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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Is the VM relying upon some custom network to be up and running first?
  2. In order to do passthrough, the device has to be isolated from the other devices (ie: enable one of the ACS override modes in VM Settings) But, since this is presumably an Intel system, the Intel-GVT-g app might help you out.
  3. What CPU are you running??? First time I've ever seen this without it actually stating what it is.... Vendor ID: GenuineIntel Model name: Genuine Intel(R) CPU @ 2.00GHz It's obviously a Xeon, but what model and what stepping? Does the system event log happen to show anything (in the BIOS)
  4. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/57181-docker-faq/?tab=comments#comment-566086
  5. This is probably related to the issue of the Dashboard becoming unreachable if left open for long periods of time. Fixes are in for the next rev of the OS...
  6. Not sure about the font issue, but why is movies and music present in the root folder?
  7. Yes. Create a new thread in general support
  8. The docker image is completely empty. Probably due to whatever you were doing with the previous problem. Apps, Previous Apps and check off what you want. 5 minutes and it'll be back to normal.
  9. Because the template that you installed via the forum isn't in CA due to Because there is a new valid template within CA, FCP wants you to switch to using it's template URL of the valid template.
  10. If I had to guess, because you didn't have the flag set to clear it as GPT (probably some warning showed up in the script)
  11. Easiest way is that due to a misconfiguration the image fills up to 100% Reinstalling those is super easy via Apps - Previous Apps
  12. IO wait simply means that the CPU is waiting for information from a device. It all depends upon what's going on at the time this is happening. Now if you're seeing that spike on the hour, every hour its because you're trimming the drives far far too often than necessary. Once a week during off times is more than sufficient. Everything gets hung up while that's going on.
  13. Looks ok. The disks being unable to be written to is correct (1-3 are all 100% full). Follow my original link
  14. Yes, and there's a PR request already existing for changing the UI to show this.
  15. It works by looking at your Previously Installed Containers. Not guaranteed to find everything due to the multitude of combinations, and if you've cleaned up the Previous Apps section then it won't even look at those templates
  16. Not necessarily your problem, but something of interest You bought Corsair Dominator (64Gig Kit 4x16) memory. Corsair when listing compatibility on it only shows Intel Chipsets. (And Asus doesn't list that memory within their QVL either) While I will usually only buy from the Motherboards QVL (as I don't trust memory manufacturer's compatibility lists), I find it curious that neither of them list it as being compatible.
  17. Not necessarily. CFM and static pressure do not go hand in hand, and a high CFM 120mm may have quite a poor static pressure rating which makes it completely unsuitable for certain cases where a high static pressure 80mm will cool far better even though it has a lower CFM Power rating on some fans do get to be extreme. You can easily purchase Delta 60-80MM fans for servers with a rating of 2A The noise level of those fans however is rather high.
  18. Have you looked at this yet? https://forums.unraid.net/topic/46802-faq-for-unraid-v6/page/2/?tab=comments#comment-819173
  19. You have a ton of REISERFS errors on disk 1 probably causing what you're seeing. The the check filesystem against disk 1. And begin to seriously consider converting those drives over to XFS. REISERFS is dead (for a number of years) and will never receive any further updates and may quite possibly break and be completely unusable in the future.
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