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[Support] Linuxserver.io - Jellyfin

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Application Name: Jellyfin

Application Site: https://github.com/jellyfin/jellyfin

Docker Hub: https://hub.docker.com/r/linuxserver/jellyfin/

Github: https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-jellyfin


Please post any questions/issues relating to this docker you have in this thread.


If you are not using Unraid (and you should be!) then please do not post here, instead head to linuxserver.io to see how to get support.

Edited by linuxserver.io
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We've made it easier to get Nvidia & iGPU hardware trancoding working with this container.  This post will detail what you need to do to use either of these in your container.



1.  Install the Unraid Nvidia Plugin, download the version of Unraid required containing the Nvidia drivers and reboot

2.  Add the Jellyfin container and add --runtime=nvidia to extra parameters (switch on advanced template view) and copy your GPU UUID to the pre-existing NVIDIA_VISIBLE_DEVICES parameter.  There is no need to utilise the NVIDIA_DRIVER_CAPABILITIES parameter any more.  This is handled by our container.


Intel GPU

1.  Edit your go file and add modprobe i915 to it, save and reboot.

2.  Add the Jellyfin container and add --device=/dev/dri to extra parameters (switch on advanced template view)  There is no need to chmod/chown the /dev/dri, this is handled by the container.


Edited by linuxserver.io
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i got am error when i used vaapiï¼›

[AVHWDeviceContext @ 0x55dd430f2480] Failed to initialise VAAPI connection: -1 (unknown libva error).
Device creation failed: -5.
Failed to set value '/dev/dri/renderD128' for option 'vaapi_device': Input/output error
Error parsing global options: Input/output error


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1 hour ago, li60240 said:

i got am error when i used vaapiï¼›

[AVHWDeviceContext @ 0x55dd430f2480] Failed to initialise VAAPI connection: -1 (unknown libva error).
Device creation failed: -5.
Failed to set value '/dev/dri/renderD128' for option 'vaapi_device': Input/output error
Error parsing global options: Input/output error


Docker run command please

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4 minutes ago, CHBMB said:

Docker run command please

root@localhost:# /usr/local/emhttp/pluginsnamix.docker.manager/scripts/docker run -d --name='jellyfin' --net='bridge' --privileged=true -e TZ="Asia/Shanghai" -e HOST_OS="Unraid" -e 'NVIDIA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'='' -e 'PUID'='99' -e 'PGID'='100' -p '8096:8096/tcp' -p '8920:8920/tcp' -p '1900:1900/udp' -v '/mnt/user/Video/Movies/':'/movies':'rw' -v '/mnt/user/Video/tv/':'/tv':'rw' -v '':'/music':'rw' -v '/mnt/user/appdata/jellyfin':'/config':'rw' --device='/dev/dri' 'linuxserver/jellyfin' 


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2 hours ago, CHBMB said:

What CPU are you using?  Had it working with any other containers?

@saarg You have an Intel CPU right?  I'm in the dark here.....


I didn't test the jellyfin container with the Intel cpu. Only emby. No access to the computer as it's running win 10 now and my girlfriend use it. 


I would try to chown -R nobody:users /dev/dri

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On 6/14/2019 at 7:20 AM, CHBMB said:

@li60240 Sorry, this one is my fault, we had a lot of testing and code reviewing recently, I thought this had been tested with Intel and it hadn't, @TheLamer and @aptalca have isolated the issue and @TheLamer has pushed a fix.


Update the container and all should be working.

Vaapi works very well after i updated the jellyfin container.Thank you for your hard work.

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Tested this with a little gtx710 tonight in a browser and it worked! Now I just have to figure out how to make Emby apps use the Jellyfin server.... they keep telling me the Jellyfin server needs an update and then won’t do anything.

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9 hours ago, 1812 said:

Tested this with a little gtx710 tonight in a browser and it worked! Now I just have to figure out how to make Emby apps use the Jellyfin server.... they keep telling me the Jellyfin server needs an update and then won’t do anything.


As far as I know, the emby clients doesn't connect to jellyfin. They added something to detect if it was an emby or jellyfin server. And the kodi plugin will not be working with jellyfin either.

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1 hour ago, saarg said:


As far as I know, the emby clients doesn't connect to jellyfin. They added something to detect if it was an emby or jellyfin server. And the kodi plugin will not be working with jellyfin either.


Then I guess I'm going to have to pay either plex or emby some money then to use hw transcoding with clients around the house... bummer... especially because I'm a super cheap tightwad. 

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On 6/22/2019 at 6:45 PM, 1812 said:

Tested this with a little gtx710 tonight in a browser and it worked! Now I just have to figure out how to make Emby apps use the Jellyfin server.... they keep telling me the Jellyfin server needs an update and then won’t do anything.

emby blacklisted jell* on their apps so none work with jellyfin. There's an android app and androidtv app. roku is super rough so far. not sure what else is up. reddit.com/r/jellyfin has more info

Edited by munit85
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I want to add support for intel transcoding but I have two problems:

1- I don't find the go file / don't know where it is

2- I don't have any /dev/dri either on the docker file structure or on my unraid filesystem

Inside Jellyfin docker
root@unRaid:/dev# ls
core  fd  full  mqueue  null  ptmx  pts  random  shm  stderr  stdin  stdout  tty  urandom  zero

Unraid file system:
root@unRaid:/dev# ls
aer_inject       dvdr@         loop2               nvme1n1    sdb1  sg4      tty17  tty36  tty55  ttyp7
block/           dvdr0@        loop3               nvme1n1p1  sdc   sg5      tty18  tty37  tty56  urandom
bsg/             dvdrw@        loop4               port       sdc1  sg6      tty19  tty38  tty57  vcs
btrfs-control    dvdrw0@       loop5               ppp        sdd   sg7      tty2   tty39  tty58  vcs1
bus/             dvdwriter@    loop6               ptmx       sdd1  sg8      tty20  tty4   tty59  vcs2
cdr@             dvdwriter0@   loop7               ptp0       sde   sg9      tty21  tty40  tty6   vcs3
cdr0@            fd@           mapper/             pts/       sde1  shm/     tty22  tty41  tty60  vcs4
cdrom@           full          md1                 ptyp0      sdf   sr0      tty23  tty42  tty61  vcs5
cdrom0@          fuse          md2                 ptyp1      sdf1  stderr@  tty24  tty43  tty62  vcs6
cdrw@            hidraw0       md3                 ptyp2      sdg   stdin@   tty25  tty44  tty63  vcsa
cdrw0@           hpet          mem                 ptyp3      sdg1  stdout@  tty26  tty45  tty7   vcsa1
cdwriter@        hwrng         memory_bandwidth    ptyp4      sdh   tty      tty27  tty46  tty8   vcsa2
cdwriter0@       initctl|      mouse@              ptyp5      sdh1  tty0     tty28  tty47  tty9   vcsa3
char/            input/        net/                ptyp6      sdh2  tty1     tty29  tty48  ttyS0  vcsa4
console          kmem          network_latency     ptyp7      sdh3  tty10    tty3   tty49  ttyp0  vcsa5
core@            kmsg          network_throughput  random     sdh4  tty11    tty30  tty5   ttyp1  vcsa6
cpu/             kvm           null                rtc@       sg0   tty12    tty31  tty50  ttyp2  vfio/
cpu_dma_latency  log=          nvme0               rtc0       sg1   tty13    tty32  tty51  ttyp3  vga_arbiter
disk/            loop-control  nvme0n1             sda        sg10  tty14    tty33  tty52  ttyp4  vhost-net
dvd@             loop0         nvme0n1p1           sda1       sg2   tty15    tty34  tty53  ttyp5  xconsole|
dvd0@            loop1         nvme1               sdb        sg3   tty16    tty35  tty54  ttyp6  zero

Any help is appreciated.

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1 hour ago, tursiops said:

I want to add support for intel transcoding but I have two problems:

1- I don't find the go file / don't know where it is

2- I don't have any /dev/dri either on the docker file structure or on my unraid filesystem

Inside Jellyfin docker
root@unRaid:/dev# ls
core  fd  full  mqueue  null  ptmx  pts  random  shm  stderr  stdin  stdout  tty  urandom  zero

Unraid file system:
root@unRaid:/dev# ls
aer_inject       dvdr@         loop2               nvme1n1    sdb1  sg4      tty17  tty36  tty55  ttyp7
block/           dvdr0@        loop3               nvme1n1p1  sdc   sg5      tty18  tty37  tty56  urandom
bsg/             dvdrw@        loop4               port       sdc1  sg6      tty19  tty38  tty57  vcs
btrfs-control    dvdrw0@       loop5               ppp        sdd   sg7      tty2   tty39  tty58  vcs1
bus/             dvdwriter@    loop6               ptmx       sdd1  sg8      tty20  tty4   tty59  vcs2
cdr@             dvdwriter0@   loop7               ptp0       sde   sg9      tty21  tty40  tty6   vcs3
cdr0@            fd@           mapper/             pts/       sde1  shm/     tty22  tty41  tty60  vcs4
cdrom@           full          md1                 ptyp0      sdf   sr0      tty23  tty42  tty61  vcs5
cdrom0@          fuse          md2                 ptyp1      sdf1  stderr@  tty24  tty43  tty62  vcs6
cdrw@            hidraw0       md3                 ptyp2      sdg   stdin@   tty25  tty44  tty63  vcsa
cdrw0@           hpet          mem                 ptyp3      sdg1  stdout@  tty26  tty45  tty7   vcsa1
cdwriter@        hwrng         memory_bandwidth    ptyp4      sdh   tty      tty27  tty46  tty8   vcsa2
cdwriter0@       initctl|      mouse@              ptyp5      sdh1  tty0     tty28  tty47  tty9   vcsa3
char/            input/        net/                ptyp6      sdh2  tty1     tty29  tty48  ttyS0  vcsa4
console          kmem          network_latency     ptyp7      sdh3  tty10    tty3   tty49  ttyp0  vcsa5
core@            kmsg          network_throughput  random     sdh4  tty11    tty30  tty5   ttyp1  vcsa6
cpu/             kvm           null                rtc@       sg0   tty12    tty31  tty50  ttyp2  vfio/
cpu_dma_latency  log=          nvme0               rtc0       sg1   tty13    tty32  tty51  ttyp3  vga_arbiter
disk/            loop-control  nvme0n1             sda        sg10  tty14    tty33  tty52  ttyp4  vhost-net
dvd@             loop0         nvme0n1p1           sda1       sg2   tty15    tty34  tty53  ttyp5  xconsole|
dvd0@            loop1         nvme1               sdb        sg3   tty16    tty35  tty54  ttyp6  zero

Any help is appreciated.


Did you try to search for how to enable the iGPU? It's written multiple times on this forum. The same goes for the go file. It's on your flash drive.

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  • 1 month later...

I'm having trouble with hardware transcoding, too. Trying to use Intel Quick Sync Video for my hw transcodes.

  1. Already added modprobe i915 for the @linuxserver.io Plex container (and hw transcode works fine in Plex)
  2. Added --device=/dev/dri:/dev/dri to extra parameters
  3. In app transcode settings, selected Intel Quick Sync
  4. In app transcode settings, selected all options for Enable hardware decoding for:
  5. Saved settings

Now playing any file that transcodes, it pegs my CPU usage. Unlike Plex, which transcodes the exact same files with barely any impact on CPU usage and displays transcode (hw) in the dashboard.


Any ideas of what to check for why the hw transcode doesn't work in Jellyfin?

Edited by scud133b
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