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Everything posted by ConnerVT

  1. It is usually a crap shoot trying to diagnose why without a diagnostic file or much info to go on. Assuming there are no other issues (except for the errors mentioned on the drive being replaced, which shouldn't have any affect), my first guess is that there was some read/write activity happening in the array during the rebuild. That's assuming the ~30MB/s was happening during the rebuild stage. Speeds during parity check/repair and drive rebuild can be funny when there are different sized drives in an array. I'll use my array as an example, which has both 8TB and 16TB HGST drives. Drives access faster on the first tracks, slower on the last tracks. My read access is basically 250MB/s to start, 150MB/s at the end. Obviously when you write, it is slower (and slower still when calculating and writing (parity or data). It takes a few moments for the reads of multiple disks to sync up, then will start off at the fastest speed (250MB/s). As I have 8TB and 16TB, the speed will track that of the smallest drive (8TB), so for the first 50% of the process, speeds will track down to 150MB/s. After it is done needing to access the 8TB drives, the speed will jump back up to 200MB/S, ramping back down to 150MB/s at the end. (Remember this is parity check speeds, read only. Obviously much slower for read/write parity or data rebuild). If there is any sort of array activity happening other than the rebuild operation, the synchronization of the reads gets messed up, so the drives thrash around a bit, really slowing down the drive rebuild.
  2. It is difficult to give advice on a best plan without more details. How much data are you needing to move? Does the current server need to be up and available, or can it be down for some time? Are you putting all new drives in the new server, or will some/all of the drives in the current server end up in the new server? Every migration is different, depending on the situation. The devil is in the details.
  3. A little OT for this thread, but don't assume the fault lies with these player. Could easily be that this version of Plex is at fault, and not playing nice with them. You might want to try an earlier revision of Plex (ideally, one that is known working correctly) to see if this helps. This is one reason I don't jump on the latest Plex release. Those guys always break something when adding something new and shiny.
  4. One additional strategy - Buy a new "old" model of a major, popular brand. Counterfeiters aren't likely to knock off fakes of low capacity and/or "slow" USB2 flash drives. There isn't any money in it, as the buying public is usually looking for "BIGGER! FASTER!" drives. There is little reason to use flash drives over 8GB for an Unraid boot drive - plenty of room for Unraid, and not best practice to use it for other storage as in increases wear and may reduce the drive's lifespan.
  5. I was today days old when I found out about this. Thanks!
  6. I could put this in any of a half dozen threads, but this is the most recent of the @binhex containers I've installed. I have been using NBZGET running through DelugeVPN for the past few years. But with NZBGET development on hold (was hoping the -ng group would pull something together) it was time to move on to SABnzb. Again, you did not let me down. I first loaded the non-vpn version and configured one of my arr containers to use it. Worked smooth as silk. After a few days testing (my boss expects me to work, dammit!) I switched to the SABnzbVPN container and set up for PIA. Again, totally painless. Today, I moved the rest of the arr containers to use SABnzbVPN and shut down DelugeVPN and NZBget (I haven't used the torrent part of the container in well over a year). A Docker cleanup I've been planning to do for too long, and one of the few times everything just worked as it should. Enjoy a beer, and some pizza, as a token of my appreciation. My thanks to you, for all you provide to the Unraid community.
  7. Thanks for the quick reply. Was second guessing myself, wondering maybe I *did* have it set to Latest before. Wasn't much of a concern for me. The GT710 is only in the system from when I first set up the server a few months back, and the Ryzen 1500X doesn't have a iGPU, so needed something to config the BIOS. I agree the GT710 is almost worthless. It's one strength is it is the cheapest GPU that allowed you to install Win10. So it is the card in the drawer, when I need a card... 😉 I follow the Nvidia Driver thread, and know some folks have a need for not running the Latest driver version. Just thought I'd give them a heads up to check after updating their OS.
  8. I decided to stick my toe into the water and updated my backup server from 6.10.3 to 6.12.3. The system is as bare bone as can be - No parity/cache/Docker/VM. Just a basic PC with 3 HDD plugged into the motherboard. I wanted to start playing around, checking the new Dashboard interface and have a look at what has changed. The update went with no real issues. One thing I did observe: I had updated all my plugins before updating. The Plug In Helper did again update the Nvidia Driver plugin. I am pretty certain I had it set for v470.129.06 (though not 100% sure), as I have an old GT710 in the server. After rebooting, I found it was set to Latest. I recommend that those of you who are not using the Latest driver for some reason double check that the setting is what you wish it to be.
  9. If you have the same GUID on multiple flash drives, they are most certainly counterfeit and not from SanDisk. GUID stands for "Globally Unique Identifier", the equivalent of a serial number. The GUID is programmed into a small NVRAM that is part of the flash drive's controller chip. SanDisk will generate a different GUID for each flash drive it manufactures. Someone making fake drives likely won't be bothered to do this, as it costs more time and money to do so. Sorry you got burned by buying a not genuine part. Earlier you said you bought the 3-pack for cheap. Now you understand why it was inexpensive.
  10. It doesn't take much of a power sag or spike to disrupt a system. It doesn't even need to be perceptible to you by the light flickering. A UPS does more than keep your server running when the room goes dark. All but the least expensive ones also provide power filtering to smooth out these low/high voltage situations.
  11. Well, there *are* quite a number of "Post Diagnostics" But seriously, I add my thanks and appreciation as well. I can't count how many times I've opened the General Support sub-forum, and have seen JorgeB's avatar down the entire right side of my screen.
  12. Did you try some sort of system security/port scanner/etc. type of program recently? The logins have Users that are some of the most common default Users.
  13. I too would like to learn of this as well, as I really don't wish to remodel my entire network model when switching from macvlan to ipvlan.
  14. Any rumors on the street if/when 6.12.3 might be released? Soon™?
  15. Even without knowing what your current boot flash drive is, I would recommend that you just keep using it, if it has not been having any issues. Why do I suggest this?: There have been quite a few reports in the past year of flash drive failures which are likely due to counterfeit flash drives. Most common are Sandisk and Samsung (the two most popular brands). Online storefronts of Amazon, Newegg and Alibaba are where you are most likely to find these. Brick and mortar stores have a much more reliable logistics chain. 64GB is much more storage than needed for an Unraid flash. I have less than 1GB on the 8GB drive for my main server (20 of 34 dockers running). The extra space on the boot drive will tempt you to use it for other server storage. Which will accelerate wear. Flash drives are designed for intermittent R/W access, which works for Unraid - The system is read from the flash drive and loaded into RAM, then sits idle for most of the time (installing/updating plugins and such). Newer technology flash drives have smaller and denser memory cells, which are more prone to failures from heat (generated by excessive duty cycle from writes). In my opinion (working in semiconductor manufacturing for nearly 25 years) the older flash memory is more durable. I also have a Samsung Fit 64GB in my main server. I almost never use it, but leave it plugged in for when I need to copy something off the server and take the flash drive (and files) with me somewhere.
  16. 6.10.3 has been stable as a rock and trouble free. Would have upgraded to 6.11.x, but was waiting for a final release then had some questions regarding the kernel playing nice with AMD processors. I'll think of upgrading to 6.12.x once it is finally understood what the issues are currently. There will be more releases.
  17. I have never seen hovering display actual memory usage. Ever. And I know I have tried once or twice in the past. But only have experienced 6.9 and 6.10, so do not know when it may have become available. (I'll believe it when I see it )
  18. Well, that at least removes some possible reasons for what you are seeing. I know FF can be, uh, problematic at times (but hat is my goto browser when I'm allowed to choose).
  19. Does it behave the same way in different browsers? Have you tried clearing cookies?
  20. 2 Unraid servers Over 80TB of storage 20 Dockers running 24/7 Have not seen a crash or hang in 2 years Even with several hardware upgrades, repurposed hardware changes, and new software packages Unraid 6.10.3 Take a step back, and have an objective read of the recent forum threads. It makes my head hurt. Something ain't right.
  21. Going the Magic Mirror (or similar) route would end being so much easier to implement (and likely more customizable) that running something natively from your sever.
  22. ConnerVT

    So, 6.13 when?

    Perhaps I spoke too soon (no ™). Let me restate: I won't even think of updating until I see a few weeks of quiet in the most recent of the 6.12.x Release Announcement threads. 😞
  23. Corrupted codecs and needing to delete the codecs folder has been a thing with Plex for years. Though needing to do this a few times a month is a bit excessive. When I ran my Plex server on my daily driver Windows machine, I was maybe once every 6 months or so. Since I moved to Unraid (I run this LIO docker) I haven't needed to do it once. I would start thinking if there is something out of the ordinary for your Plex install. Unique encoding or container types, re-encoded files, over encoded files, oddball or over stressed/intermittent hardware, etc. Everyone's implementation and usage is different, so you are the best person to know what could be triggering this happening.
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