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[Support] jasonbean - Apache Guacamole

Message added by Taddeusz,

Before upgrading to 1.5.0 you need to have first upgraded to 1.4.0-3 of the container. I discovered that prior to 1.4.0-3 it was not shutting down MariaDB correctly and causing the database to be left in a dirty state.


If after upgrading to 1.5.0 you discover that MariaDB is stopping and the log mentions something about needing to open the database in an older version of MariaDB you should downgrade specifically to 1.4.0-3, start the container and make sure it's running correctly. Then you may upgrade to 1.5.0.

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2 minutes ago, joshallen2k said:

I’ve installed guacamole and got it working with a win10 VM over rdp. Where I am stuck is connecting to a Mac VM. I watched spaceinvader one’s video where he shows setting it up for different VM’s but he doesn’t cover off Mac (although claims to in the intro). 

I have turned on the screen sharing in the Mac VM, but not sure what needs to be set for guacd proxy parameters, and for the network parameters (host and port). Can someone help? Thanks so much 

Mac’s screen sharing is through standard VNC. Normal port 5900.

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My shared folder (following @SpaceInvaderOne great video guide) have some permission issues. I created the share following the same procedure but getting errors when I want to upload or change some files. 

Here is the error message:

You do not have permission to upload this file. If you require access, please check your system settings, or check with your system administrator (picture attached)

Screenshot 2021-01-31 191831.png


Edit: RESOLVED! (My mistake. Incorect path naming in Device Redirection >> Drive path). Now it's working like a charm.

Edited by yogy
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On 1/25/2021 at 11:23 AM, Mr_Jay84 said:



Go into settings - Docker - click on advanced view in top right hand corner - enable Host access to custom networks.


You'll have to turn off the docker service to change this.


Works perfectly as per Spaceinvaders video now.

Thanks I've spent a lot of time trying to figure this out.

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I am sorry if this has been asked previously. 


I am wondering a few things regarding this specific docker container and docker in general. 


I was able to get guacamole setup and working no problems thus far however, I purchased my own SSL cert and was wondering how I would configure that in this docker? I do not wish to use a reverse proxy rather I would like to use the SSL cert that I have. 


I have looked through the guacamole.properties and user-mapping.xml files but I do not see a place to point to my SSL cert files.  


Also a general Docker template question if I may, Is it possible to have a field in the template that would ask me where the SSL cert lives and then update the docker to point to the cert files? 



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@phatcat No, this container is not designed to work on it's own to have TLS/SSL security. I'm not sure how to implement that functionality in the Apache Tomcat that Guacamole runs from. You are the first person who has asked about this. At this time I'm not really interested in adding this functionality. You are certainly free to fork my code to add that functionality.

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16 minutes ago, Taddeusz said:

@phatcat No, this container is not designed to work on it's own to have TLS/SSL security. I'm not sure how to implement that functionality in the Apache Tomcat that Guacamole runs from. You are the first person who has asked about this. At this time I'm not really interested in adding this functionality. You are certainly free to fork my code to add that functionality.


check out linuxserver.io 's SWAG (Secure Web Access Gateway) container. It's a TLS reverse proxy using LetsEncrypt, nginx, a large collection of reverse proxy templates (including guacamole), and some convenient logic to make it about as easy as possible.



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Is there anyway to use my mouses back and forward buttons while using Guac?  When I RDP directly onto my computer at Home, I can use Back and forward buttons on my mouse to go back and forth on folders while browsing in windows or when using the web browser on the remote computer.

However if I'm using Guac, bushing back just exits the guac session, as I go back on my browser in the local computer instead of having the commands go to the remote computer.  Im losing productivity here without mouse button shortcuts in guac, but need guac for the ssl security for my remote connection.

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1 hour ago, 007craft said:

Is there anyway to use my mouses back and forward buttons while using Guac?  When I RDP directly onto my computer at Home, I can use Back and forward buttons on my mouse to go back and forth on folders while browsing in windows or when using the web browser on the remote computer.

However if I'm using Guac, bushing back just exits the guac session, as I go back on my browser in the local computer instead of having the commands go to the remote computer.  Im losing productivity here without mouse button shortcuts in guac, but need guac for the ssl security for my remote connection.

Because Guacamole runs through a browser it has to provide overrides for the back and forward mouse buttons that would normally browse back and forward in the history. If that’s even possible.


You can always create an Apache JIRA account and recommend the change if one isn’t already there.

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Is there a guide I can follow to setup fail2ban with Guacamole?  I was hoping for a nice GUI docker like Nxginx proxy manager but it doesnt look like theres anything.  I have swag installed and working, just need to know what to change for fail2ban.  Theres a few guides online but not UNRAID specific.

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So I tried to setup this today using Spaceinvaders guide. The problem is that network limitations are not really discussed in that video and I believe it causes a lot of problems for many. I first set it up using bridged network. But in that mode I WOL packets did not work but all my other connections to my remote machines worked. So I tried to setup in a separate network with "allow custom" networks in docker enabled. But now I can't connect to my main computer anymore. RDP connections to my work laptop worked both with bridged and separate network so what gives? The work laptop is domain joined so settings are a bit different but it seems kinda of weird? This is the error I get when I try to connect. Both my laptop and my phone can connect to my main computer without a problem at all while guacamole struggles.






Why is it like this?



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Hoping someone can help.


Today I edited the container and added a path to a Share for RDP to enable file transfer, did nothing else and now it wont start again. 


Restarted, etc nothing works..............................................


I am no linux wiz kid so I cannot understand what caused this.




Edited by nik82
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On 2/16/2021 at 9:10 PM, alturismo said:

@Michel Amberg may tried ip instead hostname, i use it on custom bridge and can connect to an rdp desktop, but i use ip instead hostname


@nik82 may uninstall, reinstall guacamole to revert whatever patch you added ?


Sorry I meant path not patch. Super strange though, I only added a path to a share so that I could use file upload and download in RDP, changed no other setting. after adding the path and clicking I could no longer use Guacamole.

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1 minute ago, nik82 said:


Sorry I meant path not patch. Super strange though, I only added a path to a share so that I could use file upload and download in RDP, changed no other setting. after adding the path and clicking I could no longer use Guacamole.

If you remove that path does it return to normal?

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12 hours ago, Brian5542 said:



any idea please?



NTP is the protocol that Unraid uses to synchronize time. That time should translate to its Docker containers. If you go to the container's console and type the command "date" what is the output. How does it compare to Unraid's date/time?

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