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[Plugin] Appdata.Backup

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15 hours ago, KluthR said:

Sorry, the old backups are not compatible with the new plugin and therefore not available for restore. If you need something unpack it by yourself. After some time you can discard they.

That was my issue.

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On 4/29/2023 at 7:26 PM, KluthR said:

It is! Noted.

I'm waiting for this as well, because the Node-RED container's .npm folder is giving me an error during .tar creation.

[11.05.2023 18:13:10][NodeRed][debug] Backup NodeRed - Container Volumeinfo: Array
    [0] => /mnt/user/appdata/nodered/:/data:rw

[11.05.2023 18:13:10][NodeRed][debug] usorted volumes: Array
    [0] => /mnt/user/appdata/nodered

[11.05.2023 18:13:10][NodeRed][debug] Should NOT backup ext volumes, sanitizing them...
[11.05.2023 18:13:10][NodeRed][debug] Volume '/mnt/user/appdata/nodered' IS within AppdataPath '/mnt/user/appdata'!
[11.05.2023 18:13:10][NodeRed][info] Calculated volumes to back up: /mnt/user/appdata/nodered
[11.05.2023 18:13:10][NodeRed][debug] Target archive: /mnt/user/AppdataBackup/ab_20230511_180314/NodeRed.tar.gz
[11.05.2023 18:13:10][NodeRed][debug] Generated tar command: -c -P -z -f '/mnt/user/AppdataBackup/ab_20230511_180314/NodeRed.tar.gz' '/mnt/user/appdata/nodered'
[11.05.2023 18:13:10][NodeRed][info] Backing up NodeRed...
[11.05.2023 18:13:12][NodeRed][debug] Tar out: tar: /mnt/user/appdata/nodered/.npm/_cacache/content-v2/sha512/26/a3/bbcd36fcc736ca7c1a8f25c3b700af59c1f0317606d1c7df4a76cb572a3d92d4fcc1db367841f6fbb031dfecef09eb72909c185cbbdfb322a27091192caa: Read error at byte 0, while reading 3584 bytes: Input/output error; tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors
[11.05.2023 18:13:12][NodeRed][error] tar creation failed! More output available inside debuglog, maybe.

Hopefully ignoring .npm folder would resolve this.

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6 hours ago, Mr_Jay84 said:

I have an error stating my pre and post scripts are not executable even though they are. Chmod them again, still same error.

Where are they located?   For security reasons you  cannot make scripts on the flash drive executable

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is it posible to use more then 1 Core?
[11.05.2023 20:12:42][Main][info] 👋 WELCOME TO APPDATA.BACKUP!! :D
[11.05.2023 21:50:17][Main][info] DONE! Thanks for using this plugin and have a safe day ;)

in my case the app take a lot of time.


and i see in the main page thats are only 1 of 12 cores at 100%

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I ran this on 6.12, It made a single TAR file over night that was 2TB large filling up my disk. Something seriously wrong. It's also not running automatically despite being set, Is this possible as there is an option to choose the day of the month yet it still stays while its set to daily/weekley?

Edited by Nano
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Looks like it backed up external even if set to No... but


11 minutes ago, Nano said:

Or is this just displaying as of course at the top I only have the following?


Screenshot 2023-05-14 at 12.37.33.png

If you removed /mnt/cache/appdata then it won't be detected as internal on containers that have it mapped like that, and likely if there's no internal it backs up all mapped paths since that would make sense.



Edited by Kilrah
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I reinstalled the plugin, But it's skipping dockers I don't want it to skip now. 


[14.05.2023 12:49:01][luckyBackup][info] luckyBackup does not have any volume to back up! Skipping
[14.05.2023 12:49:01][luckyBackup][info] luckyBackup is being ignored, because it was not started before (or should not be started).

Yet it clearly /appdata/luckybackup as seen above for example. I have not set it to Skip.


I can also see it missing folders or sometimes only selecting certain folders within /appdata/DOCKERNAME/ instead of the whole folder.


For example on my Homarr I see : [14.05.2023 12:48:51][Homarr][info] Calculated volumes to back up: /mnt/user/appdata/homarr/icons, /mnt/user/appdata/homarr/configs instead of /appdata/homarr


It would be good to have a whole folder backup option again.

Edited by Nano
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Please share the whole debug log.


the new plugin backs up what is in use by containers. It reads all mappings per container. Please also read the help block within the source option.


the weekday for daily is not properly disabled, but being ignored for „daily“.


the idea to backup remaining folders not in use of any container sounds nice.

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On 5/14/2023 at 2:04 PM, KluthR said:

Please share the whole debug log.


the new plugin backs up what is in use by containers. It reads all mappings per container. Please also read the help block within the source option.


the weekday for daily is not properly disabled, but being ignored for „daily“.


the idea to backup remaining folders not in use of any container sounds nice.

The debug log has way too much personal data for my liking. I will just manually do it for now.


EDIT: this was resolved by making sure both sources were set even with the one drive.

/mnt/user/appdata + /mnt/cache/appdata

Edited by Nano
  • Thanks 1
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Thanks for silently deprecating appdata backup in v12 only noticed it because my backup folder shrunk as old backups got deleted every week.

New version is also completely borked and tried to compress /mnt/user/ for some reason. I really don't get why it is looking for paths in each docker container instead of just stopping them and copying the whole appdata folder like before. Stopping everything individually takes forever. I am also not using the weird Unraid templates and switched to compose.

Logs below:

[17.05.2023 18:38:04][duplicacy][debug] Volume '/mnt/user' IS within AppdataPath ''!
[17.05.2023 18:38:04][duplicacy][info] '/mnt/user/appdata/duplicacy' is within mapped volume '/mnt/user'! Ignoring!
[17.05.2023 18:38:04][duplicacy][debug] Volume '/mnt/user' IS within AppdataPath ''!
[17.05.2023 18:38:04][duplicacy][info] '/mnt/user/appdata/duplicacy/logs' is within mapped volume '/mnt/user'! Ignoring!
[17.05.2023 18:38:04][duplicacy][debug] Volume '/mnt/user' IS within AppdataPath ''!
[17.05.2023 18:38:04][duplicacy][info] '/mnt/user/appdata/duplicacy/cache' is within mapped volume '/mnt/user'! Ignoring!
[17.05.2023 18:38:04][duplicacy][debug] Volume '/mnt/user/appdata/duplicacy' IS within AppdataPath '/mnt/user/appdata'!
[17.05.2023 18:38:04][duplicacy][debug] Volume '/mnt/user/appdata/duplicacy/logs' IS within AppdataPath '/mnt/user/appdata'!
[17.05.2023 18:38:04][duplicacy][debug] Volume '/mnt/user/appdata/duplicacy/cache' IS within AppdataPath '/mnt/user/appdata'!
[17.05.2023 18:38:04][duplicacy][debug] Should NOT backup ext volumes, sanitizing them...
[17.05.2023 18:38:04][duplicacy][debug] Volume '/mnt/user' IS within AppdataPath ''!
[17.05.2023 18:38:04][duplicacy][info] Calculated volumes to back up: /mnt/user
[17.05.2023 18:38:04][duplicacy][debug] Target archive: /mnt/user/appdata backup/ab_20230517_183704/duplicacy.tar.gz
[17.05.2023 18:38:04][duplicacy][debug] Generated tar command: -c -P -z -f '/mnt/user/appdata backup/ab_20230517_183704/duplicacy.tar.gz' '/mnt/user'
[17.05.2023 18:38:04][duplicacy][info] Backing up duplicacy...
[17.05.2023 18:39:57][duplicacy][debug] Tar out: 
[17.05.2023 18:39:57][duplicacy][error] tar creation failed! More output available inside debuglog, maybe.
[17.05.2023 18:39:57][Main][warning] Backup cancelled! Executing final things. You will be left behind with the current state!
[17.05.2023 18:39:57][Main][info] DONE! Thanks for using this plugin and have a safe day ;)
[17.05.2023 18:39:57][Main][info] ❤️


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39 minutes ago, Hendrik112 said:

Thanks for silently deprecating appdata backup in v12

Well, there are info banners within Squids and my version. The deprecation info existed before 6.12 already.


40 minutes ago, Hendrik112 said:

New version is also completely borked and tried to compress /mnt/user/ for some reason.

Some users had special setups. This resulted in weird results within the new plugin, yes. But nothing unfixable.


42 minutes ago, Hendrik112 said:

I really don't get why it is looking for paths in each docker container instead of just stopping them and copying the whole appdata folder like before.

This was one big wish from many users to make container based backups. Thus it behaves different. But you can decide how to stop the containers.


Please share the debug log as attachment or as PM to me if you want me to get tips.

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Hello, what is the reason appdata backup keeps terminating the backup process? I have an unassigned disk that holds my plex appdata that I'd like to back up. Any thougths?

One of the lines below says "should NOT backup ext volumes" is this the root of the issue?




17.05.2023 18:34:15][Main][info] Method: Stop/Backup/Start
[17.05.2023 18:34:15][Main][debug] Not executing script: Not set!
[17.05.2023 18:34:15][Plex-Media-Server][info] Stopping Plex-Media-Server... 
[17.05.2023 18:34:24][Plex-Media-Server][info] done! (took 9 seconds)
[17.05.2023 18:34:24][Plex-Media-Server][debug] Backup Plex-Media-Server - Container Volumeinfo: Array
    [0] => /transcode:/transcode:rw
    [1] => /mnt/user/:/data:rw
    [2] => /mnt/disks/plex_appdata:/config:rw

[17.05.2023 18:34:24][Plex-Media-Server][info] Removing container mapping "/mnt/disks/plex_appdata" because it is a source path!
[17.05.2023 18:34:24][Plex-Media-Server][debug] usorted volumes: Array
    [0] => /mnt/user
    [1] => /transcode

[17.05.2023 18:34:24][Plex-Media-Server][debug] Should NOT backup ext volumes, sanitizing them...
[17.05.2023 18:34:24][Plex-Media-Server][info] Plex-Media-Server does not have any volume to back up! Skipping
[17.05.2023 18:34:24][Plex-Media-Server][info] Starting Plex-Media-Server... (try #1)
[17.05.2023 18:34:29][Main][info] VM meta backup enabled! Backing up...
[17.05.2023 18:34:29][Main][debug] tar return: 0 and output: 1
[17.05.2023 18:34:29][Main][info] Done!
[17.05.2023 18:34:29][Main][info] Checking retention...
[17.05.2023 18:34:29][Main][debug] toKeep after slicing:
    [0] => /mnt/user/backups/Plex AppData Backup/ab_20230517_183415
    [1] => /mnt/user/backups/Plex AppData Backup/ab_20230517_181430

[17.05.2023 18:34:29][Main][debug] Delete backups older than 20230510_183429
[17.05.2023 18:34:29][Main][debug] Discarding /mnt/user/backups/Plex AppData Backup/ab_20230517_183415, because its newer or already in toKeep
[17.05.2023 18:34:29][Main][debug] Discarding /mnt/user/backups/Plex AppData Backup/ab_20230517_181430, because its newer or already in toKeep
[17.05.2023 18:34:29][Main][debug] Resulting toKeep: /mnt/user/backups/Plex AppData Backup/ab_20230517_183415, /mnt/user/backups/Plex AppData Backup/ab_20230517_181430
[17.05.2023 18:34:29][Main][debug] Resulting deletion list: 
[17.05.2023 18:34:29][Main][debug] Not executing script: Not set!
[17.05.2023 18:34:29][Main][info] DONE! Thanks for using this plugin and have a safe day ;)
[17.05.2023 18:34:29][Main][info] ❤️


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