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Everything posted by Squid

  1. The plugin will not install on 6.12+, so it's a install once, forget about it completely and you're safe going forward
  2. Where are you trying to pin the containers to? Isolated cores or the non-isolated cores... Also, what version of the OS as IIRC there was an issue with earlier kernel releases where this could have happened. As a general rule, there's not much need to pin containers to cores at all unless you want to limit their performance by not using all the non-isolated cores
  3. The post about the plugin was not referencing you, but rather the community and everyone creating a script / manually patching the file. Recipe for disaster since if / when you upgrade the OS you're going to forget that you were applying a patch manually via a script somewhere and now that patch is going to potentially cause problems whereas the plugin handles that occurrence correctly
  4. The mere switch didn't solve your problem... Something else was amiss...
  5. HIGHLY recommended to NOT patch your docker files manually and instead use the plugin. Patching manually means that if / when you update the OS to 6.12 any manually patches that you are applying automatically will potentially interfere with the OS and be a big pain to troubleshoot
  6. Is it the exact same repository that shows in Apps as is showing in Docker (advanced view)?
  7. The original author has deleted the plugin, so it's time to update to 6.11.5
  8. /boot/config/plugins/dockerMan/userprefs.cfg
  9. Nope it's down, and will be down for a couple hours until I can see what the he'll happened Currently AFK
  10. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/134016-fix-to-a-small-issue-with-updating-oci-docker-images/page/2/#comment-1220827
  11. CA shows everything installed so long as the user-template exists on the flash drive (/config/plugins/dockerMan/templaes-user) If you've deleted it or it became corrupt or if you installed a container manually via the command line or docker compose then it will not show it as being installed, because CA is unable to manage it. IE: Does "Edit" appear in the drop down on the docker tab, and if it does will it return an error when selecting it
  12. Spin up a bare bones VM using VNC as the display type. From it you can access all of your containers remotely via remote access option on MyServers / TeamViewer etc.
  13. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/84229-dynamix-wireguard-vpn/?tab=comments#comment-780665
  14. The reverse is also true on dark theme... and for the same reasons
  15. Does it continue with the docker service stopped?
  16. Have you seen this? https://unraid.net/blog/ssl-certificate-update-2
  17. Probably a build error / procedure on the maintainers side and not much you can do about it
  18. Nope I just have major issues with mobo mfg's playing games to tweak their performance numbers on the 10th Gen which results in cooking your CPU. My 10900 wouldn't even boot Windows without throttling itself with the stock cooler before I found out why and then set the TDP to it's appropriate 125W instead of Auto (which works out to be 4 KW) So far as SMB is concerned, their is some anecdotal evidence that with later versions of the Kernel that the plugin will significantly improve performance over SMB
  19. Is there a container that's restarting itself every minute? Looking at the container's uptime on the docker tab should show one that's very low uptime, even after double checking again in a half hour
  20. Use this as a starting point You'd of course have to modify the scripts with the appropriate commands to turn off the VM
  21. When an unclean shutdown happens, a diagnostics is automatically generated and stored on the flash drive (logs folder). That's what we'd need to see
  22. For giggles, try installing Disable Security Mitigations from the Apps tab and see if that makes a difference. Also, you're running a 10th gen cpu. Most motherboard manufacturers set the CPUs to basically run full throttle all the time in defiance of the specifications of the chip (inherit overclock). In the BIOS, set the TDP to 65Watt instead of Auto
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