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[Support] ich777 - Gameserver Dockers

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11 minutes ago, Odur said:

This is actually the guide I was following initially, I think I have some kind of issue preventing it from working normally. My issue is the server won't start and the few times I thought it did which I had no way of actually telling for sure it didn't show up in the server list. I can't connect via direct IP either. if you need more information let me know please. Sorry I thought I should have been more clear about my issue before.

join my discord its the best way to get help.  make sure to give yourself the unraid role at the very least.

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8 hours ago, moreni said:

@ich777 can you update conan exile ? wine bug all time i can't start server.

Please post the full log output.

How much RAM and CPU does the container use? On what Unraid version are you?


EDIT: I've now tried it and it is working as expected:



Please note that the first start can take very long, about 5 to 10 minutes depending on your Server.


The logs look like that:



Please ignore the WINE errors these will be always there.

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2 hours ago, Maverick38344 said:

Any plans to include Subsistence?

I can try since from what I've saw the dedicated server is Windows only and it is not guaranteed to work with WINE.


However I don't own the game and I have stopped creating dedicated server for games that I don't own because giving support for games that I don't own is a nightmare.


If you however want to donate the game to me I can look into it.

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52 minutes ago, ich777 said:

I can try since from what I've saw the dedicated server is Windows only and it is not guaranteed to work with WINE.


However I don't own the game and I have stopped creating dedicated server for games that I don't own because giving support for games that I don't own is a nightmare.


If you however want to donate the game to me I can look into it.

PM a steam code or link and I'll do that 🙂

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On 7/11/2023 at 1:15 AM, Odur said:
text  error  warn  system  array  login  

---Ensuring UID: 99 matches user---
---Ensuring GID: 100 matches user---
---Setting umask to 000---
---Checking for optional scripts---
---No optional script found, continuing---
---Taking ownership of data...---
---Update SteamCMD---
Redirecting stderr to '/serverdata/Steam/logs/stderr.txt'
[  0%] Checking for available updates...
[----] Verifying installation...
Steam Console Client (c) Valve Corporation - version 1689020152
-- type 'quit' to exit --
Loading Steam API...dlmopen steamservice.so failed: steamservice.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Connecting anonymously to Steam Public...OK
Waiting for client config...OK
Waiting for user info...OK
---Update Server---
Redirecting stderr to '/serverdata/Steam/logs/stderr.txt'
[  0%] Checking for available updates...
[----] Verifying installation...
Steam Console Client (c) Valve Corporation - version 1689020152
-- type 'quit' to exit --
Loading Steam API...dlmopen steamservice.so failed: steamservice.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Connecting anonymously to Steam Public...OK
Waiting for client config...OK
Waiting for user info...OK
Success! App '294420' already up to date.
---Prepare Server---
---SaveGameFolder location correct---
---Savegame location found---
---UserDataFolder location correct---
---UserDataFolder location found---
---Server ready---
---Start Server---
[UnityMemory] Configuration Parameters - Can be set up in boot.config

My log looks pretty much the same as the one from "Odur". what was the fix for that issue? and what exactly was the issue?



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1 hour ago, ThereIsNo said:

My log looks pretty much the same as the one from "Odur". what was the fix for that issue? and what exactly was the issue?

Please update the container itself with force update on the container page (with advanced view enabled <- don't forget to disable advanced view after doing that) and try again.

The log looks the same over here too.


Please also try to do a direct connection with your LAN server IP (simply click on Join a game -> Start search -> Connect to IP -> enter you LAN server IP -> Connect), also note that the server maybe needs a few minutes to fully start. Over here it is working just fine.

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Hello guys, docker noob here!

I'm having issue trying to install 7days to die server + DarknessFall (first of all, thanks a lot ich777 for your work, it's pretty amazing!)

I'm able to install and run a Vanilla server (not that complicated, I admit) by installing and running the 7DaystoDie docker and leaving all conf "as is" except the GAME_ID that i set to "294420 -beta stable_alpha20.7"
  -e TZ="Europe/Paris"
  -e HOST_OS="Unraid"
  -e HOST_HOSTNAME="Undoox"
  -e 'GAME_ID'='294420
  -beta stable_alpha20.7'
  -e 'SERVERCONFIG'='serverconfig.xml'
  -e 'GAME_PARAMS'='-logfile 7DaysToDie_Data/output_log.txt $@'
  -e 'VALIDATE'=''
  -e 'ENABLE_BEPINEX'='false'
  -e 'USERNAME'=''
  -e 'PASSWRD'=''
  -e 'UID'='99'
  -e 'GID'='100'
  -l net.unraid.docker.managed=dockerman
  -l net.unraid.docker.icon='https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ich777/docker-templates/master/ich777/images/7dtd.png'
  -p '26900:26900/tcp'
  -p '26900:26900/udp'
  -p '26901:26901/udp'
  -p '26902:26902/udp'
  -p '26903:26903/udp'
  -p '8080:8080/tcp'
  -p '8082:8082/tcp'
  -p '27015:27015/udp'
  -v '/mnt/user/appdata/steamcmd':'/serverdata/steamcmd':'rw'
  -v '/mnt/cache/appdata/7dtd':'/serverdata/serverfiles':'rw'
  --restart=unless-stopped 'ich777/steamcmd:7dtd'

=> Dockr install Steamcmd, Download the server and then starts as a Vanilla one
2023-07-13T16:18:21 61.552 INF [Steamworks.NET] GameServer.LogOn successful, SteamID=90174279791693830, public IP=8*.8*.20*.16*


I stopped it to install the mod.
I downloaded DaknessFall from https://gitlab.com/KhaineGB/darkness-falls-a20

and copied all the mod files in the mod folder of my Docker.
I then edited the serverconfi.xml file to fit my needs, but didn't change the part regarding the "folder and file locations" (see file attached)

But this time, the server won't even try to start, I can check the Docker's log, but as soon as it should read the serverconfig.xml to start the gameserver, it crashes and restart...

I presume I did something wrongin this file, but I don't know what (and this file was the one I used previously, and that worked with the same server version and mod installation... Only difference is that the container has been updated by ich777, but that shouldn't make a difference...)

Any help would be welcome as I am lost, and I'd really like to play this game :)

Best regards, Dooxserverconfig.xml

Edited by Doox
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15 minutes ago, ich777 said:

If possible, please join @Spectral Force Discord server over here:


He helps me a lot with 7DtD because I‘m not that familiar with the game.

Will do!
I kinda found my way, it appears that I had to change the container parameter from "294420 -beta stable_alpha20.7" to "294420 -beta alpha20.7" to have it install version 20.7...
If I leave it as "294420 -beta stable_alpha20.7" it would install the latest available one... (I found out only because the parameters in the serverconfig.xml are slightly different)

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8 minutes ago, KLLSWITCH said:

im having an issue with conan exiles setup. Ive tried to validate in the console but it tell me no such command?

Why are you even using your Steam Credentials?


In my templates the Steam Credentials are only necessary if they are marked with a red asterisk (*) and they are not hidden away under "Show more..."


The Description will even mention if they are needed and what to do.

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3 minutes ago, ich777 said:

Why are you even using your Steam Credentials?


In my templates the Steam Credentials are only necessary if they are marked with a red asterisk (*) and they are not hidden away under "Show more..."


The Description will even mention if they are needed and what to do.

ahh my apologies i installed this same container years ago and it needed my credentials for install. just took out my credentials and its working now thanks!! 

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error when trying to update craftopia server




Loading Steam API...dlmopen steamservice.so failed: steamservice.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory



^ pulled this from the logfiles, after getting error mismatch after a steamclient update.  rebooting the container in unraid doesn't udpate the server.  If you also navigate to the steamcmd and attempted to update that way. same issue;


/serverdata/steamcmd# ./steamcmd.sh


did some scowering and found this article;



LsHallo wrote: ↑15 May 2023 11:02 Hello,

I have used the dedicated server inside my docker container: https://github.com/LsHallo/ets2-dedicated-convoy-server.
I worked fine and I could play on the server just fine.
Since yesterday I got reports that the server crashes while starting: https://github.com/LsHallo/ets2-dedicat ... r/issues/6
I can replicate these issues when downloading a fresh install of the server.
I have also searched the steamcmd and ets2 server directory for "steamservice.so" using find (find /app -name "steamservice.so", find /root/.steam/ -name "steamservice.so") but I could not find the required library file anywhere.

Is there a new dependency that is missing with the latest server or have I not looked hard enough to find "steamservice.so"? Where can I get the required file?

missing steamservice.so is not an issue.
Problem in your case is that logOn to your account has failed (error code from steam simply states - denied).

If you are using logOn token for game servers, please check that it is still valid (it can deprecate) - https://steamcommunity.com/dev/managegameservers
Also check that you are not logged elsewhere or that this token is not used twice.
If you remove logOn token and use anonymous account it should work also (without persistent id).

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4 minutes ago, cshellen said:

Loading Steam API...dlmopen steamservice.so failed: steamservice.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Can you be a bit more prescise what your exact issue is?


This message is not an issue at all, this is just a warning and nothing more.

The container works as intended at least over here.

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Just now, ich777 said:

Can you be a bit more prescise what your exact issue is?


This message is not an issue at all, this is just a warning and nothing more.

The container works as intended at least over here.

when i launch the game client from steam, and attempt to join, i get the following error;


"The version of the game and server are different"



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Just now, cshellen said:

when i launch the game client from steam, and attempt to join, i get the following error;

Please set the variable Validation to "true" (without double quotes) let the container fully start (open the logs and see if it pulls the update), after that go into the Docker template again, remove true from Validation and try again to connect.


It can be also the case that the Craftopia team hasn't upgraded the server app yet and you simply have to wait or ask in their Discord/Support Forums.

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Hello. I am trying to setup my FiveM docker container by ich777 using txadmin. What i keep running into is when it try to input my parameters for my MariaDB server i get the error "Access denied for user 'root'@'' (using password: YES)" when i try to login using the database user instead of root, it attempts to download the ESX files but then has an error (see attached image). I'm wondering if anyone can help. I'm feeling that it either has to do with how the two docker talk to each other, or I have to someone give the "andrew" user access. Ill also attach my logs for MariaDB, as well as FiveM.

To answer your question you asked me yesterday MariaDB is needed because the FiveM server needs an SQL server when using txadmin. I don't fully understand why. Both Ip's are





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1 hour ago, BomberTutt said:

To answer your question you asked me yesterday MariaDB is needed because the FiveM server needs an SQL server when using txadmin. I don't fully understand why. Both Ip's are

Are you sure that you've added in your database a % sign at the end and not

It seems that you've only allowed only access from localhost and not from foreign IP addresses in your MariaDB.

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