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[Support] binhex - DelugeVPN

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6.2 Beta running fine here.


I was running on 6.2-Beta21 fine also, but the question is can you pull the docker from BinHex's repository on 6.2?

Yes, no problems, I'll delete it and repull it in an hour or so, but I did so the other night.

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Any reason why DelugeVPN would not upload seeding files? I'm not getting IPT credit for my seeding time and they're claiming it's the container. Any thoughts or settings I should be double checking?

Which VPN provider and endpoint are you using?


I'm using CyberGhost - OpenVPN settings (Netherlands)

Per their FAQ, allowing P2P and opening ports are 2 different things. The premium service allows P2P, but they don't open ports for you. Since you do not have an open port to allow unsolicited incoming connections, you are not available for uploading to IPT. The only connections your client is making is to download, and if the peer you are downloading from also needs parts that you have, you will upload to them while you have that connection open, but as soon as the torrent client closes that connection you can no longer seed to them.


TLDR, get another VPN provider that allows incoming ports. PIA is the easiest to set up, as all the configuration is done for you in the container.


Switched to PIA, updated UN/PW, confirmed tunneling, still not seeding...


Do I need to do any port forwarding on the router, or settings within PIA website?

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No you don't need to do any port forwarding (at least I haven't and it works as expected) nor change any settings on the PIA website.


Which server are you using and it's probably best now you changed VPN provider to delete ALL the appdata and the container and start from fresh.


Credit to binhex I've never had a problem with this container so I'm confident "It'll do what it says on the tin"


EDIT: Also post a screenshot of your config (hash out your username & password) and make sure you show us the advanced bit as well, and post some logs otherwise all we know is what you've told us which is that it isn't working, kind of makes it hard to help.  ;)

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No you don't need to do any port forwarding (at least I haven't and it works as expected) nor change any settings on the PIA website.


Which server are you using and it's probably best now you changed VPN provider to delete ALL the appdata and the container and start from fresh.


Credit to binhex I've never had a problem with this container so I'm confident "It'll do what it says on the tin"


EDIT: Also post a screenshot of your config (hash out your username & password) and make sure you show us the advanced bit as well, and post some logs otherwise all we know is what you've told us which is that it isn't working, kind of makes it hard to help.  ;)


Attachments of settings (UN/PW removed). Logs will come shortly.



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No you don't need to do any port forwarding (at least I haven't and it works as expected) nor change any settings on the PIA website.


Which server are you using and it's probably best now you changed VPN provider to delete ALL the appdata and the container and start from fresh.


Credit to binhex I've never had a problem with this container so I'm confident "It'll do what it says on the tin"


EDIT: Also post a screenshot of your config (hash out your username & password) and make sure you show us the advanced bit as well, and post some logs otherwise all we know is what you've told us which is that it isn't working, kind of makes it hard to help.  ;)


Attachments of settings (UN/PW removed). Logs will come shortly.


That all looks good...

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Switched to PIA, updated UN/PW, confirmed tunneling, still not seeding...
What is your peers status on IPT? Does it show any of the files in your client currently listed either under seeders or leechers status? As long as the file is listed in the seeders section, you are fine, doesn't really matter whether or not someone is actively pulling data from you.
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Switched to PIA, updated UN/PW, confirmed tunneling, still not seeding...
What is your peers status on IPT? Does it show any of the files in your client currently listed either under seeders or leechers status? As long as the file is listed in the seeders section, you are fine, doesn't really matter whether or not someone is actively pulling data from you.


Good pickup... Didn't read that properly...  :-[

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By the way, anyone getting such an error when attempting to load privoxy in the browser?


Invalid header received from client.


Yup :( same here for some time now. Something must've changed with the latest update....


i think you guys might be misunderstanding how to use privoxy, you dont point your browser AT privoxy, you configure the browser to USE the proxy, if you just try going to http://<server ip>:8118 then yes you will receive the above message, instead you should be doing something like this (example is for chrome):-


To set up or change network connections, follow these steps:

Click the Chrome menu on the browser toolbar.

Select Settings.

Click Show advanced settings.

In the "Network" section, click Change proxy settings

Now in LAN settings enter in ip of your server and port of 8118

Click OK and test


Tested and working with the latest docker image.


Thanks Binhex, I was already very familiar with that part :) But in the past, clicking on the server:8118 link would take you to the config page where you could adjust filters and such. I've been using your outstanding container since day 1 and I'm pretty sure i didn't dream this one up! :)


And for the record, yes, you are absolutely correct, the proxy functions as designed though, so no worries here  8)

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Switched to PIA, updated UN/PW, confirmed tunneling, still not seeding...
What is your peers status on IPT? Does it show any of the files in your client currently listed either under seeders or leechers status? As long as the file is listed in the seeders section, you are fine, doesn't really matter whether or not someone is actively pulling data from you.


Problem is I've never seen an upload or seeder out of 20+ torrents. Here are some screens to show you what I'm talking about.


I'm not getting credit for my seeding time which has killed my ratio and thus, cannot download. If I seed for a certain period of time (grabbed or not) I get credit towards my ratio.


Even when I'm downloading I'm not seeding from another site. Starting to think I have a router issue but I need more eyes and brains to help me rule out anything obvious.





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Here are some screens to show you what I'm talking about.
The torrents that you show seeding in deluge, how long have they been that way continuously? The IPT status isn't immediate, sometimes it can take a couple hours or more to update. I'd leave it alone, and check back with the IPT status later. Also, I'd have the torrent from this link https://torguard.net/checkmytorrentipaddress.php in your client, that way you can get an an easy update on what IP you are using.
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Here are some screens to show you what I'm talking about.
The torrents that you show seeding in deluge, how long have they been that way continuously? The IPT status isn't immediate, sometimes it can take a couple hours or more to update. I'd leave it alone, and check back with the IPT status later. Also, I'd have the torrent from this link https://torguard.net/checkmytorrentipaddress.php in your client, that way you can get an an easy update on what IP you are using.


Its been seeding on and off for about 2 days now, intervals of at least 5hrs..


I have that torrent and confirmed I'm tunneled. This is just absolutely bizarre.

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Share Ratio Limit: When it's seeded 200% of the download size it will stop.

Share Time Ratio: It will seed for 7x the duration it took to download

Seed Time (m): It will seed for this many minutes, 180.


You might want to do some further research on deluge and how those settings interact with each other.


I'd hazard a guess that it will stop seeding when one of those thresholds is reached, which is likely the Ratio Limit or Time in your case.

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The confusing one that i'm not playing with is the seed time. By default, it's set to 7. With the timer set to 7, and say it only takes you 10 minutes to download your favorite linux distro, you will only seed this file for 70 minutes. Now, this makes some sense, except for some of those linux distros i'm seeding that will download in 10 minutes and seed for 2 weeks, so there seems to be no real rhyme or reason on how it decides what stays or goes.


For example, last night, I downloaded 15 files. Of those 15 files, 14 were already deleted from my file system in the morning. 1 still existed and was seeding. I don't even have deluge with delete files after enabled. All I know, is it's making it tough for me to maintain some ratios lol

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Share Ratio Limit: When it's seeded 200% of the download size it will stop.

Share Time Ratio: It will seed for 7x the duration it took to download

Seed Time (m): It will seed for this many minutes, 180.


You might want to do some further research on deluge and how those settings interact with each other.


I'd hazard a guess that it will stop seeding when one of those thresholds is reached, which is likely the Ratio Limit or Time in your case.


All that makes sense, what doesn't make sense is why I'm not uploading, anything>:(

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Thanks Binhex, I was already very familiar with that part :) But in the past, clicking on the server:8118 link would take you to the config page where you could adjust filters and such. I've been using your outstanding container since day 1 and I'm pretty sure i didn't dream this one up! :)


And for the record, yes, you are absolutely correct, the proxy functions as designed though, so no worries here  8)


hehe ok, i never know who im dealing with on here, so i always assume people dont know how stuff works and go from there, no offence meant to anyone :-), obviously your aware of how to use the proxy.


ok so accessing the config webpage for privoxy, this is possible and does still work, im not exactly sure how you were getting to it previously using the <server ip>:8118 url, as my understanding is that its always been accessed via a special url built into privoxy, in any case here is the doc on it, seems to work fine for me:- https://www.privoxy.org/user-manual/configuration.html check out section 6.1, you need to make sure your browser is set to use privoxy otherwise you wont be able to get to the config page.



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