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[SUPPORT] testdasi repo

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  • 2 weeks later...

Since the last update, my query log indicates that domains are being properly white or blacklisted, but I get no replies and thus no internet on my devices using this DNS. Configured with DoH Happening on multiple Unraid docker hosts, and to a friend that recently updated as well. If I change to, it works fine, but obviously not secure.


Edit 1:

After some additional digging, it appears cloudflared is not running since the update. My queries start working after running this command in the terminal:


/usr/local/bin/cloudflared --config /config/cloudflared.yml


Edit 2:

Looks like the run file doesn't have permission to execute.


Screenshot 2022-12-23 161136.jpg

Edited by marcuspohl
Added additional info and screenshot
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On 12/23/2022 at 10:59 PM, marcuspohl said:

Since the last update, my query log indicates that domains are being properly white or blacklisted, but I get no replies and thus no internet on my devices using this DNS. Configured with DoH Happening on multiple Unraid docker hosts, and to a friend that recently updated as well. If I change to, it works fine, but obviously not secure.


Can confirm that. Pihole not working anymore.


EDIT: Working again after last update. 

Edited by Retrogamer137
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I'm not entirely sure what's happening, but pihole stopped working for me after my last update. I'd be grateful for any help. 


I'm using ssl and am self-signed. I have the following container paths: 

  • Container Path: /etc/lighttpd - where I updated the external.conf and haven't changed it since Aug of 2022 when I initially set things up. 
  • Container Path: /config/
  • Container Path: /etc/dnsmasq.d/
  • Container Path: /etc/pihole/

I'm not clear why this line is existing with 1. 

2022-12-29 13:32:42: configfile.c.2113) command "find /etc/lighttpd/conf-enabled -name '*.conf' -a ! -name 'letsencrypt.conf' -printf 'include "%p"\n' 2>/dev/null" exited non-zero: 1


I can see the line in lighttpd.conf which was updated today when I stopped and restarted the container. 


[18:32:38.154071] STUBBY: Read config from file /config/stubby.yml
2022-12-29 13:32:38: configfile.c.2113) command "find /etc/lighttpd/conf-enabled -name '*.conf' -a ! -name 'letsencrypt.conf' -printf 'include "%p"\n' 2>/dev/null" exited non-zero: 1
2022-12-29 13:32:38: configfile.c.1970) source: /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf line: 82 pos: 1 parser failed somehow near here: (EOL)
lighttpd: no process found
[18:32:39.153634] STUBBY: Stubby version: Stubby 0.3.0
[18:32:39.156214] STUBBY: Read config from file /config/stubby.yml
2022-12-29 13:32:39: configfile.c.2113) command "find /etc/lighttpd/conf-enabled -name '*.conf' -a ! -name 'letsencrypt.conf' -printf 'include "%p"\n' 2>/dev/null" exited non-zero: 1
2022-12-29 13:32:39: configfile.c.1970) source: /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf line: 82 pos: 1 parser failed somehow near here: (EOL)
lighttpd: no process found
[18:32:40.153184] STUBBY: Stubby version: Stubby 0.3.0
[18:32:40.156068] STUBBY: Read config from file /config/stubby.yml
2022-12-29 13:32:40: configfile.c.2113) command "find /etc/lighttpd/conf-enabled -name '*.conf' -a ! -name 'letsencrypt.conf' -printf 'include "%p"\n' 2>/dev/null" exited non-zero: 1
2022-12-29 13:32:40: configfile.c.1970) source: /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf line: 82 pos: 1 parser failed somehow near here: (EOL)
lighttpd: no process found
[18:32:41.154673] STUBBY: Stubby version: Stubby 0.3.0
[18:32:41.157475] STUBBY: Read config from file /config/stubby.yml
2022-12-29 13:32:41: configfile.c.2113) command "find /etc/lighttpd/conf-enabled -name '*.conf' -a ! -name 'letsencrypt.conf' -printf 'include "%p"\n' 2>/dev/null" exited non-zero: 1
2022-12-29 13:32:41: configfile.c.1970) source: /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf line: 82 pos: 1 parser failed somehow near here: (EOL)
lighttpd: no process found
[18:32:42.155364] STUBBY: Stubby version: Stubby 0.3.0
[18:32:42.158502] STUBBY: Read config from file /config/stubby.yml
2022-12-29 13:32:42: configfile.c.2113) command "find /etc/lighttpd/conf-enabled -name '*.conf' -a ! -name 'letsencrypt.conf' -printf 'include "%p"\n' 2>/dev/null" exited non-zero: 1
2022-12-29 13:32:42: configfile.c.1970) source: /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf line: 82 pos: 1 parser failed somehow near here: (EOL)
lighttpd: no process found


I've included my external.conf file and I found the this from 2017 - 

https://discourse.pi-hole.net/t/enabling-https-for-your-pi-hole-web-interface/5771 - but not much luck. 


Thanks in advance. 


EDIT 2022-12-30

Removing the container path to /etc/lighttpd fix the issue, but I lose the ssl certificate for the sight. Appears that something has become deprecated with lighttpd.  


EDIT 2023-01-01

Solved. Before creating the docker volume mapping to /etc/lighttpd, I needed to copy all subfolders from the container first into /mnt/user/appdata/pihole-dot-doh/lighttpd.conf. Otherwise, the mapping wasn't working as expected. 

  • docker cp pihole:/etc/lighttpd/conf-enabled/ .
  • docker cp pihole:/etc/lighttpd/conf-available/ .


Redirection to HTTPS is working as expected once again.




Edited by Joe Avelar
Found a work around to issue.
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
On 1/19/2023 at 11:21 AM, Rendo said:

For people using GUS with the 'latest' tag.

After updating this made the services crash on my install, so use this instead:



Same problem here influxdb is crashed all the time. I was already a little worried.

With the latest docker image it runs stable and problem-free.



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Something seems to be broken with the latest update to the container... nothing works anymore with an influxDB error. (GUS/UUD).

Logs show:


[error] influxdb crashed!
[info] loki PID: 60
[info] Skip hddtemp due to USE_HDDTEMP set to no
[error] telegraf crashed!
[info] promtail PID: 75
[info] grafana PID: 96

over and over again.

Rolling back to

docker pull testdasi/grafana-unraid-stack:s230122

returns to a working state for me.

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Hey all.  I recently downloaded the Grafana Unraid Stack from the CA page, installed it with the base settings (port is not assigned to any other docker/plugin) and it installs just fine.  When I go to the docker tab and click WebUI for GUS, I get a cannot be reached message in my browser.  I've tried both http and https.  I'm using my unraid IP followed by :3006.  Do I need anything else in order for this to work?  Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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  • 2 weeks later...
On 1/19/2023 at 5:21 AM, Rendo said:

For people using GUS with the 'latest' tag.

After updating this made the services crash on my install, so use this instead:



When I changed the repo to testdasi/grafana-unraid-stack:s230122 and let it pull.


Mine still crashes the same exact way. 

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On 2/3/2023 at 4:23 PM, HemiStormtrooper said:

Hey all.  I recently downloaded the Grafana Unraid Stack from the CA page, installed it with the base settings (port is not assigned to any other docker/plugin) and it installs just fine.  When I go to the docker tab and click WebUI for GUS, I get a cannot be reached message in my browser.  I've tried both http and https.  I'm using my unraid IP followed by :3006.  Do I need anything else in order for this to work?  Any help would be greatly appreciated.



 check your LOGS, its prob crashing just like mine and most others here. 

  • Upvote 1
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I noticed that Influxdb was offline this morning.
after investigating, I'm seeing this error in the logs:

Executable /usr/bin/influxd does not exist!

Sure enough, if I go into the container and check, that file is missing.

Not sure what caused this, I pulled the previous container, same issue.
I then pulled the newest one again, same.

any help appreciated.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi, new to grafana.  Installed the Grafana Unraid Stack (Thanks for building this!).  Interested in the UPS monitor.  Access grafana at IP:3006 and it displays "Dashboards".  Tried to login with the default admin/admin, but it appeared to not work, but then I was logged in.  Never used these tools before, so complete newbie.  Apparently I'm in Grafana and see Influxdb-Telegraf and Loki data sources, admin user, lots of plugins, etc.  A number of questions, I'm sure are just config/setup.


1. Was able to activate the General/Ultimate Unraid Dashboard, but there was no data.  Refreshed the page and data appears.   However, the data is wrong (see screenshot).  See #1: I've set UPS Max Output capacity (865) but the Current Load kwh (7.03) does not match what the UPS is reporting in the Unraid UPS settings (164w).  The number does change in the dashboard, but its never even close to what the UPS Settings shows.


2. There are a number of settings in the dashboard (See #2) that don't have any options.  All are set to None and that is the only selection.  Don't see anywhere to set any of the variables (CPU Threads, Flash Drive, Cache Drive, Parity, etc.).


3. Did a minor rearrange to the dashboard (moved UPS to top), tried to save but got the following message:


This dashboard cannot be saved from the Grafana UI because it has been provisioned from another source. Copy the JSON or save it to a file below, then you can update your dashboard in the provisioning source.

Assuming also a "newbie does not know where to make changes" error.


Love what I'm seeing, just need to learn how it works.

Thanks for the assistance!



Unraid chrome_2023-03-18_20-00-44.png

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 4/1/2023 at 10:33 AM, bobbo489 said:

If @testdasi wants to, I have created a pull request that brings in the new InfluxData cert.  This enabled GUS to start up and run.  https://github.com/testdasi/static-ubuntu/pull/1


Seeing as their profile has their last logon time as October 21, 2020, I don't think they'll be doing that.


I think it'd be awesome if you forked it with your own Docker image though, as I'd be keen on getting this running properly.

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On 1/28/2023 at 11:35 PM, Rockstar said:

Something seems to be broken with the latest update to the container... nothing works anymore with an influxDB error. (GUS/UUD).

Logs show:


[error] influxdb crashed!
[info] loki PID: 60
[info] Skip hddtemp due to USE_HDDTEMP set to no
[error] telegraf crashed!
[info] promtail PID: 75
[info] grafana PID: 96

over and over again.

Rolling back to

docker pull testdasi/grafana-unraid-stack:s230122

returns to a working state for me.


Just installed the GUS package and had the same issue, then changed it from latest to s230122 - now "only" loki crashes.


Not sure how or if i can get that fixed - but thank you so far ;)

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On 10/28/2020 at 1:15 AM, Snagrot said:

Hello, i would like use this APP to manage my snmpd device (edgerouter)
i add this https://grafana.com/grafana/dashboards/1756

i also set telegraf.conf as describe on URL bellow
but i had an issue in the log and no DATA


[inputs.snmp] Error in plugin: initializing table : translating: exec: "snmptranslate": executable file not found in $PATH


I checked on the docker snmptranslate is present on docker image in /usr/bin

Any help is greatly appreciated.

One thing to watch out for, I had two config folders, one located at etc/openvpn & another at config/openvpn.


In the docker setup /config is mapped to the host folder. It seemed to be getting confused by the second folder.


I just mapped the additional etc/openvpn to the host folder also and it fired up just fine.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi, I am having an issue getting the VPN to work. I get no internet connection on the WIFI when connecting. I have set my DHCP gateway to the IP for the container 192.168.xxx.251 and my firewall gateway is 192.168.xxx.250. It seams like a DNS Issue.



[warn] OpenVPN config file detected in /etc/openvpn
[warn] Please remap container /config to a host folder and place openvpn config files under [host folder]/openvpn
[info] Copying config from /etc to /config
[info] Complete
[warn] Only config file at /config will be used
[info] OpenVPN config file detected. Continue...

[info] Disabling healthcheck while openvpn is connecting...
[info] Healthcheck disabled

[info] Initialisation started...
[info] Set runtime variables and fix configs
[info] Determine openvpn port from config file
[info] Determine openvpn protocol from config file
[info] Will connect openvpn on port=501 proto=tcp
[info] Determine eth0 network for nftables
[info] eth0 IP is 192.168.xxx.251 in network 192.168.xxx.0/24
[info] Creating nftables rules
[info] Creation complete
[info] stubby fixed.
[info] danted fixed.
[info] tinyproxy fixed.
[info] Initialisation complete

[info] Run stubby in background on port 53
kill: usage: kill [-s sigspec | -n signum | -sigspec] pid | jobspec ... or kill -l [sigspec]
[19:44:52.152752] STUBBY: Read config from file /config/stubby/stubby.yml
[warn] Your ISP public IP is 85.xxx.xxx.xxx

[info] Setting up nftables rules...
[info] Flusing ruleset
RTNETLINK answers: File exists
[info] Added route 192.168.xxx.0/24 via 192.168.xxx.250 dev eth0
[info] Apply rules
[info] Quick block test. Expected result is time out. Actual result is ;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached
[info] All rules created

[info] Setting up OpenVPN tunnel...
[info] Create tunnel device
[info] Allow DnS for openvpn to lookup VPN server
[info] Connecting to VPN on port 501 with proto tcp...
[info] Connection in progress, wait 10s...
[info] Your VPN public IP is 138.199.xxx.xxx
[info] Block DnS to force traffic through tunnel
[info] Change DNS servers to
[info] Adding to /etc/resolv.conf
[info] Allowing DNS lookups (tcp, udp port 53) to server ''
[info] Tunnel created

[info] Enabling healthcheck...
[info] Healthcheck enabled

[info] Runing apps...

[info] Run danted in background on port 9118

[info] Run tinyproxy in background with no log on port 8118
WARNING: logging deactivated (can't log to stdout when daemonized)

[info] All done

[info] Your VPN public IP is 138.199.xxx.xxx

Could not get qname from query: A helper function for dicts had a name argument that for a name that is not in the dict.
Could not get qname from query: A helper function for dicts had a name argument that for a name that is not in the dict.


Any ideas?


Also, how do I enable innternet kill switch encase VPN goes down? :)


Thanks in advance!

Edited by Neidraidd
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 4/13/2023 at 8:46 AM, Knuspar said:


Just installed the GUS package and had the same issue, then changed it from latest to s230122 - now "only" loki crashes.


Not sure how or if i can get that fixed - but thank you so far ;)



Thanks this rollback worked for me.



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