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Unraid OS version 6.12.3 available

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35 minutes ago, david279 said:


Clear the cookies in your browser for the unRAID site. I've had this happen to me. 

Thank you, that resolved the issue. I think it has happened to me before and I fixed it the same way but this time I couldn't see the forest for the trees. Thumbs up for 6.12.3 so far.

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Initial boot after the update (I did read the release notes and went through the steps as outlined) and everything looked OK in terminal, but nothing actually started up - unable to reach the Unraid UI. So I logged in at the cmd and rebooted. System took me to bios, unable to detect bootable media at all.

Fortunately, a power-down > power-up and it booted clean, upgrade complete and everything seeming to be functional as expected.

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On 7/14/2023 at 8:55 PM, ljm42 said:

The 6.12.3 release includes a set of bug fixes for networking and Docker.  All users are encouraged to upgrade.


Please refer also to the 6.12.0 Announcement post.


Upgrade steps for this release

  1. As always, prior to upgrading, create a backup of your USB flash device:  "Main/Flash/Flash Device Settings" - click "Flash Backup".
  2. Update all of your plugins. This is critical for the NVIDIA and Realtek plugins in particular.
  3. If the system is currently running 6.12.0 - 6.12.2, we're going to suggest that you stop the array at this point. If it gets stuck on "Retry unmounting shares", open a web terminal and type:
    umount /var/lib/docker

    The array should now stop successfully (This issue is resolved with this release)

  4. Go to Tools -> Update OS. If the update doesn't show, click "Check for Updates"
  5. Wait for the update to download and install
  6. If you have any plugins that install 3rd party drivers (NVIDIA, Realtek, etc), wait for the notification that the new version of the driver has been downloaded. 
  7. Reboot


This thread is perfect for quick questions or comments, but if you suspect there will be back and forth for your specific issue, please start a new topic. Be sure to include your diagnostics.zip.



No, I'm sorry to say my Plex is still completely unstable after going to 6.12.3 and adding the extra parameters



I had to restart it three times in a 20 minute span again


I tried Docker directory and my reverse proxy failed to work. I tried an XFS docker image file and my reverse proxy failed to work. Went back to the BTRFS Docker image and everything fires up again, but I am afraid it's probably not going to be very stable again. I've already got a post on the bug reports section for 6.12.3 with my diagnostics and the Plex Docker log is useless. It doesn't say anything is wrong

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Updated from 6.12.2 to 6.12.3 without any problems. Everything was running.

This morning I accessed the Web GUI to find my array stopped. The log file looks like my system rebooted itself yesterday at about 8 pm.


I thought I read something like this for 6.12.x version but never had the problem but never read saw a solution for this.


Edit: I just saw that it actually is doing a parity check. I only didn't see it right away because of the new notification thing in the Web GUI. Great. This will take another 24 hours.


Pretty sure it was no power outage. I was at home at the time where unraid started again (the time in the current log file)

Edited by Pete0
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5 hours ago, liskofinal said:

Hi, after updating to 6.12.3 I still got an unclean shutdown due to the system not being able to unmount /mnt/cache.

Diagnostic logs attached. Thanks.


Looks like it's not able to stop this container:


Jul 16 02:00:42 TNAS-HOMESERVER root: Error response from daemon: cannot stop container: Aria2: tried to kill container, but did not receive an exit event


Can you stop it manually? And if so does it then do a clean shutdown?

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2 hours ago, Pete0 said:

Edit: I just saw that it actually is doing a parity check. I only didn't see it right away because of the new notification thing in the Web GUI. Great. This will take another 24 hours.

Are you sure that your power supply is still okay?

Had a few users recently on the German sub forums where their BeQuiet power supplies caused the same thing on them and it took a long time to diagnose that.

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3 hours ago, ich777 said:

Are you sure that your power supply is still okay?

Had a few users recently on the German sub forums where their BeQuiet power supplies caused the same thing on them and it took a long time to diagnose that.

I can't tell really. Unless it started to fail all of a sudden. It is a Corsair SF450, had it since my first day using unRAID and up until yesterday I had zero problems. Not with the PSU and also not with any other hardware component I am using.


Yesterday at the time the server rebooted  there was a storm outside with thunder and lightning. But there was no power outage. At the same time I was watching TV and no other device seemed to have problems.


Anyway, for now it is running again. Should I happen again I will enable persistent logging and if something points to the PSU I will replace it.

Edited by Pete0
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It doesn't take much of a power sag or spike to disrupt a system.  It doesn't even need to be perceptible to you by the light flickering.  A UPS does more than keep your server running when the room goes dark.  All but the least expensive ones also provide power filtering to smooth out these low/high voltage situations.

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20 hours ago, ich777 said:

Uninstall the SR-IOV plugin and reboot, the maintainer has not uploaded new packages which are required for 6.12.3

You can also go back to 6.12.2 and install the SR-IOV plugin again if you really need it and wait until the maintainer uploads the updated plugin packages so you can upgrade to 6.12.3


Something is also wrong with your modprobe.d files, you have a i915.conf and a i915.conf.conf where one is set up wrong:

options i915 force_probe=4c8b
options i915 enable_guc=2blacklist i915


Please also switch from MACVLAN to IPVLAN in your Docker settings, you have to stop the Docker service to change that setting.

Sadly MACVLAN is needed for static IPs and for some routers that don't support multiple IPs for a single MAC address...

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42 minutes ago, Glassed Silver said:

Sadly MACVLAN is needed for static IPs and for some routers that don't support multiple IPs for a single MAC address...

What router do you have?


I know that the Fritzbox can‘t handle that but what Router do you have?


Anyways in my oppinion it is better to avoid crashes instead of having traces…


For what applicaiton(s) do you need static IP address(es)?

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43 minutes ago, ich777 said:

What router do you have?


I know that the Fritzbox can‘t handle that but what Router do you have?


Anyways in my oppinion it is better to avoid crashes instead of having traces…


For what applicaiton(s) do you need static IP address(es)?

I do have a FritzBox, indeed.


Right now I have a stable system only because I deactivated Docker, but obviously at some point I'd like to use one of the main features of the OS I paid for again.


As for what I need static IPs for: services the need to be reachable at all times from a reliable address regardless of DHCP and DNS.

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3 minutes ago, Glassed Silver said:

As for what I need static IPs for: services the need to be reachable at all times from a reliable address regardless of DHCP and DNS.

Just a bit off topic and this is also the wrog place but I do use IPVLAN for a long time and not a single container has it‘s own IP because most of the times you simply don‘t need it. You even can activate Docker with a Fritzbox and IPVLAN as long as you have no container in br0


However I have a LXC container for my AdBlocking, DNS and LANCache all in one with a dedicated IP address because it is way easier to have it there, I‘ve also wirtten a very comprehensive tutorial on how to set that up over on the German subforums:


However the point that I‘m trying to make is that you don‘t always need static IP addresses for containers in most of the cases and since you might already know I build do everyrhing locally on my server (plugin packages for Nvidia, DVB, various other Driver packages, all of my Docker containers and many things more,…) so to speak my Server needs also to be reachable all the time and vice versa.

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1 hour ago, Glassed Silver said:

As for what I need static IPs for: services the need to be reachable at all times from a reliable address regardless of DHCP and DNS.

If your server has a fixed address, then if the docker containers use ports mapped to the host address then you can achieve this without the docker containers having their own IP.

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I decided to stick my toe into the water and updated my backup server from 6.10.3 to 6.12.3.  The system is as bare bone as can be - No parity/cache/Docker/VM.  Just a basic PC with 3 HDD plugged into the motherboard.  I wanted to start playing around, checking the new Dashboard interface and have a look at what has changed.  The update went with no real issues.


One thing I did observe: I had updated all my plugins before updating.  The Plug In Helper did again update the Nvidia Driver plugin.  I am pretty certain I had it set for v470.129.06 (though not 100% sure), as I have an old GT710 in the server.  After rebooting, I found it was set to Latest.  I recommend that those of you who are not using the Latest driver for some reason double check that the setting is what you wish it to be.

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33 minutes ago, ConnerVT said:

After rebooting, I found it was set to Latest.

The main issue is that the driver version 470.129.06 doesn't exist for the new Unraid version because Nvidia releases from time to time also new legacy drivers and the new version number is: 470.199.02


It's a safety measure from me that it falls back to the latest driver so that at least a driver is installed, I know it is inconvenient and involves another reboot but I won't change that in the plugin because I encourage users to upgrade to something more recent like a NVIDIA T400

Sorry but in my opinion a GT710 is not worth the money... :/

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12 minutes ago, ich777 said:

The main issue is that the driver version 470.129.06 doesn't exist for the new Unraid version because Nvidia releases from time to time also new legacy drivers and the new version number is: 470.199.02


It's a safety measure from me that it falls back to the latest driver so that at least a driver is installed, I know it is inconvenient and involves another reboot but I won't change that in the plugin because I encourage users to upgrade to something more recent like a NVIDIA T400

Sorry but a GT710 is not worth the money... :/

If your plugin is that opinionated maybe you should provide information about that within it?


Not trying to sound sour, I don't even have a GPU in my unRAID server, but I may at some point. It could avoid confusion. Just thinking aloud. :)

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