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[Support] spaceinvaderone - Shinobi Pro

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19 hours ago, chip said:

Have you tried this?




Which Dahua camera do you have ?

Thanks for the reply.


I have not tried this, but this looks like a good option i might explore. 

Right now, one of my 410's is acting up, losing connection constantly. Cable tested just fine (with the klein VDV501, or v3 short) so i'm thinking ima need to RMA it or the operating temps are currently . . . over its limit :P (lots of snow here in holland).


In terms of the Dahua, its a 1.3mp bullet cam. nothing fancy as i wanted to just pick up one quick and test out if the quality was good enough. I have changed from Poseidon to HLS this stopped most the blacking out. After this i have found out how to enable the secondary stream. This seems to have solved most my issues. For Dahua i have turned on VBR (i also stream so ofcourse i turned on VBR as i knew the benefit).

Edited by Caennanu
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On 2/10/2021 at 4:46 PM, chip said:

Thoughts on this one as well?

i been looking around to get between a 1050 and 1660. but the GPU market right now is completely out of whack.

The 1030 has no encoding streams, where the 1050 (ti) and 'up' have 3 encoding streams simultaneously. (there are some more cards, check this link.)


Now when all of your camera's are set to copy, it won't use much cpu / gpu and won't need encoding. Unless you use object / motion detection. This will result into higher CPU usage if you do not have a GPU doing it for you. (read more here) This is the reason i'm going for a card that can encode 3 streams, so i can set object detection and offload it to the GPU.


I hope this helps.

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3 hours ago, je82 said:

Hey guys, should i use this docker rather then the more up to date one here:

Is there any particular reasons you are running a shinobi that has not been updated in 6 months? The repo looks unactive or am i wrong here?

Interesting, can't wait for an explenation. Hadn't seen myself that the SpaceInvader one hadn't been updated in a while :S

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello, I've installed shinoby from repository spaceinvaderone/shinobi_pro_unraid:nvidia and when I configure camera I cant see Motion Detection settings. Who can advice something? 

I found - need to switch to Advanced.



Who can share settings with NVidia acceleration settings for Cameras. I've deployed container with NVidia parameters but when I setup NVidia acceleration in Cameras settings I cant see Image and cameras not working.


Edited by m0t0rh3ad
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On 2/11/2021 at 10:50 AM, Caennanu said:

Thanks for the reply.


I have not tried this, but this looks like a good option i might explore. 

Right now, one of my 410's is acting up, losing connection constantly. Cable tested just fine (with the klein VDV501, or v3 short) so i'm thinking ima need to RMA it or the operating temps are currently . . . over its limit :P (lots of snow here in holland).


In terms of the Dahua, its a 1.3mp bullet cam. nothing fancy as i wanted to just pick up one quick and test out if the quality was good enough. I have changed from Poseidon to HLS this stopped most the blacking out. After this i have found out how to enable the secondary stream. This seems to have solved most my issues. For Dahua i have turned on VBR (i also stream so ofcourse i turned on VBR as i knew the benefit).


So fast forward a 'couple' days. For the Dahua camera i still have issues, i tried putting in the RTMP address (or compose one anyhow) but have failed so far. It all works, motion detection and the works, but for some reason the monitor stream (the substream) keeps blacking out. If motion occurs at that time, the vid is still made tho, so essentially no issue just quite annoying.


The Reolink camera's i have switched to RTMP (uses a bit more bandwidth . . .). Unfortunately, this does not solve the monitor's going black.


In terms of monitor's going black, i see nothing that could explain it. No errors are throw, nothing written to SQL. Both client side and server have plenty of resources available. Below a screenshot of the blacking out. As you can see, no errors, nothing. Heck they don't even do it all at the same time.



And then the stream starts up again. no messages, no errors, no nothing. . . 


If anyone has any idea's, i'd love to hear them!

Edited by Caennanu
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Interested to know if anyone has tried to integrate Shinobi into home assistant (hassio)? I know most probably just reverse proxy in to view and get alerts, but I have the rest of my smart home run through home assistant, so it would be super convenient if Shinobi could be viewed that way.  

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On 2/11/2021 at 7:48 AM, je82 said:

Hey guys, should i use this docker rather then the more up to date one here:

Is there any particular reasons you are running a shinobi that has not been updated in 6 months? The repo looks unactive or am i wrong here?


Im immensely interested in this.  I'm contemplating setting up shinobi in a VM or to go to the original shinobi docker that @SpaceInvaderOne built from. The Shinobi project has been getting updates to improve stability and performance, and its unfortunate to not be able to benefit from those.  No shade to Spaceinvader, im sure he's got a lot on the go.  Just wondering how to best contend with this..  maybe he could open up his forked shinobi project so we could all help update it?

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so, to come back to my original posts. It seems (for now) it all was due to bad RJ plugs.

When switching from RJ's to Keystones, the blacking out and intermittend issues seem to have vanished.

(i just have the baddest of luck when it comes to crimping RJ's . . .)


Now however i'm getting a message that my threadcount is too low. 

I have not been able to find a way to increase this from the current value of 8.

Any1 who knows where i can increase this?

Edited by Caennanu
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On 2/11/2021 at 1:47 PM, Caennanu said:

i been looking around to get between a 1050 and 1660. but the GPU market right now is completely out of whack.

The 1030 has no encoding streams, where the 1050 (ti) and 'up' have 3 encoding streams simultaneously. (there are some more cards, check this link.)


Now when all of your camera's are set to copy, it won't use much cpu / gpu and won't need encoding. Unless you use object / motion detection. This will result into higher CPU usage if you do not have a GPU doing it for you. (read more here) This is the reason i'm going for a card that can encode 3 streams, so i can set object detection and offload it to the GPU.


I hope this helps.

I'd appreciate any updates on this if you ever move forward.  I'm going to want to bring online several more cameras (8+ total), and activating motion detection on all of them for shinobi would be almost required to keep data storage to a manageable level.  knowing what GPU would be needed to handle that kind of load would be beneficial.


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On 3/5/2021 at 3:38 PM, sota said:

I'd appreciate any updates on this if you ever move forward.  I'm going to want to bring online several more cameras (8+ total), and activating motion detection on all of them for shinobi would be almost required to keep data storage to a manageable level.  knowing what GPU would be needed to handle that kind of load would be beneficial.


I have received the GTX1050TI with 4GB this weekend. Hoping to have an update this week for ya.

Currently running into issues with primary GPU being taken by Unraid and it refusing to release it for use in docker or VM and the likes, and for some reason one of my x16 slots is disabled (probably due to using 2x nvme drives), so a little tinkering to do.

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1 hour ago, Kacper said:

Hi guys,

how to configure shinobi in such a way, that when I download video date and time will be overlayed on the video? I wan't it to behave like regular DVR. Video is quite useless for the police if there is no timestamp on it :/

Hey Kacper,

I use the timestamp settings from my camera, but i'm geussing you cannot add those on the feed itsself from the camera?

If not i don't know, can't find anything myself either.

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On 3/5/2021 at 3:38 PM, sota said:

I'd appreciate any updates on this if you ever move forward.  I'm going to want to bring online several more cameras (8+ total), and activating motion detection on all of them for shinobi would be almost required to keep data storage to a manageable level.  knowing what GPU would be needed to handle that kind of load would be beneficial.


Currently no update, i received my x1 GPU, and it turns out to be a dual slot due to the passive heatsink, so waiting for my riser cable now before i can mount it in a creative place  . . .  :P


Who said case modding was dead? . . . .

Edited by Caennanu
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On 3/5/2021 at 3:38 PM, sota said:

I'd appreciate any updates on this if you ever move forward.  I'm going to want to bring online several more cameras (8+ total), and activating motion detection on all of them for shinobi would be almost required to keep data storage to a manageable level.  knowing what GPU would be needed to handle that kind of load would be beneficial.


Hi guys,

after 5 days of struggling with shinobi I must say that this docker is the best one I have found if You want to use nvidia gpu. I can explain quickly.

This docker is based on Ubuntu 18.04 - which has cuda-10.2, which is the last version of cuda supporting cuda capable cards 3.0.

Here is a list, check your gpu: https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-gpus

This docker has gpu working out of a box - ffmpeg + yolo !

My recommendation to setup camera are:



Advantage is the performance. I can see ffmpeg working on gpu. There is no cpu usage.  Sorry I made mistake when measuring cpu usage. Even if ffmpeg show it is running on gpu it still uses a lot of cpu. Be aware that when you decode using gpu, then in recording section you cant use gpu, or when you set recording to use gpu codec, then in input section you have to set to use cpu.

In conlusion, when I have added all 5 cameras 2 of them keep disconnecting. Also cpu load is not less than when using zoneminder. Only Yolo plugin seams to benefit from gpu usage a lot. For these reason I will keep using zoneminder as it is more reliable for me, all cameras work fine.


To asses update matters. Run console and type sh UPDATE.sh

Then your shinobi will be updated. Of course if you change anything in container settings it will reverse back to original version from image. That is how dockers are superior over lxc or openvz :) :D

One of the use case for my todays code:


Edited by Kacper
Correct mistake
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  • 1 month later...

I'm having trouble getting the ftp motion trigger to work.  There were some people asking a few pages back but nobody answered.

2 problems.  1 is the trigger events and the other is the FTP connection.

Problem 1: trigger events not working.  I have everything setup correctly but when I add a file into the dropInEvent/groupid/monitorid folder, nothing happens in shinobi.  I dont get a trigger on the Camera

Problem 2:  Aside from problem one, which is being tested by manually dropping a file into the folder, I cant get FTP working.  When I do an ftp test to the folder or trigger a motion event, shinobi creates the folders, but no files.  I think it may be a permissions issue but I have no way of knowing.  I cant seem to find any shinobi ftp logs.

Edited by 007craft
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I am finishing up my testing phase of my surveillance set up and would like to know if a purple drive aka surveillance drive would be appropriate for a recording to from a docker. These drives were ment to be placed in a standalone NVR or DVR. Will Shinobi record data in the same way or close enough for it not to matter? My cameras have a two lower resolution sub streams available to record from and my plan was to use a purple drive to do 1080p 24hr recording and save 4k motion detection saved to the array via a cache drive.

Would using a purple drive be beneficial over a NAS drive they are about the same price?

Sent from my LE2125 using Tapatalk

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have strange problem with my Shinobi. I've setup recording two 30 days and files are present on disk but from application interface I can only see last two days. What should I do to change this? Is this some kind of limitation or bug?

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3am this morning Shinobi stopped recording all of my cameras, and the web UI shows all the monitors as 'disabled.'

if I go into the properties of each, they're all marked correctly; either 'watch' or 'record', but none are doing their tasks.


Thinking maybe my storage drive took a dump, I changed it out, and it recorded for about 5 minutes.  All of that footage is totally worthless as it's corrupted.


Anyone else suddenly having problems?


ETA: I just realized while I was poking for the backups, I run a backup once a week, at 3am, and it ran this morning.  only shinobi appears to be affected.  going to attempt to just restore shinobi from last week.


ETA2: ok, didn't complete the restore. noticed the database folder was 906MB in size.  

-rw-rw---- 1 100 console 801112064 May 23 18:40 Timelapse\@0020Frames.ibd

is the biggest offender.

stopped the container, renamed that file (for now), started it, and now it's recording again.

none of my monitor groups are working though.  I can live with that for now, as I really only use shinobi to do 24/7 recording of the cameras, and take stills every 6 seconds or so.

ETA3: monitor groups started working again, after I manually added a couple cameras to the view.

Edited by sota
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 I have problem getting this setup. 

I am using the :latest 

only this changed in the template is admin password and the video storage location is pointed to user share (waiting on the disk to get here).

Getting this error in logs nad the webgui is unavailable.



What am I missing?



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I seem to be having a repeating problem with shinobi running away with memory and CPU. I've put a bandaid on the CPU issue by pinning it to specific cores.... But this memory issue seems to be weird. It's only one of the two cameras currently configured doing it, and both cameras are configured exactly the same, right down to the camera's firmware. Any ideas where I can look to find the cause?


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