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[DEPRECATED] Linuxserver.io - Rutorrent

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5 hours ago, nZero said:

Small thing I just noticed, if ruTorrent creates the folder (say, moving torrents from /test/ -> /test/sub/ when sub isn't already created) it creates the folder with 755, owner of nobody, meaning that even if unraid has permissions set, you can't write to it. I can just set newperms or set folder permissions to 777, but I'd prefer not having to if possible.


Also rtfm ;) https://github.com/Novik/ruTorrent/wiki/Config#configphp


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Would I run into any obvious issues by having my downloads folder on my NAS and using Unassigned Devices to map it into the docker container?


My cache drive is used for a lot and torrents require a lot of i/o, the local network is 1gbit.

Edited by Spies
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Just now, Spies said:

Would I run into any obvious issues by having my downloads folder on my NAS and using Unassigned Devices to map it into the docker container?


I assume you mean your NAS is another server not your unRAID NAS server. It should work fine but see the docker FAQ for some hints on mapping Unassigned Devices.

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i can not modify the following folder: Save path on the webUI: /downloads/incoming
(right click, save to.. and nothing happens, i think the correct webui save path should be: /incoming/ )

unraid container settings:
Container path:

host path:

the second issue is, (transmisson worked fine on the same port settings) 51413 (default) "port is closed" appears and download progress (and seed, the seed shouldnt be working on the "wrong" path settings..) does not work. 

it was working fine in the last week.. but (since the last update?) it has been broken somewhere.. 

(is it possilbe to revert "manually" from unraid CA  ? )

thank you!

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1 minute ago, Sin said:

i can not modify the following folder: Save path on the webUI: /downloads/incoming
(right click, save to.. and nothing happens, i think the correct webui save path should be: /incoming/ )

unraid container settings:
Container path:

host path:

the second issue is, (transmisson worked fine on the same port settings) 51413 (default) "port is closed" appears and download progress (and seed, the seed shouldnt be working on the "wrong" path settings..) does not work. 

it was working fine in the last week.. but (since the last update?) it has been broken somewhere.. 

(is it possilbe to revert "manually" from unraid CA  ? )

thank you!


Post your docker run command as seen in the docker FAQ. If that is all the mappings you have for this then /downloads isn't mapped nor is /incoming.

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2 independent unraid server, same issue with rutorrent update, without any changes(!). 

remove, reinstall, remove appdata, reinstall with default path settings, edit path ..somewhere else, "/" without "/" , etc  -> nothing..  
so. is it possible to revert? :)

ive installed other clients (qbit, transmission) and everything went fine.


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Yes:) and this is my problem. 

step by step.. fresh install.
0. remove rutorrent, clean appdata.
1. CA / find rutorrent / press download
2. On the "Add container" screen i set the following ("edit configuration") 

Select container path..

Container path:

host path:

3. Save, Apply. (now i have a clean rutorrent)
4. Start WebUI and add new torrent
>>>>> wrong save path appears on the webUI.

So the next-next finish "installer" in this new/updated version does not work correclty.

and thank you btw, ill try to modify manually the rutorrent.rc


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  • 2 weeks later...

I have a problem with the RSS feed not beeing updated. i have to manual update it.

When i disable some settings like in below picture it seems to work. But once i close the browser window it refert back to the old settings and i cant find what to add to thte rtorrent.rc to uncheck optiosn like session_lock and session con completion last one not sure if that is needed but the session_lock is.



Edited by KoNeko
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On 6/14/2018 at 8:47 AM, karateo said:

I am complete lost with this. I don't know how to troubleshoot!


Nobody using rutorrent anymore?


On 6/14/2018 at 11:52 AM, Spies said:

Mine works fine with the box ticked and /.*/


Correction, mine used to work, now it doesn't.


Edit, my paths were not set correctly in radarr and sonarr, I think this was the cause.

Edited by Spies
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10 hours ago, Spies said:



Correction, mine used to work, now it doesn't.


Edit, my paths were not set correctly in radarr and sonarr, I think this was the cause.


Auto-unpack does not have anything to do with the rest of the server.

It's only related to rutorrent as it unpacks a zipped file it has already downloaded.

So the permissions are fine.


I might change to the rutorrent-vpn docker just for this!

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On 6/17/2018 at 4:10 PM, KoNeko said:

I have a problem with the RSS feed not beeing updated. i have to manual update it.

When i disable some settings like in below picture it seems to work. But once i close the browser window it refert back to the old settings and i cant find what to add to thte rtorrent.rc to uncheck optiosn like session_lock and session con completion last one not sure if that is needed but the session_lock is.




i added     $updateInterval = 15; in the config.php and that also seems to have fixed it.


But when the container is restarted it loses the 2 options i disable the session lock en de session on completion. When the container is restarted those 2 are on/enabled again.

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On 9/14/2017 at 5:40 AM, gtroyp said:

I am seeing very high CPU usage by rtorrent, 100% full use of a core. Can stop all torrents and usage doesn't change. Restart with torrents all stopped, goes right back to high usage. Seems like a runaway process. Anybody else?


If not, where do I start to try and figure it out?


UPDATE: Not sure if it's related, but I am getting occasional and intermittent errors on seeded files that the tracker reached timeout. That is probably an unrelated tracker issue, but might not be?


I'm struggling with this too.


I found out after som trial and error that --cpuset-cpus="7,23,8,24" (using 1950x) fixes the issue.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Have not found the topic search function.


Anyone got unix socket style connections to work on Sonarr using this docker? I cannot connect but I know my RPC connection works as Rutorrent and Electron both function.


When I use rpc.php or httprpc I get false or no connection...

Edited by user457453944
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hello, adding downloads to ruTorrent seem to be causing tons of lag to the docker (refresh wheel frequently lighting up, normal usage never lights up)

And i'm also getting terrible download speeds. It seems to 'freeze' everytime it sucessfully connects to a seed to download.


Please advise? I have 550+ seeding with no issues. Just downloading. I'm currently using a different client to handle downloads and then this one for uploading.


Edit: not sure if this matters (it is downloading to corrrect directory), but the bottom-left "Disk Available" counter is showing xx.xxG/20.00G used, so I believe its registering its path as inside the Docker image (which is 20GB?) .. but maybe i'm offbase! Thanks.


I will leave this up , but I believe the issue was my settings. Google "optimizing rtorrent" for understanding the settings and not just making assumptions like me.

Wished peers/minimum peers should never be set to 0, I believe this caused my issue. (I still am using a seperate client as I like the other functionality but the issue is likely resolved)

Edited by ct1996
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18 hours ago, luutuananh said:

Hi, a quick noob question. I can't write to folder that rtorrent are using to seed. How can I change that so I can write to that folder?

chmod -R 0777 /mnt/user/Media


redirect folder name to w/e you need, it runs on ALL subdirectories, I just run it on my /Media root folder every couple days.

Edited by ct1996
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