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[Support] ich777 - Gameserver Dockers

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for successufully install alpha 21 on 7 day you need to add headless= on boot.config  7DaysToDieServer_Data folder
And remove auto update with let validate blank on app and its launch successful but when update all files replace with new please FIX =D

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18 minutes ago, moreni said:

please FIX

What should I fix? This is a thing the game devs should fix in the first place.


You have to understand that this would be the same as if the devs would push an update without validation enabled the file would be always overwritten.


So to speak they should add headless= to the boot.cfg by default.

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I know it is super fresh but the Update 8 for Satisfactory seems to just boot loop. Doesn't seem to dump any errors I can find. This is a fresh install of the docker and server files. If you were not aware of this I just wanted to make sure you were and see if you had any tips.


My assumption is it has something to do with the Unreal Engine update but I don't know this for sure.

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8 minutes ago, Pocketpac said:

I know it is super fresh but the Update 8 for Satisfactory seems to just boot loop. Doesn't seem to dump any errors I can find. This is a fresh install of the docker and server files. If you were not aware of this I just wanted to make sure you were and see if you had any tips.

I will try that tomorrow and report back.

Hope that's good enough.

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4 minutes ago, IppoKun said:

@ich777 Used the unraid console feature and used this command:




And it didn't get stuck. Weirdly enough it didn't work when I edited out the start-server.sh file to include these flags.

Actually it works, it just that the log viewer doesn't get updated anymore.

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11 minutes ago, ich777 said:

Just put:

-batchmode -nographics

in front of it here:



This is basically the same and you don't have to do anything with the command line.


Yes, for everyone else this is the easier way, I was doing it via shell because I was trying other stuff and it was faster doing it that way 😁

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3 hours ago, Pocketpac said:

Oh thats totally fine. I know how hard this stuff is, just wanted to make sure it is on your radar.

Thanks for the heads up.

Fixed, please force a update from the container itself, both stable and experimental will now launch correctly.

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I just updated beam-mp-server and the server went offline. The container stays up, but when you try to open the logs from unraid it closes immediately and the log file won't update so Idk how to find the error normally.


But in portainer I see a constant error:

/beamngmp/BeamMP-Server: error while loading shared libraries: libssl.so.1.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory


Can't tell if it's related. I've tried to do a force update and still same issue.

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The Satisfactory docker does not allow you to properly setup a dedicated server on the experimental branch.


According to the wiki, you need to set "-beta experimental" in Steam CD.


Please see the link here


If you add this to the "game parameters" on the docker, nothing happens. 


I think its not working because "-beta experimental" needs to be passed in during the "update server" portion of your script for this docker


echo "---Update Server---"
if [ "${USERNAME}" == "" ]; then
    if [ "${VALIDATE}" == "true" ]; then
    	echo "---Validating installation---"
        ${STEAMCMD_DIR}/steamcmd.sh \
        +force_install_dir ${SERVER_DIR} \
        +login anonymous \
        +app_update ${GAME_ID} validate \
        ${STEAMCMD_DIR}/steamcmd.sh \
        +force_install_dir ${SERVER_DIR} \
        +login anonymous \
        +app_update ${GAME_ID} \


-beta experimental needs to be able to be passed into the code block above as a configurable option. 



I have tested running the dedicated server locally through steam on my gaming PC and it works perfectly on experimental. Its impossible to get the docker server running on experimental for me right now. 

Edited by DazedAndConfused
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1 hour ago, DazedAndConfused said:

If you add this to the "game parameters" on the docker, nothing happens. 

You need to enable validation.


1 hour ago, DazedAndConfused said:

I think its not working because "-beta experimental" needs to be passed in during the "update server" portion of your script for this docker

This is working perfectly fine since I‘ve tried it yesterday and another user here was also able to install it fine on hos system and I even updated the container yesterday to be compatible with the new engine:


1 hour ago, DazedAndConfused said:

-beta experimental needs to be able to be passed into the code block above as a configurable option.

Pleaee read the description from the variable GAME ID, you just have to append:

-beta experimental

to the GAME ID and it will work just fine.


As said above, you have to enable validation for this so that it pulls the update, if validation is not working, like it is the case for some users, try it on a fresh installed container.

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Hello, CSGO servers stop working with the last update.


Failed to open libtier0.so (/serverdata/serverfiles/bin/libgcc_s.so.1: version `GCC_7.0.0' not found (required by /lib32/libstdc++.so.6))
Add "-debug" to the /serverdata/serverfiles/srcds_run command line to generate a debug.log to help with solving this problem
Wed Jun 14 10:44:24 AM BST 2023: Server restart in 10 seconds
Updating server using Steam.

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7 minutes ago, penalte said:

Hello, CSGO servers stop working with the last update.


Failed to open libtier0.so (/serverdata/serverfiles/bin/libgcc_s.so.1: version `GCC_7.0.0' not found (required by /lib32/libstdc++.so.6))
Add "-debug" to the /serverdata/serverfiles/srcds_run command line to generate a debug.log to help with solving this problem
Wed Jun 14 10:44:24 AM BST 2023: Server restart in 10 seconds
Updating server using Steam.


OK csgo ships with an older version of this file "libgcc_s.so.1", deleting it from /bin/ fix it.

thank you.

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