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[Support] binhex - Plex

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3 minutes ago, Asiansnowman said:

when I start the plex docker the option for the Web GUI isn't shown.

Do you have a WebUI entry in the Plex docker container settings? Enable Advanced View


If it is not there, no WebUI option will show up when yo click on the Plex icon.


You could also try running it from a browser (to make sure it works) by typing in 'http://{ip address of your server}:32400' if you are using the standard Plex port.



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Hello, I need some help with ms PMS. PLex media GUI is not working. Last night i was rearranging  my home network which in effect changed my DHCP.  At the same time adding a NIC to the sever. I'm at the point where I can see the shares in any computer in the house but when I start the plex docker the option for the Web GUI isn't shown.




Ok I see what happened. I found out that that the server couldn't connect to the internet. When I switched over to using the NIC as the connection I needed to to change the interface rules to reflect that the NIC was now Eth0 


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1 hour ago, Asiansnowman said:

when I start the plex docker the option for the Web GUI isn't shown.

2 Reasons I see for that


1  When playing around getting Plex back working, you inadvertently edited Plex and changed the WebUI entry on it


2  The flash drive has dropped offline.  (Probably no "Edit" option in the drop down either - or if hitting it will bring up a message akin to "Was this container created with ..."

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Can someone tell me if there is a setup guide for this?  I was using a version from someone that I guess was not supported anymore and over the last week Plex has stopped working on my unraid server.  I have downloaded this version, However I have no clue on how to get this going anymore and can't find any guide to explain it.  I have downloaded it and set the paths to my drives.  I have try to find them in the webgui when setting up but they are not anywhere I can find.  Can someone point me to a setup guide?

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Thanks for the response.  Issue I have is I had already deleted the original and tried installing the "official Plex" version, Couldn't get it to work.  So I deleted it and downloaded the "binhex" version.  I have no idea what any of my paths were, And I deleted some of those folders thinking it was causing issue with the new version download.  So, This video doesn't help me much.  Can I just install "binhex" and set it back up?  I tried setting the file paths in plex to the locations of all my media.  However, When I go into the Plex GUI, I have no idea how to find the drives.  I have clicked on everything but they are not present.


Also, To better understand what happened.  I'm not much of a tech person so I don't touch this stuff much because I have no clue what I'm doing.  Needless to say, My unraid system OS had not been updated in most likely 2 years or so.  I updated the OS and that's when everything when bat shit crazy and plex stopped working.  I tried updating it, Did not work.  That's when I began to install other plex applications, Needless to say I have not been able to get them to work.  I'm not even sure during the initial install what I'm supposed to check or set.  I did figure out adding "paths" to my media drives in the plex docker setup.  I have 10 media drives with various folders and plex has a path to them all.  Again, However when I go into the web GUI and try to setup a "movies' folder or whatever it asks for me to pick my drive/folder.  When I go into this option, I cannot find my pathed drives.  Again, I'm not much of a techie, Don't know shit about networking so maybe I'm missing something.

Edited by bloodlust
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Screenshot (2).png


Here is my current settings, Have no clue if this is correct or what some of this stuff even is.  You can see at the bottom I added a path to the a Blu Ray movie folder, Which I can't seem to find in Plex GUI when driving to add a drive/folder.

Edited by bloodlust
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9 minutes ago, bloodlust said:

You can see at the bottom I added a path to the a Blu Ray movie folder, Which I can't seem to find in Plex GUI when driving to add a drive/folder.

And you never will find it in Plex as currently configured.  You have not specified a container path.  The container path is what is used in Plex to tell it how to access the media.  For example, you might call the container path something like /BRMovies.  When you browse for a folder to add to Library in Plex you would look for /BRMovies.  That would map to /mnt/disk1/Blue-Rays and Plex would know where to find the media.


Here's my /movies mapping in the Plex container as an example:


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Is there a reason you are using disk shares instead of user shares?  Perhaps you want to organize your media on specific disk(s).  That can also be done with user shares.


There is a likelihood of losing data if you ever copy files between disk and user shares.  It should always be user share to user share and disk share to disk share.  You may know exactly what you are doing, but, I thought I would point it out.

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1 hour ago, Hoopster said:

Is there a reason you are using disk shares instead of user shares?  Perhaps you want to organize your media on specific disk(s).  That can also be done with user shares.


There is a likelihood of losing data if you ever copy files between disk and user shares.  It should always be user share to user share and disk share to disk share.  You may know exactly what you are doing, but, I thought I would point it out.

Sweet!  I'm up and running now, Thank you!  In regards to your share question, I have no idea.  Back when a guy helped set this up for me 6 or 7 years ago that's the way it was setup.  I don't mess with anything as I'm afraid of screwing something up, I'm sure my server is not setup as it should be.  I have 11 disk drives on it, And adding one or replacing one is something I at least know how to do without worry regarding data loss.  You say mine is setup with disk shares, What is the advantage to "user" shares?  I don't have any other reason why it's setup with disk shares.  I know that when I fill a drive, I add another one and just create a "movies" folder in the new drive and start saving to it.  I'm assuming with "user" shares, You can just setup 1 folder and it will take into account all the drives available to it?

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I'm having an odd problem. 


I noticed my transcoding to ram stopped working.   I checked the docker log and I see this.



2020-03-22 21:10:26.031500 [info] Permissions already set for volume mappings
2020-03-22 21:10:26.052399 [warn] TRANS_DIR not defined,(via -e TRANS_DIR), defaulting to '/config/tmp'



However, I DO have the TRANS_DIR set via the volume mapping. 


name: tmp

container path: /transcode

host path: /tmp/transcode


Am I doing something wrong?

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26 minutes ago, bloodlust said:

I don't have any other reason why it's setup with disk shares.  I know that when I fill a drive, I add another one and just create a "movies" folder in the new drive and start saving to it.  I'm assuming with "user" shares, You can just setup 1 folder and it will take into account all the drives available to it?

The advantage of user shares is that they can span disks automatically as needed.  If you wish you can have a share use all available disks or limit it to certain disks.


Lets say you set up a user share called Movies and you specify it should occupy disks 1-4.  UnRAID will start by storing Movies on disk 1 until it reaches the threshold establish by the allocation method and split level settings (turn on help in the Shares tab to see an explanation of how these work). 


Other shares could simultaneously be using disk 1 as well so disk 1 in this case is not going to be full of movies exclusively.  When the thresholds are hit, unRAID will automatically create a Movies folder on disk 2, you DO NOT need to manually manage this, and will start storing Movies on disk 2 and so on and so on through disk 4.


The advantage to this scenario is that if disk 3 fails for example, you lose access to only the movies stored on disk 3 (until you can replace and rebuild it).  With the way you have things now, if a disk fails, you stand to lose a large portion of your movies library if a single disk fails.


The bottom line is that user shares make data management a lot easier and a lot more flexible.  Managing disk shares as you are doing is a lot of manual work and you have no idea (potentially) where a file actually resides.  When you open a user share folder in unRAID it automatically shows you ALL files that belong to that share regardless of which physical disks contain those files.

Edited by Hoopster
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18 minutes ago, djgizmo said:

However, I DO have the TRANS_DIR set via the volume mapping. 


name: tmp

container path: /transcode

host path: /tmp/transcode


Am I doing something wrong?

No that this is the problem but you do not really need to specify a transcode folder under /tmp.  Plex will automatically create /Transcode/Sessions folders under the designated host path.  Your setting would result in a path of /tmp/transcode/Transcode/Sessions.  Sessions is where the transcoding files will actually appear when transcoding is taking place.


The warning you saw indicates the docker container may not have properly passed in the TRANS_DIR variable in the run command.  Edit your TRANS_DIR path and apply the changes so the docker container restarts and pay attention to the resulting run command that appears on container restart. Make sure TRANS_DIR is being recognized as a valid variable when the container starts.



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52 minutes ago, Hoopster said:

No that this is the problem but you do not really need to specify a transcode folder under /tmp.  Plex will automatically create /Transcode/Sessions folders under the designated host path.  Your setting would result in a path of /tmp/transcode/Transcode/Sessions.  Sessions is where the transcoding files will actually appear when transcoding is taking place.


The warning you saw indicates the docker container may not have properly passed in the TRANS_DIR variable in the run command.  Edit your TRANS_DIR path and apply the changes so the docker container restarts and pay attention to the resulting run command that appears on container restart. Make sure TRANS_DIR is being recognized as a valid variable when the container starts.



Yea, tried it both ways (/tmp and /tmp/transcode) and both create a folder on my SSD (where my /config is located).   



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Yea, tried it both ways (/tmp and /tmp/transcode) and both create a folder on my SSD (where my /config is located).   



Did your also set the value of trans_dir to the container path you want to use ie /tmp/transcode


Sent from my CLT-L09 using Tapatalk




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8 hours ago, djgizmo said:

I'm having an odd problem. 


I noticed my transcoding to ram stopped working.   I checked the docker log and I see this.




However, I DO have the TRANS_DIR set via the volume mapping. 


name: tmp

container path: /transcode

host path: /tmp/transcode


Am I doing something wrong?

that is a volume mapping NOT an environment variable, you need to define the volume mapping AND set the value for TRANS_DIR to the volume mapping you defined, see Q1 from the link below for explanation:-



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3 hours ago, binhex said:

that is a volume mapping NOT an environment variable, you need to define the volume mapping AND set the value for TRANS_DIR to the volume mapping you defined, see Q1 from the link below for explanation:-



Thank you for the link.... 

However the FAQ (and when I searched for the question in this thread) says to set the value for TRANS_DIR but does not say how to set this value.   Is this just a custom variable (key/value) in the container configuration in Unraid?   I'm not trying to be difficult, just want some clarification as it's not described anywhere in the thread or the FAQ. 

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24 minutes ago, djgizmo said:

Is this just a custom variable (key/value) in the container configuration in Unraid? 

nope its not an custom variable (you mean additional right?), its present in the template and should be there by default, unless you downloaded the template a LONG time ago (years) then it will be there, screenshot from my config:-



Edited by binhex
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1 hour ago, binhex said:

nope its not an custom variable (you mean additional right?), its present in the template and should be there by default, unless you downloaded the template a LONG time ago (years) then it will be there, screenshot from my config:-



hmmm... I don't have that.    Can I add it manually?

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Just now, djgizmo said:

k, I removed the config and kept the image and re-added the container and now its there.   Now it makes sense.   I must have had the container from ages ago right before you added it in. go figure. 

cool :-), and btw yes you could simply of just added it as an additional variable.

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Hey, a newbie here..


So I have a little problem, I have binhex-plex up and running and it work s like a charm, no problem.

Also used this tutorial https://forums.unraid.net/topic/77943-guide-plex-hardware-acceleration-using-intel-quick-sync/ to get the hardware acceleration thing running and it works fine.

The only problem is that plex will stop working after a restart of the system, It will give me a 'execution error' and wont start.


I don't know if it is because of the hardware acceleration thing, or maybe the container itself.

Anyone knows of this problem?

And btw, what is the difference between the this plex container and the plex-pass container? I am a pass holder, so should I use the pass holder one? Is that the reason it crashes (because HW acceleration is plexpass only).

Sorry if this is all very newbie, but this unraid thing or even building my own rig (which rocks btw iin my humble newbie opinion :-P) is very newbie to me! (loving it!)

Hope you guys have some answers

Edited by KillRoy1972
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3 hours ago, KillRoy1972 said:

I am a pass holder, so should I use the pass holder one? Is that the reason it crashes (because HW acceleration is plexpass only).

I don't use this particular plex container, but it seems reasonable that if only plexpass supports HW acceleration, then you would want to use the plexpass version of the binhex plex.


On the other hand, I wouldn't think that would be the reason for the crash since I would expect plex to just fallback to not using HW, and if it runs at all that must be what it is doing.


Go to Tools - Diagnostics and attach the complete diagnostics zip file to your NEXT post.


Also, post your docker run command for this container as explained at this very first link in the Docker FAQ:




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I already found the problem, and it works like a charm now.


For some reason I had to manually alter the 'go file' instead of using the promt (which only add a new 'go-file' as go.save not altering the original go-file resulting in a execute error of the binhex-plex container.





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