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Future Unraid Feature Desires

Future Unraid Feature Desires  

843 members have voted

  1. 1. What feature do you want the most in upcoming Unraid releases?

    • Multiple Unraid Array Pools
    • VM Snapshots
    • Intel Arc GPU support
    • Other (Comment)

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On 3/24/2023 at 12:17 AM, harshl said:

I think this essentially another vote for snapshots. Once the snapshot is taken you can copy that state of the data anywhere you want while everything is online.

Although, I suppose this might go a step further to say, let's not only snapshot, but give us a built in mechanism to copy the snapshot data elsewhere. Regardless, snapshots is key in my mind to enable any of this.

Yes, you're right. Snapshot replication would do the trick and be a great improvement. In my opinion Unraid really lacks this feature compared to truenas, synology, qnap, etc.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Having recently lost my cache drive containing appdata and VMs and struggling to restore them (largely my own fault), would be nice to have an official built-in backup system. While VM snapshots would be ideal, for my purposes I could live with having to shut down the VMs. Rather that than nothing at all.

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2 hours ago, SpaceTraveler said:

It would be really nice to have an option to start over and set Unraid to default settings (Removing all docker containers, vms, arrays and so on).

You can do most of that by recreating the USB stick (keeping just the licence key).


You would, however, need need to reformat any drives after adding them to Unraid to clear any existing data after first starting the array but that is easy enough to do.

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2 hours ago, itimpi said:

You can do most of that by recreating the USB stick (keeping just the licence key).


You would, however, need need to reformat any drives after adding them to Unraid to clear any existing data after first starting the array but that is easy enough to do.

I know, but it would still be great to have an option to wipe all the disks & and reset all settings automatically. It would save a lot of time.

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2 hours ago, SpaceTraveler said:

I know, but it would still be great to have an option to wipe all the disks & and reset all settings automatically. It would save a lot of time.

That would seem to be a VERY dangerous option to implement.

May not be something that gets used often either, I don't know how many people would regularly reset and wipe all disks.

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5 hours ago, SpaceTraveler said:

I know, but it would still be great to have an option to wipe all the disks & and reset all settings automatically. It would save a lot of time.


This is not part of a normal workflow and not is not something I would ever want new users to think they need to do. I don't see this being added as a core feature of the product.


However, if you are doing something like creating content for YouTube I could see the value in being being able to easily reset to stock between takes.  It wouldn't be too difficult, mainly overwriting the config folder with stock files and rebooting. If you'd like to discuss this, please start a new thread where you describe your use case and what all you want. I'm sure the community can help you come up with a solution.

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42 minutes ago, danioj said:

Registered my option as “other”.


Ability to start virtualisation services (Docker and KVM) irrespective of array status. 

Actually, this is a great idea and something I've wondered about.

I understand that there is some dependency on the array because libvert.img and ISO files are are located by default on the array, for example.

Is it even feasable within unraid to decouple docker/kvm from the disk array (Especially with the idea of multiple arrays)?

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Split flash drive into two parts - first a FAT32 partition, just bare minimum required for booting and a second partition for the rest. EXT4 or something more robust. FAT32 just isn't reliable enough and keeps breaking on unclean shutdowns (or in my case just by looking at it funny). Raspberry Pi OS already does similar thing with SD cards so some inspiration (and/or code) can be taken there.


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