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[SUPPORT] testdasi repo

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On 2/1/2021 at 2:54 PM, SionSavior said:


i am a new Unraid (Version: 6.8.3 ) User. So i have some problems with few container ...


I have setup "OpenVPN-AIO-Client" and everything works more or less, i mean VPN works but only for 20 Minutes and then the connectivity is broken. After a container restart everything works again. 


And why do i have so much erros? Did i missing something? 

By the way this container is started as a privileged User.



[info] Config file detected...

[info] Setting variables
[info] Set various ports to docker variables
[info] Determine openvpn port from config file
[info] Determine openvpn protocol from config file
[info] Will connect openvpn on port=53 proto=udp
[info] Determine eth0 network for nftables
[info] eth0 IP is in network
[info] All variables set

[info] Fixing configs
[info] Tor build detected...
[info] torsocks fixed.
[info] privoxy fixed.
[info] stubby fixed.
[info] danted fixed.
[info] tinyproxy fixed.
[info] All configs fixed

[info] Run stubby in background on port 53
[13:48:23.370962] STUBBY: Read config from file /etc/stubby/stubby.yml
[warn] Your ISP public IP is

[info] Set up nftables rules
[info] Editing base ruleset
[info] Tor build detected. Editing tor + privoxy ruleset
[info] Flusing ruleset
[info] Added route via dev eth0
[info] Apply rules
/nftables.rules:11:29-29: Error: syntax error, unexpected junk, expecting length or checksum or sport or dport

/nftables.rules:24:30-30: Error: syntax error, unexpected junk, expecting length or checksum or sport or dport

[info] Quick block test. Expected result is time out. Actual result is
[info] All rules created

[info] Setting up OpenVPN tunnel
[info] Create tunnel device
[info] Allow DnS-over-TLS for openvpn to lookup VPN server
Error: Could not process rule: No such file or directory

add rule ip filter INPUT tcp sport 853 counter accept
Error: Could not process rule: No such file or directory

add rule ip filter OUTPUT tcp dport 853 counter accept
[info] Your VPN public IP is
[info] Block DnS-over-TLS to force traffic through tunnel
Error: Could not process rule: No such file or directory

list table filter
Error: syntax error, unexpected newline, expecting number

delete rule filter INPUT handle
Error: Could not process rule: No such file or directory

list table filter
Error: syntax error, unexpected newline, expecting number

delete rule filter OUTPUT handle
[info] Change DNS servers to
[info] Adding to /etc/resolv.conf
[info] Allowing DNS lookups (tcp, udp port 53) to server ''
Error: Could not process rule: No such file or directory

add rule ip filter INPUT ip saddr tcp sport 53 ct state established counter accept
Error: Could not process rule: No such file or directory

add rule ip filter OUTPUT ip daddr tcp dport 53 ct state new,established counter accept
Error: Could not process rule: No such file or directory

add rule ip filter INPUT ip saddr udp sport 53 ct state established counter accept
Error: Could not process rule: No such file or directory

add rule ip filter OUTPUT ip daddr udp dport 53 ct state new,established counter accept
[info] Done

[info] Run danted in background on port 9118
Feb 1 05:48:23 (1612187303.797453) danted[102]: error: /etc/dante/danted.conf: problem on line 3 near token "tun0": could not resolve hostname "tun0": Name or service not known. Please see the Dante manual for more information

Feb 1 05:48:23 (1612187303.797473) danted[102]: alert: mother[1/1]: shutting down

[info] Run tinyproxy in background with no log on port 8118
WARNING: logging deactivated (can't log to stdout when daemonized)

[info] Tor build detected...
[info] Run tor as service on port 9119
Starting tor daemon...Feb 01 13:48:23.818 [warn] You specified a public address '' for SocksPort. Other people on the Internet might find your computer and use it as an open proxy. Please don't allow this unless you have a good reason.
[info] Run privoxy in background on port 8119

[info] Your VPN public IP is


I have the same problem, something appears to be broken in the nftables script. As far as I can tell, you're not going through the VPN nor Tor due to those problems.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 1/6/2021 at 4:10 PM, drsparks68 said:

Is there any indication that this project is still active?  Looks like @testdasi hasn't logged in since October. 


On 1/7/2021 at 12:36 PM, falconexe said:



I sure hope he's OK. That would be a shame! I'll let you know if I hear from him at all via a DM.

Looks like he may just be fairly inactive.  Here's activity on his github:image.png.2d61ebb8b581ccaf252defca4a15b14b.png

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On 6/12/2021 at 1:45 AM, SeattleBandit said:

i am having issues with the pihole DoH DoT - when i fire it up the logs just keep looping saying unablet o start up /usr/local/bin/cloudfared doesn't exist- did a quick scrape of this with no luck - trying flipping turts repo now

I can second that. I downloaded the docker yesterday and tried to set it up. I disabled DoH and DoT and just use the Quad9 DNS server. Otherwise I had problems loading sites.

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On 6/12/2021 at 1:45 AM, SeattleBandit said:

i am having issues with the pihole DoH DoT - when i fire it up the logs just keep looping saying unablet o start up /usr/local/bin/cloudfared doesn't exist- did a quick scrape of this with no luck - trying flipping turts repo now

Same issue for me

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On 3/8/2021 at 3:01 PM, RadOD said:

Is there any wait to push data from outside sources into the influxDB within the GUS container?  It would be nice to be able to push from a opnsense or pfsense firewall too and have it all in the same place.

First, make sure you're signed into grafana. If you've never signed in, the default username/password is admin/admin. You'll be prompted to change the password. After you've done that, you should be able to add a data source by following these instructions: https://grafana.com/docs/grafana/latest/datasources/add-a-data-source/

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 9/7/2020 at 9:55 AM, testdasi said:

Caveat: if your VM uses the same bridge as the dockers then under kernel 5.x (Unraid 6.9.0+), you will have spurious errors spamming your syslog. The workarounds for this Linux kernel annoyance is outlined in the Unraid 6.9.0 release notes.

Could you please point out where in the release notes where the workaround is.  I have looked and do not see it.  Sometimes release notes become scatter.


I looked at these:




I can't get pihole to run with the custom servers.  I'd like to get that working, but for now I have just substituted and




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  • 1 month later...
On 6/12/2021 at 1:45 AM, SeattleBandit said:

i am having issues with the pihole DoH DoT - when i fire it up the logs just keep looping saying unablet o start up /usr/local/bin/cloudfared doesn't exist- did a quick scrape of this with no luck - trying flipping turts repo now


I am getting this as well, did anyone find a solution, strange thing is that it worked fine for about an hour, then I shut down my server and upon restart it started to spam the log with the same as quoted above.

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I got DoT/DoH working again by using FlippinTurt's fork. Search community apps for "pihole dot doh" and you'll see it. It even kept my white/black-lists, local dns entries, etc. 


My thanks to testdasi for all his work, it just seems he's not really keeping this one up-to-date anymore.

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9 hours ago, hoodust said:

I got DoT/DoH working again by using FlippinTurt's fork. Search community apps for "pihole dot doh" and you'll see it. It even kept my white/black-lists, local dns entries, etc. 


My thanks to testdasi for all his work, it just seems he's not really keeping this one up-to-date anymore.

Awesome, thanks for the tip, yup, seems it took all the settings which is sweet because I had a lot of custom groups set up already.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi-  I was able to install, config, and run the Torless AIO client, but for some reason the net speeds I get through it are terrible.  Like 1/10 of what I see if I just use the VPN provider's app on a PC on my LAN.  

I'm not really sure how to troubleshoot that.  Any ideas? 


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On 9/3/2021 at 7:54 PM, tiny-e said:

Hi-  I was able to install, config, and run the Torless AIO client, but for some reason the net speeds I get through it are terrible.  Like 1/10 of what I see if I just use the VPN provider's app on a PC on my LAN.  

I'm not really sure how to troubleshoot that.  Any ideas? 


Nobody else is seeing this? 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi.  Have a curious issue.  I haven't dug into the CLI on the docker yet or anything, just checking logs from Unraid's web GUI for the docker container.


When it starts, I get this spewing over and over and the container never comes up.  Any ideas?  I haven't rebooted the container since the last update.  I rebooted my whole unraid server just last night.


Since the container auto-updates I'm not quite sure when the actual container was last restarted, so if this is an existing issue with a known workaround please point me to that direction!  


::: Starting docker specific checks & setup for docker pihole/pihole
[s6-init] making user provided files available at /var/run/s6/etc...exited 0.
[s6-init] ensuring user provided files have correct perms...exited 0.
[fix-attrs.d] applying ownership & permissions fixes...
[fix-attrs.d] 01-resolver-resolv: applying...
[fix-attrs.d] 01-resolver-resolv: exited 0.
[fix-attrs.d] done.
[cont-init.d] executing container initialization scripts...
[cont-init.d] 20-start.sh: executing...
::: Starting docker specific checks & setup for docker pihole/pihole
Error: Unable to update package cache. Please try "apt-get update"[cont-init.d] 20-start.sh: exited 1.
[cont-finish.d] executing container finish scripts...
[cont-finish.d] done.
[s6-finish] waiting for services.
[s6-finish] sending all processes the TERM signal.
[s6-finish] sending all processes the KILL signal and exiting.


Edit: Nevermind, seems the maintainer isn't 'maintaining' anymore.  I'll try this route.  Cheers for the tip @hoodust


On 8/24/2021 at 11:30 PM, hoodust said:

I got DoT/DoH working again by using FlippinTurt's fork. Search community apps for "pihole dot doh" and you'll see it. It even kept my white/black-lists, local dns entries, etc. 


My thanks to testdasi for all his work, it just seems he's not really keeping this one up-to-date anymore.


Final edit -

Yep, that fixed it.  All I did was:

  1. Shut down this container
  2. Go to Apps
  3. Search for "pihole dot doh"
  4. Installed FlippinTurt's fork.
    1. I used the same IP and password as my current container on the container configuration screen.  Everything else was defaulted correctly.
  5. Started FlippinTurt's container
  6. In a Borat voice, "Great success"


Easy peasy.

Edited by Jason Harris
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry if noob question...


I have this container all set up, rather than bridge for network I set it to host. Connected to the VPN just fine.


I've noticed when I run 'curl ifconfig.io' on a container it shows the VPN's IP address... Is that correct? I thought I need to replicate @SpaceInvaderOne's 'How to route any docker container through a VPN container' video before any other container would be able to connect through the VPN also?


Is there a way to pick what containers do and don't go through the VPN? Plex is not reachable from outside the network whilst going through VPN.

Edited by Xenu
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  • 1 month later...

Is it me or does the pihole-dot-doh container not download/install cloudflared anymore? After editing I got an error that it was unable to find cloudflared, which I resolved for now by manually downloading the latest cloudflared version and copying it to /usr/local/bin/cloudflared and chmod +x /usr/local/bin/cloudflared.


or what others said here, use FlippinTurt's version.

Edited by Ocgineer
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Guys quick question 


OpenVPN-AIO-Client-Torless installed, config file applied - got connection 



Now I would like redirect traffic from one device in my LAN network - example AppleTV through this docker - VPN tunnel 

Could you quickly tell me how this setup - I tried setup as HOST IP container that he got separate IP like

different than unRAID 


Then on Apple TV I tried used gateway as IP container but didn't work. 


Any other idea how to make this working ? 

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In regards to the Grafana Unraid Stack. After install, it seems to keep all my disks (SATA) active.

If you notice the last 5 are not doing anything. The last 5 drives are SAS drives. It's weird that the app is keeping the other drives busy.


Is there a way to fix this?

Screen Shot 2021-11-28 at 11.20.55 AM.png

Edited by Kloudz
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