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[Support] ich777 - Gameserver Dockers

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Hello below is the log i am getting. Basically it looks like i am getting a error with the steam API loading for the 7days to die server docker. Any idea how to fix this? When trying to join the server i get a connection time out even though it does show up in game.


---Prepare Server---
---Moving SaveGameFolder location---
---Savegame location found---
---Moving UserDataFolder location---
---UserDataFolder location found---
---Server ready---
---Start Server---
Found path: /serverdata/serverfiles/7DaysToDieServer.x86_64
[S_API FAIL] SteamAPI_Init() failed; SteamAPI_IsSteamRunning() failed.
[S_API FAIL] SteamAPI_Init() failed; SteamAPI_IsSteamRunning() failed.
Setting breakpad minidump AppID = 251570

Edited by Dragon99
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9 minutes ago, Dragon99 said:

Hello below is the log i am getting. Basically it looks like i am getting a error with the steam API loading for the 7days to die server docker. Any idea how to fix this? When trying to join the server i get a connection time out even though it does show up in game.


---Prepare Server---
---Moving SaveGameFolder location---
---Savegame location found---
---Moving UserDataFolder location---
---UserDataFolder location found---
---Server ready---
---Start Server---
Found path: /serverdata/serverfiles/7DaysToDieServer.x86_64
[S_API FAIL] SteamAPI_Init() failed; SteamAPI_IsSteamRunning() failed.
[S_API FAIL] SteamAPI_Init() failed; SteamAPI_IsSteamRunning() failed.
Setting breakpad minidump AppID = 251570

Dragon, did you try joining from both the LAN and the server list?

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8 hours ago, lysdexik said:

Wonder why we get the error even though the two paths are essentially equivalent.

The paths are not equivalent from the file system level because /mnt/user is a fuse filesystem that takes all shares and combines them.

Some applications need the physical path to the application like for example TeamFortress2 or Don't Starve Together.

Others work just fine from the /mnt/user pathe but I would always recommend choosing the physical path, that's why all my templates habe the /mnt/cache path in there for the application itself.


7 hours ago, Dragon99 said:

I have a outside network to test it from and its not working. 

Are you sure that all ports with the right protocol are forwarded?

Also please keep in mind that some ISP's block certain ports even if you forwarded them.


7 hours ago, Dragon99 said:

[S_API FAIL] SteamAPI_Init() failed;

This is just because it can't find a runing instance of Steam but this is just a normal warning and not an error, this is a very simplified explanation...

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On 2/9/2021 at 3:21 PM, luckyy said:

Just thought I'd share my experience setting up a Valheim server with this docker app from @ich777(thank you!)


You don't need to worry about Steam authentication for Valheim, the default anonymous user can download and host a server (yay!), so no fuss with Steam users or Steam Guard to worry about.

  1. Deploy the docker as provided, leaving username & password blank.
  2. The Server Name field is important, this is how your name will appear in the public server list in Valheim.  (as of this writing there are 7 "Valheim Docker" server names, good luck finding yours!    So choose something unique that you and your friends can find.
  3. World Name is the name of your world, this can be anything, if you wish to import a single-player or self-hosted save file in your docker, this name must be set to the same name/spelling as your save game world.
  4. Save the docker/let it install.
  5. You'll want to make sure your firewall or router has UDP ports 2456-2458 forwarded to your Unraid server's IP so the game can work as intended.

In 10-15 minutes typically you should see your server name in the public server list in Valheim, you're done!



* if you wish to import a previous save file, you need to make sure the Docker is Stopped first.   Then browse your local computer's profile, typically in "%appdata%\..\LocalLow\IronGate\Valheim\worlds" you will find your save games.


You'll want to take a copy of your world files, database, everything named the same as your world name over to your docker data files, by default with this docker settings should be:

\\<your unraid server IP or name>\appdata\valheim\.config\unity3d\IronGate\Valheim\worlds


Place your save game files in there, and overwrite any existing newly generated world of the same name with your save game.


Start the Docker, wait for it to appear in Valheim, join & play!


I hope this was helpful for someone, took a bit to figure out the exact steps to follow :)



I can't seem to find the location of the save game files so i can migrate my current world to unraid. My valheim docker got instlled in /serverdata/steamcmd/mnt/user/appdata/steamcmd


Can anyone help me.




~# cd /mnt/
/mnt# ls
cache/  disk1/  disk2/  disk3/  disk4/  disk5/  disks/  remotes/  user/  user0/
/mnt# cd cache/
mnt/cache# ls
appdata/  domains/  system/
/mnt/cache# cd appdata/
mnt/cache/appdata# ls
NginxProxyManager/              binhex-mineos-node/  icloudpd/                 nextcloud/  valheim/
binhex-minecraftbedrockserver/  calibre/             mariadb/                  steamcmd/
binhex-minecraftserver/         calibre-web/         minecraftbedrockedition/  unms/
/mnt/cache/appdata# cd valheim/
:/mnt/cache/appdata/valheim# ls
LinuxPlayer_s.debug*  Valheim\ Dedicated\ Server\ Manual.pdf*  start_server_xterm.sh*  valheim_server.x86_64*
Steam/                linux64/                                 steam_appid.txt*        valheim_server_Data/
UnityPlayer.so*       server_exit.drp*                         steamapps/
UnityPlayer_s.debug*  start_server.sh*                         steamclient.so*

mnt/cache/appdata/valheim# cd valheim_server_Data/
/mnt/cache/appdata/valheim/valheim_server_Data# ls
Managed/             globalgamemanagers.assets*       level4*                     sharedassets1.assets.resS*
MonoBleedingEdge/    globalgamemanagers.assets.resS*  level4.resS*                sharedassets1.resource*
Plugins/             level0*                          resources.assets*           sharedassets2.assets*
Resources/           level0.resS*                     resources.assets.resS*      sharedassets3.assets*
app.info*            level1*                          sharedassets0.assets*       sharedassets3.assets.resS*
boot.config*         level2*                          sharedassets0.assets.resS*  sharedassets3.resource*
globalgamemanagers*  level3*                          sharedassets1.assets*       sharedassets4.assets*
mnt/cache/appdata/valheim/valheim_server_Data# cd ..
:/mnt/cache/appdata/valheim# ls
LinuxPlayer_s.debug*  Valheim\ Dedicated\ Server\ Manual.pdf*  start_server_xterm.sh*  valheim_server.x86_64*
Steam/                linux64/                                 steam_appid.txt*        valheim_server_Data/
UnityPlayer.so*       server_exit.drp*                         steamapps/
UnityPlayer_s.debug*  start_server.sh*                         steamclient.so*

mnt/cache/appdata/valheim# cd

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37 minutes ago, Hectic said:

My valheim docker got instlled in

No that's not the right path, are you trying to reach it from iside the container or from the Unraid console?


I would recommend if it was installed in your appdata directory to go to your shares and share the appdata directory so you can browse to it with SMB from your local machine and in the appdata you will see the folder 'valheim' and from there there is a folder named '.config' from there are a few subfolders and there is the savegame.


If you want to browse it from the Unraid console the path would be: /mnt/cache/appdata/valheim/.config/ (and a few subfolders).

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Hey, one issue I am running into on the Chivalry Server is when I add the -sdkfileid=xxxxxx to the gameparams the content is not being downloaded. It should be added to the chivalrymw>UDKGame>CookedSDK folder. If I manually add a folder from my desktop the content is there in game but it wont refresh or add it based on the game params.



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On 2/9/2021 at 8:21 PM, luckyy said:

Just thought I'd share my experience setting up a Valheim server with this docker app from @ich777(thank you!)


You don't need to worry about Steam authentication for Valheim, the default anonymous user can download and host a server (yay!), so no fuss with Steam users or Steam Guard to worry about.

  1. Deploy the docker as provided, leaving username & password blank.
  2. The Server Name field is important, this is how your name will appear in the public server list in Valheim.  (as of this writing there are 7 "Valheim Docker" server names, good luck finding yours!    So choose something unique that you and your friends can find.
  3. World Name is the name of your world, this can be anything, if you wish to import a single-player or self-hosted save file in your docker, this name must be set to the same name/spelling as your save game world.
  4. Save the docker/let it install.
  5. You'll want to make sure your firewall or router has UDP ports 2456-2458 forwarded to your Unraid server's IP so the game can work as intended.

In 10-15 minutes typically you should see your server name in the public server list in Valheim, you're done!



* if you wish to import a previous save file, you need to make sure the Docker is Stopped first.   Then browse your local computer's profile, typically in "%appdata%\..\LocalLow\IronGate\Valheim\worlds" you will find your save games.


You'll want to take a copy of your world files, database, everything named the same as your world name over to your docker data files, by default with this docker settings should be:

\\<your unraid server IP or name>\appdata\valheim\.config\unity3d\IronGate\Valheim\worlds


Place your save game files in there, and overwrite any existing newly generated world of the same name with your save game.


Start the Docker, wait for it to appear in Valheim, join & play!


I hope this was helpful for someone, took a bit to figure out the exact steps to follow :)


I can get the server to show up and join, but I think it may be through LAN as others cant see the server. Only thing i'm not sure on is I have to set inbound services and outbound separately on my router, but using either doesn't seem to work.



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Last night my Valheim world got "corrupted" again after running CA Auto Update.



- World file is small (under 1MB)

- Cannot join server (server is still broadcasted to steam, joining in-game results in a black screen)

- level.db file in backup is also corrupt

- level.db.backup file in backup actually works (not sure who/where this file is being created)


Any help would be appreciated.  I am afraid to run this container much longer because it seems increasingly likely that I'll loose my progress.


Is this a problem with the game sever software its self? Or has anyone found a way to fix this corruption/reset issue?

Edited by darknavi
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Ok, so I just tested it.  Stopping and starting the server:

- Corrupts the level.db file (server is no longer joinable, level file is a few MB)

- Creates a level.db.backup file that DOES work if manually renamed


Any ideas?  Basically every time I restart the server I have to restore a backup.

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2 hours ago, darknavi said:

Ok, so I just tested it.  Stopping and starting the server:

- Corrupts the level.db file (server is no longer joinable, level file is a few MB)

- Creates a level.db.backup file that DOES work if manually renamed


Any ideas?  Basically every time I restart the server I have to restore a backup.

Can you force an update of the container, I modified the container a few days ago that should fix that.


@ConnectivIT Can you also test this? I thought the SIGINT would stop the server correctly and close the database connection?


59 minutes ago, BSAVAG3 said:

Do you know if you have to have to game to host the server?

No, you don't have to own it, just download it from the CA App and start it (without Steam credentials).

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5 hours ago, Nesquik said:

Hey, one issue I am running into on the Chivalry Server is when I add the -sdkfileid=xxxxxx to the gameparams the content is not being downloaded. It should be added to the chivalrymw>UDKGame>CookedSDK folder.

The container isn't made for autodownloading community mods.

You have to do that from the command line and then you can add it.

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2 hours ago, darknavi said:

Ok, so I just tested it.  Stopping and starting the server:

- Corrupts the level.db file (server is no longer joinable, level file is a few MB)

- Creates a level.db.backup file that DOES work if manually renamed


Any ideas?  Basically every time I restart the server I have to restore a backup.

Do you also have a level.db.old?


Think I saw a comment where you can rename it (make a copy first) by removing the .old

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2 hours ago, Kuwabara89 said:

Only thing i'm not sure on is I have to set inbound services and outbound separately on my router, but using either doesn't seem to work.

Are you sure that you select the right ports and also the right protocol (UDP)?

The rule should be inbound based.


Eventually your ISP is blocking the ports and a forwarding isn't possible.

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1 minute ago, ich777 said:

He is talking about Valheim.


@Spectral Force may I ask if you experience any problems with Valheim that the world resets on a container stop/start/restart?


EDIT: I read somewhere about a world destroy bug...

@ich777  I've been running my container server since Feb 5 with no issues.  I have only restarted it once, I haven't seen the need to do it more than that, even with 6 players having played on it.

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4 minutes ago, ich777 said:

Are you sure that you select the right ports and also the right protocol (UDP)?

The rule should be inbound based.


Eventually your ISP is blocking the ports and a forwarding isn't possible.

I will double check them and see, may just need a reboot. Do you know if online port checkers show correctly if the port is open?



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Please refer to this thread about the broken/corrupt world files for Valheim: Click


Currently there is no fix!


Here are the notes about crashes bugs from 9th February 2021:


Can’t find my server in the serverlist
Try looking through Steam's own serverlist (view-> servers)
Add Favourite server- Type in ip and (according to some) port 2457 (depending on server configuration)

Camera- and controls out of control
Disable gamepad.

Connection issue icon
Closing apps that are Optimizing Your Network might help.

We don’t have a solution for this right now but we are working on it. Some players report that turning down in-game settings and have nvidia prioritize performance helps.

Sync issues on multiplayer servers
We don’t have a solution for this right now but we are working on it.

A player has reported that the Killer Network software (often found on MSI computers) causes sync issues. Uninstall the software (not the network drivers). To fully rid yourself of the sync issues, you may need to go to killernetworking.com and get their uninstaller.

Select world- load error
World file corrupted, no solution for this right now.
Could be related to how the game is closed, alt+f4 and shutting down the computer without properly closing the game appear to be common culprits.

Character gone
Character file corrupted, no solution for this right now.
Could be related to how the game is closed, alt+f4 and shutting down the computer without properly closing the game appear to be common culprits.


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