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i assume now u are using plex as server ?


if so, chromecast is a critical device and roku is also not really the best client afaik


watching in chrome is always a transcode, so plex ? will transcode this stream then and when plex uses gpu utilization thats what u see.


chromecast needs also a transcode, i would look in plex forums to get help with this device, same with roku ...

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

Thanks for your work on the Xteve_VPN docker. 


It works great here, even with VLAN (not bridge mode) all my traffic is going via VPN as it should.


If it's at all possible I'd love for one feature to be available. 


Currently you have to specify the Local NET. This works when assigning the same LAN as my plex server. Works great. However most of my PC's are on a different VLAN which makes accessing the webGUI for changes a bit of a pain (has to be done from the defined NET. 


Any chance we could define more than one Local NET? would that work? i tried comma spaced but didnt work as i expected.


Thanks again

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15 hours ago, Urbanpixels said:

Thanks for your work on the Xteve_VPN docker. 


It works great here, even with VLAN (not bridge mode) all my traffic is going via VPN as it should.


If it's at all possible I'd love for one feature to be available. 


Currently you have to specify the Local NET. This works when assigning the same LAN as my plex server. Works great. However most of my PC's are on a different VLAN which makes accessing the webGUI for changes a bit of a pain (has to be done from the defined NET. 


Any chance we could define more than one Local NET? would that work? i tried comma spaced but didnt work as i expected.


Thanks again

good question ... actually i mentioned xteve_vpn is more or less abonded since 6.6.3 works really nice with passing dockers through a sep vpn docker, but as there where more using it as i thought i kept it running.


now, when you use diff vlans i guess you have a reason, i would use vlans only to keep them seperated ... in your usecase you should take a look howto bridge the vlans so they can communicate together.


there are some tutorials here in unraid howto do this, i think @bonienl made some nice writeups therefore.

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Xteve_guide2go suddenly wont pull in any guide data. I've had this up and running just fine since around February I believe. Nothing in my lineup has changed except I had to remove a lineup that wasn't needed needed anymore.


I checked my schedules direct account first, and its fine. I tried running the cronjob manually, as well as trying to create an XML manually and either way I get the following output:


Configuration [/guide2go/1.yaml]
 1. Schedules Direct Account
 2. Add Lineup
 3. Remove Lineup
 4. Manage Channels
 5. Create XMLTV File [/guide2go/1.xml]
 0. Exit
Select Entry: 5

2020/09/22 09:07:55 [URL  ] https://json.schedulesdirect.org/20141201/status
2020/09/22 09:07:55 [SD   ] Account Expires: 2021-02-23 23:51:01 +0000 UTC
2020/09/22 09:07:55 [SD   ] Lineups: 2 / 4
2020/09/22 09:07:55 [SD   ] System Status: Online [No known issues.]
2020/09/22 09:07:55 [G2G  ] Channels: 70
2020/09/22 09:07:55 [URL  ] https://json.schedulesdirect.org/20141201/lineups/USA-DISH534-DEFAULT
2020/09/22 09:07:56 [URL  ] https://json.schedulesdirect.org/20141201/lineups/USA-FL09649-X
2020/09/22 09:07:56 [G2G  ] Download Schedule: 14 Day(s)
2020/09/22 09:07:56 [URL  ] https://json.schedulesdirect.org/20141201/schedules
2020/09/22 09:07:58 [ERROR] json: cannot unmarshal number into Go struct field SDSchedule.stationID of type string
2020/09/22 09:07:58 [G2G  ] Download Program Informations: New: 0 / Cached: 0
2020/09/22 09:07:58 [G2G  ] Download missing Metadata: 0 
2020/09/22 09:07:58 [G2G  ] Create XMLTV File [/guide2go/1.xml]
2020/09/22 09:07:58 [G2G  ] Clean up Cache [/guide2go/1_cache.json]
2020/09/22 09:07:58 [G2G  ] Deleted Program Informations: 0


If I run the cronjob instead its the same output, except for both of my lineups, however it finishes with the line below.


  "status": true
  "status": true
}<html><head><title>Unauthorized</title></head><body><h1>401 Unauthorized</h1></body></html>


Not sure what changed, so im really not sure how to fix this.

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Just now, Rick Gillyon said:

Currently SD say they have no problem and the error message:

[ERROR] json: cannot unmarshal number into Go struct field SDSchedule.stationID of type string

means nothing to them, not enough to go on. I've sent the full log. FWIW.

I just got a reply and was coming here to say that. lol.

thank you.


Hopefully I can get it sorted, because - of course - my in-laws just got into town yesterday and are staying with us.

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I just grab the log from user scripts. As I say, it's not very helpful. You can also run the line in the console and grab the output. The problem will be SD returning crap data and causing g2g to fail, but unless they admit it we're stumped.


Btw, you should change your grabber script to only overwrite your XML file if the new XML file is big enough. That way, even if it fails you'll have a week or so of data.

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So I created a separate guide2go container for testing, if I copy over my json files and run the commands I get the same issue as before, I can see the xml and cache files get created but there's no guide data in them.

However, if I delete my files and try to start over, I notice that a new json file never gets created.


Also that error:

[ERROR] json: cannot unmarshal number into Go struct field SDSchedule.stationID of type string

I swear I've seen this error before...I just can remember where. Ive checked my post history, and searched my email and found nothing...but I could wear I've seen that error before...

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  • 1 month later...
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  • 3 weeks later...
On 2/18/2020 at 10:20 AM, relink said:


Ah ok, I got it now. There is just a few missing details for someone who doesn't know how Schedules Direct works, or how Guide2Go works. Let me see if I can help a little bit for new users who don't know some of this stuff.


My guide will use the defaults or suggestions for as much as possible. it not meant to be thorough, its meant to get you going.


1. Install the docker with all the default and suggested mappings.

Container Path: /root/.xteve <> /mnt/user/appdata/xteve/

Container Path: /config <> /mnt/user/appdata/xteve/_config/

Container Path: /guide2go <> /mnt/user/appdata/xteve/_guide2go/

Container Path: /tmp/xteve <> /tmp/xteve/

Container Path: /TVH <> /mnt/user/appdata/tvheadend/data/ << not needed if no TVHeadend is used

the only change I made was I renamed my “xteve” folder to “xteveG2G”. I only did this because I had a current installation of Xteve that I didn’t want to interfere with.


2. Go to “/mnt/user/appdata/xteve/_config/” and open “cronjob.sh” with a text editor. (Im using Atom)     

1. Put a “yes” next to the API options you need and “no” by the ones you don’t.

2. Edit the JsonList with the channel lineups you want to have. Doesn’t have to be specific, just remember what it is. I literally made mine “1.json” and  that’s it.

3. Put in your Xteve IP and Port Number

4. Setup either Emby or Plex, instructions are in the file, or you can google it. I don’t use Emby, but plex wasn’t too hard to figure out.

5. I don’t use TVHeadend with this so im not sure what needs to be done if you do.

6. Save the file and close it.

7. In the same folder you can leave the 2 “sample” files alone unless you want to change those settings from the default.


3. Now start the docker and open a terminal in unraid, I used the built in unraid web terminal which can be accessed from the top bar to the left of the power button.

      1. Issue the following command;

docker exec -it xteve_guide2go guide2go -configure /guide2go/1.json

      Notice the json file is the same as you put in the cronjob.sh file you edited earlier.


2. Follow the setup prompts, the setup process is very self explanatory. As for the lineup to pick that’s upto you. I personally chose the Dishnetwork option that had my locals too.


4. Once your done setting up here, then run the next command.

docker exec -it xteve_guide2go ./config/cronjob.sh

      This will actually start pulling down the data, and it can get pretty big so give it some time.


5. Once the data has been downloaded now its time to set it up in Xteve.

      1. in Xteve add a new XMLTV file with the local path of “/guide2go/1.xml”.


Again notice it’s the same name as before but now its an XML file. So your lineup names will carry through.


6. That’s pretty much it, now you just need to go to each channel, set its XMLTV file and Channel and your done.


7. OPTIONAL FOR PLEX: I ran into an issue loading the xmltv file into Plex DVR using HTTP (which is how your supposed to do it). So I came up with a simple work around. Find the folder where “xteve.xml” is located, and map that folder into your Plex container.

So far example:

      My Xteve.xml is in “/mnt/user/appdata/xteveG2G/data/” so I mapped that folder to “/epg” in my Plex container.

      Now when I went to setup my DVR I put the XMLTV path as “/epg/xteve.xml” instead of using the URL from xteve like usual.


As far as setting up Xteve and Plex or Emby there are plenty of guides for that so I don’t need to get too specific.  



Sorry if I missed anything, I wrote this very quickly.

this is great i followed all the way untill getting plex to read the epg for the xteve could you screen shot the config screen for plex that way i can see it ? still a little new here

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