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[Support] Linuxserver.io - Sonarr

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Mine was a new container as of 6.2 fresh config.


The latest update seems to have sorted it. It's been up 2 days so fingers crossed.




Sent from my Nexus 9 using Tapatalk


OK, but if it happens again please post the information we ask for, otherwise nothing we can do.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm having issues with very high CPU usage for extended periods of time with Sonarr. It is parked at 71-75% cpu usage with nothing showing in the logs. If I stop the docker and bring it back up the issue goes away. Any ideas on what would be causing this behavior?


No idea, would be worth checking the Sonarr logs (not the docker logs) and see if anything there sheds some light on it. 

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I am unable to safely shut down this docker. When I try from within Sonarr itself by pressing the power button in the settings, it says it will shutdown shortly but never does. It also tries to connect to sabnzbd every time I try to shutdown as well, which I don't see why it would.


This is an excerpt from the log:


Sabnzbd					Unable to connect to SABnzbd, please check your settings: Unable to connect to SABnzbd, please check your settings	18:59
Sabnzbd					Couldn't get download queue. Unable to connect to SABnzbd, please check your settings	18:59
TaskExtensions		Task Error: Unable to connect to SABnzbd, please check your settings	18:59
LifecycleService	Shutdown requested.	18:59
TaskExtensions		Task Error: Unable to connect to SABnzbd, please check your settings	18:58
LifecycleService	Shutdown requested.	18:58
RssSyncService	RSS Sync Completed. Reports found: 225, Reports grabbed: 0	18:58
DownloadDecisionMaker	Processing 225 releases	18:58
RssSyncService	Starting RSS Sync	18:58
Sabnzbd					Unable to connect to SABnzbd, please check your settings: Unable to connect to SABnzbd, please check your settings	18:58
Sabnzbd					Couldn't get download queue. Unable to connect to SABnzbd, please check your settings	18:58
Sabnzbd					Unable to connect to SABnzbd, please check your settings: Unable to connect to SABnzbd, please check your settings	18:56
Sabnzbd					Couldn't get download queue. Unable to connect to SABnzbd, please check your settings	18:56
TaskExtensions		Task Error: Unable to connect to SABnzbd, please check your settings	18:56
LifecycleService	Shutdown requested.


If I try to Shut the docker from unraid, it hangs forever with no ability to shut it down, even from CLI. The only thing that somewhat worked was stopping the docker service.


Also here is an excerpt from the trace log after I clicked shutdown. You can see it didn't process anything except go onto it's normal routine and not shutdown.



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I am unable to safely shut down this docker. When I try from within Sonarr itself by pressing the power button in the settings, it says it will shutdown shortly but never does. It also tries to connect to sabnzbd every time I try to shutdown as well, which I don't see why it would.


This is an excerpt from the log:


Sabnzbd					Unable to connect to SABnzbd, please check your settings: Unable to connect to SABnzbd, please check your settings	18:59
Sabnzbd					Couldn't get download queue. Unable to connect to SABnzbd, please check your settings	18:59
TaskExtensions		Task Error: Unable to connect to SABnzbd, please check your settings	18:59
LifecycleService	Shutdown requested.	18:59
TaskExtensions		Task Error: Unable to connect to SABnzbd, please check your settings	18:58
LifecycleService	Shutdown requested.	18:58
RssSyncService	RSS Sync Completed. Reports found: 225, Reports grabbed: 0	18:58
DownloadDecisionMaker	Processing 225 releases	18:58
RssSyncService	Starting RSS Sync	18:58
Sabnzbd					Unable to connect to SABnzbd, please check your settings: Unable to connect to SABnzbd, please check your settings	18:58
Sabnzbd					Couldn't get download queue. Unable to connect to SABnzbd, please check your settings	18:58
Sabnzbd					Unable to connect to SABnzbd, please check your settings: Unable to connect to SABnzbd, please check your settings	18:56
Sabnzbd					Couldn't get download queue. Unable to connect to SABnzbd, please check your settings	18:56
TaskExtensions		Task Error: Unable to connect to SABnzbd, please check your settings	18:56
LifecycleService	Shutdown requested.


If I try to Shut the docker from unraid, it hangs forever with no ability to shut it down, even from CLI. The only thing that somewhat worked was stopping the docker service.


Never seen this issue before for any docker.  Can you post the docker run command and docker logs?  (Link in my sig)  Also remove and reinstall it and see if that works, and try a fresh install into a new appdata folder and see what happens?


Any unusual network setup?  Can Sonarr communicate with SABNzbd as it looks like there's a problem there.

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I posted a piece of the trace log in the post above.


I reconnected it to sabnzbd. It wasn't running because I was trying to shut down the array so I can add more drives. I brought it back up in the log above. That wasn't the issue though.


I can try your other suggestions though.


I do have my 2 eth ports in bridge mode, that's the only slightly unusual network setup if you want to call it that. Only one is even connected though.

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I posted a piece of the trace log in the post above.


I reconnected it to sabnzbd. It wasn't running because I was trying to shut down the array so I can add more drives. I brought it back up in the log above. That wasn't the issue though.


I can try your other suggestions though.


One other thing, shutting down the app via the Sonarr webui may shut the app but it won't stop the docker container afaik.  Stop and start containers from the unraid webui.


Yeah, if you can do what I've suggested, may help narrow down what's going on.

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Ok so this round I was able to shut the docker from unraid. Last night I wasn't able to and Sonarr got locked up. At least I fared better this time. Only reason I got suspicious is because sabnzbd had no problem shutting down from its own gui, but sonarr didn't. As long as I can still shut the docker from unraid, I can hopefully shut the array fine. If not, I'll look further into what you suggested. Thanks so far.

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I checked the logs but nothing in there seems out of place.  I'll keep an eye on it and post my log if it starts acting up again.

I'm having issues with very high CPU usage for extended periods of time with Sonarr. It is parked at 71-75% cpu usage with nothing showing in the logs. If I stop the docker and bring it back up the issue goes away. Any ideas on what would be causing this behavior?


No idea, would be worth checking the Sonarr logs (not the docker logs) and see if anything there sheds some light on it.

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Hi. I'm getting a locked up webgui and no access to my array.


I use the following linuxserver dockers








Sonarr is the only one I can't connect to when this happens so I wondered if this was causing my problem.


I have a thread here with my diagnostics



Any help would be appreciated



Sent from my Nexus 9 using Tapatalk

It's happened again but it's been working a lot longer this time.


Here's a link to the sonarr log






Edit: Is the log file needed to see if there's any errors ?


Sent from my Nexus 9 using Tapatalk


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I've been getting warnings from unRAID that my cache drive is full. At first I thought it was an extra plex library that I'd forgotten to delete but I soon discovered that Sonarr and CouchPotato are both placing completed downloads onto my cache drive. Sonarr and Couchpotato are both able to view my complete libraries and I see all my shows/movies listed out correctly but all of my media I've downloaded since switching to dockers is on my cache drive.


I checked my shares settings and my Movies and TV Shows folder are both set to NOT use the cache drive.


Here are the docker settings for Sonarr

Here is what my cache drive is showing


I'm sure that I'm missing something in how docker pathing works. Can someone help me out?






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I've been getting warnings from unRAID that my cache drive is full. At first I thought it was an extra plex library that I'd forgotten to delete but I soon discovered that Sonarr and CouchPotato are both placing completed downloads onto my cache drive. Sonarr and Couchpotato are both able to view my complete libraries and I see all my shows/movies listed out correctly but all of my media I've downloaded since switching to dockers is on my cache drive.


I checked my shares settings and my Movies and TV Shows folder are both set to NOT use the cache drive.


Here are the docker settings for Sonarr

Here is what my cache drive is showing


I'm sure that I'm missing something in how docker pathing works. Can someone help me out?


I think you messed up your copy and paste. Same photo shown twice.

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I've been getting warnings from unRAID that my cache drive is full. At first I thought it was an extra plex library that I'd forgotten to delete but I soon discovered that Sonarr and CouchPotato are both placing completed downloads onto my cache drive. Sonarr and Couchpotato are both able to view my complete libraries and I see all my shows/movies listed out correctly but all of my media I've downloaded since switching to dockers is on my cache drive.


I checked my shares settings and my Movies and TV Shows folder are both set to NOT use the cache drive.


Here are the docker settings for Sonarr

Here is what my cache drive is showing


I'm sure that I'm missing something in how docker pathing works. Can someone help me out?


Impossible to say unless you post how you have folders mapped in the webui of both sonarr and couchpotato.


Also unless I'm missing something, can't you just set mover to move the files to the array?

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Has anyone tried to get Sonarr to download subtitles from addic7ed.com in post-processing? I read of a script called Subliminal but how can I install it in the Sonarr docker environment?


Subtitles are released later after TV shows so some kinda timer to look for the subtitles would be necessary.

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If I solve the issue for Sonarr I can copy that solution for Couchpotato.


Why are my Sonarr downloads being saved onto my cache drive? The path is set to mnt/user/TV Shows as shown in the screenshot.


I have tried manually activating the mover and nothing is being moved.

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If I solve the issue for Sonarr I can copy that solution for Couchpotato.


Why are my Sonarr downloads being saved onto my cache drive? The path is set to mnt/user/TV Shows as shown in the screenshot.


I have tried manually activating the mover and nothing is being moved.

You should post the template for sonarr (what appears when you hit edit), and the TV Shows share setting  (no screenshots were attached)
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If your TV Show share has Cache enabled you'll see the directory in the Cache drive. unRAID has a mover that moves those files from Cache to the Array.


How are you manually activating the mover and what are you trying to move, TV shows?


I might be misunderstanding your problem but could it be a naming issue?


I recently imported a bunch of TV shows into Sonarr and for a while the mover wouldn't trigger and my cache drive was filling up too (because I was manually putting my files into the Download folder for Sonarr to pick up).


I couldn't get it to import manually neither. Turned out to be a folder naming problem and Sonarr wasn't recognizing the name or season and didn't know what to do with it.


What I did was, double check the folder name of the TV shows, check the name of the TV show files, within Sonarr add the TV show entry to its library, and then go to manual import and point it at the folder with the files.



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My TV Shows share doesn't have cache enabled.


What I'm seeing is that Sonarr is able to send to SABnzb and download a tv show. It then grabs the tv show and rather than putting it on the array it instead created a new TV Shows folder on my cache drive under /mnt/cache/TV Shows. All my shows from both the array and cache drive show up in the Sonarr UI.


Tv Show Share:

Sonarr Edit:

When I view my cache drive through the main tab:

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In the Sonarr docker mappings you have:


/mnt/user/ = /mnt/user/


/tv = /mnt/user/tv shows/

/downloads = /mnt/user/downloads


Which could potentially be causing some confusion as well.  Because it gives you two different ways to map both tv and downloads within the container.  You could use /tv or /mnt/user/tv shows/  and likewise /downloads or /mnt/user/downloads/

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