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Unassigned Devices - Managing Disk Drives and Remote Shares Outside of The Unraid Array

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I updated all plugins and then upgraded from 6.9.2 to 6.10.0-rc8. The partition names identified by UD changed back to the default serial number and not the value I had set previously and the 6.9.2 version was listed in the "Historical Devices" section. Reverting back to 6.9.2 restored the partition name.


Under 6.9.2: Samsung_SSD_960_EVO_500GB_S3X4NB0K309824V (Samsung_960EVO)


Once I renamed the partition back to "Samsung_960EVO", it fixed the mounting location so my VM's could be located again.

nas-diagnostics-20220511-2047 (rc8).zip nas-diagnostics-20220511-2052 (6.9.2).zip

Edited by jbartlett
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You should always commit a mount point name, even if you want to use the default, so it will be consistent even if the default name were to change.  You do this by clicking on the mount point when the disk is unmounted and click 'Change'.  You don't have to change the mount point to save it.  It seems lately that the default names have been changing when updating.  Not sure why.

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I think I figured out what happened. In the Historical section, it lists:

Samsung_SSD_960_EVO_500GB_S3X4NB0K309824V (Samsung_960EVO)


In the UD list, it has:

Samsung SSD 960 EVO 500GB_S3X4NB0K309824V

+ 1: Samsung_960EVO


It looks like rc8 removed the underscores from the drive ID so it didn't find a match and created it as if it was new.

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2 hours ago, jbartlett said:

I think I figured out what happened. In the Historical section, it lists:

Samsung_SSD_960_EVO_500GB_S3X4NB0K309824V (Samsung_960EVO)


In the UD list, it has:

Samsung SSD 960 EVO 500GB_S3X4NB0K309824V

+ 1: Samsung_960EVO


It looks like rc8 removed the underscores from the drive ID so it didn't find a match and created it as if it was new.

rc8 release notes:

This release includes some bug fixes and update of base packages.  Notable changes:

  • correct device status handling for single-slot pools
  • collapse multiple underscores within nvme /dev/disk/by-id symlinks to single underscore
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1 hour ago, dlandon said:

collapse multiple underscores within nvme /dev/disk/by-id symlinks to single underscore


The way it reads to me is to collapse multiple underscores such as "drive______id" to "drive_id". Just stating this because that's not what is actually happening - it's converting multiple underscores into spaces but leaving the last underscore.

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1 hour ago, JorgeB said:

Yes, this seems to be a plugin issue:




Same device assigned:




This is what udev shows.  Note the ID_SERIAL:

            [DEVLINKS] => /dev/disk/by-id/nvme-Samsung_SSD_960_EVO_500GB_S3X4NB0K309824V-part1 /dev/disk/by-id/nvme-eui.0025385381b19427-part1 /dev/disk/by-partlabel/Linux\x20filesystem /dev/disk/by-partuuid/12409271-f9ad-4a6d-a35e-2c01ba882106 /dev/disk/by-uuid/526c7d84-3822-4ea8-a730-c0a3c955725c
            [DEVNAME] => /dev/nvme0n1p1
            [DEVPATH] => /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.2/0000:08:00.0/nvme/nvme0/nvme0n1/nvme0n1p1
            [DEVTYPE] => partition
            [DISKSEQ] => 19
            [ID_FS_TYPE] => xfs
            [ID_FS_USAGE] => filesystem
            [ID_FS_UUID] => 526c7d84-3822-4ea8-a730-c0a3c955725c
            [ID_FS_UUID_ENC] => 526c7d84-3822-4ea8-a730-c0a3c955725c
            [ID_MODEL] => Samsung SSD 960 EVO 500GB
            [ID_PART_ENTRY_DISK] => 259:2
            [ID_PART_ENTRY_NAME] => Linux\x20filesystem
            [ID_PART_ENTRY_NUMBER] => 1
            [ID_PART_ENTRY_OFFSET] => 2048
            [ID_PART_ENTRY_SCHEME] => gpt
            [ID_PART_ENTRY_SIZE] => 976771087
            [ID_PART_ENTRY_TYPE] => 0fc63daf-8483-4772-8e79-3d69d8477de4
            [ID_PART_ENTRY_UUID] => 12409271-f9ad-4a6d-a35e-2c01ba882106
            [ID_PART_TABLE_TYPE] => gpt
            [ID_PART_TABLE_UUID] => c6c838bf-0a9b-4fd5-bc49-3dee6cf4ebab
            [ID_SERIAL] => Samsung SSD 960 EVO 500GB_S3X4NB0K309824V

ID_SERIAL is what UD uses for the serial id.  This seems to have changed with rc8 and I suspect the change to collapse the multiple underscores.

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hi i mentioned  a while about i was getting the    No Array  for my un assigned drives


i getting that for a properly unmounted drive..


if i have a Drive..   Click mount..  use it.

then click  Unmount...  and then the "Mount"  shows up  showing a properly  unmounted drive


if i pull the usb cable.. and plug it back in..  to re add the drive


its now  a "No Array"    so its not happening if its mounted... but its happening when its unmounted



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1 hour ago, comet424 said:

its now  a "No Array"    so its not happening if its mounted... but its happening when its unmounted

There is a bug ib 6.9.2 where this can happen because Unraid does not assign the proper devX designation.  Once you update to 5.10, this issue should clear up.

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10 hours ago, JorgeB said:

Doesn't look related to that, it's the same thing with -rc7, underscores show in Unraid, not in UD, looks like they are getting the string from different places, this thread might have more info:




I've made a change in UD to use the actual device id rather than a cobbled id from the ID_MODEL + ID_SERIAL_SHORT that's been used since UD was originally written.  Not sure why the original author chose that way of doing things.

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im currently running  5.11 version it says i not sure if the diagnostic above says what version i had yesterday.. but currently at 5.11  just checked


with unraid not labeling drives  properly.. is that the same  which doesnt make sense.. if i set Array Fans to certain hard drives or all...  if i add a new hard drive to the array or remove it.. or add an un assigned drive... it will mess up the whole checked off drives which ones get what..  is that an unraid bug.. drives me nuts .. you wonder why fans are spinning high speed yet  array is spun down..  but 


ill re test  today  pulling hte hard drive out and in again ..


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1 hour ago, comet424 said:

im currently running  5.11 version it says i not sure if the diagnostic above says what version i had yesterday.. but currently at 5.11  just checked


with unraid not labeling drives  properly.. is that the same  which doesnt make sense.. if i set Array Fans to certain hard drives or all...  if i add a new hard drive to the array or remove it.. or add an un assigned drive... it will mess up the whole checked off drives which ones get what..  is that an unraid bug.. drives me nuts .. you wonder why fans are spinning high speed yet  array is spun down..  but 


ill re test  today  pulling hte hard drive out and in again ..


I doubt anyone will be able to help you with such an old version of Unraid.  Update to the latest stable version.  Then if you have issues, post the diagnostics zip file.

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ya  you said once you upgrade to 5.10  error should go away.. and i already running   5.11  unassigned devices..  but in the diagnostics i dunno if you can tell what version it was before 5.10 plugin   or if i was already running 5.11  as it updates everynight  or its supposed to at like 12am ...


so i attached the 1 drive UD... a music drive..   I DJ bar and such so i have 2 hard drives.. that i regularly  plug and unplug..  i use Rysnc  to sync my music off the Server onto 2 hard drives.. so they cloned..  but the one hard drive isnt   allowing it .. is it a UD issue?   there is no smart issue..

rysnc error says

rsync: [generator] recv_generator: failed to stat "/mnt/disks/Music Drive 1/Music/!Bpm Supreme/Audio/2022/Hip Hop/Toosii - Keeper (Intro Clean).mp3": Input/output error (5)

system log says

May 14 15:54:40 Tardis ntfs-3g[28193]: Failed to read vcn 0x4a: Input/output error
May 14 15:54:40 Tardis ntfs-3g[28193]: Failed to read vcn 0x4a: Input/output error
May 14 15:54:40 Tardis ntfs-3g[28193]: Failed to read vcn 0x4a: Input/output error
May 14 15:54:40 Tardis ntfs-3g[28193]: Failed to read vcn 0x4a: Input/output error
May 14 15:54:40 Tardis ntfs-3g[28193]: Failed to read vcn 0x4a: Input/output error
May 14 15:54:40 Tardis ntfs-3g[28193]: Failed to read vcn 0x4a: Input/output error
May 14 15:54:40 Tardis ntfs-3g[28193]: Failed to read vcn 0x4a: Input/output error
May 14 15:54:40 Tardis ntfs-3g[28193]: Failed to read vcn 0x4a: Input/output error
May 14 15:54:40 Tardis ntfs-3g[28193]: Failed to read vcn 0x4a: Input/output error
May 14 15:54:40 Tardis ntfs-3g[28193]: Failed to read vcn 0x4a: Input/output error



can you tell  if it was an issue from the older UD plugin.. or if its related..  like it mounts   this time  i could mount the drive.. but it doesnt allow  rsyncing


when i run the rysnc again the user scripts error log gives me different error

Copying Music To Drive 1
rsync: [receiver] rename "/mnt/disks/Music Drive 1/Music/!Bpm Supreme/Audio/2022/Hip Hop/.Logic ft Russ - Therapy Music (Intro Clean).mp3.SDAyeG" -> "Music/!Bpm Supreme/Audio/2022/Hip Hop/Logic ft Russ - Therapy Music (Intro Clean).mp3": No such file or directory (2)
rsync error: some files/attrs were not transferred (see previous errors) (code 23) at main.c(1330) [sender=3.2.3]

Copying Virtual DJ Folder To Drive 1

Copying Music To Drive 2
rsync: [receiver] write failed on "/mnt/disks/Music Drive 2/Music/.mp3": No space left on device (28)
rsync error: error in file IO (code 11) at receiver.c(378) [receiver=3.2.3]


and disk space is ok

1.63TB free from a 6TB drive...  the error for Drive 2 is ok.. i didnt have it plugged in  when doing these tests


is it a NTFS issue? and did it happen not to long ago when i had the No Array thing come up?

is there a way i can fix it without Formating the Drive?

as i didnt know yesterday it wasnt syncing correcting  Rysncing   when i got to bar  my main computer didnt have the Music etc  where the backup drive does.. so issue with Music Drive 1


and this is the rysnc i use for the 2 drives

# Copying Music To Drive 1
echo ""
echo "Copying Music To Drive 1"
rsync --protect-args -avu --stats --numeric-ids --progress '/mnt/user/Music/Music' '/mnt/disks/Music Drive 1' --delete >> /mnt/user/Temp/logs/cronlogs/Music_Drive_1.log
# >> /boot/logs/cronlogs/Music_Drive_1.log

# Copying Virtual DJ Folder To Drive 1
echo ""
echo "Copying Virtual DJ Folder To Drive 1"
rsync --protect-args -avu --stats --numeric-ids --progress '/mnt/user/Music/VirtualDJ' '/mnt/disks/Music Drive 1' --delete  >> /mnt/user/Temp/logs/cronlogs/Music_Drive_1VirtualFolder.log



so i know i been experiencing missing music from the the first time i asked about the No Array.. but i really didnt think about it.. but last night i really knew missing stuff..  


hoping i can fix easily..... but the no array  didnt come up at least for either drive  so far..


im sure its not a UD issue but i figure i ask  just in case.



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17 hours ago, comet424 said:

ya  you said once you upgrade to 5.10  error should go away

I said update to Unraid 6.10, not UD.


You should run a file system check on the drive - click on the check mark next to the mount point when the disk is unmounted.  It may have been corrupted when it was removed without being unmounted.

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you wrote "There is a bug ib 6.9.2 where this can happen because Unraid does not assign the proper devX designation.  Once you update to 5.10, this issue should clear up."


thats why i said i running   5.11  UD i dont know why id be running  5.10 Unraid if the bug is is 6.9.2 


because the next version would be  10.x   not 5.x

but guess you typo'd wrong

thats where the confusion was 

thought you ment  once i update to your 5.1x UD its a work around for the bug in 6.9.2   it would solve the issue...

that your plugin would work out the bug in 6.9.2


no biggy...  


but i ran the checker.... i getting error still but no ntfs check error

FS: ntfs

Executing file system check: /bin/ntfsfix -n /dev/sdo1 2>&1

Mounting volume... OK
Processing of $MFT and $MFTMirr completed successfully.
Checking the alternate boot sector... OK
NTFS volume version is 3.1.
NTFS partition /dev/sdo1 was processed successfully.


this the user script error


Copying Music To Drive 1
rsync: [receiver] rename "/mnt/disks/Music Drive 1/Music/!Bpm Supreme/Audio/2022/Hip Hop/.Logic ft Russ - Therapy Music (Intro Clean).mp3.0uH6bb" -> "Music/!Bpm Supreme/Audio/2022/Hip Hop/Logic ft Russ - Therapy Music (Intro Clean).mp3": No such file or directory (2)
rsync error: some files/attrs were not transferred (see previous errors) (code 23) at main.c(1330) [sender=3.2.3]



but there is a correct Flag Error  button  going to see if that fixes  i cant fsync.. i dont even have a file labled   .Logic.....  with a period in front of the L


if the correct flag doesnt fix it.. ill just format and start over  as i got time till Friday  to do it all over again 🙂



update ran button correct flag    but still gives that error of a File i dont have    maybe best to run in windows and run a windows scan?

Mounting volume... OK
Processing of $MFT and $MFTMirr completed successfully.
Checking the alternate boot sector... OK
NTFS volume version is 3.1.
Going to un-mark the bad clusters ($BadClus)... No bad clusters...OK
NTFS partition /dev/sdo1 was processed successfully.


Edited by comet424
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do you happen to know why  i can see my 2 USB hard drives i dealing with in UD    but come to the VMS page  its not there

i played with settings to pass through that doesnt help.. doesnt matter what usb port i use    i cant get it to the VMS side.. i plug a cell phone in and it can be seen on the VMS page.. i just cant get UD to send the either drive to the VMS page it will send the 1TB segate from ud (main page)  to vms  but i cant get the either enclosure  i have from ud  to vms ppage


is there something i need to toggle  to get it to show up.

or is it a conflict as they all segate enclosures?

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16 minutes ago, comet424 said:

do you happen to know why  i can see my 2 USB hard drives i dealing with in UD    but come to the VMS page  its not there

i played with settings to pass through that doesnt help.. doesnt matter what usb port i use    i cant get it to the VMS side.. i plug a cell phone in and it can be seen on the VMS page.. i just cant get UD to send the either drive to the VMS page it will send the 1TB segate from ud (main page)  to vms  but i cant get the either enclosure  i have from ud  to vms ppage


is there something i need to toggle  to get it to show up.

or is it a conflict as they all segate enclosures?

If both the same usb device will have same vendor and model number which VM manager doesn't support.

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i pulled 1tb seagate usb out.. and only had 1 of the 2 other seagate enclosures..    UD sees it..  VMS  page cant.. Toos==>system devices  cant see it..   USB manager plugin  cant see it..


very frustrating    but my 1 TB  seagate usb enclosure  it can be seen..  wonder whats hiding it?


also did a reboot of unraid with the hd  that cant be seen    still doesnt matter. vms    tools system devices usb manager cant see it.. but ud sees it 

Edited by comet424
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maybe unraid cant see certain usb enclosures correctly.. least in 6.8  maybe the 6.10.x maybe it will have it working its not showing up anywhere  


i wanted to use it in a VM  but using it in unraid console  works for now..   just need to plug into a real windows machine.. 

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7 hours ago, comet424 said:

 just need to plug into a real windows machine.. 

may consider passinng a pcie usb card to your VM then, take a look at the VM section howto .. as this is offtopic here ;)


then you have some USB Ports nativ in your windows VM instead using the vm manager options.

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Unraid 6.10 has been released.  There are some changes to UD.  You can see them here:


With the latest release of UD, the minimum version of Unraid supported is now 6.9.  There are some enhancements in 6.9 ad 6.10 that UD uses for new features.  I've removed the spin down timer used in Unraid versions prior to 6.9.

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