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[Support] Linuxserver.io - Musicbrainz

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2 minutes ago, CHBMB said:

So how have you configured headphones to talk to musicbrainz?  And has musicbrainz completed it's extremely long setup successfully?


Have it so Internal machines are allowed to talk to eachother on pfsense, and set under advanced settings on headphones. Yep, Musicbrainz has completed, all booted, even sorted the CSS.




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Wait, just realised you're using docker vlan.



Some caveats:

  • With only a single NIC, and no VLAN support on your network, it is impossible for the host unRAID to talk to the containers and vice versa; the macvlan driver specifically prohibits this. This situation prevents a reverse proxy docker from proxying unRAID, but will work with all other containers on the new docker network.
  • I cannot confirm yet what happens in the case of two or more NICs bridged/bonded together (but it should be the same as a single NIC)


Get it working without headphones on the VLAN, then try again with your current setup, I don't think it's a problem with the containers, more a networking issue.

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2 minutes ago, CHBMB said:

Wait, just realised you're using docker vlan.



Get it working without headphones on the VLAN, then try again with your current setup, I don't think it's a problem with the containers, more a networking issue.


Derp. I should really learn to read before asking questions.... Apologies for wasting your time again! Thanks for the help again. Pretty sure that was my last issue! (I hope!)


Thanks again,


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  • 3 weeks later...

I can only use this docker in Bridge mode, I was trying to set it up within a vlan with my other dockers such as Sonarr. The following error was displayed


08006 DBI connect('dbname=musicbrainz_db','abc',...) failed: could not connect to server: No such file or directory Is the server running locally and accepting connections on Unix domain socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"?


The UI was almost instantly accessible and error sat there at the top. I updated the config file with the IP address.  I finally thought to try bridge mode and can see it downloading the database progress is now shown in the log files which looks much better than before. The UI isn't loading yet which is an improvement in itself.


Is it intended to support other networking modes than bridge?

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my docker was throwing up lots of errors so I'm trying to reinstall and the logs are showing:



[s6-init] making user provided files available at /var/run/s6/etc...exited 0.
[s6-init] ensuring user provided files have correct perms...exited 0.
[fix-attrs.d] applying ownership & permissions fixes...
[fix-attrs.d] done.
[cont-init.d] executing container initialization scripts...
[cont-init.d] 10-adduser: executing...

_ _ _
| |___| (_) ___
| / __| | |/ _ \
| \__ \ | | (_) |
|_|___/ |_|\___/

Brought to you by linuxserver.io
We gratefully accept donations at:
User uid: 99
User gid: 100

[cont-init.d] 10-adduser: exited 0.
[cont-init.d] 20-brainzcode: executing...
[cont-init.d] 20-brainzcode: exited 0.
[cont-init.d] 30-initialise-database: executing...
[cont-init.d] 30-initialise-database: exited 6.
[cont-init.d] 35-generate_css: executing...
fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git
fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git
[08:35:49] Using gulpfile /app/musicbrainz/gulpfile.js
[08:35:49] Starting 'default'...
[08:36:10] Finished 'default' after 21 s
[cont-init.d] 35-generate_css: exited 0.
[cont-init.d] 40-config: executing...
[cont-init.d] 40-config: exited 0.
[cont-init.d] done.
[services.d] starting services
[services.d] done.
postgres: could not access the server configuration file "/config/postgresql.conf": No such file or directory
postgres: could not access the server configuration file "/config/postgresql.conf": No such file or directory
postgres: could not access the server configuration file "/config/postgresql.conf": No such file or directory
postgres: could not access the server configuration file "/config/postgresql.conf": No such file or directory
postgres: could not access the server configuration file "/config/postgresql.conf": No such file or directory
postgres: could not access the server configuration file "/config/postgresql.conf": No such file or directory

Is the postgres thing normal and just showing it's updating.  I've tried several times and it just seems to keep repeating this line, even when I leave it going overnight.



Link to comment
2 hours ago, DZMM said:

my docker was throwing up lots of errors so I'm trying to reinstall and the logs are showing:



[s6-init] making user provided files available at /var/run/s6/etc...exited 0.
[s6-init] ensuring user provided files have correct perms...exited 0.
[fix-attrs.d] applying ownership & permissions fixes...
[fix-attrs.d] done.
[cont-init.d] executing container initialization scripts...
[cont-init.d] 10-adduser: executing...

_ _ _
| |___| (_) ___
| / __| | |/ _ \
| \__ \ | | (_) |
|_|___/ |_|\___/

Brought to you by linuxserver.io
We gratefully accept donations at:
User uid: 99
User gid: 100

[cont-init.d] 10-adduser: exited 0.
[cont-init.d] 20-brainzcode: executing...
[cont-init.d] 20-brainzcode: exited 0.
[cont-init.d] 30-initialise-database: executing...
[cont-init.d] 30-initialise-database: exited 6.
[cont-init.d] 35-generate_css: executing...
fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git
fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git
[08:35:49] Using gulpfile /app/musicbrainz/gulpfile.js
[08:35:49] Starting 'default'...
[08:36:10] Finished 'default' after 21 s
[cont-init.d] 35-generate_css: exited 0.
[cont-init.d] 40-config: executing...
[cont-init.d] 40-config: exited 0.
[cont-init.d] done.
[services.d] starting services
[services.d] done.
postgres: could not access the server configuration file "/config/postgresql.conf": No such file or directory
postgres: could not access the server configuration file "/config/postgresql.conf": No such file or directory
postgres: could not access the server configuration file "/config/postgresql.conf": No such file or directory
postgres: could not access the server configuration file "/config/postgresql.conf": No such file or directory
postgres: could not access the server configuration file "/config/postgresql.conf": No such file or directory
postgres: could not access the server configuration file "/config/postgresql.conf": No such file or directory

Is the postgres thing normal and just showing it's updating.  I've tried several times and it just seems to keep repeating this line, even when I leave it going overnight.





i'd be more concerned with




which sounds like potential corruption on a local hard disk.



Link to comment
36 minutes ago, sparklyballs said:

i'd be more concerned with




which sounds like potential corruption on a local hard disk.

Buddy has Enhanced Syslog installed, and that line is the header indicating the color coding for the following lines.

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was just wondering why some new music hadn't appeared in Musicbrainz and am seeing


Fri Sep 1 19:00:06 AEST 2017 : LoadReplicationChanges failed (rc=1) - see /config/log/musicbrainz/slave.log


repeated in the logs.. is this anything to be concerned about?




log attached.. should i be re-installing?


Edited by reggierat
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  • 4 weeks later...

I also seem to be getting this "/config/postgresql .conf" spam when trying to install/initialise. Did anyone have any ideas how to fix?

Both @sparklyballsand @Squid 'replied' to @DZMM regarding this issue but never seemed to be addressed



I have removed and reinstalled Musicbrainz several times, trying different combinations of /user /cache /disk etc, while wiping the appdata folders. 

I have also removed my docker image and rebuilt everything to no avail 

I have attached a log, and my mappings. (I am using a BRAINZCODE)





_ _ _
| |___| (_) ___
| / __| | |/ _ \
| \__ \ | | (_) |
|_|___/ |_|\___/

Brought to you by linuxserver.io
We gratefully accept donations at:
User uid: 99
User gid: 100

[cont-init.d] 10-adduser: exited 0.
[cont-init.d] 20-brainzcode: executing...
[cont-init.d] 20-brainzcode: exited 0.
[cont-init.d] 30-initialise-database: executing...
fetching latest dump from musicbrainz, if this section fails try again later as musicbrainz dump may not be fully uploaded
to their site
** Resuming transfer from byte position 69235831
% Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
** Resuming transfer from byte position 31156783
% Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
** Resuming transfer from byte position 143795706
% Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
** Resuming transfer from byte position 143795706
% Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
** Resuming transfer from byte position 86025546
% Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
** Resuming transfer from byte position 39375002
% Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
% Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
curl: (78) RETR response: 550
[cont-init.d] 30-initialise-database: exited 78.
[cont-init.d] 35-generate_css: executing...
fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git
fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git
[cont-init.d] 30-initialise-database: exited 78.
[cont-init.d] 35-generate_css: executing...
fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git
fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git
[02:40:03] Using gulpfile /app/musicbrainz/gulpfile.js
[02:40:03] Starting 'default'...
[02:40:16] Finished 'default' after 13 s
[cont-init.d] 35-generate_css: exited 0.
[cont-init.d] 40-config: executing...
[cont-init.d] 40-config: exited 0.
[cont-init.d] done.
[services.d] starting services
postgres: could not access the server configuration file "/config/postgresql.conf": No such file or directory
[services.d] done.
postgres: could not access the server configuration file "/config/postgresql.conf": No such file or directory
postgres: could not access the server configuration file "/config/postgresql.conf": No such file or directory
postgres: could not access the server configuration file "/config/postgresql.conf": No such file or directory
postgres: could not access the server configuration file "/config/postgresql.conf": No such file or directory


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@faulksy @OopsAllBerrys @samtrois

I don't see any problems here when installing the container. So not sure what's going on at your side. Might be that musicbrainz had a server problem.

[s6-init] making user provided files available at /var/run/s6/etc...exited 0.
[s6-init] ensuring user provided files have correct perms...exited 0.
[fix-attrs.d] applying ownership & permissions fixes...
[fix-attrs.d] done.
[cont-init.d] executing container initialization scripts...
[cont-init.d] 10-adduser: executing...

_ _ _
| |___| (_) ___
| / __| | |/ _ \
| \__ \ | | (_) |
|_|___/ |_|\___/

Brought to you by linuxserver.io
We gratefully accept donations at:
User uid: 99
User gid: 100

[cont-init.d] 10-adduser: exited 0.
[cont-init.d] 20-brainzcode: executing...
[cont-init.d] 20-brainzcode: exited 0.
[cont-init.d] 30-initialise-database: executing...
fetching latest dump from musicbrainz, if this section fails try again later as musicbrainz dump may not be fully uploaded
to their site
% Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
% Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
% Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
% Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
% Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
% Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
% Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
% Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
initialising empty databases
completed postgres initialise
waiting for server to start....LOG: could not bind IPv6 socket: Address not available
HINT: Is another postmaster already running on port 5432? If not, wait a few seconds and retry.
LOG: database system was shut down at 2017-09-28 21:08:06 CEST
LOG: MultiXact member wraparound protections are now enabled
LOG: database system is ready to accept connections
server started
server started
Thu Sep 28 21:08:20 2017 : InitDb.pl starting
Thu Sep 28 21:08:20 2017 : Creating database 'musicbrainz_db'
Thu Sep 28 21:08:22 2017 : Installing extensions (Extensions.sql)
Thu Sep 28 21:08:22 2017 : Creating tables ... (CreateTables.sql)
Thu Sep 28 21:08:24 2017 : Creating tables ... (caa/CreateTables.sql)
Thu Sep 28 21:08:24 2017 : Creating documentation tables ... (documentation/CreateTables.sql)
Thu Sep 28 21:08:25 2017 : Creating tables ... (report/CreateTables.sql)
Thu Sep 28 21:08:25 2017 : Creating sitemaps tables ... (sitemaps/CreateTables.sql)
Thu Sep 28 21:08:25 2017 : Creating statistics tables ... (statistics/CreateTables.sql)
Thu Sep 28 21:08:25 2017 : Creating wikidocs tables ... (wikidocs/CreateTables.sql)
Thu Sep 28 21:08:26 2017 : Pre-checking /data/import/20170927-001446/mbdump-cdstubs.tar.bz2
Thu Sep 28 21:08:26 2017 : Pre-checking /data/import/20170927-001446/mbdump-cover-art-archive.tar.bz2
Thu Sep 28 21:08:26 2017 : Pre-checking /data/import/20170927-001446/mbdump-derived.tar.bz2
Thu Sep 28 21:08:26 2017 : Pre-checking /data/import/20170927-001446/mbdump-editor.tar.bz2
Thu Sep 28 21:08:26 2017 : Pre-checking /data/import/20170927-001446/mbdump-stats.tar.bz2
Thu Sep 28 21:08:26 2017 : Pre-checking /data/import/20170927-001446/mbdump-wikidocs.tar.bz2
Thu Sep 28 21:08:26 2017 : Pre-checking /data/import/20170927-001446/mbdump.tar.bz2
Thu Sep 28 21:08:26 2017 : tar -C /data/import/20170927-001446/MBImport-osQtIzy7 --bzip2 -xvf /data/import/20170927-001446/mbdump-cdstubs.tar.bz2

Thu Sep 28 21:08:39 2017 : tar -C /data/import/20170927-001446/MBImport-V3d83yyq --bzip2 -xvf /data/import/20170927-001446/mbdump-cover-art-archive.tar.bz2

Thu Sep 28 21:08:39 2017 : tar -C /data/import/20170927-001446/MBImport-V3d83yyq --bzip2 -xvf /data/import/20170927-001446/mbdump-cover-art-archive.tar.bz2

Thu Sep 28 21:08:45 2017 : tar -C /data/import/20170927-001446/MBImport-gEi4zPHo --bzip2 -xvf /data/import/20170927-001446/mbdump-derived.tar.bz2

Thu Sep 28 21:08:45 2017 : tar -C /data/import/20170927-001446/MBImport-gEi4zPHo --bzip2 -xvf /data/import/20170927-001446/mbdump-derived.tar.bz2

Thu Sep 28 21:09:16 2017 : tar -C /data/import/20170927-001446/MBImport-NK8qeKbR --bzip2 -xvf /data/import/20170927-001446/mbdump-editor.tar.bz2

Thu Sep 28 21:09:35 2017 : tar -C /data/import/20170927-001446/MBImport-wIGQm8xS --bzip2 -xvf /data/import/20170927-001446/mbdump-stats.tar.bz2

Thu Sep 28 21:09:47 2017 : tar -C /data/import/20170927-001446/MBImport-N1JAMqKs --bzip2 -xvf /data/import/20170927-001446/mbdump-wikidocs.tar.bz2

Thu Sep 28 21:09:47 2017 : tar -C /data/import/20170927-001446/MBImport-fsdGT99E --bzip2 -xvf /data/import/20170927-001446/mbdump.tar.bz2

Thu Sep 28 21:17:12 2017 : Validating snapshot
Thu Sep 28 21:17:12 2017 : Snapshot timestamp is 2017-09-27 00:14:47.227968+00
Thu Sep 28 21:17:12 2017 : This snapshot corresponds to replication sequence #107801
Thu Sep 28 21:17:12 2017 : starting import
Table Rows est% rows/sec
No data file found for 'alternative_medium', skipping
No data file found for 'alternative_medium_track', skipping
No data file found for 'alternative_release', skipping
Thu Sep 28 21:17:13 2017 : load alternative_release_type
alternative_release_type 3 100% 1002 0.00 sec
No data file found for 'alternative_track', skipping
Thu Sep 28 21:17:13 2017 : load area
area 116945 100% 84190 1.39 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:17:15 2017 : load area_alias
area_alias 66277 100% 84700 0.78 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:17:16 2017 : load area_alias_type
area_alias_type 3 100% 1444 0.00 sec
No data file found for 'area_attribute', skipping
No data file found for 'area_attribute_type', skipping
No data file found for 'area_attribute_type_allowed_value', skipping
Thu Sep 28 21:17:16 2017 : load area_gid_redirect
area_gid_redirect 180 100% 27194 0.01 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:17:16 2017 : load area_type
area_type 7 100% 4396 0.00 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:17:16 2017 : load artist
area_alias 66277 100% 84700 0.78 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:17:16 2017 : load area_alias_type
area_alias_type 3 100% 1444 0.00 sec
No data file found for 'area_attribute', skipping
No data file found for 'area_attribute_type', skipping
No data file found for 'area_attribute_type_allowed_value', skipping
Thu Sep 28 21:17:16 2017 : load area_gid_redirect
area_gid_redirect 180 100% 27194 0.01 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:17:16 2017 : load area_type
area_type 7 100% 4396 0.00 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:17:16 2017 : load artist
artist 1258843 100% 78934 15.95 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:17:32 2017 : load artist_alias
artist_alias 181831 100% 84621 2.15 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:17:34 2017 : load artist_alias_type
artist_alias_type 3 100% 1598 0.00 sec
No data file found for 'artist_attribute', skipping
No data file found for 'artist_attribute_type', skipping
No data file found for 'artist_attribute_type_allowed_value', skipping
Thu Sep 28 21:17:34 2017 : load artist_credit
artist_credit 1326576 100% 86972 15.25 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:17:49 2017 : load artist_credit_name
artist_credit 1326576 100% 86972 15.25 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:17:49 2017 : load artist_credit_name
artist_credit_name 2150924 100% 88613 24.27 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:18:14 2017 : load artist_gid_redirect
artist_credit_name 2150924 100% 88613 24.27 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:18:14 2017 : load artist_gid_redirect
artist_gid_redirect 40198 100% 86425 0.47 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:18:14 2017 : load artist_ipi
artist_ipi 29351 100% 87353 0.34 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:18:15 2017 : load artist_isni
artist_isni 31557 100% 84838 0.37 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:18:15 2017 : load artist_type
artist_type 6 100% 2854 0.00 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:18:15 2017 : load cdtoc
cdtoc 712935 100% 58601 12.17 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:18:27 2017 : load country_area
country_area 257 100% 29887 0.01 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:18:27 2017 : load editor_collection_type
editor_collection_type 15 100% 7274 0.00 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:18:27 2017 : load event
event 27258 100% 25091 1.09 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:18:29 2017 : load event_alias
event_alias 888 100% 54455 0.02 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:18:29 2017 : load event_alias_type
event_alias_type 2 100% 1661 0.00 sec
No data file found for 'event_attribute', skipping
No data file found for 'event_attribute_type', skipping
No data file found for 'event_attribute_type_allowed_value', skipping
Thu Sep 28 21:18:29 2017 : load event_gid_redirect
event_gid_redirect 361 100% 36497 0.01 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:18:29 2017 : load event_type
event_type 5 100% 4887 0.00 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:18:29 2017 : load gender
gender 3 100% 1762 0.00 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:18:29 2017 : load instrument
instrument 866 100% 68730 0.01 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:18:29 2017 : load instrument_alias
instrument_alias 6339 100% 79532 0.08 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:18:29 2017 : load instrument_alias_type
instrument_alias_type 2 100% 1084 0.00 sec
No data file found for 'instrument_attribute', skipping
No data file found for 'instrument_attribute_type', skipping
No data file found for 'instrument_attribute_type_allowed_value', skipping
Thu Sep 28 21:18:29 2017 : load instrument_gid_redirect
instrument_gid_redirect 8 100% 3892 0.00 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:18:29 2017 : load instrument_type
instrument_type 5 100% 2751 0.00 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:18:29 2017 : load iso_3166_1
iso_3166_1 258 100% 29972 0.01 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:18:29 2017 : load iso_3166_2
iso_3166_2 4839 100% 79231 0.06 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:18:29 2017 : load iso_3166_3
iso_3166_3 9 100% 7217 0.00 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:18:29 2017 : load isrc
isrc 699779 100% 86321 8.11 sec
isrc 699779 100% 86321 8.11 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:18:37 2017 : load iswc
iswc 137013 100% 85526 1.60 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:18:39 2017 : load l_area_area
iswc 137013 100% 85526 1.60 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:18:39 2017 : load l_area_area
l_area_area 116833 100% 86859 1.35 sec
No data file found for 'l_area_artist', skipping
Thu Sep 28 21:18:40 2017 : load l_area_event
l_area_event 1722 100% 67945 0.03 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:18:40 2017 : load l_area_instrument
l_area_instrument 406 100% 36999 0.01 sec
No data file found for 'l_area_label', skipping
No data file found for 'l_area_place', skipping
Thu Sep 28 21:18:40 2017 : load l_area_recording
l_area_recording 44528 100% 85713 0.52 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:18:41 2017 : load l_area_release
l_area_release 4553 100% 74660 0.06 sec
No data file found for 'l_area_release_group', skipping
No data file found for 'l_area_series', skipping
Thu Sep 28 21:18:41 2017 : load l_area_url
l_area_recording 44528 100% 85713 0.52 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:18:41 2017 : load l_area_release
l_area_release 4553 100% 74660 0.06 sec
No data file found for 'l_area_release_group', skipping
No data file found for 'l_area_series', skipping
Thu Sep 28 21:18:41 2017 : load l_area_url
l_area_url 376963 100% 85330 4.42 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:18:45 2017 : load l_area_work
l_area_work 2877 100% 72199 0.04 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:18:45 2017 : load l_artist_artist
l_artist_artist 306220 100% 84653 3.62 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:18:49 2017 : load l_artist_event
l_artist_event 74559 100% 82686 0.90 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:18:50 2017 : load l_artist_instrument
l_artist_instrument 47 100% 14605 0.00 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:18:50 2017 : load l_artist_label
l_artist_label 15434 100% 82694 0.19 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:18:50 2017 : load l_artist_place
l_artist_place 3532 100% 74751 0.05 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:18:50 2017 : load l_artist_recording
l_artist_recording 5865375 100% 84413 69.48 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:20:00 2017 : load l_artist_release
l_artist_release 504814 100% 87317 5.78 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:20:06 2017 : load l_artist_release_group
l_artist_release_group 5514 100% 80858 0.07 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:20:06 2017 : load l_artist_series
l_artist_series 1087 100% 49458 0.02 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:20:06 2017 : load l_artist_url
l_artist_url 1650142 100% 86018 19.18 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:20:25 2017 : load l_artist_work
l_artist_work 1486075 100% 86469 17.19 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:20:42 2017 : load l_event_event
l_event_event 6830 100% 81295 0.08 sec
No data file found for 'l_event_instrument', skipping
No data file found for 'l_event_label', skipping
Thu Sep 28 21:20:42 2017 : load l_event_place
l_event_place 24092 100% 84493 0.29 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:20:43 2017 : load l_event_recording
l_event_recording 27682 100% 85165 0.33 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:20:43 2017 : load l_event_release
l_event_release 5227 100% 82571 0.06 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:20:43 2017 : load l_event_release_group
l_event_release_group 326 100% 42113 0.01 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:20:43 2017 : load l_event_series
l_event_series 14295 100% 84905 0.17 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:20:43 2017 : load l_event_url
l_event_url 23119 100% 85705 0.27 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:20:44 2017 : load l_event_work
l_event_work 1528 100% 71325 0.02 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:20:44 2017 : load l_instrument_instrument
l_instrument_instrument 1027 100% 47229 0.02 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:20:44 2017 : load l_instrument_label
l_instrument_label 4 100% 2614 0.00 sec
No data file found for 'l_instrument_place', skipping
No data file found for 'l_instrument_recording', skipping
No data file found for 'l_instrument_release', skipping
No data file found for 'l_instrument_release_group', skipping
No data file found for 'l_instrument_series', skipping
Thu Sep 28 21:20:44 2017 : load l_instrument_url
l_instrument_url 931 100% 46786 0.02 sec
No data file found for 'l_instrument_work', skipping
Thu Sep 28 21:20:44 2017 : load l_label_label
l_label_label 13208 100% 84136 0.16 sec
No data file found for 'l_label_place', skipping
Thu Sep 28 21:20:44 2017 : load l_label_recording
l_event_url 23119 100% 85705 0.27 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:20:44 2017 : load l_event_work
l_event_work 1528 100% 71325 0.02 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:20:44 2017 : load l_instrument_instrument
l_instrument_instrument 1027 100% 47229 0.02 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:20:44 2017 : load l_instrument_label
l_instrument_label 4 100% 2614 0.00 sec
No data file found for 'l_instrument_place', skipping
No data file found for 'l_instrument_recording', skipping
No data file found for 'l_instrument_release', skipping
No data file found for 'l_instrument_release_group', skipping
No data file found for 'l_instrument_series', skipping
Thu Sep 28 21:20:44 2017 : load l_instrument_url
l_instrument_url 931 100% 46786 0.02 sec
No data file found for 'l_instrument_work', skipping
Thu Sep 28 21:20:44 2017 : load l_label_label
l_label_label 13208 100% 84136 0.16 sec
No data file found for 'l_label_place', skipping
Thu Sep 28 21:20:44 2017 : load l_label_recording
l_label_recording 80295 100% 86486 0.93 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:20:45 2017 : load l_label_release
l_label_release 52311 100% 87340 0.60 sec
No data file found for 'l_label_release_group', skipping
No data file found for 'l_label_series', skipping
Thu Sep 28 21:20:45 2017 : load l_label_url
l_label_url 122674 100% 86973 1.41 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:20:47 2017 : load l_label_work
l_label_work 126024 100% 85400 1.48 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:20:48 2017 : load l_place_place
l_place_place 1536 100% 67368 0.02 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:20:48 2017 : load l_place_recording
l_place_recording 652852 100% 86774 7.52 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:20:56 2017 : load l_place_release
l_place_release 21651 100% 83889 0.26 sec
No data file found for 'l_place_release_group', skipping
No data file found for 'l_place_series', skipping
Thu Sep 28 21:20:56 2017 : load l_place_url
l_place_url 33987 100% 85860 0.40 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:20:57 2017 : load l_place_work
l_place_work 1498 100% 66271 0.02 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:20:57 2017 : load l_recording_recording
l_recording_recording 70757 100% 85777 0.82 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:20:58 2017 : load l_recording_release
l_recording_release 307 100% 33688 0.01 sec
No data file found for 'l_recording_release_group', skipping
Thu Sep 28 21:20:58 2017 : load l_recording_series
l_recording_series 5751 100% 77466 0.07 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:20:58 2017 : load l_recording_url
l_recording_recording 70757 100% 85777 0.82 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:20:58 2017 : load l_recording_release
l_recording_release 307 100% 33688 0.01 sec
No data file found for 'l_recording_release_group', skipping
Thu Sep 28 21:20:58 2017 : load l_recording_series
l_recording_series 5751 100% 77466 0.07 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:20:58 2017 : load l_recording_url
l_recording_url 62608 100% 86167 0.73 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:20:58 2017 : load l_recording_work
l_recording_work 2442878 100% 86292 28.31 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:21:27 2017 : load l_release_group_release_group
l_recording_work 2442878 100% 86292 28.31 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:21:27 2017 : load l_release_group_release_group
l_release_group_release_group 21646 100% 85185 0.25 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:21:27 2017 : load l_release_group_series
l_release_group_series 42110 100% 85238 0.49 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:21:28 2017 : load l_release_group_url
l_release_group_url 442415 100% 85513 5.17 sec
No data file found for 'l_release_group_work', skipping
Thu Sep 28 21:21:33 2017 : load l_release_release
l_release_release 16391 100% 84243 0.19 sec
No data file found for 'l_release_release_group', skipping
Thu Sep 28 21:21:33 2017 : load l_release_series
l_release_group_url 442415 100% 85513 5.17 sec
No data file found for 'l_release_group_work', skipping
Thu Sep 28 21:21:33 2017 : load l_release_release
l_release_release 16391 100% 84243 0.19 sec
No data file found for 'l_release_release_group', skipping
Thu Sep 28 21:21:33 2017 : load l_release_series
l_release_series 9630 100% 81481 0.12 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:21:33 2017 : load l_release_url
l_release_url 1651304 100% 86570 19.07 sec
No data file found for 'l_release_work', skipping
Thu Sep 28 21:21:52 2017 : load l_series_series
l_series_series 379 100% 31012 0.01 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:21:52 2017 : load l_series_url
l_series_url 4333 100% 77821 0.06 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:21:52 2017 : load l_series_work
l_series_work 25132 100% 84325 0.30 sec
No data file found for 'l_url_url', skipping
Thu Sep 28 21:21:53 2017 : load l_url_work
l_url_work 108356 100% 87183 1.24 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:21:54 2017 : load l_work_work
l_work_work 196921 100% 86731 2.27 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:21:56 2017 : load label
label 129468 100% 83923 1.54 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:21:58 2017 : load label_alias
label_alias 13843 100% 81916 0.17 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:21:58 2017 : load label_alias_type
label_alias_type 2 100% 1246 0.00 sec
No data file found for 'label_attribute', skipping
No data file found for 'label_attribute_type', skipping
No data file found for 'label_attribute_type_allowed_value', skipping
Thu Sep 28 21:21:58 2017 : load label_gid_redirect
label_gid_redirect 3662 100% 71477 0.05 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:21:58 2017 : load label_ipi
label_ipi 5510 100% 80316 0.07 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:21:58 2017 : load label_isni
label_isni 31 100% 19871 0.00 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:21:58 2017 : load label_type
label_type 9 100% 10262 0.00 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:21:58 2017 : load language
label 129468 100% 83923 1.54 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:21:58 2017 : load label_alias
label_alias 13843 100% 81916 0.17 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:21:58 2017 : load label_alias_type
label_alias_type 2 100% 1246 0.00 sec
No data file found for 'label_attribute', skipping
No data file found for 'label_attribute_type', skipping
No data file found for 'label_attribute_type_allowed_value', skipping
Thu Sep 28 21:21:58 2017 : load label_gid_redirect
label_gid_redirect 3662 100% 71477 0.05 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:21:58 2017 : load label_ipi
label_ipi 5510 100% 80316 0.07 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:21:58 2017 : load label_isni
label_isni 31 100% 19871 0.00 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:21:58 2017 : load label_type
label_type 9 100% 10262 0.00 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:21:58 2017 : load language
language 7843 100% 81620 0.10 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:21:58 2017 : load link
link 345949 100% 86469 4.00 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:22:02 2017 : load link_attribute
link_attribute 268629 100% 87823 3.06 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:22:05 2017 : load link_attribute_credit
link_attribute 268629 100% 87823 3.06 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:22:05 2017 : load link_attribute_credit
link_attribute_credit 23408 100% 87589 0.27 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:22:06 2017 : load link_attribute_text_value
link_attribute_text_value 26428 100% 87826 0.30 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:22:06 2017 : load link_attribute_type
link_attribute_type 925 100% 51215 0.02 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:22:06 2017 : load link_creditable_attribute_type
link_creditable_attribute_type 883 100% 56486 0.02 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:22:06 2017 : load link_text_attribute_type
link_text_attribute_type 2 100% 1108 0.00 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:22:06 2017 : load link_type
link_type 466 100% 36975 0.01 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:22:06 2017 : load link_type_attribute_type
link_type_attribute_type 243 100% 29673 0.01 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:22:06 2017 : load medium
medium 2101509 100% 86761 24.22 sec
No data file found for 'medium_attribute', skipping
No data file found for 'medium_attribute_type', skipping
No data file found for 'medium_attribute_type_allowed_format', skipping
No data file found for 'medium_attribute_type_allowed_value', skipping
No data file found for 'medium_attribute_type_allowed_value_allowed_format', skipping
Thu Sep 28 21:22:30 2017 : load medium_cdtoc
medium 2101509 100% 86761 24.22 sec
No data file found for 'medium_attribute', skipping
No data file found for 'medium_attribute_type', skipping
No data file found for 'medium_attribute_type_allowed_format', skipping
No data file found for 'medium_attribute_type_allowed_value', skipping
No data file found for 'medium_attribute_type_allowed_value_allowed_format', skipping
Thu Sep 28 21:22:30 2017 : load medium_cdtoc
medium_cdtoc 856483 100% 86425 9.91 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:22:40 2017 : load medium_format
medium_format 71 100% 23682 0.00 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:22:40 2017 : load orderable_link_type
orderable_link_type 9 100% 6498 0.00 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:22:40 2017 : load place
place 27249 100% 82273 0.33 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:22:41 2017 : load place_alias
place_alias 5644 100% 79813 0.07 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:22:41 2017 : load place_alias_type
place_alias_type 2 100% 1362 0.00 sec
No data file found for 'place_attribute', skipping
No data file found for 'place_attribute_type', skipping
No data file found for 'place_attribute_type_allowed_value', skipping
Thu Sep 28 21:22:41 2017 : load place_gid_redirect
place_gid_redirect 323 100% 29106 0.01 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:22:41 2017 : load place_type
place_type 6 100% 4494 0.00 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:22:41 2017 : load recording
Thu Sep 28 21:22:41 2017 : load place_alias
place_alias 5644 100% 79813 0.07 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:22:41 2017 : load place_alias_type
place_alias_type 2 100% 1362 0.00 sec
No data file found for 'place_attribute', skipping
No data file found for 'place_attribute_type', skipping
No data file found for 'place_attribute_type_allowed_value', skipping
Thu Sep 28 21:22:41 2017 : load place_gid_redirect
place_gid_redirect 323 100% 29106 0.01 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:22:41 2017 : load place_type
place_type 6 100% 4494 0.00 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:22:41 2017 : load recording
recording 17846837 100% 84210 211.93 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:26:13 2017 : load recording_alias
recording_alias 167058 100% 82301 2.03 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:26:15 2017 : load recording_alias_type
recording_alias_type 2 100% 1860 0.00 sec
No data file found for 'recording_attribute', skipping
No data file found for 'recording_attribute_type', skipping
No data file found for 'recording_attribute_type_allowed_value', skipping
Thu Sep 28 21:26:15 2017 : load recording_gid_redirect
recording_gid_redirect 1922776 100% 86255 22.29 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:26:37 2017 : load release
recording_gid_redirect 1922776 100% 86255 22.29 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:26:37 2017 : load release
release 1866622 100% 81062 23.03 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:27:00 2017 : load release_alias
release_alias 8763 100% 77591 0.11 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:27:00 2017 : load release_alias_type
release_alias_type 2 100% 1425 0.00 sec
No data file found for 'release_attribute', skipping
No data file found for 'release_attribute_type', skipping
No data file found for 'release_attribute_type_allowed_value', skipping
Thu Sep 28 21:27:00 2017 : load release_country
release_country 1610871 100% 88521 18.20 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:27:18 2017 : load release_gid_redirect
release_gid_redirect 126403 100% 85956 1.47 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:27:20 2017 : load release_group
release_gid_redirect 126403 100% 85956 1.47 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:27:20 2017 : load release_group
release_group 1491297 100% 85372 17.47 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:27:37 2017 : load release_group_alias
release_group_alias 8700 100% 77969 0.11 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:27:38 2017 : load release_group_alias_type
release_group_alias_type 2 100% 1207 0.00 sec
No data file found for 'release_group_attribute', skipping
No data file found for 'release_group_attribute_type', skipping
No data file found for 'release_group_attribute_type_allowed_value', skipping
Thu Sep 28 21:27:38 2017 : load release_group_gid_redirect
release_group_gid_redirect 141012 100% 85674 1.65 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:27:39 2017 : load release_group_primary_type
release_group_primary_type 5 100% 3003 0.00 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:27:39 2017 : load release_group_secondary_type
release_group_secondary_type 10 100% 5359 0.00 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:27:39 2017 : load release_group_secondary_type_join
release_group_secondary_type_j 389163 100% 88973 4.37 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:27:44 2017 : load release_label
release_label 1468520 100% 86793 16.92 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:28:01 2017 : load release_packaging
release_packaging 15 100% 7352 0.00 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:28:01 2017 : load release_status
release_status 4 100% 1456 0.00 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:28:01 2017 : load release_unknown_country
release_label 1468520 100% 86793 16.92 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:28:01 2017 : load release_packaging
release_packaging 15 100% 7352 0.00 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:28:01 2017 : load release_status
release_status 4 100% 1456 0.00 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:28:01 2017 : load release_unknown_country
release_unknown_country 107550 100% 88019 1.22 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:28:02 2017 : load replication_control
replication_control 1 100% 477 0.00 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:28:02 2017 : load script
script 159 100% 23791 0.01 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:28:02 2017 : load series
series 6797 100% 78100 0.09 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:28:02 2017 : load series_alias
series_alias 593 100% 53723 0.01 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:28:02 2017 : load series_alias_type
series_alias_type 2 100% 2296 0.00 sec
No data file found for 'series_attribute', skipping
No data file found for 'series_attribute_type', skipping
No data file found for 'series_attribute_type_allowed_value', skipping
Thu Sep 28 21:28:02 2017 : load series_gid_redirect
series_gid_redirect 36 100% 23240 0.00 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:28:02 2017 : load series_ordering_type
series_ordering_type 2 100% 1514 0.00 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:28:02 2017 : load series_type
series_type 9 100% 6711 0.00 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:28:02 2017 : load track
track 23229100 100% 82396 281.92 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:32:44 2017 : load track_gid_redirect
track 23229100 100% 82396 281.92 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:32:44 2017 : load track_gid_redirect
track_gid_redirect 145473 100% 86299 1.69 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:32:46 2017 : load url
track_gid_redirect 145473 100% 86299 1.69 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:32:46 2017 : load url
url 4319159 100% 83414 51.78 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:33:37 2017 : load url_gid_redirect
url_gid_redirect 4533 100% 79458 0.06 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:33:38 2017 : load work
work 899453 100% 86186 10.44 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:33:48 2017 : load work_alias
work_alias 96094 100% 83241 1.15 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:33:49 2017 : load work_alias_type
work_alias_type 2 100% 1435 0.00 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:33:49 2017 : load work_attribute
work_alias 96094 100% 83241 1.15 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:33:49 2017 : load work_alias_type
work_alias_type 2 100% 1435 0.00 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:33:49 2017 : load work_attribute
work_attribute 114630 100% 89245 1.28 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:33:50 2017 : load work_attribute_type
work_attribute_type 25 100% 12083 0.00 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:33:50 2017 : load work_attribute_type_allowed_value
work_attribute_type_allowed_va 799 100% 54012 0.01 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:33:51 2017 : load work_gid_redirect
work_gid_redirect 126327 100% 85018 1.49 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:33:52 2017 : load work_language
work_language 543288 100% 88622 6.13 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:33:58 2017 : load work_type
work_type 29 100% 12179 0.00 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:33:58 2017 : load annotation
work_language 543288 100% 88622 6.13 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:33:58 2017 : load work_type
work_type 29 100% 12179 0.00 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:33:58 2017 : load annotation
annotation 495471 100% 56465 8.77 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:34:07 2017 : load area_annotation
area_annotation 8 100% 3654 0.00 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:34:07 2017 : load area_tag
area_tag 767 100% 42570 0.02 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:34:07 2017 : load artist_annotation
artist_annotation 29218 100% 86695 0.34 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:34:07 2017 : load artist_meta
artist_meta 1258843 100% 89720 14.03 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:34:21 2017 : load artist_tag
artist_tag 220875 100% 88600 2.49 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:34:24 2017 : load event_annotation
event_annotation 1979 100% 75138 0.03 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:34:24 2017 : load event_meta
event_meta 27258 100% 89513 0.30 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:34:24 2017 : load event_tag
event_tag 4207 100% 82089 0.05 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:34:24 2017 : load instrument_annotation
instrument_annotation 24 100% 16371 0.00 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:34:24 2017 : load instrument_tag
instrument_tag 955 100% 50927 0.02 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:34:24 2017 : load label_annotation
label_annotation 6568 100% 84451 0.08 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:34:25 2017 : load label_meta
Thu Sep 28 21:34:25 2017 : load label_meta
label_meta 129468 100% 89541 1.45 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:34:26 2017 : load label_tag
label_tag 9114 100% 82767 0.11 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:34:26 2017 : load medium_index
medium_index 1812359 100% 87165 20.79 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:34:47 2017 : load place_annotation
place_annotation 410 100% 39521 0.01 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:34:47 2017 : load place_tag
place_tag 805 100% 45937 0.02 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:34:47 2017 : load recording_annotation
recording_annotation 33117 100% 88701 0.37 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:34:47 2017 : load recording_meta
recording_meta 17846837 100% 89371 199.69 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:38:07 2017 : load recording_tag
recording_meta 17846837 100% 89371 199.69 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:38:07 2017 : load recording_tag
recording_tag 1360202 100% 88370 15.39 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:38:22 2017 : load release_annotation
release_annotation 376745 100% 89867 4.19 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:38:27 2017 : load release_group_annotation
release_group_annotation 5098 100% 75212 0.07 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:38:27 2017 : load release_group_meta
release_group_meta 1491297 100% 88769 16.80 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:38:44 2017 : load release_group_tag
release_group_meta 1491297 100% 88769 16.80 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:38:44 2017 : load release_group_tag
release_group_tag 442506 100% 88301 5.01 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:38:49 2017 : load release_meta
release_meta 1866622 100% 87347 21.37 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:39:10 2017 : load release_tag
release_tag 149347 100% 88223 1.69 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:39:12 2017 : load series_annotation
series_annotation 675 100% 45719 0.01 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:39:12 2017 : load series_tag
series_tag 545 100% 42608 0.01 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:39:12 2017 : load tag
tag 73968 100% 88878 0.83 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:39:13 2017 : load tag_relation
tag 73968 100% 88878 0.83 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:39:13 2017 : load tag_relation
tag_relation 125772 100% 88554 1.42 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:39:14 2017 : load work_annotation
work_annotation 41397 100% 88886 0.47 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:39:15 2017 : load work_meta
work_annotation 41397 100% 88886 0.47 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:39:15 2017 : load work_meta
work_meta 899453 100% 90026 9.99 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:39:25 2017 : load work_tag
work_tag 28024 100% 86812 0.32 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:39:25 2017 : load statistics.statistic
statistics.statistic 7396382 100% 86600 85.41 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:40:50 2017 : load statistics.statistic_event
statistics.statistic_event 67 100% 11338 0.01 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:40:50 2017 : loading /data/import/20170927-001446/MBImport-NK8qeKbR/mbdump/editor_sanitised into editor
Thu Sep 28 21:40:50 2017 : load editor
editor 1906060 100% 61147 31.17 sec
No data file found for 'edit', skipping
No data file found for 'edit_area', skipping
No data file found for 'edit_artist', skipping
No data file found for 'edit_data', skipping
No data file found for 'edit_event', skipping
No data file found for 'edit_instrument', skipping
No data file found for 'edit_label', skipping
No data file found for 'edit_note', skipping
No data file found for 'edit_note_recipient', skipping
No data file found for 'edit_place', skipping
No data file found for 'edit_recording', skipping
No data file found for 'edit_release', skipping
No data file found for 'edit_release_group', skipping
No data file found for 'edit_series', skipping
No data file found for 'edit_url', skipping
No data file found for 'edit_work', skipping
No data file found for 'vote', skipping
No data file found for 'application', skipping
No data file found for 'area_tag_raw', skipping
No data file found for 'artist_rating_raw', skipping
No data file found for 'artist_tag_raw', skipping
No data file found for 'autoeditor_election', skipping
No data file found for 'autoeditor_election_vote', skipping
No data file found for 'editor', skipping
No data file found for 'editor_collection', skipping
No data file found for 'editor_collection_area', skipping
No data file found for 'editor_collection_artist', skipping
No data file found for 'editor_collection_event', skipping
No data file found for 'editor_collection_instrument', skipping
No data file found for 'editor_collection_label', skipping
No data file found for 'editor_collection_place', skipping
No data file found for 'editor_collection_recording', skipping
No data file found for 'editor_collection_release', skipping
No data file found for 'editor_collection_release_group', skipping
No data file found for 'editor_collection_series', skipping
No data file found for 'editor_collection_work', skipping
No data file found for 'editor_language', skipping
No data file found for 'editor_oauth_token', skipping
No data file found for 'editor_preference', skipping
No data file found for 'editor_subscribe_artist', skipping
No data file found for 'editor_subscribe_collection', skipping
No data file found for 'editor_subscribe_editor', skipping
No data file found for 'editor_subscribe_label', skipping
No data file found for 'editor_subscribe_series', skipping
No data file found for 'editor_watch_artist', skipping
No data file found for 'editor_watch_preferences', skipping
No data file found for 'editor_watch_release_group_type', skipping
No data file found for 'editor_watch_release_status', skipping
No data file found for 'event_rating_raw', skipping
No data file found for 'event_tag_raw', skipping
No data file found for 'instrument_tag_raw', skipping
No data file found for 'label_rating_raw', skipping
No data file found for 'label_tag_raw', skipping
No data file found for 'old_editor_name', skipping
No data file found for 'place_tag_raw', skipping
No data file found for 'recording_rating_raw', skipping
No data file found for 'recording_tag_raw', skipping
No data file found for 'release_coverart', skipping
No data file found for 'release_group_rating_raw', skipping
No data file found for 'release_group_tag_raw', skipping
No data file found for 'release_tag_raw', skipping
No data file found for 'series_tag_raw', skipping
No data file found for 'work_rating_raw', skipping
No data file found for 'work_tag_raw', skipping
Thu Sep 28 21:41:22 2017 : load cdtoc_raw
cdtoc_raw 288929 100% 66839 4.32 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:41:26 2017 : load release_raw
release_raw 288929 100% 83490 3.46 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:41:29 2017 : load track_raw
track_raw 3466651 100% 87606 39.57 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:42:09 2017 : load cover_art_archive.art_type
cover_art_archive.art_type 13 100% 5527 0.00 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:42:09 2017 : load cover_art_archive.cover_art
track_raw 3466651 100% 87606 39.57 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:42:09 2017 : load cover_art_archive.art_type
cover_art_archive.art_type 13 100% 5527 0.00 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:42:09 2017 : load cover_art_archive.cover_art
cover_art_archive.cover_art 1389182 100% 86383 16.08 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:42:25 2017 : load cover_art_archive.cover_art_type
cover_art_archive.cover_art_ty 1485030 100% 90045 16.49 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:42:42 2017 : load cover_art_archive.image_type
cover_art_archive.image_type 4 100% 2816 0.00 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:42:42 2017 : load cover_art_archive.release_group_cover_art
cover_art_archive.release_grou 3904 100% 76093 0.05 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:42:42 2017 : load wikidocs.wikidocs_index
wikidocs.wikidocs_index 162 100% 26431 0.01 sec
No data file found for 'documentation.l_area_area_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_area_artist_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_area_event_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_area_instrument_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_area_label_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_area_place_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_area_recording_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_area_release_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_area_release_group_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_area_series_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_area_url_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_area_work_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_artist_artist_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_artist_event_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_artist_instrument_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_artist_label_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_artist_place_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_artist_recording_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_artist_release_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_artist_release_group_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_artist_series_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_artist_url_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_artist_work_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_event_event_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_event_instrument_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_event_label_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_event_place_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_event_recording_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_event_release_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_event_release_group_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_event_series_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_event_url_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_event_work_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_instrument_instrument_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_instrument_label_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_instrument_place_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_instrument_recording_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_instrument_release_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_instrument_release_group_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_instrument_series_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_instrument_url_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_instrument_work_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_label_label_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_label_place_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_label_recording_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_label_release_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_label_release_group_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_label_series_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_label_url_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_label_work_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_place_place_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_place_recording_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_place_release_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_place_release_group_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_place_series_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_place_url_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_place_work_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_recording_recording_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_recording_release_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_recording_release_group_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_recording_series_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_recording_url_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_recording_work_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_release_group_release_group_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_release_group_series_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_release_group_url_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_release_group_work_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_release_release_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_release_release_group_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_release_series_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_release_url_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_release_work_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_series_series_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_series_url_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_series_work_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_url_url_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_url_work_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_work_work_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.link_type_documentation', skipping
No data file found for 'sitemaps.artist_lastmod', skipping
No data file found for 'sitemaps.control', skipping
No data file found for 'sitemaps.label_lastmod', skipping
No data file found for 'sitemaps.place_lastmod', skipping
No data file found for 'sitemaps.recording_lastmod', skipping
No data file found for 'sitemaps.release_group_lastmod', skipping
No data file found for 'sitemaps.release_lastmod', skipping
No data file found for 'sitemaps.work_lastmod', skipping
Thu Sep 28 21:42:42 2017 : ensuring editor information is present
cover_art_archive.cover_art_ty 1485030 100% 90045 16.49 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:42:42 2017 : load cover_art_archive.image_type
cover_art_archive.image_type 4 100% 2816 0.00 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:42:42 2017 : load cover_art_archive.release_group_cover_art
cover_art_archive.release_grou 3904 100% 76093 0.05 sec
Thu Sep 28 21:42:42 2017 : load wikidocs.wikidocs_index
wikidocs.wikidocs_index 162 100% 26431 0.01 sec
No data file found for 'documentation.l_area_area_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_area_artist_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_area_event_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_area_instrument_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_area_label_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_area_place_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_area_recording_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_area_release_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_area_release_group_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_area_series_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_area_url_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_area_work_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_artist_artist_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_artist_event_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_artist_instrument_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_artist_label_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_artist_place_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_artist_recording_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_artist_release_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_artist_release_group_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_artist_series_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_artist_url_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_artist_work_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_event_event_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_event_instrument_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_event_label_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_event_place_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_event_recording_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_event_release_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_event_release_group_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_event_series_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_event_url_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_event_work_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_instrument_instrument_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_instrument_label_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_instrument_place_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_instrument_recording_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_instrument_release_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_instrument_release_group_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_instrument_series_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_instrument_url_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_instrument_work_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_label_label_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_label_place_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_label_recording_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_label_release_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_label_release_group_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_label_series_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_label_url_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_label_work_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_place_place_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_place_recording_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_place_release_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_place_release_group_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_place_series_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_place_url_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_place_work_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_recording_recording_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_recording_release_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_recording_release_group_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_recording_series_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_recording_url_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_recording_work_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_release_group_release_group_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_release_group_series_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_release_group_url_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_release_group_work_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_release_release_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_release_release_group_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_release_series_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_release_url_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_release_work_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_series_series_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_series_url_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_series_work_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_url_url_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_url_work_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.l_work_work_example', skipping
No data file found for 'documentation.link_type_documentation', skipping
No data file found for 'sitemaps.artist_lastmod', skipping
No data file found for 'sitemaps.control', skipping
No data file found for 'sitemaps.label_lastmod', skipping
No data file found for 'sitemaps.place_lastmod', skipping
No data file found for 'sitemaps.recording_lastmod', skipping
No data file found for 'sitemaps.release_group_lastmod', skipping
No data file found for 'sitemaps.release_lastmod', skipping
No data file found for 'sitemaps.work_lastmod', skipping
Thu Sep 28 21:42:42 2017 : ensuring editor information is present
Thu Sep 28 21:42:51 2017 : import finished
Loaded 201 tables (128992209 rows) in 1538 seconds
Thu Sep 28 21:42:53 2017 : Creating primary keys ... (CreatePrimaryKeys.sql)
Thu Sep 28 21:49:38 2017 : Creating CAA primary keys ... (caa/CreatePrimaryKeys.sql)
Thu Sep 28 21:49:47 2017 : Creating documentation primary keys ... (documentation/CreatePrimaryKeys.sql)
Thu Sep 28 21:49:47 2017 : Creating documentation primary keys ... (documentation/CreatePrimaryKeys.sql)
Thu Sep 28 21:49:47 2017 : Creating statistics primary keys ... (statistics/CreatePrimaryKeys.sql)
Thu Sep 28 21:50:16 2017 : Creating wikidocs primary keys ... (wikidocs/CreatePrimaryKeys.sql)
Thu Sep 28 21:50:16 2017 : Creating search configuration ... (CreateSearchConfiguration.sql)
Thu Sep 28 21:50:16 2017 : Creating functions ... (CreateFunctions.sql)
Thu Sep 28 21:50:16 2017 : Creating CAA functions ... (caa/CreateFunctions.sql)
Thu Sep 28 21:50:16 2017 : Creating indexes ... (CreateIndexes.sql)
Thu Sep 28 22:07:44 2017 : Creating CAA indexes ... (caa/CreateIndexes.sql)
Thu Sep 28 22:07:47 2017 : Creating sitemaps indexes ... (sitemaps/CreateIndexes.sql)
Thu Sep 28 22:07:47 2017 : Creating sitemaps indexes ... (sitemaps/CreateIndexes.sql)
Thu Sep 28 22:07:47 2017 : Creating statistics indexes ... (statistics/CreateIndexes.sql)
Thu Sep 28 22:08:55 2017 : Creating slave-only indexes ... (CreateSlaveIndexes.sql)
Thu Sep 28 22:09:42 2017 : Setting raw initial sequence values ... (SetSequences.sql)
Thu Sep 28 22:09:46 2017 : Setting raw initial statistics sequence values ... (statistics/SetSequences.sql)
Thu Sep 28 22:09:46 2017 : Creating views ... (CreateViews.sql)
Thu Sep 28 22:09:46 2017 : Creating CAA views ... (caa/CreateViews.sql)
Thu Sep 28 22:09:46 2017 : Creating search indexes ... (CreateSearchIndexes.sql)
Thu Sep 28 22:19:39 2017 : Setting up replication ... (ReplicationSetup.sql)
Thu Sep 28 22:19:40 2017 : Optimizing database ...
Thu Sep 28 22:19:40 2017 : Optimizing database ...
Thu Sep 28 22:24:06 2017 : Initialized and imported data into the database.
Thu Sep 28 22:24:06 2017 : InitDb.pl succeeded
waiting for server to shut down...LOG: received fast shutdown request
LOG: aborting any active transactions
.LOG: shutting down
..........LOG: database system is shut down
server stopped
..........LOG: database system is shut down
server stopped
[cont-init.d] 30-initialise-database: exited 0.
[cont-init.d] 35-generate_css: executing...
fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git
fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git
[20:24:22] Using gulpfile /app/musicbrainz/gulpfile.js
[20:24:22] Starting 'default'...
[20:24:22] Using gulpfile /app/musicbrainz/gulpfile.js
[20:24:22] Starting 'default'...
[20:24:47] Finished 'default' after 25 s
[cont-init.d] 35-generate_css: exited 0.
[cont-init.d] 40-config: executing...
[cont-init.d] 40-config: exited 0.
[cont-init.d] done.
[services.d] starting services
[services.d] done.
LOG: database system was shut down at 2017-09-28 22:24:16 CEST
LOG: MultiXact member wraparound protections are now enabled
LOG: database system is ready to accept connections
LOG: autovacuum launcher started


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Noticed mine was 'working' yesterday too, and after seeing this post I installed another docker and seems to be working too. 


I don't seem to be seeing the speed improvements in headphones though. It can just sit there indefinitely trying to get artist information. I can open musicbrainz or my mirror and find the album information almost instantly.

I'm now thinking this must be a headphones issue?

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I had the same DB issue when I first installed it, ended up installing it a few times and one attempt finally worked. No real changes between them other than networking which shouldnt of made any difference.


postgres: could not access the server configuration file "/config/postgresql.conf": No such file or directory

I just tried to reinstall it, used the same template and docker settings I had already but I deleted the docker image and moved the appdata folder as backup prior to installing it again. Stuck at the same cannot find postgres.conf error. I just wanted to see if I ran into the issue again or if the install goes smoother after my internet was upgraded from 10Mbps to 350Mbps. I have my appdata backed up and can restore a working install. But do find it strange so many are having issues trying to install or reinstall this.


So yes I can have a working install that I use with Headphones, also subscribed to the headphones VIP server as a test and my local install is much faster. I'll try the musicbrainz one again but if I recall correctly it was just as slow as headphones vip service. The local mirror was much better.


EDIT - Main difference is the size of the data folder, the new docker install only downloaded 70MB. Attempting it again.

EDIT - second install the DB seemed to download correctly, I have headphones talking to this musicbrains install but also did get the CSS fix this time.

Edited by Tuftuf
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My installation has gone again.  This normally happens once a week or so and I'd just reinstall, but now i'm getting a constant error:


FATAL: data directory "/data/dbase" has group or world access
DETAIL: Permissions should be u=rwx (0700).
LOG: skipping missing configuration file "/data/dbase/postgresql.auto.conf"


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4 hours ago, DZMM said:

My installation has gone again.  This normally happens once a week or so and I'd just reinstall, but now i'm getting a constant error:


FATAL: data directory "/data/dbase" has group or world access
DETAIL: Permissions should be u=rwx (0700).
LOG: skipping missing configuration file "/data/dbase/postgresql.auto.conf"



Have you been running new permission script lately or scheduled it to run once a week?

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