 😱😡.  The latter (which is REALLY annoying) has yet to happen on my Unraid docker based system, so 🤞.


Deluge does create back-ups (one back-up) of config and state files, but it doesn't check for file corruption before doing so.  So, if the file(s) get corrupted, upon the next internal back-up task, the back-up file will also be corrupted 😣.


I tend to keep clean versions of my config files in the appdata directory that I can revert back to quickly with a simple SSH and cp command.  Specifically, the following files:

  • core.conf
  • web.conf

I'd recommend other's do the same.  The state files are harder since they change often.  This is ripe for a Deluge plug-in, but I have not found one that does it and I have more important things to do 😂.



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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
On 1/13/2020 at 7:53 PM, labbz0re said:

Is it possible to connect to deluge from windows deluge? When i add my nas ip that use this in docker (2.0.3) the icon is always red. Only works in webgui in browser!

// swede

I am also having this issue, however I am able to access another windows machine on my network this way without an issue, so I suspect it is definitely something with the Unraid config. I've played around with switching networking to Bridge and forwarding all the ports manually, but it did not resolve the issue.

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5 hours ago, JesterEE said:

@labbz0re @Jake G


I'd like to know how you are trying to do this ... Windows doesn't have a 2.0 release.  If you're asking if you can use 1.3.X to 2.0.X the answer is no and it's not an Unraid/docker issue.

You're right, and I wish I saw this reply earlier, I finally figured that out 3 hours ago and forgot to check back here. I hadn't paid attention to deluge versions since 2.0 never came out ( set my previous server up 4 years ago, deluge was always up to date until I stopped checking when they stopped updating).


I installed 2.0 on my windows machine and got in instantly. 

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  • 2 months later...

Can't access Deluge WebUI. Been using it for some months without any problem.

Do you guys still able to connect?

When was the recent update to the program? yesterday? Is there any log to see what was the last update?


I see this in the program log:



SyntaxError: invalid syntax
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/bin/deluge-web", line 6, in <module>
from pkg_resources import load_entry_point
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pkg_resources/__init__.py", line 50, in <module>
from pkg_resources.extern import six
File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 971, in _find_and_load
File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 955, in _find_and_load_unlocked
File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 656, in _load_unlocked
File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 626, in _load_backward_compatible
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pkg_resources/extern/__init__.py", line 43, in load_module
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/six.py", line 1

Can I return to last version of the program?





Edited by zzgus
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On 3/31/2020 at 4:55 AM, zzgus said:

Can't access Deluge WebUI. Been using it for some months without any problem.

Do you guys still able to connect?

When was the recent update to the program? yesterday? Is there any log to see what was the last update?


I see this in the program log:


Can I return to last version of the program?







Same here. Been working great for like 8 months then all of a sudden sometime in past week I can no longer connect to it. Don't know why either.

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14 hours ago, Raylon said:



Same here. Been working great for like 8 months then all of a sudden sometime in past week I can no longer connect to it. Don't know why either.


Tried to re-install without luck.


As I see the version that worked was:

Linuxserver.io version:- 2.0.3-2201906121747ubuntu18.04.1-ls45 Build-date:- 2019-11-21T14:56:46-05:00


The new version doesn't work:

Linuxserver.io version:- 2.0.3-2201906121747ubuntu18.04.1-ls56 Build-date:- 2020-03-26T20:22:08+00:00


Can someone tell me how to roll back to the last version?




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14 hours ago, Raylon said:



Same here. Been working great for like 8 months then all of a sudden sometime in past week I can no longer connect to it. Don't know why either.




Try this:


GO TO DOCKER TAB and select DELUGE and then "Edit"


On "Repository:"  put this:



(add ":2.0.3-2201906121747ubuntu18.04.1-ls56")


and save.


This will pull the last version that was working for me.


If you have deleted "deluge" like me, go to APPS tab, search for DELUGE (linuxserver) and install adding ":2.0.3-2201906121747ubuntu18.04.1-ls56" to the repository.




If there are a new version I don't know if I have to simply delete the ":2.0.3-2201906121747ubuntu18.04.1-ls56" or I have to change for ":latest:?


Sure someone will tell us how to proceed.


One last question, If I did deleted "deluge" and it's contents, why when I reinstalled I had the same password, plus the torrents and settings of the last version? Where are they stored? Are not deleted when I delete the app?





Edited by zzgus
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On 9/30/2019 at 11:00 PM, tuxflux said:

I'm having problems making a setting for a plugin stick. I use the Extractor plugin to unpack RAR's downloaded by Radarr and Sonarr and they both look for the extracted file in the original folder for the Torrent in question. The plugin has an option to create a sub-folder with the name of the torrent, which basically defaults to the torrent being extracted to the same folder and the rest of the automated process to complete successfully.


However, this gets reset every time the container is restarted or updated. My server updates dockers automatically once a week, and I don't always remember to reactivate this option. I've tried several different plugins with the same result, hence I assume that this is a problem with the Unraid docker and not the plugin itself, and that's why I'm asking in this thread. Any ideas?



I am having troubles getting 3rd party plugins to stick, I can get WebAPI plugin working but as soon as the deluge docker is restarted the settings are lost and I need to manually add it back. The only way to add it back is to delete webapi.conf file and re-enable to plugin. Its lost again on restart.


Manually edit of the config files has the same issues.

Edited by Lebowski
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  • 3 weeks later...

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