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Anybody planning a Ryzen build?

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6 hours ago, methanoid said:

Hey dkabot where has your message gone?  Really good news and if a fix arrives will make lots of Ryzen and TR owners happy. I just plumped for two 5820k systems instead :(


dkabot said:

Saw this linked in the VFIO Discord (cool place, though not Unraid related).



Maybe a fix won't be never after all?

I linked the wrong one, thought I had to remove and repost for some reason, and then forgot to.

Sorry, that was me being dumb.


There is, however, further good news in that a KVM maintainer has seen this and is trying to make a real patch.


Edit: Sarnex has graced me with the link to this development: https://marc.info/?l=kvm&m=150891787704371&w=2

Edited by dkabot
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Hopefully it's just a matter of time before something gets upstream and Unraid gets an update.

I'm still tempted by the idea of being lazy and using Unraid for the management aspect, even if I can just install a normal distro.


I suppose someone could try to compile a kernel on top of current Unraid, but considering the documentation, I don't think I'll be doing that.

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Is it possible to manually fix that issue on unRaid? 
As in can I go into the proper file and edit it to fit the description of this post: https://marc.info/?l=kvm&m=150891016802546&w=2 (The same topic that Tuftuf linked)

I am inexperienced with linux so I am unable to find the proper location for it and I know even less about the KVM setup. It's only recently that I started tinkering around with Linux based systems. 
I don't believe that we will get this fix in the current unraid version so maybe we can make due with it ourselves? I'd really like to get back my Intel CPU for my main system and use Ryzen CPU for the server once again. 

Edit #1: I just realized that it requires editing kernel? If so then I will just wait

Edited by Southweave
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2 hours ago, Southweave said:

Edit #1: I just realized that it requires editing kernel? If so then I will just wait

Yes, KVM is in the kernel and as such, this would require building a kernel yourself.

Considering how old the only documentation for that (on Unraid) is, not something I'd recommend.

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I wanted to do it myself as well, not sure I have the time really though. Not something I have tried before but everything works with enough time and effort.


I had thought that the Linuxsever.io team had it documented somewhere how to build the environment for creating DVB plugin, which already will have most of the steps required in it.


Updated patch, they have added a whole line to the 6 line fix to make it a total of 7 lines now! https://patchwork.kernel.org/patch/10027525/

Edited by Tuftuf
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10 minutes ago, Southweave said:

Can't they manually override the code or is it too much of a hassle? (I have never worked with kernels)

Theoretically they should be able to apply the patch, but I'd be inclined toward thinking they won't.


Edit: I don't have any reason to actually think so or not, just my gut.

Edited by dkabot
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8 minutes ago, dkabot said:

Theoretically they should be able to apply the patch, but I'd be inclined toward thinking they won't.


Edit: I don't have any reason to actually think so or not, just my gut.

Well, lets just hope that they will make AMD (Including TR and Ryzen) owners happy and manually include the patch then. 
6.4 is still in beta so it would be a good time to include it. At least that's what I'd think. 

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This is exciting stuff, I've had notifications turned on for this thread for a couple months now hoping to hear some news of a fix, and in the last couple of days I've been getting a flurry of notifications so I knew something must be up. 


Let's hope things keep moving forward and we either have a fix in the next unRAID version or at least a documented process to manually implement the fix soon!

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In case you missed it, JonP posted in the version 6.4 pre-release support forum that Limetech is aware of the fix and plans to implement it in the next 6.4 beta release for testing purposes.



23 minutes ago, jonp said:

We are aware and planning to include in the next build for folks to use to test.


Edited by Hoopster
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The patch works, playing overwatch with a nice 70fps and npt=1 compared to how it used to run this is very different. Default settings for the game, 1080 etc with this gpu. Now to try improving that fps for 120hz monitor. My 670 is looking old, I may need a new GPU now.


I used to play with npt=0 and it was ok but had slow downs when too much was happening.

Prior to testing this patch npt=1 would give me really high fps 120+ for a split second and drop back down to awful performance.



Unrelated to the patch I believe, but my windows VM did break a few hours after running the best it ever has! Error 28 and 43.

Changes included, GPU Drivers updated, Windows Updated and I made manual changes to the XML to add another harddrive. Following these changes windows boots up and will not start my GPU, I can see the desktop but GPU drivers failed to start with error 43. 


I'm going to build a new windows VM from my image as I made too many changes and then finally met with error 43. Note I've already removed the updated Nividia drivers and allowed unraid to recreate the XML itself. Same result. I'm suspecting the latest windows update..

Edited by Tuftuf
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I was asked by another user to put this update in this thread as well, but it appears the issue relating to Nested Page Tables with AMD platforms has been resolved via a patch created by Paolo Bonzini:




Another user actually found the troublesome code segment, supplied a hack of a patch, then Paolo saw the real problem and implemented a proper solution.  That said, it hasn't made its way into a full release of the kernel yet, so we are going to patch it in manually with the release of the next rc.


Needless to say, we are incredibly excited if this patch truly does resolve all these nasty GPU pass through performance problems.  Ryzen offers a strong use-case with unRAID and VMs with GPU pass through so long as it can keep on par with Intel for performance and price.  I'm excited to hear what you guys achieve after the next update.


All the best,



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2 minutes ago, jonp said:

I was asked by another user to put this update in this thread as well, but it appears the issue relating to Nested Page Tables with AMD platforms has been resolved via a patch created by Paolo Bonzini:




Another user actually found the troublesome code segment, supplied a hack of a patch, then Paolo saw the real problem and implemented a proper solution.  That said, it hasn't made its way into a full release of the kernel yet, so we are going to patch it in manually with the release of the next rc.


Needless to say, we are incredibly excited if this patch truly does resolve all these nasty GPU pass through performance problems.  Ryzen offers a strong use-case with unRAID and VMs with GPU pass through so long as it can keep on par with Intel for performance and price.  I'm excited to hear what you guys achieve after the next update.


All the best,



We've been discussing this the entire page, though the update is appreciated regardless.

Looking forward to trying the new build!


I'll be sure to look into a license (been using trials every month or two to check the situation) once things are cooperating.

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3 hours ago, jonp said:

I was asked by another user to put this update in this thread as well, but it appears the issue relating to Nested Page Tables with AMD platforms has been resolved via a patch created by Paolo Bonzini:




Another user actually found the troublesome code segment, supplied a hack of a patch, then Paolo saw the real problem and implemented a proper solution.  That said, it hasn't made its way into a full release of the kernel yet, so we are going to patch it in manually with the release of the next rc.


Needless to say, we are incredibly excited if this patch truly does resolve all these nasty GPU pass through performance problems.  Ryzen offers a strong use-case with unRAID and VMs with GPU pass through so long as it can keep on par with Intel for performance and price.  I'm excited to hear what you guys achieve after the next update.


All the best,




Now we are talking :D


Myself and a few buddies been holding off from TR because of this issue, checking this thread daily for some news.


Its now here :D bring on the Unraid and TR fun 


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15 hours ago, jonp said:

I was asked by another user to put this update in this thread as well, but it appears the issue relating to Nested Page Tables with AMD platforms has been resolved via a patch created by Paolo Bonzini:




Another user actually found the troublesome code segment, supplied a hack of a patch, then Paolo saw the real problem and implemented a proper solution.  That said, it hasn't made its way into a full release of the kernel yet, so we are going to patch it in manually with the release of the next rc.


Needless to say, we are incredibly excited if this patch truly does resolve all these nasty GPU pass through performance problems.  Ryzen offers a strong use-case with unRAID and VMs with GPU pass through so long as it can keep on par with Intel for performance and price.  I'm excited to hear what you guys achieve after the next update.


All the best,



Thank you for giving us the patch so fast. 
I was about 2 weeks off from buying Intel x299 chipset and I even had everything chosen but luckily the fix came. 

I will switch my main pc for the server today (I use Ryzen on my main system because of the NPT bug and Intel as server) so once the the next rc comes I can give feedback.

The NPT patch is out for unraid!

Everyone who worked on this patch thank you very much, you are heroes!

Edited by Southweave
Added patch
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The 43 error I had, disappeared after a reboot of the server.


Updated to the official release and now testing further!


Since fixing a few other things, rebuilding the vm and upgrading I'm seeing 110fps. For the GPU I have and settings it's on i'm happy with that. Now I just need to solve the audio dropout issue I have with usb passthrough.


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Guys thinking to upgrade my NAS machine and want to add 2-3 GPU 1070 also to replace my desktop and use it also as miner (zcash,eth) when is idle.

Im mining on other RIG as well on pure Linux, but 2 GPUs in Unraid could pay the electricity bill and i will reduce 1 desktop at home.


Does anyone tried that already (mine in unraid vm or docker)? What im reading with this new patch should be possible finally and the "final PC setup" shouldnt be that much expensive as Intel



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Update on the NPT patch: 
Everything seems to be working great! No more spikes, 3Dmark score is just around where it should be compared to other peoples scores and games run as intended. 
If anyone is still holding back on buying Ryzen then the time to buy is now. 
From the top of my head the only reason not to buy one is ECC memory but AMD performance killing bugs are now fixed. 
Now I only wish I would've gotten r7 1700 instead of r5 1600. 

Thank you LimeTech for releasing the fix so fast after it was discovered!

Edited by Southweave
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14 hours ago, killeriq said:

Guys thinking to upgrade my NAS machine and want to add 2-3 GPU 1070 also to replace my desktop and use it also as miner (zcash,eth) when is idle.

Im mining on other RIG as well on pure Linux, but 2 GPUs in Unraid could pay the electricity bill and i will reduce 1 desktop at home.


Does anyone tried that already (mine in unraid vm or docker)? What im reading with this new patch should be possible finally and the "final PC setup" shouldnt be that much expensive as Intel



Other than the pressure on the cards I never had issues before the patch. My 1080 would get ~27Mh/s and a second 1060 piped through got 24. (1080 stinks for hashing, great gaming card though) Figure our what your “break-even” is cause the cost for power vs money made may not be worth it to you. (Zcash has to be about $220 for me to consider worth it)

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1 hour ago, Southweave said:

Update on the NPT patch: 
Everything seems to be working great! No more spikes, 3Dmark score is just around where it should be compared to other peoples scores and games run as intended. 
If anyone is still holding back on buying Ryzen then the time to buy is now. 
From the top of my head the only reason not to buy one is ECC memory but AMD performance killing bugs are now fixed. 
Now I only wish I would've gotten r7 1700 instead of r5 1600. 

Thank you LimeTech for releasing the fix so fast after it was discovered!

I’m limping my 1600X until Ryzen 2. Are there recommended cpu counts and RAM recommendations now for a Win 10 vm? Got mine running with 6 vcpus isolated, course mine does Video transcoding as its main function when idle. (Record a lot of tv in my plex docker and scrub out commercials with it)

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