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Unassigned Devices - Managing Disk Drives and Remote Shares Outside of The Unraid Array

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Those icons are not stored on the flash drive.  They are part of the tarball bundle that is expanded into the memory drive.


I would suggest clearing your browser cache and possibly trying a different browser.


If that doesn't work, start a console session and type "ls /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/unassigned.devices/icons" and you should see:








These are the icons for the webgui.

Well it turns out the icons are there and display correctly when viewing Tower/Main but not under Tower/Main/UnassignedDevices. I tried to view the page in both Firefox and Chrome after clearing the browser cache.

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Those icons are not stored on the flash drive.  They are part of the tarball bundle that is expanded into the memory drive.


I would suggest clearing your browser cache and possibly trying a different browser.


If that doesn't work, start a console session and type "ls /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/unassigned.devices/icons" and you should see:








These are the icons for the webgui.

Well it turns out the icons are there and display correctly when viewing Tower/Main but not under Tower/Main/UnassignedDevices. I tried to view the page in both Firefox and Chrome after clearing the browser cache.


That is quite curious.  You put Tower/Main/UnassignedDevices in the browser URL.  I did that and reproduced what you found.  I didn't know that even worked.  Let me take a look.

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Those icons are not stored on the flash drive.  They are part of the tarball bundle that is expanded into the memory drive.


I would suggest clearing your browser cache and possibly trying a different browser.


If that doesn't work, start a console session and type "ls /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/unassigned.devices/icons" and you should see:








These are the icons for the webgui.

Well it turns out the icons are there and display correctly when viewing Tower/Main but not under Tower/Main/UnassignedDevices. I tried to view the page in both Firefox and Chrome after clearing the browser cache.


That is quite curious.  You put Tower/Main/UnassignedDevices in the browser URL.  I did that and reproduced what you found.  I didn't know that even worked.  Let me take a look.

Well I am still new to UnRAID 6 and the whole plugin/docker interface and I found that by simply clicking the plugin image under the installed plugins page (at least for some plugins like swap file) I could quickly get to the settings/interface for that plugin. So that is what I did with this plugin thinking that was the quickest way to get to the interface.

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Those icons are not stored on the flash drive.  They are part of the tarball bundle that is expanded into the memory drive.


I would suggest clearing your browser cache and possibly trying a different browser.


If that doesn't work, start a console session and type "ls /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/unassigned.devices/icons" and you should see:








These are the icons for the webgui.

Well it turns out the icons are there and display correctly when viewing Tower/Main but not under Tower/Main/UnassignedDevices. I tried to view the page in both Firefox and Chrome after clearing the browser cache.


That is quite curious.  You put Tower/Main/UnassignedDevices in the browser URL.  I did that and reproduced what you found.  I didn't know that even worked.  Let me take a look.

Well I am still new to UnRAID 6 and the whole plugin/docker interface and I found that by simply clicking the plugin image under the installed plugins page (at least for some plugins like swap file) I could quickly get to the settings/interface for that plugin. So that is what I did with this plugin thinking that was the quickest way to get to the interface.


What you did is quite acceptable and not something I do, so I didn't catch it.  I have it fixed in the next release.

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I think that I was still using gfjardim's version of this plugin - after months of inacctivity (September 19, I think) I've just installed an updated with a whole raft of changes (24 entries in the change log).


Which version should I be moving on with - and do I need to take any action in order to achieve this?


Welcome back, gfjardim.  I have been missing your very valuable contributions to this community.

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Welcome back, gfjardim.  I have been missing your very valuable contributions to this community.


Hi PeterB, nice to see you again too! dlandon is developing it now, so please remove my version, reboot the server to clean any leftovers and then you can install his version which URL is in the OP.


Again, thanks!

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Fix: New devices will not default to auto mount and share. User must manually set to auto mount and share.


This affects specially USB drives, doesn't it? I think you should at least offer an configuration option for us, because IMHO some users want plugging an USB drive to be plug'n play.



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Fix: New devices will not default to auto mount and share. User must manually set to auto mount and share.


This affects specially USB drives, doesn't it? I think you should at least offer an configuration option for us, because IMHO some users want plugging an USB drive to be plug'n play.


Yes, it affects USB devices.  I thought of that and was waiting for some feedback on whether or not it was important to anyone.  The auto mount did cause someone some problems.

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Fix: New devices will not default to auto mount and share. User must manually set to auto mount and share.


This affects specially USB drives, doesn't it? I think you should at least offer an configuration option for us, because IMHO some users want plugging an USB drive to be plug'n play.


Yes, it affects USB devices.  I thought of that and was waiting for some feedback on whether or not it was important to anyone.  The auto mount did cause someone some problems.

Isn't a config option more convenient then just remove it for all users? It can be defaulted to "No" to avoid any problems, if necessary.



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I use this plugin for mounting 4 x SSDs and it works very well. However, I noticed a strange issue, maybe bug?

On the main UNRAID tab under Unassigned Devices, the SMART status of each drive changes from green to grey and the Temperature disappears. I need to click the drive and poll SMART for it to turn green again and display the temp. Not sure why this is, can it be fixed?


thank you!

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I use this plugin for mounting 4 x SSDs and it works very well. However, I noticed a strange issue, maybe bug?

On the main UNRAID tab under Unassigned Devices, the SMART status of each drive changes from green to grey and the Temperature disappears. I need to click the drive and poll SMART for it to turn green again and display the temp. Not sure why this is, can it be fixed?


thank you!

Grey means spun down or on standby and temperatures are unavailable in that state.
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I use this plugin for mounting 4 x SSDs and it works very well. However, I noticed a strange issue, maybe bug?

On the main UNRAID tab under Unassigned Devices, the SMART status of each drive changes from green to grey and the Temperature disappears. I need to click the drive and poll SMART for it to turn green again and display the temp. Not sure why this is, can it be fixed?


thank you!

Grey means spun down or on standby and temperatures are unavailable in that state.


Since they are SSDs, can I prevent them from spinning down or going to standby?

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Fix: New devices will not default to auto mount and share. User must manually set to auto mount and share.


This affects specially USB drives, doesn't it? I think you should at least offer an configuration option for us, because IMHO some users want plugging an USB drive to be plug'n play.


Yes, it affects USB devices.  I thought of that and was waiting for some feedback on whether or not it was important to anyone.  The auto mount did cause someone some problems.

Isn't a config option more convenient then just remove it for all users? It can be defaulted to "No" to avoid any problems, if necessary.




FWIW I prefer to have it set the Plugin to not do anything automatically in the first instance. I only use Auto mount and once the Plugin is installed (which I have only had to do once or twice anyway) I flick a switch to Auto mount and its configured permanently from then on just the same. Don't use the scripting.

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Am I the only one with this problem?


I updated to 6.1.8 and UD 2016.02.10a and now I can't share my UD drives anymore.


On the main page, the drives are set to not  'share' (before, they stood on 'share'). If I flip the switch and put it to 'share', then the next page refresh of the browser page, the switch flips back to not 'share'. Iow, the 'share' setting is stuck on not 'share'.


In UD settings I don't see any option to not share drives...




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Am I the only one with this problem?


I updated to 6.1.8 and UD 2016.02.10a and now I can't share my UD drives anymore.


On the main page, the drives are set to not  'share' (before, they stood on 'share'). If I flip the switch and put it to 'share', then the next page refresh of the browser page, the switch flips back to not 'share'. Iow, the 'share' setting is stuck on not 'share'.


In UD settings I don't see any option to not share drives...





Did this procedure happen to have you uninstall a previous version of UD and install of a newer one??


UD doesn't uninstall cleanly and requires a reboot between installations to work correctly is my understanding.


Either way I would recommend this. Uninstall. Reboot. Install. See if the issue is fixed?

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Am I the only one with this problem?


I updated to 6.1.8 and UD 2016.02.10a and now I can't share my UD drives anymore.


On the main page, the drives are set to not  'share' (before, they stood on 'share'). If I flip the switch and put it to 'share', then the next page refresh of the browser page, the switch flips back to not 'share'. Iow, the 'share' setting is stuck on not 'share'.


In UD settings I don't see any option to not share drives...





Did this procedure happen to have you uninstall a previous version of UD and install of a newer one??


UD doesn't uninstall cleanly and requires a reboot between installations to work correctly is my understanding.


Either way I would recommend this. Uninstall. Reboot. Install. See if the issue is fixed?


If you are coming from the gfjardim version to this newer version of UD, you can just remove the older version and then install this version.  It does not require a reboot.  It does not remove the configuration settings or script files so your settings are saved even if you remove UD.


A reboot is not required when updating, or when UD is removed and re-installed.


I would add one step to the above.  Uninstall UD, then save any scripts you use from the /boot/config/plugins/unassigned.devices.  Then delete the /boot/config/plugins/unassigned.devices directory and re-install UD.  You will have to reconfigure your settings.  It sounds like the configuration file has been corrupted or is out of sync.


I will release a new version today that has a setting for whether or not a USB device will auto mount and share.  With the setting off, no USB devices will be auto mounted and shared when installed until you make the settings for auto mount, share, or set a script file to run.  These settings will then apply when the device is inserted.  With the setting on, a USB device will auto mount and share until you make settings for auto mount, share, or set a script file to run.

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Am I the only one with this problem?


I updated to 6.1.8 and UD 2016.02.10a and now I can't share my UD drives anymore.


On the main page, the drives are set to not  'share' (before, they stood on 'share'). If I flip the switch and put it to 'share', then the next page refresh of the browser page, the switch flips back to not 'share'. Iow, the 'share' setting is stuck on not 'share'.


In UD settings I don't see any option to not share drives...




Are you setting the share switch when the drive is mounted or unmounted?  If you are doing it when the drive is mounted, look at the UD log and see if there is anything related to not being able to share the device.


When the device is not mounted, the share switch setting will be the setting saved in the configuration.  If the device is mounted, UD will attempt to share the device if the share switch is on and if unsuccessful the switch will turn off even if set to on in the configuration settings.

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If you are coming from the gfjardim version to this newer version of UD, you can just remove the older version and then install this version.  It does not require a reboot.  It does not remove the configuration settings or script files so your settings are saved even if you remove UD.


A reboot is not required when updating, or when UD is removed and re-installed.


I followed this procedure - as soon as I removed the old version of UD, my Docker vanished.  There was no Docker tab on the main UI screen, CA told me that Docker was not enabled (I checked Docker settings, and that told me that Docker was enabled), and docker ps returned the following:

root@Tower:~# docker ps
Get http:///var/run/docker.sock/v1.19/containers/json: dial unix /var/run/docker.sock: no such file or directory. Are you trying to connect to a TLS-enabled daemon without TLS?


After re-installing UD, I rebooted and docker came back.  I would suggest that the advice that a reboot is not necessary should be taken with a great degree of caution.


In any case, I'm not convinced that the remove/re-install was necessary - it appeared, to me, that the switch from gfjardim's version to dlandon's and already happened automatically, a couple of days ago, when an update was offered to me and it picked up a revision list with 24 entries.  At that stage, the author information changed from gfjardim to dlandon.

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If you are coming from the gfjardim version to this newer version of UD, you can just remove the older version and then install this version.  It does not require a reboot.  It does not remove the configuration settings or script files so your settings are saved even if you remove UD.


A reboot is not required when updating, or when UD is removed and re-installed.


I followed this procedure - as soon as I removed the old version of UD, my Docker vanished.  There was no Docker tab on the main UI screen, CA told me that Docker was not enabled (I checked Docker settings, and that told me that Docker was enabled), and docker ps returned the following:

root@Tower:~# docker ps
Get http:///var/run/docker.sock/v1.19/containers/json: dial unix /var/run/docker.sock: no such file or directory. Are you trying to connect to a TLS-enabled daemon without TLS?


After re-installing UD, I rebooted and docker came back.  I would suggest that the advice that a reboot is not necessary should be taken with a great degree of caution.


Interesting. Was your docker .img file hosted on one of the disks mounted outside the array or perhaps some docker config folders (although I think the latter there would only impact a container starting? If NOT then I can't see how UD impacted docker in any way!?


If one of your disks mounted outside the array DID hold your docker .img the addition to the instructions would be to disable docker first IF you are going to either start your array after reboot and before you install the new version of UD OR you have your array to auto start. I'd also be backing up my docker .img file and assigning a different location first!


As for the reboot (if the above is not your case) I can't see how you are EVER put in a position to be cautious over a reboot after the uninstall of a plugin. Not to mention a reboot after uninstall was advised by the Plugin notes from very early days with this plugin I believe if you HAVENT tied the operation of another function of unRAID to something running on an UD disk!

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Interesting. Was your docker .img file hosted on one of the disks mounted outside the array or perhaps some docker config folders (although I think the latter there would only impact a container starting? If NOT then I can't see how UD impacted docker in any way!?


Yes, my docker image is on a device which is automounted by UD.  The config folders are on a cache-only share.


If one of your disks mounted outside the array DID hold your docker .img the addition to the instructions would be to disable docker first IF you are going to either start your array after reboot and before you install the new version of UD OR you have your array to auto start. I'd also be backing up my docker .img file and assigning a different location first!


I didn't go digging very far but either removing UD dismounted the device with the docker image on it, or removing UD messed with some other resource which docker requires.  Either way, the advice to not reboot needs to be reconsidered.


As for the reboot (if the above is not your case) I can't see how you are EVER put in a position to be cautious over a reboot after the uninstall of a plugin.


That's not what I said - I said that one should be cautious if expecting that a reboot is not necessary.


Not to mention a reboot after uninstall was advised by the Plugin notes from very early days with this plugin I believe if you HAVENT tied the operation of another function of unRAID to something running on an UD disk!


Indeed - so, again. dlandon's advice needs to be treated with caution.

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If you are coming from the gfjardim version to this newer version of UD, you can just remove the older version and then install this version.  It does not require a reboot.  It does not remove the configuration settings or script files so your settings are saved even if you remove UD.


A reboot is not required when updating, or when UD is removed and re-installed.


I followed this procedure - as soon as I removed the old version of UD, my Docker vanished.  There was no Docker tab on the main UI screen, CA told me that Docker was not enabled (I checked Docker settings, and that told me that Docker was enabled), and docker ps returned the following:

root@Tower:~# docker ps
Get http:///var/run/docker.sock/v1.19/containers/json: dial unix /var/run/docker.sock: no such file or directory. Are you trying to connect to a TLS-enabled daemon without TLS?


After re-installing UD, I rebooted and docker came back.  I would suggest that the advice that a reboot is not necessary should be taken with a great degree of caution.


In any case, I'm not convinced that the remove/re-install was necessary - it appeared, to me, that the switch from gfjardim's version to dlandon's and already happened automatically, a couple of days ago, when an update was offered to me and it picked up a revision list with 24 entries.  At that stage, the author information changed from gfjardim to dlandon.


If you have your Docker or VMs on a UD disk, you should stop the Docker and/or VMs before uninstalling UD.  A UD update will not be an issue because devices mounted will not be unmounted.  One caveat though is that when you update, UD will auto mount any devices set as "auto mount' that aren't already mounted.


The update from gfjardim's version to this newer version happened because gfjardim's github was updated with the new version .plg file so the update check now points to my github and the update check installed the updated version.  This should help with the confusion over versions and updates will now automatically install the updated UD version.

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Interesting. Was your docker .img file hosted on one of the disks mounted outside the array or perhaps some docker config folders (although I think the latter there would only impact a container starting? If NOT then I can't see how UD impacted docker in any way!?


Yes, my docker image is on a device which is automounted by UD.  The config folders are on a cache-only share.


If one of your disks mounted outside the array DID hold your docker .img the addition to the instructions would be to disable docker first IF you are going to either start your array after reboot and before you install the new version of UD OR you have your array to auto start. I'd also be backing up my docker .img file and assigning a different location first!


I didn't go digging very far but either removing UD dismounted the device with the docker image on it, or removing UD messed with some other resource which docker requires.  Either way, the advice to not reboot needs to be reconsidered.


As for the reboot (if the above is not your case) I can't see how you are EVER put in a position to be cautious over a reboot after the uninstall of a plugin.


That's not what I said - I said that one should be cautious if expecting that a reboot is not necessary.


Not to mention a reboot after uninstall was advised by the Plugin notes from very early days with this plugin I believe if you HAVENT tied the operation of another function of unRAID to something running on an UD disk!


Indeed - so, again. dlandon's advice needs to be treated with caution.


If you remove the UD plugin, ALL UD mounted devices will be unmounted.  That's why you lost the Docker.  If you don't stop Docker before you remove UD, then you will be in a situation where a reboot would be required to get Docker going again.


In my second post there are some best practices.  There is one about unistalling UD:


"While this might be quite obvious, you should not uninstall the unassigned devices plugin if you are using a drive for Dockers or VMs.  Uninstalling will unmount all mounted drives.  If the disk is busy, the unmount will be forced and you will lose access to the disk.  Updating the plugin with drives mounted is not an issue at all because they are not unmounted."

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I use this plugin for mounting 4 x SSDs and it works very well. However, I noticed a strange issue, maybe bug?

On the main UNRAID tab under Unassigned Devices, the SMART status of each drive changes from green to grey and the Temperature disappears. I need to click the drive and poll SMART for it to turn green again and display the temp. Not sure why this is, can it be fixed?


thank you!

Grey means spun down or on standby and temperatures are unavailable in that state.


Since they are SSDs, can I prevent them from spinning down or going to standby?


Do you have a script defined?  If you create a script file, the drive will be monitored for spin down status and temperature.  Read the second post about best practices.

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I use this plugin for mounting 4 x SSDs and it works very well. However, I noticed a strange issue, maybe bug?

On the main UNRAID tab under Unassigned Devices, the SMART status of each drive changes from green to grey and the Temperature disappears. I need to click the drive and poll SMART for it to turn green again and display the temp. Not sure why this is, can it be fixed?


thank you!

Grey means spun down or on standby and temperatures are unavailable in that state.


Since they are SSDs, can I prevent them from spinning down or going to standby?


Do you have a script defined?  If you create a script file, the drive will be monitored for spin down status and temperature.  Read the second post about best practices.


No, I do not have a script defined. What would a script look like that allows me to monitor the SMART/Temp even if the SSD is unmounted or in standby? I really do appreciate your guidance with this.


thank you.

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