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33 minutes ago, Arndroid said:


This is my only Docker Host Path parameter:



Any tips on changing the locations?

Sure, point it to /data, like it shows in your image. As far as getting to the existing downloads, they are inside the docker image, either research how to bash inside this container, or just delete the docker image and recreate it.

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5 minutes ago, jonathanm said:

Sure, point it to /data, like it shows in your image. As far as getting to the existing downloads, they are inside the docker image, either research how to bash inside this container, or just delete the docker image and recreate it.

I tried to change it to /data, no dice.

Neither with "/mnt/user/Downloads/complete" nor with "/downloads/complete".


Also, I don't think that the "Docker image" is located at "/mnt/user/appdata/activ-transmissionvpn", right?

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On 8/13/2017 at 1:42 AM, bcr621 said:

Ok, I'm clearly missing something here. I have the app installed and I can download torrents, so it's working properly. Trouble is I can't find anything once it's downloaded. If I leave the default /data path, I can't find it. If I change the path to a location I can find, I get "Error: Permission denied...". I feel like I'm missing something extremely simple and stupid, but I cannot figure it out. 

Have you perhaps solved it by now?

I am struggling with the same issue as well.

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your folder mappings are incorrect, the /home/nobody/downloads is in the docker, not on your data drives, try changing the download location to /data/downloads, or add a couple other folder mappings to allow transmission access to other locations.. I am using a different TransmissionVPN docker, so ignore the Trans Option & Transmission RPC lines.




Edited by clowrym
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I actually have tried multiple (relative) locations, but what I noticed is that if I do, for example "/downloads", my Transmission remote client says "Unknown free".



When I do "/" it can find some space... I don't know where the "1.52GiB" comes from, I have plenty of more space available on my shares.



But both result in a Permission denied message


I am truly at a loss here.

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Easiest thing to do is to leave the download location as is in Transmission and change where it maps to with docker. If that gives you rights issues you will need to check rights on the folder and make sure the docker user maps to an actual user (UID GID in docker).



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Which users should I set it to?


Other Dockers, including the LinuxServer.io could access the Downloads share just fine.


I tried setting the PUID and PGID to 0 (0:0 is root), but then I couldn't access the WebGUI anymore.

Settings it back to 99:100 (user "nobody"), and I can atleast access the WebGUI again.


Or are these the wrong settings I'm changing?


Currently all shares seem to be owned by: nobody:users, is that is odd? :P 



It also seems all shares have a chmod of 777, except Downloads, which has 755.
Should I change it to 777? Again, I do not seem to have issues with it on other Dockers.

Edited by Arndroid
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When I try to attach to the docker, with or without sudo, I do not get any responses, I never attached to a docker before though.


I also have the feeling nothing happens whatever I try to do, things like cd and mkdir, nothing happens.

Ctrl+C does however execute a docker stop/shutdown... so there is that.


Also, giving the Downloads share chmod 777 doesn't change anything it seems.

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You don't want docker attach.  That simply redirects the container's stdin / stdout / stderr to your monitor & keyboard so that you can see the output of whatever the container might be trying to display.


What you're looking for is

docker exec -it active-transmissionvpn /bin/bash

(or sometimes bash isn't installed in the container so you would use /bin/sh instead)


Side note, sudo is pointless on unRaid, as you're already running as root and have full privileges

Edited by Squid
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Thanks to to both of you!


A quick "ls -l" and a "cd" to "/mnt" showed that there was nothing to be found there.

But there was a "/unraid" folder in the starting location of docker's container initial prompt, in there I could see, and access, all my shares.


Setting the Transmission locations to "/unraid/downloads" etc. works wonders. :)

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Is it strange that I cannot connect TransmissionVPN to other Dockers like Couchpotato and Sonarr?

I can remote connect with a Client application to it just fine.


It says Authorization is invalid/required. (403 Forbidden according to the Couchpotato log)

Anything I missed perhaps?


NZBGet VPN works fine in this fashion.

Edited by Arndroid
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  • 1 month later...

This might sound like a noobish question, I set up PIA on the system and torrents are downloading without a problem, but how do I know Im actually routing traffic through PIA. Is there a way I can check the IP of the Transmission server to verify its a different IP from my public one. Any help would be appreciated thanks!

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20 hours ago, TheEnigma said:

This might sound like a noobish question, I set up PIA on the system and torrents are downloading without a problem, but how do I know Im actually routing traffic through PIA. Is there a way I can check the IP of the Transmission server to verify its a different IP from my public one. Any help would be appreciated thanks!


Google "Is my torrent leaking my IP" and find the TorGuard link and they'll have a "Download Here" button, click that and itll either give you a torrent to add or a magnet link you can input.


itll show you what IP is downloading it and you can tell if your home ip leaks or the vpn ip, if its your VPN ip, youre good to go.

Edited by MowMdown
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  • 3 months later...

Still stumped here... Completely removed app, reinstalled and recreated settings manually.  Still refuses all connections.


Tried installing the bare transmission, it's working as expected... Something's different between transmission and this version that's broken something, but I'm really lost now.


Argh.  Tried deleting my docker image in desperation.  No change.


Further update: I was able to get into my web interface by turning off the vpn_enabled flag in the docker, so I guess we now know that I'm dealing with a vpn issue rather than a transmission one, but does anyone know what might be happening here?  To be honest I'm not even sure how to verify if the docker is connecting to my VPN correctly without being able to access the Transmission Web GUI.

Edited by Bureaucromancer
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Ok, bumping for fix...  privoxy was off...  not entirely clear on the relationship between OVPN and privoxy, or why one of my or the required config changed (although from my limited understanding of privoxy it was always there and probably got turned off) but its working now (including confirmed that my ip is filtered).

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 When checking the logs I can see this every 10minutes:

[warn] PIA incoming port is not an integer, downloads will be slow, does PIA remote gateway supports port forwarding?

I'm unsure if this is due to me customising anything or even if it has always been there (only first checked the logs this weekend after running for a couple of months).


Anyone have an idea if this is an issue and/or any potential fixes? The VPN does still work, and I don't use Privoxy.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...

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