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[Support] binhex - DelugeVPN

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hey there - something seems to have broken when i updated the docker .... the log file shows these types of entries for the past few days:



2017-06-26 17:14:46,562 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
[warn] OpenVPN process terminated, restarting OpenVPN...

2017-06-26 17:14:46,566 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
[info] OpenVPN restarted

2017-06-26 17:17:16,590 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
[warn] OpenVPN process terminated, restarting OpenVPN...

2017-06-26 17:17:16,597 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
[info] OpenVPN restarted

2017-06-26 17:19:46,629 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
[warn] OpenVPN process terminated, restarting OpenVPN...

2017-06-26 17:19:46,640 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
[info] OpenVPN restarted

2017-06-26 17:22:16,666 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
[warn] OpenVPN process terminated, restarting OpenVPN...

2017-06-26 17:22:16,670 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
[info] OpenVPN restarted


When i try to visit the webUI i get an "err_connection_refused" message ... any suggestions on how to fix this? I am using PIA and us-florida.privateinternetaccess.com

Edited by helpermonkey
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Hi all,


I've been using this docker since a couple of days; great work binhex!


I just want to confirm something with you guys:

Using my app/website login info for PIA doesn't work in delugevpn (the webui won't load)

However, using the "PPTP/L2TP/SOCKS Username and Password" works.


What is the difference between those 2 login info?

Does I'm doing the right thing?

Thanks all!


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Hi guys

I have actually made a post a long time ago, about the problem not getting access to the webgui after iptables was not part of unraid as default. 

I tried many different things but never got it working. So I was using openvpn as a plugin in unraid and vpn disabled in the delugevpn docker.


But now I want to try to figure this out, and making it work with the vpn functionality inside the docker and not by using the openvpn plugin (gives me some headaches with other applications I use)


What I have tried for now

1. Uninstalled and reinstalled delugevpn from scratch (made sure I got the newest version, removed everything in the appdata folder etc.)

2. Activated virtualization on MOBO and turned on VM's in Unraid GUI, to activate iptable_magle_module (for some reason it did not work with the commands stated by binhex in the FAQ)

3. Portforwarded all the ports for delugevpn in the router (just to be sure)

4. Restarted router and unraid server


And for some reason, even though iptable_magle_module seems to be activated according to the log, I still can't get access to the deluge gui with vpn enabled.

It works when i disable vpn in the delugevpn docker.


As I am using PIA as VPN, I have also double checked the credentials and they are correct


So if anyone of you bright minds could tell me what to do, it could be much appreciated.


I have attached the supervisor log for delugevpn, if that is of any help  


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OK guys i have added in additional support to allow you to connect to a PIA endpoint that does NOT support port forwarding, two reasons i have decided to allow this:-


1. Applications that do not require an incoming port should be able to connect to any endpoint (sabnzbd)

2. Users may want to use geo locations that do not have port forwarding purely for use with privoxy.


if you want to use the new feature then please pull down the latest image and then create an env var with key of "STRICT_PORT_FORWARD" and value of either "yes" or "no" (added to xml template).


if set to yes then you will only be able to connect to endpoints that support port forwarding, if set to no then you can connect to any endpoint, but no port forwarding will take place.


If undefined it will default to "yes" for delugevpn and rtorrentvpn, and "no" for sabnzbdvpn.


As i have previously stated, setting this to "no" will give you very low speeds for torrent clients (sabnzbd unaffected), but the choice is now yours.

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8 hours ago, guill_019 said:

Hi all,


I've been using this docker since a couple of days; great work binhex!


I just want to confirm something with you guys:

Using my app/website login info for PIA doesn't work in delugevpn (the webui won't load)

However, using the "PPTP/L2TP/SOCKS Username and Password" works.


What is the difference between those 2 login info?

Does I'm doing the right thing?

Thanks all!



Odd, your website login (not pia forum account) is normally ok to use, the format for your website login is pxxxxxxxx right?


In any case, the web ui wont launch until you have a running vpn tunnel, so you def do have a connection to PIA so i wouldnt concern yourself too much with it.

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1 hour ago, kasper1705 said:

Hi guys

I have actually made a post a long time ago, about the problem not getting access to the webgui after iptables was not part of unraid as default. 

I tried many different things but never got it working. So I was using openvpn as a plugin in unraid and vpn disabled in the delugevpn docker.


But now I want to try to figure this out, and making it work with the vpn functionality inside the docker and not by using the openvpn plugin (gives me some headaches with other applications I use)


What I have tried for now

1. Uninstalled and reinstalled delugevpn from scratch (made sure I got the newest version, removed everything in the appdata folder etc.)

2. Activated virtualization on MOBO and turned on VM's in Unraid GUI, to activate iptable_magle_module (for some reason it did not work with the commands stated by binhex in the FAQ)

3. Portforwarded all the ports for delugevpn in the router (just to be sure)

4. Restarted router and unraid server


And for some reason, even though iptable_magle_module seems to be activated according to the log, I still can't get access to the deluge gui with vpn enabled.

It works when i disable vpn in the delugevpn docker.


As I am using PIA as VPN, I have also double checked the credentials and they are correct


So if anyone of you bright minds could tell me what to do, it could be much appreciated.


I have attached the supervisor log for delugevpn, if that is of any help  



ok couple of things:-


LAN_NETWORK defined as ''

this is wrong, it should be (probably):-


LAN_NETWORK defined as ''

next issue is you have defined the vpn device type as 'tap', not sure why you have switched it from the default, but it should be 'tun' for PIA,taken from your log:-


2017-06-27 08:43:52.361476 [info] VPN_DEVICE_TYPE defined as 'tap'

So make the above changes, if its still not working then follow the step here:- 



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3 hours ago, methanoid said:

If I have this installed can someone please tell me the setting in SABNZBD to enable me to access the VPN in this container.. Dont see the point in running the SAB-VPN docker when there is a VPN running 24/7 in my Deluge container?!


You cant do this, you have to run them as separate tunnels for each app, whilst this might feel a little inefficient in practise it makes little to no difference, most quality VPN providers allow multiple connections (PIA allows 5) and it has the plus side that you can bring down individual apps with no affect on any other docker container.

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2 hours ago, kasper1705 said:

Hi guys

I have actually made a post a long time ago, about the problem not getting access to the webgui after iptables was not part of unraid as default. 

I tried many different things but never got it working. So I was using openvpn as a plugin in unraid and vpn disabled in the delugevpn docker.


But now I want to try to figure this out, and making it work with the vpn functionality inside the docker and not by using the openvpn plugin (gives me some headaches with other applications I use)


What I have tried for now

1. Uninstalled and reinstalled delugevpn from scratch (made sure I got the newest version, removed everything in the appdata folder etc.)

2. Activated virtualization on MOBO and turned on VM's in Unraid GUI, to activate iptable_magle_module (for some reason it did not work with the commands stated by binhex in the FAQ)

3. Portforwarded all the ports for delugevpn in the router (just to be sure)

4. Restarted router and unraid server


And for some reason, even though iptable_magle_module seems to be activated according to the log, I still can't get access to the deluge gui with vpn enabled.

It works when i disable vpn in the delugevpn docker.


As I am using PIA as VPN, I have also double checked the credentials and they are correct


So if anyone of you bright minds could tell me what to do, it could be much appreciated.


I have attached the supervisor log for delugevpn, if that is of any help  


That did it binhex. Just strage because i actually tried to change those values before, where it did not work. Probably a bad version of the docker


But thanks again :-)

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12 hours ago, binhex said:


Odd, your website login (not pia forum account) is normally ok to use, the format for your website login is pxxxxxxxx right?


In any case, the web ui wont launch until you have a running vpn tunnel, so you def do have a connection to PIA so i wouldnt concern yourself too much with it.


Yes I'm using the website login starting by p...........

Is there a way to confirm I'm connected via the VPN?

Thank you

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1 hour ago, guill_019 said:

Is there a way to confirm I'm connected via the VPN?

There are a few different torrents you can download that don't actually move any data, but report your clients IP address in the information section.


This is one such torrent, but if you are serious about privacy make sure you only visit the site using a clean browser with a privoxy connection, otherwise it will be really obvious that your current IP is linked to that particular session's VPN IP.

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Getting ready to install this docker and figured I'd do a little reading first so started with the support thread. Still have about 60 pages to go, but I'm seeing a lot of references to the FAQ in post #2. Post #2 is empty (reserved) so I'm guessing the FAQ has been moved? Could someone point me to it?

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30 minutes ago, wgstarks said:

Getting ready to install this docker and figured I'd do a little reading first so started with the support thread. Still have about 60 pages to go, but I'm seeing a lot of references to the FAQ in post #2. Post #2 is empty (reserved) so I'm guessing the FAQ has been moved? Could someone point me to it?


whilst i commend you reading the thread before asking any questions (wish more people did this), you dont need to worry about asking a queston that might of been asked before, im used to it :-). 


The link is probably to the FAQ section which i later on moved to a consolidated post on the general support page for my dockers, this is def worth reading:-


later on after this post you will find it leads into the more specific FAQ about the VPN dockers i produce.


If you fancy an easy ride then signup to PIA for month, as i have put a lot of effort into making this partciular provider as simple as possible, once you've cut your teeth you can either signup for longer or move onto another provider.

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2 minutes ago, binhex said:

whilst i commend you reading the thread before asking any questions (wish more people did this), you dont need to worry about asking a queston that might of been asked before, im used to it :-). 

I have to waste 8 hours of my day at work 5 days a week. Might as well do something productive.:D


Thanks for the links.

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6 minutes ago, jonathansayeb said:

Small note, if you have problem accessing the web ui, you might want to make sure that your VPN password doesn't include special characters as it won't be registered by the delugevpn configuration file. Thank you!

Yeah. That seems to be a very common cause for authentication failure.

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I just watched this video from @gridrunner and I see that he recommends mapping downloads to a user share. This would seem to make sense considering file size of the torrents and parity protection and such.


Often when reading through the forum I've seen that downloads are mapped to the image. Not sure of the reasons behind this? Is this just a personal preference or is there some need that I'm not aware of?

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7 minutes ago, wgstarks said:

I just watched this video from @gridrunner and I see that he recommends mapping downloads to a user share. This would seem to make sense considering file size of the torrents and parity protection and such.


Often when reading through the forum I've seen that downloads are mapped to the image. Not sure of the reasons behind this? Is this just a personal preference or is there some need that I'm not aware of?

Hi @wgstarks Yes people should always map downloads to a user share. If you have a cache then make the share cache enabled so the writes are done there first, then later moved over to the parity protected array.

If you have the downloads, downloading inside the container image this will just fill it up and can break your Docker containers. The docker image is normally 20 gigs I think so it wouldn't take a lot. We need to keep the docker image only for Docker containers themselves not their data. 


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14 minutes ago, wgstarks said:

I see that he recommends mapping downloads to a user share.


I personally don't use the fuse shares (as in /mnt/user) as its unreliable with docker, instead i use the disk share, or in the case of cache /mnt/cache/<cace only share name>,  i have seen some very odd problems with /mnt/user, in fact one of my docker containers refuses to stay up when pointed at /mnt/user, not to mention that /mnt/user is slower too than direct writes to the disk.



18 minutes ago, wgstarks said:

Often when reading through the forum I've seen that downloads are mapped to the image.


Im not sure what you mean by mapped to the image?, most people do volume map to either the cache drive (recommended) or to the array (slow and causes disk spinup), either woiuld work but cache is a better solution.

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2 minutes ago, gridrunner said:

Hi @wgstarks Yes people should always map downloads to a user share. If you have a cache then make the share cache enabled so the writes are done there first, then later moved over to the parity protected array.

If you have the downloads, downloading inside the container image this will just fill it up and can break your Docker containers. The docker image is normally 20 gigs I think so it wouldn't take a lot. We need to keep the docker image only for Docker containers themselves not their data. 


Actually that's poor phrasing in my part. What I meant was that I'm seeing that some people are mapping downloads to cache (not the same as image file I know). Just wanted to be sure there isn't some reason why I shouldn't create a user share on my array for downloads.

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1 minute ago, wgstarks said:

Actually that's poor phrasing in my part. What I meant was that I'm seeing that some people are mapping downloads to cache (not the same as image file I know). Just wanted to be sure there isn't some reason why I shouldn't create a user share on my array for downloads.


our posts overlapped each other, the answer is in my previous post :-)

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