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Everything posted by Squid

  1. In settings - notifications see if disabling plugin update checks fixes things on the plugins page.
  2. There's only the one of them present. You're good to go
  3. Mitigations that are handled via microcode will still show as being mitigated. Those shouldn't affect performance anyways
  4. Its a typo in the template should be [IP]:[PORT:8080]
  5. He was asking the original location of the script and not where its executed from. The original location is on the flash. But its processed and then executed from /tmp
  6. The one showing the delay (ie: a current one). That one appears to show that you shut it down in the middle of it trying to mount the drives. But, you do have some reiserfs drives. On an unclean shutdown it does have to replay the journals to recover whatever transactions may have been lost previously. This does take some time. You really should at some point switch to XFS on those remaining drives. On another note, you're attempting to directly execute a script /boot/custom/influxdb.sh via cron. Won't work under 6.8. You need to change whatever you've done to add that script to cron to /bin/bash /boot/custom/influxdb.sh > /dev/null 2>&1
  7. Are any apps referencing another app for its network as an example.
  8. Are you running auto update on the apps? An orphan image means that the application was unable to start due to a docker error. I would surmise that you're running auto update, those apps are updating and perhaps something like a custom network that no longer exists because of the update is breaking them.
  9. Simple transition by just changing the repository entry. But, a new variable needs to be added to the template for it to be able to resolve the names of the docker containers PGID with a value of whatever this command returns grep docker /etc/group | cut -d ':' -f 3 On my system thats 281
  10. What does the "Container Size" button on the docker tab show? FYI
  11. I wasn't upset. Just knew that the problem wasn't CA related Either way, either your flash is going bad or something else is happening. You've got this in the logs I've never seen before right before the flash started giving problems Mar 3 19:11:01 Tower kernel: usb usb2-port4: over-current condition Which would imply that a device attached is using way too much power than the port is capable of handling (or the device has a short)
  12. Your flash drive has probably dropped offline. Start a new thread as this isn't CA related and include your diagnostics
  13. Looks like at the 4pm run all of dmascias apps got removed because of a glitch on githubs end. On the 6pm run they were re-added in.
  14. Permissions shouldn't particularly matter AFAIK
  15. Even an old backup of the flashdrive would probably be close in that folder...
  16. To get the obvious out of the way, are you sure you're entering in the password correctly the first time. There was one attempt at logging in as root that failed and then you immediately successfully logged in the 2nd time. Another time, your first attempt was as "admin" (which would fail), and then the second attempt (as root) did succeed.
  17. Did you happen to have deleted the xml files from within /config/plugins/dockerMan/templates-user? Normally I'd say that this is a case of the flash dropping offline, but I didn't notice the tell tale signs of that within the syslog
  18. Won't it be even less, because the 100W is at 12V, and not the current that's actually being drawn at the mains?
  19. What happens if you go to the Apps Tab? If it loads no problems, can you post a screen shot of what appears when you go to "Statistics" within it.
  20. Top of my head, you've got no docker apps installed.
  21. Because your problem (if it still exists) may not be what @garethsnaim's problem is
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