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[Support] binhex - DelugeVPN

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just now Deluge-VPN won't start and a reinstall gets this message.


root@localhost:# /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/scripts/docker run -d --name='binhex-delugevpn' --net='bridge' --cpuset-cpus='2,4,3,5' --privileged=true -e TZ="America/Phoenix" -e HOST_OS="Unraid" -e 'VPN_ENABLED'='yes' -e 'VPN_USER'='******' -e 'VPN_PASS'='*********' -e 'VPN_PROV'='pia' -e 'VPN_OPTIONS'='' -e 'STRICT_PORT_FORWARD'='yes' -e 'ENABLE_PRIVOXY'='yes' -e 'LAN_NETWORK'='' -e 'NAME_SERVERS'=',,,,,,,' -e 'DEBUG'='false' -e 'UMASK'='000' -e 'PUID'='99' -e 'PGID'='100' -p '8112:8112/tcp' -p '58846:58846/tcp' -p '58946:58946/tcp' -p '58946:58946/udp' -p '8118:8118/tcp' -v '/mnt/user/':'/data':'rw' -v '/mnt/disks/KEVINPC_g/':'/KPCG':'rw' -v '/mnt/user/appdata/binhex-delugevpn':'/config':'rw' 'binhex/arch-delugevpn' 
/usr/bin/docker: Error response from daemon: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint binhex-delugevpn (3481502e83b48702f7d3e7eccf79040bbf5a169cc598454c1eac98ba84cbd6ba): Bind for failed: port is already allocated.

The command failed.

I can't get you a log because it won't even start and gives me an execution error. Any assistance here would be much appreciated. I've had it up and running for literally months and months so it was stable and all I did was restart the server.

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On 1/27/2017 at 3:58 AM, binhex said:


ok so when using DelugeVPN you can set which name servers you wish to use, by default this is set to use Google DNS, you can define which name servers you want my changing the value for key NAME_SERVERS. So to answer your question, no there is no built in "dns leak protection switch" but you can control which name servers you want, the PIA name servers are as follows:-


So you could use these for name resolution if you concerned. Just to add a bit more info to this, the risks of DNS leakage are minimised for this docker container, as we aren't routing all of your LAN traffic through this, it is used to purely route torrent traffic and possibly index site hits via privoxy, so information that could be gathered from your name server lookups wouldn't  be very specific to you as a individual, unlike when using the traditional Windows PIA client where ALL traffic is routed through for the host once the VPN is up, including websites you surf such as social sites etc, although even this is small/no risk as PIA do not log anything.

Could someone please tell me where I can find the value for the key "NAME_SERVERS"?  I checked all the files in appdata/binhex-delugevpn and could not find them.  Do I need to somehow create a new "key" on the "Update Container" docker setup page?  If so, could someone please walk me through doing this?  I would like to use the PIA name servers.


Thank you and kind regards,


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18 hours ago, death.hilarious said:

@binhex Any chance of getting a Deluge-2.0 VPN docker? The beta has been out for a year now and is quite stable from my (albeit limited) testing. The biggest current issues before a final 2.0 release seem to be around the Windows version not playing well with Python 3 (from the bug-tracker).

i have a general rule of not targeting non releases unless there is no alternative, so i would prefer to wait for the official release of 2.0 before jumping over, stability is everything in my opinion and whilst i appreciate your experience of using it, there are a lot of users here who have a uncanny way of finding bugs :-).


what pro's are there over v1 btw, speed?, ui?

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4 hours ago, binhex said:

i have a general rule of not targeting non releases unless there is no alternative, so i would prefer to wait for the official release of 2.0 before jumping over, stability is everything in my opinion and whilst i appreciate your experience of using it, there are a lot of users here who have a uncanny way of finding bugs :-).


what pro's are there over v1 btw, speed?, ui?

The core has been completely rewritten to maintain compatibility with the latest libtorrent versions. The biggest difference is in terms of performance--the new Deluge v.2.0 is a lot more resource efficient especially when seeding a large number of torrents. But there are plenty of cool new features too. For example, Deluge v.2.0 adds multiuser support in the WebUI, so you can have different login usernames and passwords and each user will only see their own torrents.


The roadmap suggests that cas was aiming for a Dec. 31 release of 2.0.0, but I'm not so sure he's going to make it because of the Windows issues. Nevertheless, the project is really close to a release and it's probably a good time to start thinking about a docker for it. Plus the Christmas holidays might make a good time for people to play with an experimental docker to find bugs ;).


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18 hours ago, craigr said:

....to answer your question, no there is no built in "dns leak protection switch"....

btw just to be clear to anybody here, this is no longer the case, dns is 100% used over the vpn only, the only time its not is for the initial lookup of the endpoint you are connecting to (which is then cached in hosts file). If the vpn goes down name queries do not go over the lan (iptables set not to allow port 53), once the vpn tunnel is re-established (by looking up the endpoint using hosts file) name server queries are then resumed over the vpn tunnel, zero leakage.

Edited by binhex
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So I have suddenly started having an issue... I did update the DD-WRT firmware on my router a few days ago, but I don't think that's it.  I tried resetting the router to defaults today as well.


When I launch the docker it opens fine and I start seeding right away.  Then, it seems that deluge keeps losing the connection to my VPN so deluge attempts to reconnect and does.  The PIA connection keeps getting lost and reconnected.  I tried changing the  PIA gateway from Montreal (which had been working fine) to Toronto and I am getting the same results.  Even while I am downloading the PIA connection will get lost, the download will stop, and then reconnect.  I can't understand why this has started seemingly out of the blue.  Attached is my log (supervisord.log).  I can get a longer log if that will help anyone, but I think it shows at least one of the lost connections and then a reconnection.


Thanks for any help!  I am so frustrated.


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3 hours ago, craigr said:

So I have suddenly started having an issue... I did update the DD-WRT firmware on my router a few days ago, but I don't think that's it.  I tried resetting the router to defaults today as well.


When I launch the docker it opens fine and I start seeding right away.  Then, it seems that deluge keeps losing the connection to my VPN so deluge attempts to reconnect and does.  The PIA connection keeps getting lost and reconnected.  I tried changing the  PIA gateway from Montreal (which had been working fine) to Toronto and I am getting the same results.  Even while I am downloading the PIA connection will get lost, the download will stop, and then reconnect.  I can't understand why this has started seemingly out of the blue.  Attached is my log (supervisord.log).  I can get a longer log if that will help anyone, but I think it shows at least one of the lost connections and then a reconnection.


Thanks for any help!  I am so frustrated.


I'm no expert but it sounds like a local networking issue. Check things like cables and MTU settings. Double check your ddwrt settings to make sure it's not doing anything it's not supposed to be doing (particularly things like QoS or other flow controls and anything that involves packet inspection).


Make sure your not doing things like using Wi-Fi for your torrent box or running a VPN client on your router in addition to the VPN client running on the delugeVPN box.


Maybe try reverting back to the older ddwrt firmware.

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@binhex Thank you for an awesome container! I've been running this on my unraid server since day one. This may be semi unrelated, but I'm trying to deploy the container on a standard centos 7 install to demonstrate docker to a class. Rhel 7 and Ubuntu 18 label embedded NICs as eno1, eno2, etc, and it appears that the iptables.sh has eth0 hardcoded. The result is that the container deploys, and starts, but the iptables rules don't function. Any advice? Thanks again.

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23 hours ago, death.hilarious said:

I'm no expert but it sounds like a local networking issue. Check things like cables and MTU settings. Double check your ddwrt settings to make sure it's not doing anything it's not supposed to be doing (particularly things like QoS or other flow controls and anything that involves packet inspection).


Make sure your not doing things like using Wi-Fi for your torrent box or running a VPN client on your router in addition to the VPN client running on the delugeVPN box.


Maybe try reverting back to the older ddwrt firmware.

Something is broken in the newest DD-WRT firmware for my R7000 because the command to renew the DHCP lease from the U-Verse junk hardware no longer was allowing the lease to renew without resetting the WAN connection.  So every 10 minutes my DHCP lease was expiring and forcing a new connection.


I really wish ATT would sell just a damn modem and not an entire access point with modem and wifi router... especially one that can't totally be bridged and also requires that the DHCP lease expires every 10 minutes when your real router is in DMZ+... sigh, it's always something.


Anyway, old firmware on my DD-WRT router solved the problem.


Blah blah blah...


Thanks for having me look back that way again when I thought it was already covered ;-)



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Hi guys.  First of all, thanks for this amazing container - it makes it soo easy to use VPN with proper port forwarding - now I can finally seed properly 🙂


I can connect find to deluge with external services like Radarr, but I can't for the life of me figure out how to connect from the container to services running on the host, e.g. couchpotato. While I know I could/should just run Couchpotato in a container as well, I still would like to figure out how to make delugeVPN  be able to connect to my external services. Other containers seem to be able to connect to couchpotato on the host just fine?


I'm a bit new to Docker so apologizing if the question is dumb... I'm running it with these settings:

DEBUG = false
UMASK = 002
VPN_USER = hidden
PUID = 1015
VPN_PASS = hidden
VPN_PROV = pia
PGID = 1005
PATH = /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin
HOME = /home/nobody
TERM = xterm
LANG = en_GB.UTF-8


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6 hours ago, kocane said:

I can connect find to deluge with external services like Radarr, but I can't for the life of me figure out how to connect from the container to services running on the host, e.g. couchpotato.


If the problem is specifically connecting deluge with couchpotato (both running on the same host), check the FAQ under the heading "How do i connect CouchPotato to DelugeVPN". The process is a lot more complicated than for things like Radarr/Sonarr because Couchpotato connects directly to the deluge daemon (instead of the webui) so you need to use the deluge credentials from the /config/auth file.


(disclaimer: i haven't used Couchpotato in a ages, so it's possible it interfaces through the Deluge WebUI now)

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2 minutes ago, death.hilarious said:

If the problem is specifically connecting deluge with couchpotato (both running on the same host), check the FAQ under the heading "How do i connect CouchPotato to DelugeVPN". The process is a lot more complicated than for things like Radarr/Sonarr because Couchpotato connects directly to the deluge daemon (instead of the webui) so you need to use the deluge credentials from the /config/auth file.


(disclaimer: i haven't used Couchpotato in a ages, so it's possible it interfaces through the Deluge WebUI now)

Thanks for the reply.


It's not so much a matter of connecting couchpotato to deluge (I only use couchpotato to process movies which I manually add to Deluge, as Radarr demands that the movie is in the "wanted" list, afaik) but more a matter of the container being able to see any service running on the host. curl -L hostip:5050 times out on delugeVPN container whereas on any other container, where Curl is installed, I can easily see the couchpotato page.


So is it a networking question?

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21 minutes ago, kocane said:

It's not so much a matter of connecting couchpotato to deluge (I only use couchpotato to process movies which I manually add to Deluge, as Radarr demands that the movie is in the "wanted" list, afaik) but more a matter of the container being able to see any service running on the host. curl -L hostip:5050 times out on delugeVPN container whereas on any other container, where Curl is installed, I can easily see the couchpotato page.


See the FAQ under "Q1. I am having issues using a post processing script which connects to CouchPotato/Sick Beard, how do i fix this?". You need to define "ADDITIONAL_PORTS" environment variables to allow outgoing connections from the VPN docker to another container/application.


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16 minutes ago, death.hilarious said:


See the FAQ under "Q1. I am having issues using a post processing script which connects to CouchPotato/Sick Beard, how do i fix this?". You need to define "ADDITIONAL_PORTS" environment variables to allow outgoing connections from the VPN docker to another container/application.


Seems like exactly what I need but are you sure it's not the sabnzbd container only? I tried adding it like into the delugeVPN but it didn't seem to have an affect.

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On 12/14/2018 at 7:22 AM, death.hilarious said:

Glad you got it sorted. I've had good success using freshtomato (forum link) as firmware for my wireless AP.

Been thinking of switching to Tomato and after this I may do so.  The newest Kong dd-wrt for my R7000 is 7 months old and caused these issues...  seems Kong has lost interest.




Edited by craigr
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