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[CONTAINER] CrashPlan & CrashPlan-Desktop

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installed the crashplan container last night. it started and I ran a backup (no idea where it went because this was my first time using it)


It seems like the two machines can't talk to each other. They are both waiting for connection.


Please read the OP.  It has tips on backing up to a local folder and doing computer to computer backups without filling up your docker.img.  It also has direct links over to the Crashplan help site with screenshots and detailed instructions for configuring Crashplan.


I've installed the mobile app on my phone and logged in with the same account. But I doesn't show any devices.


As far as I can tell, the mobile app only has access to data that is stored in the Crashplan cloud.

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I'll checkout the links, but I want to make sure I'm assuming correctly.


Should I be able to use the crashplan docker on unraid to be a remote backup for another PC without needing to configure my router/firewall at home?


I'll stop using the mobile app because I only plan to do PC backups to the unraid box both well on the same network and remotely.



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I can't get started with Crashplan. I'm running 6.1.9 and Crashplan installs ok but when I start it I get a black screen which say is is logged in but won't do anything. I did exacly the same installation on a friends 6.1.9 and it installed and let me create a login into Crashplan etc. I've downloaded the Docker a number of times, I've removed it and reset the Community entry nothing gets the VNC screen to access the Crashplan site. The only clue I have is that the Docker setup screen isn't the same as the one that worked, as it has additional Container Volume entries which seem redundant (i.e. one is named UNRAID?).


Has anyone a clue?



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I tried the suggestion above, here is the logfile, it didn't help and the alternate browser gives the same black window! There are some errors in there but are they significant? Is this log what should be expected? The banner at the top of the Black window says connected to Crashplan but I somehow doubt I have that connection?


Xvnc TigerVNC 1.6.0 - built Dec 24 2015 16:05:46

Copyright © 1999-2015 TigerVNC Team and many others (see README.txt)

See http://www.tigervnc.org for information on TigerVNC.

Underlying X server release 11202000, The X.Org Foundation



Sun Apr 10 00:18:43 2016

vncext: VNC extension running!

Apr 10 00:18:43 Media syslog-ng[46]: syslog-ng starting up; version='3.5.3'

vncext: Listening for VNC connections on all interface(s), port 4239

vncext: created VNC server for screen 0

Warning: could not find self.pem

Using local websockify at /opt/novnc/utils/websockify/run

Starting webserver and WebSockets proxy on port 4280

Openbox-Message: Unable to find a valid menu file "/var/lib/openbox/debian-menu.xml"

Starting CrashPlan Desktop...





Navigate to this URL:




Press Ctrl-C to exit



WARNING: no 'numpy' module, HyBi protocol will be slower


Sun Apr 10 00:31:26 2016

Connections: accepted:

SConnection: Client needs protocol version 3.8


Sun Apr 10 00:31:27 2016

SConnection: Client requests security type VncAuth(2)


Sun Apr 10 00:31:35 2016

VNCSConnST: Server default pixel format depth 24 (32bpp) little-endian rgb888

VNCSConnST: Client pixel format depth 24 (32bpp) little-endian rgb888


Sun Apr 10 00:32:19 2016

Connections: accepted:

SConnection: Client needs protocol version 3.8

SConnection: Client requests security type VncAuth(2)


Sun Apr 10 00:32:29 2016

VNCSConnST: Server default pixel format depth 24 (32bpp) little-endian rgb888

VNCSConnST: Client pixel format depth 24 (32bpp) little-endian rgb888


Sun Apr 10 00:32:50 2016

Connections: closed: (Clean disconnection)

EncodeManager: Framebuffer updates: 1

EncodeManager: Tight:

EncodeManager: Solid: 1 rects, 786.432 kpixels

EncodeManager: 16 B (1:196609 ratio)

EncodeManager: Bitmap RLE: 1 rects, 160 pixels

EncodeManager: 69 B (1:9.44928 ratio)

EncodeManager: Total: 2 rects, 786.592 kpixels

EncodeManager: 85 B (1:37016.4 ratio)

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I am having trouble installing this Docker image. I am getting the following error messages. Maybe those mean something to somebody on this forum and I'd appreciate a hint on what to try next. I tried both directly installing the Docker image as well as going through the Community Applications page. No luck, me sad:(



Pulling image: gfjardim/crashplan:latest

IMAGE ID [2d02fe93d96e]: Pulling image (latest) from gfjardim/crashplan. Pulling image (latest) from gfjardim/crashplan, endpoint: https://registry-1.docker.io/v1/.'>https://registry-1.docker.io/v1/. Pulling dependent layers.

IMAGE ID [f7eef3e8d2a5]: Pulling metadata. Error pulling dependent layers.

IMAGE ID [2d02fe93d96e]: Error pulling image (latest) from gfjardim/crashplan, endpoint: https://registry-1.docker.io/v1/,'>https://registry-1.docker.io/v1/, HTTP code 400. Error pulling image (latest) from gfjardim/crashplan, HTTP code 400.







root@localhost:# /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/scripts/docker run -d --name="CrashPlan" --net="host" -e TZ="America/Los_Angeles" -p 4242:4242/tcp -p 4243:4243/tcp -p 4280:4280/tcp -p 4239:4239/udp -v "/mnt/cache/appdata/CrashPlan":"/config":rw -v "/mnt/user":"/UNRAID":rw -v "/mnt/user/Backup/":"/backup":rw -v "/mnt/disks/":"/unassigned":rw gfjardim/crashplan

Unable to find image 'gfjardim/crashplan:latest' locally

Pulling repository gfjardim/crashplan

2d02fe93d96e: Pulling image (latest) from gfjardim/crashplan

2d02fe93d96e: Pulling image (latest) from gfjardim/crashplan, endpoint: https://registry-1.docker.io/v1/

2d02fe93d96e: Pulling dependent layers

f7eef3e8d2a5: Pulling metadata

f7eef3e8d2a5: Error pulling dependent layers

2d02fe93d96e: Error pulling image (latest) from gfjardim/crashplan, endpoint: https://registry-1.docker.io/v1/,'>https://registry-1.docker.io/v1/, HTTP code 400

2d02fe93d96e: Error pulling image (latest) from gfjardim/crashplan, HTTP code 400

Error pulling image (latest) from gfjardim/crashplan, HTTP code 400


The command finished successfully!





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I've successfully installed Crashplan on Windows 10 and unRaid Docker.  Setup the following in the docker




Crashplan found the unRaid server with no issues, allowed me to choose that for the backup destination, and ran (really slow, at 2.3mb/s that's another issue), but I could not find any files created in the /mnt/user/Backup directory.  It remained empty.  Then Crashplan ran out of space at 15.9GB (I have a 16GB Flash Drive?).  I've looked on the flash drive, but no unaccounted for files or directories (perhaps Crashplan deleted the backup if it couldn't complete?).  I have no idea how Crashplan would determine that the /mnt/user/Backup directory would be on the flash drive but, hey, anythings possible.


Crashplan on the Windows 10 64 Bit Pro client.



Any wisdom would be appreciated!


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I will try to explain:


/config >> /mnt/cache/appdata/crashplan/

CrashPlan needs some place to store configuration files and logs. What the CrashPlan app can see is


and in the example that place is located at


and this assumes that you have a cache disk. The default location for Docker app configuration files is


Note that the share appdata (a top level folder) needs to be set to “Use cache disk: Only”

If you don’t have a cache disk you need store the config files in a user share on your array. Mappings could look like this

/config >> /mnt/user/appdata/crashplan/


/UNRAID >> /mnt/user

In the CrashPlan app you will see


and you select the user shares to backup and these are located at


. Note that this assumes you are using user shares, not disk shares.


/unassigned >> /mnt/disks

This one is used if you are using disks or shares mounted by the plugin Unassigned Devices. This could for example be an USB disk or a share on another server.


/backup >> /mnt/user/Backup/ 

This one is probably intended to be used for local backups (not to the CrashPlan cloud).


 /flash >> /boot

I guess you added this one to be able to back up your USB stick with the unRAID OS? That’s not actually a good idea. When you back up the USB stick your array should be stopped. Best way to do this is to stop the array and make a copy and store locally on your PC. This can be done by using the file explorer in Windows (if you are using Windows...)



I would humbly suggest that the first post in this thread be updated with the above information. The current information mentions the /config and /mnt volumes (only the former seems to exist) with nothing on the others. I did not feel comfortable even starting the container until I ran across this post that describes each of the volumes. Thank you, Leifgg!

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Crashplan found the unRaid server with no issues, allowed me to choose that for the backup destination, and ran (really slow, at 2.3mb/s that's another issue), but I could not find any files created in the /mnt/user/Backup directory.  It remained empty.  Then Crashplan ran out of space at 15.9GB (I have a 16GB Flash Drive?).  I've looked on the flash drive, but no unaccounted for files or directories (perhaps Crashplan deleted the backup if it couldn't complete?).  I have no idea how Crashplan would determine that the /mnt/user/Backup directory would be on the flash drive but, hey, anythings possible.


Please read the Q&A in the OP.  You need to configure CrashPlan to use the /backup directory you passed in.

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I will try to explain:


/config >> /mnt/cache/appdata/crashplan/

CrashPlan needs some place to store configuration files and logs. What the CrashPlan app can see is


and in the example that place is located at


and this assumes that you have a cache disk. The default location for Docker app configuration files is


Note that the share appdata (a top level folder) needs to be set to “Use cache disk: Only”

If you don’t have a cache disk you need store the config files in a user share on your array. Mappings could look like this

/config >> /mnt/user/appdata/crashplan/


/UNRAID >> /mnt/user

In the CrashPlan app you will see


and you select the user shares to backup and these are located at


. Note that this assumes you are using user shares, not disk shares.


/unassigned >> /mnt/disks

This one is used if you are using disks or shares mounted by the plugin Unassigned Devices. This could for example be an USB disk or a share on another server.


/backup >> /mnt/user/Backup/ 

This one is probably intended to be used for local backups (not to the CrashPlan cloud).


 /flash >> /boot

I guess you added this one to be able to back up your USB stick with the unRAID OS? That’s not actually a good idea. When you back up the USB stick your array should be stopped. Best way to do this is to stop the array and make a copy and store locally on your PC. This can be done by using the file explorer in Windows (if you are using Windows...)



I would humbly suggest that the first post in this thread be updated with the above information. The current information mentions the /config and /mnt volumes (only the former seems to exist) with nothing on the others. I did not feel comfortable even starting the container until I ran across this post that describes each of the volumes. Thank you, Leifgg!


Interesting, I didn't realize those default paths had been added to the XML.  I'll suggest some updated text for the OP to gfjardim.

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I will try to explain:


/config >> /mnt/cache/appdata/crashplan/

CrashPlan needs some place to store configuration files and logs. What the CrashPlan app can see is


and in the example that place is located at


and this assumes that you have a cache disk. The default location for Docker app configuration files is


Note that the share appdata (a top level folder) needs to be set to “Use cache disk: Only”

If you don’t have a cache disk you need store the config files in a user share on your array. Mappings could look like this

/config >> /mnt/user/appdata/crashplan/


/UNRAID >> /mnt/user

In the CrashPlan app you will see


and you select the user shares to backup and these are located at


. Note that this assumes you are using user shares, not disk shares.


/unassigned >> /mnt/disks

This one is used if you are using disks or shares mounted by the plugin Unassigned Devices. This could for example be an USB disk or a share on another server.


/backup >> /mnt/user/Backup/ 

This one is probably intended to be used for local backups (not to the CrashPlan cloud).


 /flash >> /boot

I guess you added this one to be able to back up your USB stick with the unRAID OS? That’s not actually a good idea. When you back up the USB stick your array should be stopped. Best way to do this is to stop the array and make a copy and store locally on your PC. This can be done by using the file explorer in Windows (if you are using Windows...)



I would humbly suggest that the first post in this thread be updated with the above information. The current information mentions the /config and /mnt volumes (only the former seems to exist) with nothing on the others. I did not feel comfortable even starting the container until I ran across this post that describes each of the volumes. Thank you, Leifgg!


Interesting, I didn't realize those default paths had been added to the XML.  I'll suggest some updated text for the OP to gfjardim.

I did a fresh install and the default mappings are actually slightly different:


/config <-> /mnt/user/appdata/CrashPlan
/mnt/user <-> /mnt/user
/unassigned <-> /mnt/disks/
/backup <-> /mnt/user/Backup/


The settings for the CrashPlan container includes some help explaining each mapping as well.

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Can someone answer this two questions?


/backup >> /mnt/user/Backup/

This one is probably intended to be used for local backups (not to the CrashPlan cloud).


If I'm not gonna use local backups, can I simply delete the Backup share CrashPlan has created in my system?

I don't like to have shares I don't use.



Please read the OP.  It has tips on backing up to a local folder and doing computer to computer backups without filling up your docker.img.  It also has direct links over to the Crashplan help site with screenshots and detailed instructions for configuring Crashplan.


Where aro those manuals?

Are you referring to the CP site or are there any other?







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Can someone answer this two questions?


/backup >> /mnt/user/Backup/

This one is probably intended to be used for local backups (not to the CrashPlan cloud).


If I'm not gonna use local backups, can I simply delete the Backup share CrashPlan has created in my system?

I don't like to have shares I don't use.



Yes, you can delete the configuration and the Backup share.

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Can someone answer this two questions?


Please read the OP.  It has tips on backing up to a local folder and doing computer to computer backups without filling up your docker.img.  It also has direct links over to the Crashplan help site with screenshots and detailed instructions for configuring Crashplan.


Where aro those manuals?

Are you referring to the CP site or are there any other?






The OP is the "Original Post", i.e. the first post in this thread.


The Q&A portion of that post contains a section titled "Q) Can another computer backup to my unRAID array?" which has the basics to get you started and then links you over to specific pages on the CrashPlan site for more details.

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I can't get started with Crashplan. I'm running 6.1.9 and Crashplan installs ok but when I start it I get a black screen which say is is logged in but won't do anything


I quit using Crashplan and this docker image awhile ago because it became too much work.  Tried it again today (as I need to start backing up again) and thought "This is awesome!".  Everything came up, vnc client worked, perfect.  Then I assigned a VNC password with the variable, restart the docker image, and I now have a black screen.  The Crashplan splash screen stated "upgrading" prior to the black screen of death so maybe I just have unbelievably bad timing and Crashplan has updated their software in the last hour.  Either way, I also have the black screen but I like what has been done with the docker image.


Ok, reinstalled and everything worked.  Crashplan once again upgraded itself and now I'm back to the black screen.  Now I remember why I quit using this.

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Try to open the webgui of crashplan using Edge... Guessing you are using Chrome or Internet Explorer ?  Maybe using Kaspersky as a virus scanner ?


It's not the browser but the update of Crashplan on UnRaid.  I have tried three different browsers and two different VNC clients.  All black screen.  It's the update of the Crashplan application that is causing the problem.  Not sure exactly what the issue is as there are few errors in /mnt/user/appdata/CrashPlan/log/upgrade.1435813200460_403.1461089974843.log.  I assume that updating the application is still not supported without updating the docker image.

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Try to open the webgui of crashplan using Edge... Guessing you are using Chrome or Internet Explorer ?  Maybe using Kaspersky as a virus scanner ?


It's not the browser but the update of Crashplan on UnRaid.  I have tried three different browsers and two different VNC clients.  All black screen.  It's the update of the Crashplan application that is causing the problem.  Not sure exactly what the issue is as there are few errors in /mnt/user/appdata/CrashPlan/log/upgrade.1435813200460_403.1461089974843.log.  I assume that updating the application is still not supported without updating the docker image.


Yep, CP started to update itself and that breaks the container. I removed the auto update functionality until I can fix it, so please update.

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