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Everything posted by JonathanM

  1. It only appears that way in one view. It's a sparse file, meaning the full capacity is shown, but only the in use sections are allocated and take up space. You can easily have multiple 250GB sparse files on a single 250GB disk, but you will run into issues when more than 250GB worth of data is actually used in any combination of the files.
  2. Once that is complete, download a new flash drive backup, and DELETE any previous backups. If your flash dies and you accidentally use an old backup that had those data drives in the parity slots, Unraid will assume it needs to rebuild parity on those drives, permanently wiping any data you have on them.
  3. No, it doesn't have any storage options besides USB that I can see. USB is not recommended for any drives except for the single required USB startup / license stick. All storage devices should be SATA / SAS / NVME directly.
  4. Do you have a fan actively cooling the controller?
  5. Unraid doesn't use typical RAID levels in the main array. Each drive is independent.
  6. Yes, the thread is relevant, but no postings by jonp. I was wondering whether he had multiple threads he was looking at and posted the wrong link.
  7. Another option would be to copy the data to your other pool.
  8. I don't understand this statement. My appdata and vm vdisks all live on a zfs 3 way SSD mirror currently.
  9. I don't see any mention of or by jonp in the linked thread. Perhaps you linked the wrong one?
  10. Works fine on some hardware, but not others. Unraid can't control which hardware you have, and making recommendations is no good, things change too quickly. Best bet is to copy the hardware setup of someone who currently has it working.
  11. There is another possibility, the RAM controller circuits may not be able to run all the sticks at once due to load. Unless you mean that memtest fails with 1 stick from one set and 1 set from another, so only 2 sticks total still fails.
  12. Current best practice would be to mount it in the /mnt/remotes/ path, don't know if that will change anything, but Unraid is sensitive about unknown items directly in the /mnt path, due to much of the filesystem being created in RAM.
  13. It doesn't exist where you can access it. you need to change that inside the program to a folder that is mapped. The concept you need to search for is docker container path mapping
  14. As long as you don't allow it to access the internet you should be fine. Just keep in mind that updates aren't only for features, they are security updates as well, so if you don't stay reasonably up to date you must be extra vigilant to keep it isolated from the internet and secured against computers in your LAN that could be compromised. Sleep is a tough item to keep working, it would be better to figure out a way to allow a full clean shutdown, then WOL when needed. If properly configured it shouldn't take much longer than sleep / wake, and will be much easier to maintain.
  15. Definitely valid, but the reverse can also be true. One of the largest by usage plugins in the Unraid ecosystem is updated only on 6.12+.
  16. Passing a memory test doesn't mean the RAM is good. It's very possible that the conditions to trigger the failure aren't being reproduced by the loading in the test. The fact that there are checksum errors means that SOMEWHERE in the path that data takes there is an issue. Easiest to test is RAM modules, because it's easy to remove a portion, test for the errors to reoccur, switch to the unused modules, repeat. If the errors still occur with either half, the next likely candidate would probably be motherboard, or possibly even the memory on the drive. CPU is also involved, but that usually effects more things. Until the checksum errors don't come back, you have a memory issue. Doesn't mean the RAM is bad, but that's the first logical place to troubleshoot. Also, if you are unhappy with the peer to peer support, Unraid does have priority paid support available. https://unraid.net/services
  17. Install the NUT client in slave mode in all your VMs. Set them to shut down first, for example you could set the first VM to start shutdown after 2 minutes of power loss, the next at 3, etc, then have the host shut down after 5 minutes of power failure. Keep in mind that SLA batteries in most consumer UPS models wear out much quicker when discharged below 50% capacity, so for best life you want to get completely shut down ASAP. Unless you have a commercial grade unit with extra battery racks, the UPS is meant to get you safely shut down, not to continue operating during an outage. This is especially true if you have frequent outages.
  18. There are multiple ways to accomplish what you want, the dynamix file manager plugin is probably the safest way.
  19. There are so many different nc containers, you really need to ask in the specific support thread for yours. Click the container icon in the GUI and select support.
  20. Try reading for solutions and if you can find a solution posting the question in the specific support thread for the qbittorrent container that you are using.
  21. Check your network connection speeds. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/89575-testing-network-performance-with-iperf-how-to-install-use-test/
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