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[Support] ich777 - Application Dockers


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7 hours ago, chenzo said:

Can anyone help my adjust the Resolution on DirSyncPro?

This container didn't support a resolution change, I can implement it if it's really needed...


What you also can do is to enable 'local scaling' in the noVNC options like this (but keep in mind this can look a bit washed out depending on the screensize):


(the picture is actually German but I think where you can find it)

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9 hours ago, Banuseka said:

hmm i just found that even my wohle config is gone. non of my installiert modules are in the modules folder, and the configfile is a default one...

This is really strange and shouldn't happen, are you sure that everything is gone since I tried it with the basic or at least the default configuration and it started up just fine.

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1 hour ago, Banuseka said:

I will just try to reinstall the docker and backup the config this time :)

Yes, please report back if everything is working for you normaly... :)


Strange error, only heard of that when a module is out of date or depricated and doesn't work anymore...

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15 hours ago, ich777 said:

This container didn't support a resolution change, I can implement it if it's really needed...


What you also can do is to enable 'local scaling' in the noVNC options like this (but keep in mind this can look a bit washed out depending on the screensize):


(the picture is actually German but I think where you can find it)

Thanks for the tip. That stretches everything out a bit and more legible. Was hoping for more dirsyncpro screen real estate though.


Not sure if anyone else has requested custom resolutions, but I would welcome it :)

Love you work 👍


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6 minutes ago, chenzo said:

Not sure if anyone else has requested custom resolutions, but I would welcome it

I will take a look into this next week.


Eventually I can do something about it but I wasn't aware of that this is necessary but this could lead to other problems but as said, I will look into this. :)

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16 hours ago, ich777 said:

Yes, please report back if everything is working for you normaly... :)


Strange error, only heard of that when a module is out of date or depricated and doesn't work anymore...

OK  tried to reinstall... now everything woks but obviously have to reconfigure.... for some reaseon port 8080 does not allow me to connect, so had to change that.

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On 1/18/2021 at 11:15 PM, njdowdy said:

I have experienced this in other dockers using novnc, but those dockers included an option in the side-bar menu > "Settings" > "Advanced" to adjust compression level. That seems to be missing here (other docker on left; ferdi docker on right).

Thank you again!

Bumped noVNC to version 1.2.0, you now have the ability to use the sliders like you have it in other containers.

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54 minutes ago, xtrips said:

There was an auto update of Jdownloader docker today, and after that it fails to connect to server no matter what.
Any fix?

I have updated the noVNC version, can you try to force reload the page CTRL+R or SHIFT+R (depending on the browser), or delete the site from your browser history.


Can you also post a screenshot from your template configuration, have you included something custom?


EDIT: You should now have this options:


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I may have the same issue as xtrips... unRAID 6.8.3, CA said there was an update to luckyBackup, so I updated. Now, launching the WebUI results in a noVNC screen with, "Failed to connect to server" across the top in a red banner.


Unfortunately, I've only been using unRAID for a little over a month and I'm not very familiar with trouble-shooting things within it, or Dockers. The one thing I found, in the log, that looked odd was...


---Version Check---
---luckyBackup not found, downloading and installing v0.5.0...---


I'm sorry, maybe the above is normal.


I really like luckyBackup. Beyond being an excellent GUI for rsync, it's an excellent learning tool (the way the command line, with all the arguments are shown) -- a real jewel!



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I read/did the above before posting. Using Firefox (no history), refresh, sadly, doesn't do anything except refresh/reproduce the error.


Can you push the previous version? I'll pull it as ich777:previous (just learned about docker tags/versions, or whatever tag you choose?) and confirm that it works as it did. Unfortunately, I can't roll it back on my own. Not smart enough (yet). :)


I really just want it to work again.



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16 minutes ago, 6of6 said:

I read/did the above before posting. Using Firefox (no history), refresh, sadly, doesn't do anything except refresh/reproduce the error.

Are you sure that you completely refreshed the page? I tried it now and it works flawlessly:



Can you open up the side panel of noVNC and click on the gear icon and on 'Advanced' and see if you got the Quality and Compression level options?

EDIT: On the bottom it should say 'Version: 1.2.0' like in the screenshot.

If not the page refresh wasn't successful.


Can you also try to force a update of the Container and after that post the log output here in a .txt document if possible?


What browser are you using to connect to? If it's Firefox try to hold SHIFT and click on the grafik.png.0915cab2d57affeac966a893cd14a057.png icon.

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I have completely refreshed the page (and checked myscript-blockers very thoughly). 


My "left menu/novnc menu" only has the "cog/settings" and the "resize screen?" the icon above the cog as you display it.


Hah? :)... Learned to attach an image without having to host it myself... maybe... guess I won't know until the big delay posting this message.


Anyway... there's my screen. I hope (fingers crossed)





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1 minute ago, 6of6 said:

I have completely refreshed the page (and checked myscript-blockers very thoughly). 

Looks good.


Can you attach the log from the Container itself, now tried it on a running instance of Firefox that was not updated yet on a buddy's box and everything works fine after the update.


To attach the log, click on the Container icon and click on Logs then select the whole text with CTRL+A and create a text file on your desktop and paste the whole text from the log, close and save it and drop it here in the answer box please.


56 minutes ago, 6of6 said:

Can you push the previous version? I'll pull it as ich777:previous (just learned about docker tags/versions, or whatever tag you choose?) and confirm that it works as it did. Unfortunately, I can't roll it back on my own. Not smart enough (yet). :)

Yes I could but I think there is something wrong with your installation since it works on another box.

Have you any special configurations in the template, eventually a screenshot from the template also would be helpful.


Also that's not your fault, I only push one version of my containers and that's mostly always latest or amd64 since my Containers work a little different.

The Containers check on every start/restart if there is a newer version of the application available and install them if a newer version is available.

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4 minutes ago, rockard said:

I also get the "failed to connect to server" on my luckyBackup image.

What browser are you using to connect to the Container? Chrome or Firefox?

The log seems fine and the application itself should be running.


To delete a site completely:



  1. On your computer, open Chrome.
  2. At the top right, click More .
  3. Click History. History.
  4. Check the box next to each item that you want to remove from your History.
  5. At the top right, click Delete.
  6. Confirm by clicking Remove.
  7. Close your browser and reopen it.



You can look for the URL by when you visited it (today, yesterday, etc.) or simply search by typing the name in the upper right search bar. Once you've located the URL, you can control click (or right click with your mouse) to open your options. Select “Forget This Site” to delete it from your history once and for all. Close your browser and reopen it.



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12 minutes ago, ich777 said:

What browser are you using to connect to the Container? Chrome or Firefox?

Both Chrome and Edge (fired up for the first time ever to test this) give the same behaviour, and opening a page in incognito in Chrome should not use any cached resources. EDIT: Thanks for a fast reply! EDIT2: Did the delete site from history in Chrome anyway, but no difference
EDIT3: Here's the output of ps from the console:

# ps -ef
root         1     0  0 09:12 ?        00:00:00 /bin/bash /opt/scripts/start.sh
root        15     1  0 09:12 ?        00:00:00 cron -- p
root        16     1  0 09:12 ?        00:00:00 su luckybackup -c /opt/scripts/start-server.sh
luckyba+    17    16  0 09:12 ?        00:00:00 /bin/bash /opt/scripts/start-server.sh
luckyba+    46     1  0 09:12 ?        00:00:00 SCREEN -S Xvfb -L -Logfile /luckybackup/XvfbLog.0 -d -m /opt/scripts/start-Xvfb.sh
luckyba+    48    46  0 09:12 pts/0    00:00:00 /bin/sh /opt/scripts/start-Xvfb.sh
luckyba+    49    48  0 09:12 pts/0    00:00:00 Xvfb :0 -screen scrn 1024x768x16
luckyba+    57     1  0 09:12 ?        00:00:00 SCREEN -S x11vnc -L -Logfile /luckybackup/x11vncLog.0 -d -m /opt/scripts/start-x11.sh
luckyba+    59    57  0 09:12 pts/1    00:00:00 /bin/sh /opt/scripts/start-x11.sh
luckyba+    63     1  0 09:12 ?        00:00:00 SCREEN -d -m env HOME=/etc /usr/bin/fluxbox
luckyba+    65    63  0 09:12 pts/2    00:00:00 /usr/bin/fluxbox
luckyba+    75     1  0 09:12 ?        00:00:00 /usr/bin/python2.7 /usr/bin/websockify -D --web=/usr/share/novnc/ --cert=/etc/ssl/novnc.pem 8080 localhost:5900
luckyba+    84    17  0 09:12 ?        00:00:00 /luckybackup/luckybackup
root      2006     0  0 09:43 pts/3    00:00:00 sh
luckyba+  2031    59  0 09:43 pts/1    00:00:00 sleep 1
root      2032  2006  0 09:43 pts/3    00:00:00 ps -ef


Edited by rockard
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7 minutes ago, rockard said:

Both Chrome and Edge (fired up for the first time ever to test this) give the same behaviour, and opening a page in incognito in Chrome should not use any cached resources. EDIT: Thanks for a fast reply! EDIT2: Did the delete site from history in Chrome anyway, but no difference

Wait a moment in the case of luckyBackup I can reproduce the error. I will look into this. Please give me a little bit.

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19 minutes ago, ich777 said:

Yes I could but I think there is something wrong with your installation

If you can, please do and I will pull it with whatever tag you wish... I don't doubt, for a second, that I've screwed many things up.


I just want luckyBackup to work again.



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