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Everything posted by Squid

  1. FYI, never do this - it's why docker safe new permissions exists to stop people from doing this. What folders are you trying to copy between? (Appdata?) There is also Dynamix File Manager available which shouldn't have any trouble ever moving stuff around.
  2. Post your diagnostics
  3. Not without modifying the code yourself
  4. Not currently, but probably soon-ish
  5. The docker run command will tell you exactly why the app refuses to start. Odds on its because of a port conflict. Post that command back if you're in doubt.
  6. Any container added via Docker -> Add Container has the configuration saved (/config/plugins/dockerMan/templates-user) If you've manually added the container (docker run or docker pull) then you need to make note of what you've done. If the container is already installed, then it will not show up in Previous Apps. If it isn't installed and you installed it via Add Container instead of bypassing the system and using the command line to install then PM me directly -> stuff like this is #1 priority for Apps (actually, any user reported bug means to me to drop everything that you're doing, tell the wife that the anniversary / birthday / valentine's day etc has to wait as there's a problem which has to be handled asap and just deal with it )
  7. Known issue that has existed since the Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes. @bonienl is aware of it, but as you mentioned low priority, and after it fails to either close / acknowledge one of them (or all via close all notifications), a reload of the page or navigating to a different tab updates correctly.
  8. You would downgrade the OS to a previous version. What are your issues?
  9. You have a space between the dash and the l
  10. It would appear that the mce was issued during the microcode update, and is more than likely nothing to worry about at all and safe to ignore. Upgrading the BIOS however from the stock pre-release version you're currently running to the release version may also be helpful.
  11. That works just fine. Probably be best to post the actual command you're using
  12. It's all normal. On startup of AC it runs some stuff in order to see if the Action Centre needs to be present. This takes some time, and in the meantime the banner shows. Once it's finished the banner disappears and if the Action Centre is now present, the banner shows "Action Centre Enabled" and then disappears in 10 seconds. Reasoning for the banner is so that when the Action Centre shows up (if it needs to on your system) that you notice it. Otherwise you may miss it as it might take 30 odd seconds for it to show.
  13. Download the zip file, then overwrite all of the bz* files (and changes.txt) on the flash drive with those in the zip. If it still fails, run make_bootable.bat as administrator Failing the above, your flash drive is pooched and should be replaced.
  14. You could always edit the VM and remove the ISO boot disk. Presumably though you'd have to manually edit the VM XML and set the boot order on the passed through device otherwise -> from a maintenance aspect its easier to remove the ISO, as any manual edits to the XML get lost if you ever edit the template again.
  15. Setting a share that exists on the array to be cache ONLY will result in no move being done. You need to set it to prefer. IIRC, your domains share was set to Only, but existed on the array, so nothing will change.
  16. I was going to reply back with https://forums.unraid.net/topic/86715-corsair-rmi-hxi-axi-psu-statistics-cyanlabss-fork/#comment-806215, but then noticed that you actually wrote that. As a side note though, should any plugin implement hacks in the plugin itself etc to bypass security on the server that plugin would be rather instantly blacklisted. Mods / scripts in the forum to do that are however acceptable.
  17. No Which is why you have to activate the purchased key first. Buy Pro.
  18. You domains share exists on disks 2 & 3. Unless you physically moved the files to the cache pool, then they would remain on the disks regardless of the use cache settings. Your appdata share only exists on the cache drive, contrary to what you've said. This is probably your issue as by definition, writes to the array (parity protected) are guaranteed to be 4x slower than the base speed of the drive unless Reconstruct Write in Settings - Disk Settings is enabled.
  19. There's some "destroy" or similar option when reformatting the cache drive. Can't remember where and what it is though. @JorgeB would probably know off the top of his head.
  20. It's listed in the logs for the app. The script post much earlier should alert you as to which file(s) It does nothing. That's for you to decide what to do with it
  21. No - It's a bit out of the realm of what FCP is supposed to do, and not particularly feasible and would be annoying, and there's many counter arguments against all of those examples.
  22. You were running a version of CA from 4 years ago, before implementation in CA had the banner yelling that you were out of date, and everything has changed very significantly over the years. I'm moderately surprised that it even loaded enough to give you those errors
  23. Probably a coincidence, but you want to recreate the image file https://forums.unraid.net/topic/57181-docker-faq/#comment-564309 Also, I'd hazard a guess that you've been having problem with the image filling up (this may have caused the problem), as your current set value for the size is 100G, but it used to be 200G (and is still mounting that size). If you've haven't managed to figure out why the image is filling up, I'd switch from using an image to instead use a folder for docker. More space efficient and you never need to worry about the sizing again
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