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[Plugin] unbalanced

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There are only folders in there, no files. I can't edit the folders through afp because they are created by sabnzb, but if unbalance uses the command line that shouldn't be a problem right? Maybe I need to change the user?


Edit: Actually there is probably the .whatever files that Apple devices make in there.


Can you show me the output of $ find "/mnt/disk3/Media/." ! -name . -prune -exec du -bs {} + ?


Also a simple $ du -bs "/mnt/disk3/Media/" ?


Its showing that there is no command found, am I doing something wrong? Im not the best when it comes to command line stuff.

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I ran the command and it looks like the owner is either root or nobody.




Yes the files are copied first, then deleted when the diskmv command has completed.


The rsync errors are most likely due to mismatch in ownership.


unBALANCE runs as user nobody so if it can't set the time on the destination, it probably won't be able to delete the files on the source (that's what I'm thinking right now).


Can you check who owns the files on the source ?


Something like $ ls -al /mnt/disk5/Movies/

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I just ran the unbalance plugin and had an issue.  I was copying all of my user shares that existing on disk7 to other disks as I needed to remove disk7 from my array.  In my instance unbalance moved all the files to disk5 as it had the most free space.  However I am noticing that some files did not move correctly.  I noticed this when trying to start a VM, the iso file was missing from my ISOs share.


It seems like the files for the ISOs, lost+found, SageTV and Recovered user shares did not get moved.  I attached a screenshot of disk5's user share folders and as you can see these folders are missing, but if you look in the unbalance log they existed on the source disk.


Do you have any suggestions?  Does it mean that these files are gone?





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There are only folders in there, no files. I can't edit the folders through afp because they are created by sabnzb, but if unbalance uses the command line that shouldn't be a problem right? Maybe I need to change the user?


Edit: Actually there is probably the .whatever files that Apple devices make in there.


Can you show me the output of $ find "/mnt/disk3/Media/." ! -name . -prune -exec du -bs {} + ?


Also a simple $ du -bs "/mnt/disk3/Media/" ?


Its showing that there is no command found, am I doing something wrong? Im not the best when it comes to command line stuff.



I completely deleted the downloads folder from disk 3 and it still does the same thing.

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There are only folders in there, no files. I can't edit the folders through afp because they are created by sabnzb, but if unbalance uses the command line that shouldn't be a problem right? Maybe I need to change the user?


Edit: Actually there is probably the .whatever files that Apple devices make in there.


Can you show me the output of $ find "/mnt/disk3/Media/." ! -name . -prune -exec du -bs {} + ?


Also a simple $ du -bs "/mnt/disk3/Media/" ?


Its showing that there is no command found, am I doing something wrong? Im not the best when it comes to command line stuff.



I completely deleted the downloads folder from disk 3 and it still does the same thing.


$ is not part of the command, just

du -bs "/mnt/disk3/Media/"

should do the trick.

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I have a question with regards to the new Cache drive functionality. With many of us using Cache Pools here is what mine shows:




Clearly it shows disk 1 with the information and disk 2 as the mirror BUT without information. Is there the possibility of creating issues here. Say a user movies data to Cache Disk 2? What would happen? I am not saying I would DO it but it is possible isn't it?


Just speculating ...

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I'm currently using unbalance to copy the contents op a RF disk to an XFS disk. The idea is to completely empty the RF disk and then to format is as XFS as well.


I installed the plugin and got the unbalance server started no problem.  Told it to move folder /photo from disk 1 to disk 3.  Did a calculation and then a "dry run" move.  This went fine.  Then I unchecked the "dry run" check and clicked "move" again.  Nothing happened, but I couldn't click on the buttons anymore (saw the "forbidden" icon when I hovered over the buttons).  The console showed "move operation in progress..", but nothing happened.  The disks didn't even spin up!.


I then closed the window, turned the unbalance server off and back on again.  Took the array offline and back online to be sure nothing was in the background, and then tried again, but this time did a simple calculate and immediately unchecked "dry run" before I hit "move".  Then it did work, it's currently moving files.  Don't know why it didn't work the first time and figured this might be useful info to put in this thread.


Otherwise a VERY handy plugin!  Thanks so much for devoting your time to create this!

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There are only folders in there, no files. I can't edit the folders through afp because they are created by sabnzb, but if unbalance uses the command line that shouldn't be a problem right? Maybe I need to change the user?


Edit: Actually there is probably the .whatever files that Apple devices make in there.


Can you show me the output of $ find "/mnt/disk3/Media/." ! -name . -prune -exec du -bs {} + ?


Also a simple $ du -bs "/mnt/disk3/Media/" ?


Its showing that there is no command found, am I doing something wrong? Im not the best when it comes to command line stuff.



I completely deleted the downloads folder from disk 3 and it still does the same thing.


$ is not part of the command, just

du -bs "/mnt/disk3/Media/"

should do the trick.


Here is the output of both commands.



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lboregard and anyone else involved in this, please consider putting any code in a code block like this

ls -la /boot

then the other user can just select, copy, and paste it. Would have saved quite a lot of posts trying to fix syntax errors. The code block is the button with the # on it.

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Here is the output of both commands.


The second command is wrong. You probably got the [/font] part by mistake when copying quoted text...


Ahh ya, but still didn't work when I fixed it.



The question mark is part of the text signaling a question, not part of the command.

I finally got it! Thanks.


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It seems like the files for the ISOs, lost+found, SageTV and Recovered user shares did not get moved.  I attached a screenshot of disk5's user share folders and as you can see these folders are missing, but if you look in the unbalance log they existed on the source disk.




Hi goinsnoopin, there doesn't seem to any error in the rsync commands.


If you do a listing from the command line, are they still not showing up ?

ls -al /mnt/disk5

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I have a question with regards to the new Cache drive functionality. With many of us using Cache Pools here is what mine shows:




Clearly it shows disk 1 with the information and disk 2 as the mirror BUT without information. Is there the possibility of creating issues here. Say a user movies data to Cache Disk 2? What would happen? I am not saying I would DO it but it is possible isn't it?


Just speculating ...


Hi danioj,


Thanks for your comments.


I had not considered cache pools. It could certainly create issues.


Can you please run two commands for me


ls -al /mnt


grep -i 'name\|type' /var/local/emhttp/disks.ini

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lboregard and anyone else involved in this, please consider putting any code in a code block like this

ls -la /boot

then the other user can just select, copy, and paste it. Would have saved quite a lot of posts trying to fix syntax errors. The code block is the button with the # on it.


Thanks trurl, will do.

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Hi danioj,


Thanks for your comments.


I had not considered cache pools. It could certainly create issues.


Can you please run two commands for me


ls -al /mnt


grep -i 'name\|type' /var/local/emhttp/disks.ini


No worries, see the commands below and the output of the commands under them.


ls -al /mnt


root@main:/# ls -al /mnt

total 32

drwxr-xr-x 12 root  root  240 Feb 28 18:54 ./

drwxrwxrwx 18 root  root  380 Sep 28  2012 ../

drwxrwxrwx  1 nobody users  6 Mar  2 22:23 cache/

drwxrwxrwx  3 nobody users  17 Mar  2 00:38 disk1/

drwxrwxrwx  3 nobody users  17 Dec 27 14:07 disk2/

drwxrwxrwx  3 nobody users  17 May 21  2015 disk3/

drwxrwxrwx  3 nobody users  17 May 21  2015 disk4/

drwxrwxrwx  3 nobody users  53 Jun 15  2015 disk5/

drwxrwxrwx  3 nobody users  17 May 21  2015 disk6/

drwxrwxrwx  4 root  root  80 Feb 28 18:54 disks/

drwxrwxrwx  1 nobody users  6 Mar  2 22:23 user/

drwxrwxrwx  1 nobody users  17 Mar  2 00:38 user0/


grep -i 'name\|type' /var/local/emhttp/disks.ini


root@main:/# grep -i 'name\|type' /var/local/emhttp/disks.ini                                                                                           































I think it is worth noting that cache"2" could well be cache"n" in v6. You could feasibly AFAIK have as many cache devices in a pool as your available slots in your unRAID version allow. That being said, As Far As I Can Tell you always still write to "/mnt/cache" when there is a pool of disks in a Cache Pool and unRAID and the BTRFS config manage the writing to the disks accross the array. Also disk "cache" (or the first disk in the Array) and NOT cache"n" appears to have the data for displaying purposes. See GUI for example:



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Attached is a screenshot of the

ls -al /mnt/disk5


The shares are not there?  I did not see any errors in the logs either which is why I am confused. 


If disk5 did not have the folders for the user shares ISOs, SageTV, Recovered and lost+found, would it have created them? 




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Attached is a screenshot of the

ls -al /mnt/disk5


The shares are not there?  I did not see any errors in the logs either which is why I am confused. 


If disk5 did not have the folders for the user shares ISOs, SageTV, Recovered and lost+found, would it have created them? 




That's strange. I'll send you a pm.

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I think it is worth noting that cache"2" could well be cache"n" in v6. You could feasibly AFAIK have as many cache devices in a pool as your available slots in your unRAID version allow. That being said, As Far As I Can Tell you always still write to "/mnt/cache" when there is a pool of disks in a Cache Pool and unRAID and the BTRFS config manage the writing to the disks accross the array. Also disk "cache" (or the first disk in the Array) and NOT cache"n" appears to have the data for displaying purposes. See GUI for example:




Thanks danioj, that's very helpful.

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I think it is worth noting that cache"2" could well be cache"n" in v6. You could feasibly AFAIK have as many cache devices in a pool as your available slots in your unRAID version allow. That being said, As Far As I Can Tell you always still write to "/mnt/cache" when there is a pool of disks in a Cache Pool and unRAID and the BTRFS config manage the writing to the disks accross the array. Also disk "cache" (or the first disk in the Array) and NOT cache"n" appears to have the data for displaying purposes. See GUI for example:




Thanks danioj, that's very helpful.


No worries. Let me know if you need any more help. Feel free to PM if you don't want to clog the thread.

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I just wanted to post an update that I discovered a corruption on disk5, after running xfs repair my missing files returned under the lost+found folder.  Here is a link to that other thread:  http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=47092.0


Still trying to understand the root cause, but wanted to provide feedback.  lboregard has been great with followup via PM!



Right, I'll do some testing over the weekend.

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