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Everything posted by tjb_altf4

  1. if you select one of the templates (user templates section only), an X will appear next to it which will remove it. It will prompt you with an are you sure prompt before deleting.
  2. Loving this plugin, one small bug I noticed that might be confusing for some users is the context of upload in the side action menu appears against files and folders, but works against the context of the current folder in view and not the selected item. As a user I'd expect an upload context against a folder to upload into that folder (and not appear for files). Similarly if I check against a folder and use the upload button in bottom bar.
  3. Currently on 2022.03.07, on Unraid 6.10.0-rc3o Attempting to start preclear for multiple disks results in fail dialog, I can start preclear on an individual disk however. Can't see anything reported in preclear log (or syslog).
  4. My experience is that as soon as nested virtualisation is enabled, performance tanks. I needed this for docker on a windows dev VM. If I'm reading your use case correctly, you maybe be better of creating a VLAN for your work VMS, and having all that traffic isolated on that VLAN and routed through the VPN. This is also a reasonable advanced use case, but I think you will get a better result and more options for help with configuration that way.
  5. Unraid will only update when its told to (Auto Update plugin, CA backup, manual etc). One way to force it to absolutely stay on the same version is to change latest to the specific tag version. e.g for Unifi controller I need to ensure I stay on a fixed version for stability, so instead of latest: linuxserver/unifi-controller:latest I use a specific tag version: linuxserver/unifi-controller:version-7.0.23
  6. This is potentially one of the directions the UPC component in 6.10 could be leveraged, that's my hope anyway.
  7. Checking on my server, I've been running 10.7.7-1-01 for at least 3 months.
  8. Recently came across some system log entries that had me concerned were malicious. Feb 26 04:40:02 fortytwo sSMTP[32276]: Creating SSL connection to host Feb 26 04:40:02 fortytwo sSMTP[32276]: SSL connection using TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 Feb 26 04:40:04 fortytwo sSMTP[32276]: Authorization failed (535 5.7.8 https://support.google.com/mail/?p=BadCredentials nn10-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxb.46 - gsmtp) After some help over on the Unraid discord, it was tracked down to the fact that if you want to use notifications such as discord, it seems you can't disable email notifications, even if you are not configured to use them: This also seems to be partly to do with the default email config, which cannot be disabled like individual notification agents can be
  9. looks like the database tried to migrate and things went pear shaped after that. I'd say it's the same issue as some others have seen
  10. Same, Dynamix Auto Fan Control is great at controlling based on HDD temp, as long as everything is detected properly. Dynamix System Temperature is the temp monitor he seems to be describing.
  11. Hotio's Lidarr template lets you pick if you're after something right now.
  12. Doesn't appear in autocomplete. It has its own entry on the tools page, and does not exist as a subpage, but its own page i.e. https://hash.unraid.net/Tools/Preclear
  13. I noticed preclear plugin doesn't show, is there something the author needs to add to ensure its picked up?
  14. it gets worse, Newegg RMA'd the board, Gigabyte stated it had socket damage and it would cost $100 to fix. Newegg opted not to fix, then sold it to a customer (Steve) The gigabyte RMA ticket was still on the motherboard...
  15. In addition to @Frank1940's information, also note this PSA from LimeTech, which identifies problems with SanDisk USBs in recent times.
  16. Although likely due to a configuration option I don't fully understand impacting its operation, highwater has never worked as advertised for me. One disk would just get pounded into the red zone, while the rest of my array sat quite empty, forcing me to manually move files around so mover didn't fail. After switching to most-free, my disks started being utilised across the array in a somewhat predictable manner.
  17. @spacezmonkey the path in the first script is missing the leading forward slash
  18. Enabling help in the GUI provides clarification of the options (for this and many other options).
  19. tjb_altf4


    Unraid requires a 64-bit CPU, I don't think there where any x86-64 processors that had DDR2.
  20. Unraid shows a container as stopped if it shuts down before timeout. Normally a docker will shutdown gracefully, but if for some reason it doesn't, the timeout gives you a way to force shutdown without you needing to manually intervene.
  21. Although docker's documentation has a bunch of great info for getting various stats including this one, you can access this report directly in the Unraid GUI like so Unraid GUI > Docker > Container Size [button]
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