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Unraid 14th Birthday Case Badge Giveaway

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Well, its taken me 13 years to learn about Unraid and I had no idea this product was that stable or I would have moved to it sooner.


Over the past year, I've purchased my first "home lab" rack mounted server with 14 drive bays available for the sole purpose of moving to Unraid and its awesome!


My wife is not annoyed by how much I love Unraid because she has no idea I'm using it because it just works!

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Happy Birthday! Been using Unraid for more than 2.5 years now on a used server I upgraded a bit. Everything has been running smoothly, minor issues I had could be tracked down to faulty RAM and errors with specific Docker containers.

Unraid made my life a lot easier, serving as centralized storage (upgrading a number of disks, including two parity drives earlier this year was a breeze), host for VMs and various Docker containers. It allows me to securely access media from a remote location through Kodi, have a VPN connection to my home network whenever I need it, sync files from various devices or download shows off public broadcast stations. Keep up the great work!

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I didn't have enough money to separate out a gaming build from a server build, so instead I bought UnRaid, proceeded to upgrade the hell out of that server, blew past budget, and have a combined system that can handle my services and gaming at the same time!

It's been a wonderful learning experience and I'm looking forward to how UnRaid will progress in the future. Shout out to the UnRaid community as well for being very helpful and open to questions!


Happy birthday!

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I have been using unraid for about 10 months now I looked into a few other solutions but unraid came out on top it’s amazing how easy it is to use and what you can do with it. I have had multiple people come to me asking what they should use and I always recommend unraid they they haven’t looked back. 

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Been running unraid 10 months now, My coworkers were using it for their home systems and the JDM_WAAAT community was really on board with it. I wish I had tried it earlier and skipped my whole Proxmox phase. Hoping to snag a badge to give that Rosewill 4500 Chassis some bling.

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While it doesn't seem like it was just yesterday, I do remember when I first built my first pair of Unraid servers about 10 years ago... So much has changed, back then I couldn't even have imagined being where we are now, but looking back, I'm so thrilled with the progress and where things are headed. Here's to another 14 years!

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