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GUIDE *****Custom VM icons automatically downloaded and installed to unraid


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   I ve just used the script seems to work but in the video  @SpaceInvaderOne didn t mention how to find the api and user token key since he too set the value to 1 but let it there without define those keys. Where to find them?


Edit... when I used a custom PopOS icon next restart total mess... couldn t start VM service nor Docker Service... multiple errors at system log. I shut it down completely and lucky me next reboot worked but all the icons got lost that the script downloaded.... Am I missing something here?



Edited by ieronymous
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  • 1 month later...

I just wanted an icon or two for VM's and not the whole banner and icon 'repo concept' of spaceinvader one's great work.  So I made a very simple script that copies any PNG file in the root of the flash drive.  Same exact steps to install the script just made it instead be:

# this script copies all png files from flash drive to vm icon folder
rsync -a /boot/*.png /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.vm.manager/templates/images

if you want a bit more of a robust script with error reporting, logging, cleanup of permissions, etc this would work as well:

# this script copies all png files from flash drive to vm icon folder
echo "+=============================================================================="
echo " | Installing new package /boot/config/plugins/user.scripts/iconpush"
echo "+=============================================================================="
echo "Found the following PNG files:"
ls -al /boot/*.png
rsync -a /boot/*.png /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.vm.manager/templates/images
echo "Return Code: $?"
chmod 644 /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.vm.manager/templates/images/*
echo "Return Code: $?"
sleep 3

I was hoping the icons would show up on creation of a VM, but it seems you can only modify a VM with the new icons.  It's good enough though.


Hope this helps someone else if they have this need.  I have attached the folder with the 2 required files to drop into the \flash\config\plugins\user.scripts\scripts folder in case people are not clear on how to modify an existing script.


Edited by choekstr
fixed a typo
  • Thanks 1
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  • 1 month later...

@SpaceInvaderOne Hi and thank you for making this script and hosting the icons on your sever and for the video instructions.


Can you please add all the excellent icons on this forum to your repo? I noticed many are not on there (KDE plasma for example)

I ended up manually adding a wget instruction directly in the "/boot/config/plugins/user.scripts/scripts/icon_banner downloader\script" file below the call to your "wget'.

Ugly, but it works and luckily the forum location acts as a suitable location for hosting:


wget $get -P $download
wget https://ipsassets.unraid.net/uploads/monthly_2018_04/icon-kdeneon.png.0f710d4f92761e19ddc1a05760326f28.png -P $download
wget $getbanner -P $dirbanner


Just a note to everyone to insert the image directly into your post. Dropbox or Google links won't work with this method.


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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 5 months later...
  • 5 weeks later...
40 minutes ago, SavellM said:

Is there a way I can just manually install a single icon? 

Like copy/paste it somewhere so that its available to be selected in VM's?

I had the same need, so I just created my own script.  just scroll up a few posts and I outlined what I did.  Here is a direct link to it:


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i tried to do Space Invased Voliumio install, and came here for the ICon


i tried Space invader script found 2 bugs

one i cant use Space in my Arrays download folder.. i tried couple ways doesnt work

#downloadlocation="'/mnt/user/Backup Files/Unraid/Icons/'"
#downloadlocation="'/mnt/user/Backup\ Files/Unraid/Icons/'"
#downloadlocation="'/mnt/user/Backup Files/Unraid/Icons'"
#downloadlocation="'/mnt/user/Backup\ Files/Unraid/Icons'"
#downloadlocation="'/mnt/user/Backup\ Files/Unraid/Icons/"

i copied 2 icons  to the Store


2nd when i went this route.   Adding a VM is not broken  i get this error

the one thats unremmed above is what worked  which i didnt want it to work but when i do the sync  it copies but now broke it


Warning: syntax error, unexpected $end, expecting ']' in state/sec_afp.ini on line 246 in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/template.php on line 31



so now i no longer able to add  VM


how can i fix it now?

and unraid keeps flashing in the bottom   "Starting Service"


the one mistake i know i did first was  i forgot to copy icons to the store file  before i ran the  sync script

and then i saw rysnc error and remember i  gotta copy to  store  would that caused it ?



is it safe to reboot?  can i copy the templete.php from another location   redownload  something?

Edited by comet424
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so i tried to modify this code to get it to work with  spaces  

so i dont wanna use "test"  or "backup"     i have my own folder

"Backup Files/Tower/Icons"  


but the "Find" command hates  "Backup Files"  

find buggers up  and goes like  Files/Icons   not the /mnt/user/Backup Files 


but if i echo   $download location      if i do the $dirtemp $dirstore they work corect with the ' '    quotes so spaces should work

it will echo    '/mnt/user/Backup Files/Unraid/Tower/Icons'



but i dunno how to get it to work right 

any ideas?  

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Don't forget to wrap the usage of those variables as well. It's not just the assigning of dirtemp and dirstore but also every single time you use/reference them. That's just good programming practice but if the coder uses something without spaces like test or backup then they might be lazy and not ensure there are double quotes around all the variables.  Since you want spaces you'll need to ensure all variables that might have a space in the contents are wrapped properly. 

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ive tried     changing his if statements

 to   "$dirtemp"

or   "'$dirtemp'"


it does work for mkdir    but when it comes to  "find"  it has issues



can you change if statements  from

if [ ! -d $dirstore ] ; then


to  if [ ! -d "$dirstore" ] ; then


if [ ! -d "'$dirstore'" ] ; then



or for find 

bannercount=$(find $dirbanner -type f | wc -l) 


do you do it 

bannercount=$(find "$dirbanner" -type f | wc -l) 


bannercount=$(find "'$dirbanner'" -type f | wc -l)


ill have to try it


as i was guessing adding " "  or ' '   as i dont program  really anymroe and i just dable with the python stuff


so i guess at times and the

echo  to show 

but when i do 

echo "bannercount=$(find $dirbanner -type f | wc -l)"        


it will echo    bannercount=0 

but ill still get  Find error


so  what i currently just playing around with the code is here.. and the output i get is below it

#downloads custom icons from online icon repository to array then copies them into vm manager. 
#set below to [0 - First copies icons to category folders, so you can choose which icons to have copied to the system] 
#set below to [1 - direct downloads all icons without categories then copies them to your system without user choice]

#set location on server for download of icons if above not set to direct
downloadlocation="'/mnt/user/Backup\ Files"
#optional push notifications set below leave all settings below if none required
#set whether to use pushnotication on download of new icons [0- none] [1-pushover] [2-pushbullet] 
#pushover api (only fill in if set above to pushover above)
apitoken="token=put your pushover token here"
userkey="user=put your pushover user key here"
#pushbullet api (only fill in if set above to pushbullet above)
API="put your push bullet api key here"

#dont change anything below here ***********************************************************************************
echo $dirtemp
echo $dirstore
echo $dirbanner
#sleep 400
#set function "pushnotice" to push type

	if [[ "$pushnotifications" =~ ^(1|2)$ ]]; then

		if [ "$pushnotifications" -eq 1 ]; then

			function pushnotice {
					 curl -s \
				--form-string $apitoken \
				--form-string $userkey \
				--form-string "message=$1" \
				echo "set for pushover"

			elif [ "$pushnotifications" -eq 2 ]; then

				function pushnotice {
				curl -u $API: https://api.pushbullet.com/v2/pushes -d type=note -d title="unRAID vm icons" -d body="$1"
				echo "set for pushbullet"			



			function pushnotice {
				echo "$1"

		if [ ! -d $dirtemp ] ; then
					echo "Setting up first folder $dirtemp "
echo $dirtemp
sleep 5

					# make the temp directory as it doesnt exist
					echo "mkdir -vp $dirtemp  SHOULD BE OK"
					echo "continuing."
		#check if array if banner location exist
				if [ ! -d $dirbanner ] ; then
							echo "Setting up banner folder $dirbanner "

							# make the temp directory as it doesnt exist
							echo"mkdir -vp $dirbanner"
							echo "continuing."
			#check if array if store location exist				

				if [ ! -d $dirstore ] ; then
										echo "Setting up second folder $dirtemp "

										# make the store directory as it doesnt exist
										echo "mkdir -vp $dirstore"
										echo "All folders needed are already created continuing."
if [[ "$direct_copy_icons" =~ ^(0|1)$ ]]; then

echo $dirstore
	if [ "$direct_copy_icons" -eq 0 ]; then

 # set download location to temp folder for user to sort
		echo "information: direct_copy_icons flag is 0. Icons will be copied to array first for manual sorting."
		#set wget to download with folder structure for user sorting
		get="-r -c -S -N -nH -e robots=off -np -A png -R index.html* http://spaceinvader.one/unraidvmicons/"
		getbanner="-r -c -S -N -nH -e robots=off -np -A png -R index.html* http://spaceinvader.one/unraidbanners/"
		#set what to do at end of script

	elif [ "$direct_copy_icons" -eq 1 ]; then

	# set download location to store folder then copy to system
		echo "information: direct_copy_icons flag is 1.Icons will be copied directly to system without user intervention"

		#set wget to download without folder structure as direct to system
		get="-r -c -S -N -nH -e robots=off -nd -np -A png -R index.html* http://spaceinvader.one/unraidvmicons/"
		getbanner="-r -c -S -N -nH -e robots=off -np -A png -R index.html* http://spaceinvader.one/unraidbanners/"
		#set what to do at end of script

	echo "failure: direct_copy_icons is $direct_copy_icons. this is not a valid format. expecting [0 - array first] or [1 - direct to system]. exiting."

	exit 1

						echo "'______'''_______''_'''''_''__''''_''___''''''_______''_______''______'''___'''__''''_''_______'";
						echo "|''''''|'|'''''''||'|'_'|'||''|''|'||'''|''''|'''''''||'''_'''||''''''|'|'''|'|''|''|'||'''''''|";
						echo "|''_''''||'''_'''||'||'||'||'''|_|'||'''|''''|'''_'''||''|_|''||''_''''||'''|'|'''|_|'||''''___|";
						echo "|'|'|'''||''|'|''||'''''''||'''''''||'''|''''|''|'|''||'''''''||'|'|'''||'''|'|'''''''||'''|'__'";
						echo "|'|_|'''||''|_|''||'''''''||''_''''||'''|___'|''|_|''||'''''''||'|_|'''||'''|'|''_''''||'''||''|";
						echo "|'''''''||'''''''||'''_'''||'|'|'''||'''''''||'''''''||'''_'''||'''''''||'''|'|'|'|'''||'''|_|'|";
						echo "|______|'|_______||__|'|__||_|''|__||_______||_______||__|'|__||______|'|___|'|_|''|__||_______|";
						echo "'''''''''''''''''''''''''___'''_______''_______''__''''_''_______'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''";
						echo "''''''''''''''''''''''''|'''|'|'''''''||'''''''||''|''|'||'''''''|''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''";
						echo "''''''''''''''''''''''''|'''|'|'''''''||'''_'''||'''|_|'||''_____|''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''";
						echo "''''''''''''''''''''''''|'''|'|'''''''||''|'|''||'''''''||'|_____'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''";
						echo "''''''''''''''''''''''''|'''|'|''''''_||''|_|''||''_''''||_____''|''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''";
						echo "''''''''''''''''''''''''|'''|'|'''''|_'|'''''''||'|'|'''|'_____|'|''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''";
						echo "''''''''''''''''''''''''|___|'|_______||_______||_|''|__||_______|''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''";

echo "firstcount=$(find $dirtemp -type f | wc -l)  THIS NOT WORKING"	
echo "firstcount2=$(find $dirstore -type f | wc -l)"
echo "bannercount=$(find $dirbanner -type f | wc -l)"		 
sleep 10
echo "wget $get -P $download"
echo "wget $getbanner -P $dirbanner"
sleep 3
echo "lastcount=$(find $dirtemp -type f | wc -l)"	
echo "lastcount2=$(find $dirstore -type f | wc -l)"
echo "bannercount2=$(find $dirbanner -type f | wc -l)"	
totalnew=$(($lastcount - $firstcount))
totalnew2=$(($lastcount2 - $firstcount2))
bannernew=$(($bannercount2 - $bannercount))

	if [[ "$direct_copy_icons" =~ ^(0|1)$ ]]; then

			if [ "$direct_copy_icons" -eq 0 ]; then
				#display message
				echo "'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''";
				echo "''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''¶¶¶¶'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''";
				echo "'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''¶´´´´¶¶'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''";
				echo "'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''¶´´´´´¶'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''";
				echo "''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''¶´´´´¶'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''";
				echo "''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''¶´´´¶''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''";
				echo "''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''";
				echo "'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''¶´´´´´´´´´´´´¶''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''";
				echo "''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''¶´´´´´´´´´´´´¶'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''";
				echo "'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''¶¶´´´¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''";
				echo "'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''¶´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´¶'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''";
				echo "'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''¶´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´¶'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''";
				echo "''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''¶´´´¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''";
				echo "'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''¶´´´´´´´´´´´¶'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''";
				echo "''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''";
				echo "'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''";
				echo "'''''''''_______''___''''''___''''''''______'''_______''__''''_''_______'''''''''";
				echo "''''''''|'''_'''||'''|''''|'''|''''''|''''''|'|'''''''||''|''|'||'''''''|''''''''";
				echo "''''''''|''|_|''||'''|''''|'''|''''''|''_''''||'''_'''||'''|_|'||''''___|''''''''";
				echo "''''''''|'''''''||'''|''''|'''|''''''|'|'|'''||''|'|''||'''''''||'''|___'''''''''";
				echo "''''''''|'''''''||'''|___'|'''|___'''|'|_|'''||''|_|''||''_''''||''''___|''''''''";
				echo "''''''''|'''_'''||'''''''||'''''''|''|'''''''||'''''''||'|'|'''||'''|___'''''''''";
				echo "''''''''|__|'|__||_______||_______|''|______|'|_______||_|''|__||_______|''''''''";
				echo "'''''''''__''''_''_______''_'''''_''''_______''_______''______''''_______''''''''";
				echo "''''''''|''|''|'||'''''''||'|'_'|'|''|'''''''||'''''''||''''_'|''|'''''''|'''''''";
				echo "''''''''|'''|_|'||'''_'''||'||'||'|''|''_____||'''_'''||'''|'||''|_'''''_|'''''''";
				echo "''''''''|'''''''||''|'|''||'''''''|''|'|_____'|''|'|''||'''|_||_'''|'''|'''''''''";
				echo "''''''''|''_''''||''|_|''||'''''''|''|_____''||''|_|''||''''__''|''|'''|'''''''''";
				echo "''''''''|'|'|'''||'''''''||'''_'''|'''_____|'||'''''''||'''|''|'|''|'''|'''''''''";
				echo "''''''''|_|''|__||_______||__|'|__|''|_______||_______||___|''|_|''|___|'''''''''";
				echo "'__'''__''_______''__'''__''______''''''___'''_______''_______''__''''_''_______'";
				echo "|''|'|''||'''''''||''|'|''||''''_'|''''|'''|'|'''''''||'''''''||''|''|'||'''''''|";
				echo "|''|_|''||'''_'''||''|'|''||'''|'||''''|'''|'|'''''''||'''_'''||'''|_|'||''_____|";
				echo "|'''''''||''|'|''||''|_|''||'''|_||_'''|'''|'|'''''''||''|'|''||'''''''||'|_____'";
				echo "|_'''''_||''|_|''||'''''''||''''__''|''|'''|'|''''''_||''|_|''||''_''''||_____''|";
				echo "''|'''|''|'''''''||'''''''||'''|''|'|''|'''|'|'''''|_'|'''''''||'|'|'''|'_____|'|";
				echo "''|___|''|_______||_______||___|''|_|''|___|'|_______||_______||_|''|__||_______|";
				echo "'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''";
				echo "'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''";
				echo "Sort your icons located at $dirtemp and put the ones you want into $dirstore"
				if [ "$lastcount" -gt "$firstcount" ]; then

							pushnotice "$totalnew new icons downloaded to $dirtemp ready for sorting"
							echo "No new icons downloaded"
				elif [ "$direct_copy_icons" -eq 1 ]; then
				#rysnc downloaded icons to dynamix.vm.manager/templates/images then display message
				echo "rsync -a $dirstore/* /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.vm.manager/templates/images"

				echo "'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''";
				echo "''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''¶¶¶¶'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''";
				echo "'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''¶´´´´¶¶'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''";
				echo "'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''¶´´´´´¶'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''";
				echo "''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''¶´´´´¶'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''";
				echo "''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''¶´´´¶''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''";
				echo "''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''";
				echo "'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''¶´´´´´´´´´´´´¶''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''";
				echo "''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''¶´´´´´´´´´´´´¶'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''";
				echo "'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''¶¶´´´¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''";
				echo "'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''¶´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´¶'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''";
				echo "'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''¶´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´¶'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''";
				echo "''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''¶´´´¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''";
				echo "'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''¶´´´´´´´´´´´¶'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''";
				echo "''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''";
				echo "'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''";
				echo "'''''''''''_______''___''''''___''''''''______'''_______''__''''_''_______'''''''";
				echo "''''''''''|'''_'''||'''|''''|'''|''''''|''''''|'|'''''''||''|''|'||'''''''|''''''";
				echo "''''''''''|''|_|''||'''|''''|'''|''''''|''_''''||'''_'''||'''|_|'||''''___|''''''";
				echo "''''''''''|'''''''||'''|''''|'''|''''''|'|'|'''||''|'|''||'''''''||'''|___'''''''";
				echo "''''''''''|'''''''||'''|___'|'''|___'''|'|_|'''||''|_|''||''_''''||''''___|''''''";
				echo "''''''''''|'''_'''||'''''''||'''''''|''|'''''''||'''''''||'|'|'''||'''|___'''''''";
				echo "''''''''''|__|'|__||_______||_______|''|______|'|_______||_|''|__||_______|''''''";
				echo "'''''''___'''_______''_______''__''''_''_______''''__''''_''_______''_'''''_'''''";
				echo "''''''|'''|'|'''''''||'''''''||''|''|'||'''''''|''|''|''|'||'''''''||'|'_'|'|''''";
				echo "''''''|'''|'|'''''''||'''_'''||'''|_|'||''_____|''|'''|_|'||'''_'''||'||'||'|''''";
				echo "''''''|'''|'|'''''''||''|'|''||'''''''||'|_____'''|'''''''||''|'|''||'''''''|''''";
				echo "''''''|'''|'|''''''_||''|_|''||''_''''||_____''|''|''_''''||''|_|''||'''''''|''''";
				echo "''''''|'''|'|'''''|_'|'''''''||'|'|'''|'_____|'|''|'|'|'''||'''''''||'''_'''|''''";
				echo "''''''|___|'|_______||_______||_|''|__||_______|''|_|''|__||_______||__|'|__|''''";
				echo "'''''''''''''''''''______''''_______''_______''______'''__'''__''''''''''''''''''";
				echo "''''''''''''''''''|''''_'|''|'''''''||'''_'''||''''''|'|''|'|''|'''''''''''''''''";
				echo "''''''''''''''''''|'''|'||''|''''___||''|_|''||''_''''||''|_|''|'''''''''''''''''";
				echo "''''''''''''''''''|'''|_||_'|'''|___'|'''''''||'|'|'''||'''''''|'''''''''''''''''";
				echo "''''''''''''''''''|''''__''||''''___||'''''''||'|_|'''||_'''''_|'''''''''''''''''";
				echo "''''''''''''''''''|'''|''|'||'''|___'|'''_'''||'''''''|''|'''|'''''''''''''''''''";
				echo "''''''''''''''''''|___|''|_||_______||__|'|__||______|'''|___|'''''''''''''''''''";
				echo "'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''";
				echo "'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''";
				echo "              Icons are now ready to use and available in vm manager.            "
				if [ "$lastcount2" -gt "$firstcount2" ]; then

							pushnotice "$totalnew2 new icons downloaded your vm manager"
							echo "No new icons downloaded"




			echo "."	

		if [ "$bannercount2" -gt "$bannercount" ]; then

					pushnotice "$bannernew new banners downloaded to $dirbanner "
					echo "No new banners downloaded"

exit 0



output i get is 

Script location: /tmp/user.scripts/tmpScripts/test2 download/script
Note that closing this window will abort the execution of this script
'/mnt/user/Backup\ Files/icons/temp'
'/mnt/user/Backup\ Files/icons/store'
'/mnt/user/Backup\ Files/icons/banners'
set for pushover
/tmp/user.scripts/tmpScripts/test2 download/script: line 65: [: '/mnt/user/Backup\: binary operator expected
/tmp/user.scripts/tmpScripts/test2 download/script: line 78: [: '/mnt/user/Backup\: binary operator expected
/tmp/user.scripts/tmpScripts/test2 download/script: line 90: [: '/mnt/user/Backup\: binary operator expected
All folders needed are already created continuing.
'/mnt/user/Backup\ Files/icons/store'
information: direct_copy_icons flag is 0. Icons will be copied to array first for manual sorting.
find: '\'/mnt/user/Backup\\': No such file or directory
find: 'Files/icons/temp\'': No such file or directory
firstcount=0 THIS NOT WORKING
find: '\'/mnt/user/Backup\\': No such file or directory
find: 'Files/icons/store\'': No such file or directory
find: '\'/mnt/user/Backup\\': No such file or directory
find: 'Files/icons/banners\'': No such file or directory
wget -r -c -S -N -nH -e robots=off -np -A png -R index.html* http://spaceinvader.one/unraidvmicons/ -P '/mnt/user/Backup\ Files/icons/temp'
wget -r -c -S -N -nH -e robots=off -np -A png -R index.html* http://spaceinvader.one/unraidbanners/ -P '/mnt/user/Backup\ Files/icons/banners'
find: '\'/mnt/user/Backup\\': No such file or directory
find: 'Files/icons/temp\'': No such file or directory
find: '\'/mnt/user/Backup\\': No such file or directory
find: 'Files/icons/store\'': No such file or directory
find: '\'/mnt/user/Backup\\': No such file or directory
find: 'Files/icons/banners\'': No such file or directory
/tmp/user.scripts/tmpScripts/test2 download/script: line 164: - : syntax error: operand expected (error token is "- ")
/tmp/user.scripts/tmpScripts/test2 download/script: line 165: - : syntax error: operand expected (error token is "- ")
/tmp/user.scripts/tmpScripts/test2 download/script: line 166: - : syntax error: operand expected (error token is "- ")
Sort your icons located at '/mnt/user/Backup\ Files/icons/temp' and put the ones you want into '/mnt/user/Backup\ Files/icons/store'
/tmp/user.scripts/tmpScripts/test2 download/script: line 214: [: : integer expression expected
No new icons downloaded
/tmp/user.scripts/tmpScripts/test2 download/script: line 295: [: : integer expression expected
No new banners downloaded



so i know  i did   Backup\  Files/

but i also did the Backup Files/

and basiclly get same results

but is that what i change is find at quotes  i got tired of testing it for now



Link to comment


can you explain wrap around i not really a programmer in this language and such  i spent a few hours dabbling..  

i cant get his code to Mkdir

i have tried   mkdir -vp "'" $dirtemp "'"

and i tried if statments  added "'"  


its not downloading to the Backup Files/Tower/Icons directory

if i have those directories 

it messe's up  the downloading tooo..  can you take a look what i did wrong  as i tired of trying to fix it to work for "spaces"  in directories    as that trick  of   back slash     "backup\ Files/"   did not work for this thing


here is the code  i added bunch of echos  it was to help me see where i was etc


#downloads custom icons from online icon repository to array then copies them into vm manager. 
#set below to [0 - First copies icons to category folders, so you can choose which icons to have copied to the system] 
#set below to [1 - direct downloads all icons without categories then copies them to your system without user choice]

#set location on server for download of icons if above not set to direct
downloadlocation="/mnt/user/Backup Files/Unraid/Tower/Icons"
#optional push notifications set below leave all settings below if none required
#set whether to use pushnotication on download of new icons [0- none] [1-pushover] [2-pushbullet] 
#pushover api (only fill in if set above to pushover above)
apitoken="token=put your pushover token here"
userkey="user=put your pushover user key here"
#pushbullet api (only fill in if set above to pushbullet above)
API="put your push bullet api key here"

#dont change anything below here ***********************************************************************************
#set function "pushnotice" to push type

	if [[ "$pushnotifications" =~ ^(1|2)$ ]]; then

		if [ "$pushnotifications" -eq 1 ]; then

			function pushnotice {
					 curl -s \
				--form-string $apitoken \
				--form-string $userkey \
				--form-string "message=$1" \
				echo "set for pushover"

			elif [ "$pushnotifications" -eq 2 ]; then

				function pushnotice {
				curl -u $API: https://api.pushbullet.com/v2/pushes -d type=note -d title="unRAID vm icons" -d body="$1"
				echo "set for pushbullet"			



			function pushnotice {
				echo "$1"


echo "'$dirtemp'"
echo "stop dir"
#sleep 500000
echo $dirtemp "ttt"
		if [ ! -d $dirtemp ] ; then
					echo "Setting up first folder $dirtemp "

					# make the temp directory as it doesnt exist
					mkdir -vp "'" $dirtemp "'"
echo "mkdir -vp "'" $dirtemp "'""
echo "making directories"
#sleep 30000
					echo "continuing."
		#check if array if banner location exist
echo $dirbanner
echo "stop"
#sleep 400000
				if [ ! -d "'$dirbanner'" ] ; then
							echo "Setting up banner folder $dirbanner "

							# make the temp directory as it doesnt exist
							mkdir -vp "'$dirbanner'"
							echo "continuing."
			#check if array if store location exist				

				if [ ! -d "'$dirstore'" ] ; then
										echo "Setting up second folder $dirtemp "

										# make the store directory as it doesnt exist
										mkdir -vp "'$dirstore'"
										echo "All folders needed are already created continuing."
if [[ "$direct_copy_icons" =~ ^(0|1)$ ]]; then

	if [ "$direct_copy_icons" -eq 0 ]; then

 # set download location to temp folder for user to sort
		echo "information: direct_copy_icons flag is 0. Icons will be copied to array first for manual sorting."
		#set wget to download with folder structure for user sorting
		get="-r -c -S -N -nH -e robots=off -np -A png -R index.html* http://spaceinvader.one/unraidvmicons/"
		getbanner="-r -c -S -N -nH -e robots=off -np -A png -R index.html* http://spaceinvader.one/unraidbanners/"
		#set what to do at end of script

	elif [ "$direct_copy_icons" -eq 1 ]; then

	# set download location to store folder then copy to system
		echo "information: direct_copy_icons flag is 1.Icons will be copied directly to system without user intervention"

		#set wget to download without folder structure as direct to system
		get="-r -c -S -N -nH -e robots=off -nd -np -A png -R index.html* http://spaceinvader.one/unraidvmicons/"
		getbanner="-r -c -S -N -nH -e robots=off -np -A png -R index.html* http://spaceinvader.one/unraidbanners/"
		#set what to do at end of script

	echo "failure: direct_copy_icons is $direct_copy_icons. this is not a valid format. expecting [0 - array first] or [1 - direct to system]. exiting."

	exit 1

						echo "'______'''_______''_'''''_''__''''_''___''''''_______''_______''______'''___'''__''''_''_______'";
						echo "|''''''|'|'''''''||'|'_'|'||''|''|'||'''|''''|'''''''||'''_'''||''''''|'|'''|'|''|''|'||'''''''|";
						echo "|''_''''||'''_'''||'||'||'||'''|_|'||'''|''''|'''_'''||''|_|''||''_''''||'''|'|'''|_|'||''''___|";
						echo "|'|'|'''||''|'|''||'''''''||'''''''||'''|''''|''|'|''||'''''''||'|'|'''||'''|'|'''''''||'''|'__'";
						echo "|'|_|'''||''|_|''||'''''''||''_''''||'''|___'|''|_|''||'''''''||'|_|'''||'''|'|''_''''||'''||''|";
						echo "|'''''''||'''''''||'''_'''||'|'|'''||'''''''||'''''''||'''_'''||'''''''||'''|'|'|'|'''||'''|_|'|";
						echo "|______|'|_______||__|'|__||_|''|__||_______||_______||__|'|__||______|'|___|'|_|''|__||_______|";
						echo "'''''''''''''''''''''''''___'''_______''_______''__''''_''_______'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''";
						echo "''''''''''''''''''''''''|'''|'|'''''''||'''''''||''|''|'||'''''''|''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''";
						echo "''''''''''''''''''''''''|'''|'|'''''''||'''_'''||'''|_|'||''_____|''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''";
						echo "''''''''''''''''''''''''|'''|'|'''''''||''|'|''||'''''''||'|_____'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''";
						echo "''''''''''''''''''''''''|'''|'|''''''_||''|_|''||''_''''||_____''|''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''";
						echo "''''''''''''''''''''''''|'''|'|'''''|_'|'''''''||'|'|'''|'_____|'|''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''";
						echo "''''''''''''''''''''''''|___|'|_______||_______||_|''|__||_______|''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''";

echo $dirtemp
echo $dirstore
echo $dirbanner
echo $download
echo firstcount=$(find "'$dirtemp'" -type f | wc -l)	
#sleep 500
firstcount=$(find "'$dirtemp'" -type f | wc -l)	
firstcount2=$(find "'$dirstore'" -type f | wc -l)
bannercount=$(find "'$dirbanner'" -type f | wc -l)		 
sleep 10
###echo $download  "ok"
###echo "wget $get -P $download"
###sleep 5000000

#######################wget $get -P $download

echo "wget $get -P "'$download'""
####echo "stop stop"
###sleep 100000
#################echo "wget $getbanner -P '$dirbanner'"
########sleep 500000
wget $getbanner -P "'$dirbanner'"

echo "'$getbanner'"
echo "'$get'"
echo "stop"
##sleep 10000
sleep 3
lastcount=$(find "'$dirtemp'" -type f | wc -l)	
lastcount2=$(find "'$dirstore'" -type f | wc -l)
bannercount2=$(find "'$dirbanner'" -type f | wc -l)	
totalnew=$(($lastcount - $firstcount))
totalnew2=$(($lastcount2 - $firstcount2))
bannernew=$(($bannercount2 - $bannercount))

echo "helloq1"   "'$dirstore/*'"
##sleep 500
	if [[ "$direct_copy_icons" =~ ^(0|1)$ ]]; then

			if [ "$direct_copy_icons" -eq 0 ]; then
				#display message
				echo "'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''";
				echo "''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''¶¶¶¶'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''";
				echo "'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''¶´´´´¶¶'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''";
				echo "'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''¶´´´´´¶'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''";
				echo "''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''¶´´´´¶'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''";
				echo "''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''¶´´´¶''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''";
				echo "''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''";
				echo "'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''¶´´´´´´´´´´´´¶''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''";
				echo "''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''¶´´´´´´´´´´´´¶'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''";
				echo "'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''¶¶´´´¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''";
				echo "'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''¶´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´¶'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''";
				echo "'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''¶´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´¶'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''";
				echo "''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''¶´´´¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''";
				echo "'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''¶´´´´´´´´´´´¶'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''";
				echo "''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''";
				echo "'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''";
				echo "'''''''''_______''___''''''___''''''''______'''_______''__''''_''_______'''''''''";
				echo "''''''''|'''_'''||'''|''''|'''|''''''|''''''|'|'''''''||''|''|'||'''''''|''''''''";
				echo "''''''''|''|_|''||'''|''''|'''|''''''|''_''''||'''_'''||'''|_|'||''''___|''''''''";
				echo "''''''''|'''''''||'''|''''|'''|''''''|'|'|'''||''|'|''||'''''''||'''|___'''''''''";
				echo "''''''''|'''''''||'''|___'|'''|___'''|'|_|'''||''|_|''||''_''''||''''___|''''''''";
				echo "''''''''|'''_'''||'''''''||'''''''|''|'''''''||'''''''||'|'|'''||'''|___'''''''''";
				echo "''''''''|__|'|__||_______||_______|''|______|'|_______||_|''|__||_______|''''''''";
				echo "'''''''''__''''_''_______''_'''''_''''_______''_______''______''''_______''''''''";
				echo "''''''''|''|''|'||'''''''||'|'_'|'|''|'''''''||'''''''||''''_'|''|'''''''|'''''''";
				echo "''''''''|'''|_|'||'''_'''||'||'||'|''|''_____||'''_'''||'''|'||''|_'''''_|'''''''";
				echo "''''''''|'''''''||''|'|''||'''''''|''|'|_____'|''|'|''||'''|_||_'''|'''|'''''''''";
				echo "''''''''|''_''''||''|_|''||'''''''|''|_____''||''|_|''||''''__''|''|'''|'''''''''";
				echo "''''''''|'|'|'''||'''''''||'''_'''|'''_____|'||'''''''||'''|''|'|''|'''|'''''''''";
				echo "''''''''|_|''|__||_______||__|'|__|''|_______||_______||___|''|_|''|___|'''''''''";
				echo "'__'''__''_______''__'''__''______''''''___'''_______''_______''__''''_''_______'";
				echo "|''|'|''||'''''''||''|'|''||''''_'|''''|'''|'|'''''''||'''''''||''|''|'||'''''''|";
				echo "|''|_|''||'''_'''||''|'|''||'''|'||''''|'''|'|'''''''||'''_'''||'''|_|'||''_____|";
				echo "|'''''''||''|'|''||''|_|''||'''|_||_'''|'''|'|'''''''||''|'|''||'''''''||'|_____'";
				echo "|_'''''_||''|_|''||'''''''||''''__''|''|'''|'|''''''_||''|_|''||''_''''||_____''|";
				echo "''|'''|''|'''''''||'''''''||'''|''|'|''|'''|'|'''''|_'|'''''''||'|'|'''|'_____|'|";
				echo "''|___|''|_______||_______||___|''|_|''|___|'|_______||_______||_|''|__||_______|";
				echo "'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''";
				echo "'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''";
				echo "Sort your icons located at $dirtemp and put the ones you want into $dirstore"
				if [ "$lastcount" -gt "$firstcount" ]; then

							pushnotice "$totalnew new icons downloaded to $dirtemp ready for sorting"
							echo "No new icons downloaded"
				elif [ "$direct_copy_icons" -eq 1 ]; then
echo "hello"   "'$dirstore/*'"
sleep 500

				#rysnc downloaded icons to dynamix.vm.manager/templates/images then display message
				rsync -a "'$dirstore/*'" /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.vm.manager/templates/images

				echo "'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''";
				echo "''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''¶¶¶¶'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''";
				echo "'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''¶´´´´¶¶'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''";
				echo "'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''¶´´´´´¶'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''";
				echo "''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''¶´´´´¶'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''";
				echo "''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''¶´´´¶''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''";
				echo "''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''";
				echo "'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''¶´´´´´´´´´´´´¶''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''";
				echo "''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''¶´´´´´´´´´´´´¶'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''";
				echo "'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''¶¶´´´¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''";
				echo "'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''¶´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´¶'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''";
				echo "'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''¶´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´¶'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''";
				echo "''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''¶´´´¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''";
				echo "'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''¶´´´´´´´´´´´¶'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''";
				echo "''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''";
				echo "'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''";
				echo "'''''''''''_______''___''''''___''''''''______'''_______''__''''_''_______'''''''";
				echo "''''''''''|'''_'''||'''|''''|'''|''''''|''''''|'|'''''''||''|''|'||'''''''|''''''";
				echo "''''''''''|''|_|''||'''|''''|'''|''''''|''_''''||'''_'''||'''|_|'||''''___|''''''";
				echo "''''''''''|'''''''||'''|''''|'''|''''''|'|'|'''||''|'|''||'''''''||'''|___'''''''";
				echo "''''''''''|'''''''||'''|___'|'''|___'''|'|_|'''||''|_|''||''_''''||''''___|''''''";
				echo "''''''''''|'''_'''||'''''''||'''''''|''|'''''''||'''''''||'|'|'''||'''|___'''''''";
				echo "''''''''''|__|'|__||_______||_______|''|______|'|_______||_|''|__||_______|''''''";
				echo "'''''''___'''_______''_______''__''''_''_______''''__''''_''_______''_'''''_'''''";
				echo "''''''|'''|'|'''''''||'''''''||''|''|'||'''''''|''|''|''|'||'''''''||'|'_'|'|''''";
				echo "''''''|'''|'|'''''''||'''_'''||'''|_|'||''_____|''|'''|_|'||'''_'''||'||'||'|''''";
				echo "''''''|'''|'|'''''''||''|'|''||'''''''||'|_____'''|'''''''||''|'|''||'''''''|''''";
				echo "''''''|'''|'|''''''_||''|_|''||''_''''||_____''|''|''_''''||''|_|''||'''''''|''''";
				echo "''''''|'''|'|'''''|_'|'''''''||'|'|'''|'_____|'|''|'|'|'''||'''''''||'''_'''|''''";
				echo "''''''|___|'|_______||_______||_|''|__||_______|''|_|''|__||_______||__|'|__|''''";
				echo "'''''''''''''''''''______''''_______''_______''______'''__'''__''''''''''''''''''";
				echo "''''''''''''''''''|''''_'|''|'''''''||'''_'''||''''''|'|''|'|''|'''''''''''''''''";
				echo "''''''''''''''''''|'''|'||''|''''___||''|_|''||''_''''||''|_|''|'''''''''''''''''";
				echo "''''''''''''''''''|'''|_||_'|'''|___'|'''''''||'|'|'''||'''''''|'''''''''''''''''";
				echo "''''''''''''''''''|''''__''||''''___||'''''''||'|_|'''||_'''''_|'''''''''''''''''";
				echo "''''''''''''''''''|'''|''|'||'''|___'|'''_'''||'''''''|''|'''|'''''''''''''''''''";
				echo "''''''''''''''''''|___|''|_||_______||__|'|__||______|'''|___|'''''''''''''''''''";
				echo "'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''";
				echo "'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''";
				echo "              Icons are now ready to use and available in vm manager.            "
				if [ "$lastcount2" -gt "$firstcount2" ]; then

							pushnotice "$totalnew2 new icons downloaded your vm manager"
							echo "No new icons downloaded"




			echo "."	

		if [ "$bannercount2" -gt "$bannercount" ]; then

					pushnotice "$bannernew new banners downloaded to $dirbanner "
					echo "No new banners downloaded"

exit 0


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@choekstr i gave up  it keeps corrupting unraid  trying to get spaces to work  guess only way to do it is mod the code


to mkdir a test directy then rsync  over to "backup files"  and then remove the test folder as i dont wanna keep it..

means you have to re download each time

but seems trying to get this to work for spaces  is almost inpossible i spending too many hours trying to fix up code i no expert in i just wanted it to work  for me and doesnt work for spaces. and when u do it breaks unraid  it erases files  from dynamix folder and if u dont have a backup folder of ur flash u cant copy the files back..  who knew id have that much trouble... for some icons



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