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file browser in webui

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Sure why not.  When I've needed the functionality that file manager of this type would provide in the past, I've used MC with Screen.  That is, when doing mass file moves and I didn't want to "involve" my desktop.  But something baked into the webui would be nice. 

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when i open cli from within the unraid gui mc is very laggy. for you guys too ?

using putty is lag free.


using a lag free cli with one click from the unraid gui with mc + screen would do it for me.

then again thats not an explorer like mouse-able experience many here probably like to have

Edited by unrateable
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16 hours ago, trurl said:

What should be the expected behavior if you begin a move that will take a long time, and you close your browser before it completes?

Best would be like unbalanced, where its not dependend on browser open. But most important usecase would be for me to open and edit textfiles, and delete files/folders.


It should also have some sort of security that you cant do dumb things.


Edited by nuhll
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On 2/9/2019 at 12:25 PM, trurl said:

What should be the expected behavior if you begin a move that will take a long time, and you close your browser before it completes?

All file operations should take place in the background -- WebUI updates itself as things progress -- kind of how things have shifted with the latest updates -- love the WebUI experience so much more now!


For those that are unaware of solutions from QNAP and Synology, give their online demo a try -- should give a few ideas:



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I am beginning to think this would be a good addition, but for reasons not mentioned on this thread.


It would allow us to prevent 2 surprising results when managing files in Krusader, Midnight Commander, command line, etc.


  1. If you mix user shares and disks when moving/copying files, you can actually lose data, because Linux doesn't realize that the source path and the destination path might actually be the same file, and so tries to overwrite what it is trying to read. This is often referred to as the User Share Copy Bug.
  2. The Linux command for Move and Rename are the same, mv. So when you try to move files from one user share to another, Linux will often simply rename the files so they have a different path on the same disk, in violation of any user share settings such as included disks. The workaround for this is to copy from source to destination, so that new files get created following the user share settings, then deleting from the source.

If we had our own file manager, number 1 could be rejected, and number 2 could implement the mentioned workaround.


Of course, this would be a very large undertaking. Maybe some existing source code could be customized.


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 5 weeks later...


I've also got a synology NAS and their web UI file browser is way more advanced than I'm looking for with unraid. Currently I use screen sessions and rsync to move things around as MC seems to have a bug where it replicates and nests directories with the same name under that directory rather than merge them.


Other than Krusader, anyone have a docker container they use & like? 

Edited by nate1749
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  • 1 month later...

How is this not a thing?


The tiniest tiniest Linux distro out there will include a file manager, because guess what's it's VERY handy...


Right now I'm looking at my "root share" and although I included the browser I'm browsing as for specific shares for read and write access, when browsing through the root share I don't have that access consistently.


This is especially cumbersome when trying to move stuff between shares. Don't MC me.


Is it a PEBKAC error? Oh I bet it is. Do I feel like troubleshooting silly permission problems when all I want to do is move stuff around so I can get on with my life and my newly set up server that still has a bucket list of things that need to be worked on? Well, no of course not.

Edited by Glassed Silver
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7 hours ago, Glassed Silver said:

The tiniest tiniest Linux distro out there will include a file manager, because guess what's it's VERY handy...

Actually it will not if you have not installed a desktop application (and Unraid does not include a desktop as standard).  The file manager is normally part of the desktop application.


An easy workaround at the moment if you want a GUI based file manager that can be run in a browser is to install the Krusader or Dolphin docker containers which give you  a GUI based file manager with the same capabilities as you would expect on a standard Linux system.


Having said that I have undertaken a personal project to see if I can develop a plugin to integrate this  File Manager into the Unraid GUI but it is proving to be a non-trivial task so I am not sure whether I will be successful.   I could easily release a version that was simply a 'File Manager' tool accessed via the Tools menu without full integration into the Unraid GUI if anyone thought this would be useful as I have already managed to do that as part of my initial development/testing? 

Edited by itimpi
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 5/14/2019 at 11:20 AM, itimpi said:

Actually it will not if you have not installed a desktop application (and Unraid does not include a desktop as standard).  The file manager is normally part of the desktop application.


An easy workaround at the moment if you want a GUI based file manager that can be run in a browser is to install the Krusader or Dolphin docker containers which give you  a GUI based file manager with the same capabilities as you would expect on a standard Linux system.


Having said that I have undertaken a personal project to see if I can develop a plugin to integrate this  File Manager into the Unraid GUI but it is proving to be a non-trivial task so I am not sure whether I will be successful.   I could easily release a version that was simply a 'File Manager' tool accessed via the Tools menu without full integration into the Unraid GUI if anyone thought this would be useful as I have already managed to do that as part of my initial development/testing? 

I think this would be very useful. I don't see to much point integrate it more in the webgui than a link in the tools menu. 


What is way more work, but I think would be extremely useful is a file browser with the functions / limitations that trurl mentions above. 


On 2/20/2019 at 4:06 PM, trurl said:

I am beginning to think this would be a good addition, but for reasons not mentioned on this thread.


It would allow us to prevent 2 surprising results when managing files in Krusader, Midnight Commander, command line, etc.


  1. If you mix user shares and disks when moving/copying files, you can actually lose data, because Linux doesn't realize that the source path and the destination path might actually be the same file, and so tries to overwrite what it is trying to read. This is often referred to as the User Share Copy Bug.
  2. The Linux command for Move and Rename are the same, mv. So when you try to move files from one user share to another, Linux will often simply rename the files so they have a different path on the same disk, in violation of any user share settings such as included disks. The workaround for this is to copy from source to destination, so that new files get created following the user share settings, then deleting from the source.

If we had our own file manager, number 1 could be rejected, and number 2 could implement the mentioned workaround.


Of course, this would be a very large undertaking. Maybe some existing source code could be customized.


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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
On 5/27/2019 at 9:56 PM, Bjonness406 said:

I think this would be very useful. I don't see to much point integrate it more in the webgui than a link in the tools menu. 


What is way more work, but I think would be extremely useful is a file browser with the functions / limitations that trurl mentions above. 



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I have now tried several open source browser based file mangers on Unraid and so far I have not yet managed to find one that gives anything like acceptable performance.   Not sure why they perform so badly but it does seem to be a consistent pattern.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 7/17/2019 at 11:17 PM, itimpi said:

I have now tried several open source browser based file mangers on Unraid and so far I have not yet managed to find one that gives anything like acceptable performance.   Not sure why they perform so badly but it does seem to be a consistent pattern.

I can confirm I've seen the same pattern, sometimes it is faster to copy files from share1 to share2 using Windows File Explorer on an AC WiFi connected PC than use the Krusader docker which can't be right or am I missing something?

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I've noticed that when you try to copy something, sometimes the file management docker apps, won't show any updates, but actually the file operation is taking place. You can confirm this by checking disk activity speeds from the main unraid web page.

Your should also check space Invaders rootshare tutorial which really helps a lot!

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Thanks, I discovered that by chance but nice to see a rootshare would solve it.  In my case I had the share I was copying out of mapped in Windows but it still recognizes the unmapped share I was copying into as being on the same server and copies very quickly.



Currently trying to copy 1TB of data onto a 4TB USB 3.0 HDD  using Krusader and only 33% complete after 7 hours (first 3 minutes were very fast)  and people wonder why we want a proper file manager in unRaid.

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12 hours ago, PhiPhi said:

I can confirm I've seen the same pattern, sometimes it is faster to copy files from share1 to share2 using Windows File Explorer on an AC WiFi connected PC than use the Krusader docker which can't be right or am I missing something?

7 hours ago, PhiPhi said:


Currently trying to copy 1TB of data onto a 4TB USB 3.0 HDD  using Krusader and only 33% complete after 7 hours (first 3 minutes were very fast)  and people wonder why we want a proper file manager in unRaid.

In each of these, you say copying, but are you really copying? As in there is now the original in the source and a copy of it in the destination? Or are you moving?


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