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[Support] ich777 - Gameserver Dockers

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Any chance I can get a hand in setting up a Pavlov VR server? I thought I had it all set up correctly but apparently not. I can see my server in the server list within the game but it has a 999 ping and times out when I try to join. I am not familiar with SteamCMD, nor would I consider myself advanced in linux.\ 


I attached 2 snaps of my logs. Maybe they would shed some light on the issue. Not sure myself.



Edited by Zach_peterson4
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8 hours ago, Newtious said:

ive copied and pasted the game and server settings from a website..

Why would you do that, the container downloads everything for you and you only have to edit the files, have you edited any setting inside the template itself?

I now tried it and can see and also connect to it just fine with the basic configuration:




Try to start over, delete the Container and also the directory that was created for conanexiles in your appdata directory, if you don't get it to run feel free to post here again but also attach a screenshot from your Docker template for further troubleshooting.


6 hours ago, Deuce1912 said:

Is there a way to run the BasicMinecraftServer with the fabric mod?  I've tried adding the addition startup command "java -jar fabric-server-launch.jar" into the extra game parameters and the JVM parameters individually to see if it starts up as fabric, but it did not work.  The WebUI says there was no screen for the server.  Any ideas?

Please read the description from the container again, this variable in the template is exactly for that, you don't have to manually add anything to the extra parameters (btw. the extra parameters are not the JVM start commands) in your case you have to do something like that:


Attach a picture from your Docker template if that doesn't help for further troubleshooting.


4 hours ago, Zach_peterson4 said:

Any chance I can get a hand in setting up a Pavlov VR server?

Sadly enough no because I don't own the game, if you report it as broken then I will deprecate it because I simply can't troubleshoot it.

Also, please ignore the error because of steamclient.so, this get's loaded way earlier, the game only complains about it because it can't find it in another place, if you scroll up a bit in the logs and you will see this:




Also, have you made the game publicly available and made sure it is reachable from the outside, since this game needs to be reachable from outside I think so that you can actually connect to it, otherwise you can't connect.

The other errors/warnings can be ignored I think and nothing to major...

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I only edited the game.ini and the serversettings.ini as there is where every website tells you to edit your server name and password..  as well as all the settings for admin password ect   its also where you change your settings for all the multipliers for experience and life ect

I only changed those settings after the thing would not load up..    I come here as a last resort..   i will delete everything and start over..   

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25 minutes ago, Newtious said:

I only edited the game.ini and the serversettings.ini as there is where every website tells you to edit your server name and password..  as well as all the settings for admin password ect   its also where you change your settings for all the multipliers for experience and life ect

My containers always include everything so that the user don't have to change anything by default and so that it is a simple as possible user experience, of course you can edit the gamefiles afterwards and made sure everything is working afte the initial installation from the container.


As said, the container runs in the default configuration and I can connect to it without a problem.

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1 hour ago, Newtious said:

https://pastebin.pl/view/ad2a3afb is the errors im getting...

These errors are caused by WINE and nothing to worry about.


1 hour ago, Newtious said:

heres a pic

Please don't point SteamCMD and the Gamefiles directory to the same location!!!

Try to do it a little different for the Gamefiles since it can split between disks and do it something like /mnt/disk1/No cachish/Conan


37 minutes ago, Newtious said:


seems to have been an issue in the past that im having..  ??

This is a completely different container and has nothing to do with my container...

I will post a screenshot later on where you can see that I can connect just fine to the Container.

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I've searched the topic and haven't found an answer. (Maybe my search foo is off?)


Is there a way to run the BasicMinecraftServer with the fabric mod?  I've tried adding the addition startup command "java -jar fabric-server-launch.jar" into the extra game parameters and the JVM parameters individually to see if it starts up as fabric, but it did not work.  The WebUI says there was no screen for the server.  Any ideas?





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10 hours ago, Newtious said:

so  the ONLY change i have made was the installation directory so it installed into a share that is NOT on a cache drive..  

As promised, the screenshot (I absolutely changed nothing and left everything at default, I think you can see what I want to say with that picture on top is the Steam Server Browser where you can see that 1 player is connected to the local IP and in the bottom window you can see the game itself):


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so.. if i leave the install folder as is its on a cache drive...  that does not work due to wine...
if i move the game install folder to a non cache drive it wont work..  
if i move the steam cmd folder and the game folder it wont work..  same folder or different folders.. tried both ways..  
I have not and am not changing ANYTHING else..

its nice that yours works..  but that does not help me figure out why mine wont..    I am not turning my appdata cache off.... cant.. too many things use it..  but for the sake of making a point i might just turn everything off.. turn off the cache drive for appdata and run it..   just to see if i need to set up another unraid box to just host this bloody server...

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29 minutes ago, Newtious said:

its nice that yours works..  but that does not help me figure out why mine wont..

Then please answer the question that I've asked on the last page... Is your share where the game "lives" set to Use Cache "Prefer" or "Only" ("Yes" and "No" won't work with the default settings from the template since if you choosen "Yes" then the mover will move the files from the cache drive to the array)?



29 minutes ago, Newtious said:

I am not turning my appdata cache off.... cant.. too many things use it..

You don't have to do that.


29 minutes ago, Newtious said:

but for the sake of making a point i might just turn everything off.. turn off the cache drive for appdata and run it..

What do you want to turn off?


29 minutes ago, Newtious said:

just to see if i need to set up another unraid box to just host this bloody server...

Sorry but why would you do that? You always have the ability to set up a VM on your unRAID server and run it from there.

Also I just wanted to show that the container is running in the basic configuration and you basically have to change nothing so that you actually don't have to search for anything or think the container is not working.



Anyways, how did you connect to the server in game? Have you also tried to click on "Direct Connection" in game?


EDIT: One thing, please always use physical paths to the game files since most games won't work if you use /mnt/user/... (Don't Starve Together, TeamFortress2,...) but keep in mind if you use /mnt/cache/appdata/conanexiles your Use Cache setting is set to "Prefer" or "Only"):


(For SteamCMD /mnt/user/... is fine)


Can you also tell me how much RAM and CPU the container is using when the container is fully started? On my 10600 it is about 2% CPU usage and a little over 4GB of RAM.

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my appdata is set to yes..    I will change that to prefer and try installing without making any changes..

EDIT: One thing, please always use physical paths to the game files since most games won't work if you use /mnt/user/... (Don't Starve Together, TeamFortress2,...) but keep in mind if you use /mnt/cache/appdata/conanexiles your Use Cache setting is set to "Prefer" or "Only"):

i was installing it under mnt user ..    good to know for the future as i never knew this!  Thank you!

how do i find out what docker is using how much of ram/cpu?

Edited by Newtious
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8 minutes ago, Newtious said:

my appdata is set to yes..    I will change that to prefer and try installing without making any changes..

That is most likely the issue here, does your mover run very often?


9 minutes ago, Newtious said:

how do i find out what docker is using how much of ram/cpu?

Switch on advanced view on the Docker page on the upper right corner.

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15 hours ago, ich777 said:

Already answered your question here:

I'm so sorry, I didn't see the response because I thought that was for someone else.  I've added the fabric server files and mod to the minecraft server container, but I can't get the server to start as a fabric server.  It just keeps starting as a vanilla server.

Disregard, I figured it out.  I set the server filename as "fabric-server-launch" and it seems to have started up fine.

Edited by Deuce1912
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7 hours ago, Newtious said:

same kds passphrase issue..    

I also have that in my logs but that should not affect the function if the game.


7 hours ago, Newtious said:

bounces between 1.1 and 1.39 % cpu and 4.596GiB/251.9GiB

This seems perfectly fine.


How did you connect to the server from in game?


6 hours ago, Deuce1912 said:

I figured it out.

Glad to hear that it is working now.

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Kind of tagging onto the back end of MrBeardSmith's post - also having trouble with dontstarvetogether container. I copied my cluster token in, but it gives two errors: one about the Shard Mode failing to start, and a "racknet UDP startup failed: socket_port_already_in_use"


I don't know why it would say the port is in use, the only other steam dedicated server I have running is Valheim which doesn't use any of the same.


Thanks for any help! :)

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17 minutes ago, Simmer said:

I don't know why it would say the port is in use, the only other steam dedicated server I have running is Valheim which doesn't use any of the same.

Have you already tried if you can connect to the server and see the server?


Have tried it now on my own, something changed for the server configuration that's why it can't start, will fix that in the next few days...

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20 minutes ago, ich777 said:

Have you already tried if you can connect to the server and see the server?


Have tried it now on my own, something changed for the server configuration that's why it can't start, will fix that in the next few days...

Ah okay, no problem! Thanks for all your hard work. Yes, tried connecting but no-go as well.

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I havent been able to connect to the server at all !!!!! that is why I am here trying to figure out why I cant..  

i can play on other servers just fine..    i use the in game server search and i can find my friends and other servers.. ect..   i cant find my server from within the game search feature or in the steam server browser..  I can enter in my servers ip.. nothing.. i can enter in my dynamic dns name.. nothing..   i can enter in my modems ip..  nothing..   I have the ports forwarded just like the other games I host that show up just fine..   

honestly..  I wish I could team viewer with you and have you run through everything so that you can see there is something messed up with this..     you obviously dont believe me that i have not changed any settings..  and you are also telling me that it should work when its not..  

I am getting a network error endlessly..    and its obviously an issue..  cause this game is not showing up anywhere..  yet it seems to be running in the background without network settings set up...

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1 hour ago, Newtious said:

I havent been able to connect to the server at all !!!!! that is why I am here trying to figure out why I cant..  

Please answer the question, that I've asked above:

4 hours ago, ich777 said:

How did you connect to the server from in game?

Which button do you click what are your exact steps?


1 hour ago, Newtious said:

I can enter in my servers ip..

Did you also enter the port 7777 to your IP (eg: "yourUNRAIDIP:7777" and click on refresh on the bottom from the Steam Server Browser)?


If you want to connect from ingame click on "Direct Connect" on the bottom and enter yourUNRAIDIP and the port 7777.


1 hour ago, Newtious said:

honestly..  I wish I could team viewer with you and have you run through everything so that you can see there is something messed up with this.. 

Sorry usually I don't do such things.


1 hour ago, Newtious said:

you obviously dont believe me that i have not changed any settings..  and you are also telling me that it should work when its not..  

Never said that I don't believe you. I only wanted to show you that is working fine in the basic configuration.


1 hour ago, Newtious said:

I am getting a network error endlessly..    and its obviously an issue..  cause this game is not showing up anywhere..  yet it seems to be running in the background without network settings set up...

These are warnings/errors from WINE and I can't do anything about it but as said above you can just ignore them, I get the same warnings/errors.

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