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[Support] ich777 - Gameserver Dockers

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I'm having trouble getting things installed with this docker. I am trying to install the Valheim docker, or any other game using  steamcmd for that matter, and the docker just restarts over and over again. Nothing shows up in the folder locations I've defined. I've followed steps on a couple of other websites and it seems so simple but it is really escaping me what I'm doing wrong. Could it be a permissions problem? Am I supposed to install steamcmd separately? Help!

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Thanks for the reply - I did see the part you are referring to in the container settings - I've tried putting the GAME_ID to '294420 -beta stable_alpha20.5' and while it then tells me it's complete, when I'm trying to join the server it's still telling me that the server is on v20.6??


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8 minutes ago, Dantanator said:

Could it be a permissions problem?



On what Unraid version are you?

What is the exact log output after the first start and when it loops?

You can get logs from a Unraid terminal if you type in:

docker container logs CONTAINERNAME

(of course replace CONTAINERNAME with the name of the container - case sensitv!)


9 minutes ago, Dantanator said:

Am I supposed to install steamcmd separately?

No, this is all done through the containers and one steamcmd directory can share multiple containers on the host.

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10 minutes ago, stevep94 said:

while it then tells me it's complete

I think you have to turn on validation in the template, but please turn it off again after it downgraded the files since otherwise it would validate the files on each container start...


For further question please reach out to @Spectral Force on his Discord, he can surely help. :)

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1 hour ago, ich777 said:



On what Unraid version are you?

What is the exact log output after the first start and when it loops?

You can get logs from a Unraid terminal if you type in:

docker container logs CONTAINERNAME

(of course replace CONTAINERNAME with the name of the container - case sensitv!)


No, this is all done through the containers and one steamcmd directory can share multiple containers on the host.


Here is the first portion of the log. After that gzip set it just repeats over and over.


---Ensuring UID: 99 matches user---
---Ensuring GID: 100 matches user---
---Setting umask to 000---
---Checking for optional scripts---
---No optional script found, continuing---
---Taking ownership of data...---
SteamCMD not found!


gzip: stdin: unexpected end of file
tar: Child returned status 1
tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
---Update SteamCMD---
/opt/scripts/start-server.sh: line 12: /serverdata/steamcmd/steamcmd.sh: No such file or directory
---Update Server---
---Validating installation---
/opt/scripts/start-server.sh: line 25: /serverdata/steamcmd/steamcmd.sh: No such file or directory
---Prepare Server---
---Server ready---
---Starting Backup daemon---
---Start Server---
/opt/scripts/start-server.sh: line 252: /serverdata/serverfiles/valheim_server.x86_64: No such file or directory
---Update Check for Valheim enabled, running automatically every 60 minutes.---
cat: /serverdata/serverfiles/Steam/logs/content_log.txt: No such file or directory
---Ensuring UID: 99 matches user---
usermod: no changes
---Ensuring GID: 100 matches user---
usermod: no changes
---Setting umask to 000---
---Checking for optional scripts---
---No optional script found, continuing---
---Taking ownership of data...---
SteamCMD not found!


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7 minutes ago, Dantanator said:

gzip: stdin: unexpected end of file

Seems like it can't grab SteamCMD, can you please try to remove the steamcmd folder from your appdata directory?


Have you any custom permissions in place on your system?


Do you have any AdBlocker on your network that maybe prevent the container from puling down this file: Click

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1 minute ago, ich777 said:

Seems like it can't grab SteamCMD, can you please try to remove the steamcmd folder from your appdata directory?


Have you any custom permissions in place on your system?


Do you have any AdBlocker on your network that maybe prevent the container from puling down this file: Click


Well, how about that. I thought I had my server in the proper firewall group and I did not. Once I dropped it in where it belongs the docker now is pulling down the files. Thank you! I just needed another pair of eyes on this.

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Hi! Don't know if this is the right place for suggestions but it would be cool if we could keep Valheim's world backups for different time ranges, like an hourly, a daily, a weekly and/or a monthly backup. I personally like to backup often like hourly but also be able to recover an older one in case we want to roll back to an earlier state, but the way you setup the server now you have to overwrite older backups if you make a new one every hour or so.

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8 hours ago, manuxce said:

a daily, a weekly

This is theoretically possible.


8 hours ago, manuxce said:

but the way you setup the server now you have to overwrite older backups

That is not entirely true, the old backups get deleted after a specified amount of found backups.


See this example in the default template:



It backs up every 62 minutes and keeps the last 24 backups, however you can set the "Backups to keep" to 720 for example than you have a backup from the last 30 days, of course if the server is running all the time (keep in mind if you keep that much backups and do the math, for 720 backups with about 5MB you will be using around 3.6GB of space only for backups).



Just to give you a little background information, I won't change the way how backups are done since I've introduced this feature when the "World Destroy Bug" was around where it was often happening that the world was wiped after restarting the server, this was a general issue from Valheim.

I even thought about removing this feature...


However you can put a simple User Script together based on a cron schedule that pulls the latest found backup to another directory if you want too.


Hope that helps and explains how to use it or better speaking how it works.

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Thanks for your response! Yeah I understand that it keeps a certain amount of backups, I worded it incorrectly, sorry, English is not my first language and I'm not a very technical user so I wasn't sure how to explain my request. The main issue is exactly what you mention about how if we want to keep more backups they would start taking up multiple GBs of disk space.


I suffered from the "world destroy bug" a while ago (not using this container but a LinuxGSM installation) and that's why I thought most users might want to have access to a quick solution for backing up their worlds in different time intervals, but of course it should be up to us to decide how to handle this, I'll probably setup a script like you suggested.


Again thanks for your response, and for all your hard work!

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3 minutes ago, manuxce said:

I suffered from the "world destroy bug" a while ago (not using this container but a LinuxGSM installation) and that's why I thought most users might want to have access to a quick solution for backing up their worlds in different time intervals, but of course it should be up to us to decide how to handle this, I'll probably setup a script like you suggested.

Maybe you can let it as it is that it takes a backup every hour and keep them for about 48 hours and every 24 hours or so you back up the latest backup to another folder on your server, this would be the easiest solution.


This script should do the job just fine, let it run once daily and it will only save the last backup that it finds in the Backups folder from Valheim:


cp ${VALHEIM_BKP_PATH}/$(ls -1 ${VALHEIM_BKP_PATH}/ | sort -V | tail -1) ${BKP_PATH}


You only have to customize the VALHEIM_BKP_PATH (this is the folder where the Backups from the container are located which are created by the container automatically) and the BKP_PATH (this is the folder which it copies the Backups to).


Hope that helps.

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I am having issues running the Insurgency Game Server Docker. It seems to have installed correctly. I can get it to run. I have created a "server.cfg" file in which I have named the server, password, etc, and placed it in the appropriate folder ( ..appdata/insurgency/insurgency/cfg/), however, when i start the game in Steam and go looking for the server I created, it does not show up anywhere. The log file seems there might be an issue with running Steam: "[S_API FAIL] SteamAPI_Init() failed; SteamAPI_IsSteamRunning() failed.
[S_API FAIL] SteamAPI_Init() failed; unable to locate a running instance of Steam, or a local steamclient.so." 
I have included the entire log as an attachment. 
Am I missing a step?
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.


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2 hours ago, StephenCND said:

I can start the docker and it shows as started.

But it does loop or am I wrong?

Can you browse it through the Steam Server Browser?


2 hours ago, StephenCND said:

Could it be an issue with the server.cfg file? 

Sure but I‘m not too familiar with Insurgency…


I would recommend that you start over by, deleting the container, deleting the folder for insurgency in your appdat- directory and pull a fresh copy from the CA App an wait for the download to finish and see if it loops again, if not the it‘s the server.cfg


Do you have a cache driver installed in your server or did you change anything in the template?

Is your appdata share set to use cache Only or Prefer?

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Well, I'm at a bit of a loss: Uninstalled and re-Installed.  Seems to have installed correctly, however there is  only have a "steamapps" folder inside the "insurgency" folder. I also installed the docker for Killingfloor game server (to see how it would install) . Same issue.. just one folder installed inside the killingfloor folder (steamapps) .

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9 hours ago, StephenCND said:

Seems to have installed correctly, however there is  only have a "steamapps"

If you have only one folder in there it‘s not installed correctly.

This is usually a indication that it not installed fully.

The steamapps folder is created while downloading, when the game is fully downloaded the files get moved from the steamapps folder into the main directory and finally the steamapps folder gets removed.


Can you provide any logs, without them I really can‘t help.

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5 hours ago, StephenCND said:

When I start the game through Steam, it doesn't show up in the games server list.  I've included the Docker's log file.

Does it now loop too after reinstalling the game? If not, it seems that it‘s now fully started and waiting for connections.

Can you post a Screenshot from your Docker template please? On what hardware are you trying to run Insurgency?

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Doesn't loop. Smooth start and stop for that matter.
I've included two screen captures of the Docker template (top portion & bottom portion) to make it easier to read. (note, I blacked-out the Steam Username).
The appdata folder is set to "Prefer:Cache"

I'm also including a screen capture of my Array devices and Pool (cache) devises if that can be of assistance.
I've also included my server.cfg file.
I really appreciate the time and effort you've put into my problem. Thanks again.





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